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Kavanaugh hearing

Her background being scrubbed and hidden speaks volumes..Some one doesn’t want the public to know certain things

Sounds like someone we had as President not so long ago.....
Funny how now that Reps and Trump have caved to the FBI demand, it’s not about sexual assault anymore. It’s about his temperament, his yearbook, his drinking habits in high school. Next week it will be about something else. It’s striking how he can be raked over the coals day in and day out and hardly anyone will even question her for fear of being accused of attacking her. They treated her with kid gloves and still I keep reading that she was attacked and revictimized. I’m not sure how any falsely accused man can ever defend himself against something like this in this climate. It’s scary.

I have asked several of my female liberal friends (who think Kavanaugh came across as arrogant and not calm) how THEY would react to their spouses and children getting death threats daily. Would they be calm, or would the emotions just explode at one point. I told them I KNOW I would be hard pressed to keep my composure and NOT tell someone to **** off. They all said that he should have kept his composure regardless of what was happening to his family. I would love to see how they all would truly react if put in that position. I bet composure goes out the window.
I have asked several of my female liberal friends (who think Kavanaugh came across as arrogant and not calm) how THEY would react to their spouses and children getting death threats daily. Would they be calm, or would the emotions just explode at one point. I told them I KNOW I would be hard pressed to keep my composure and NOT tell someone to **** off. They all said that he should have kept his composure regardless of what was happening to his family. I would love to see how they all would truly react if put in that position. I bet composure goes out the window.

It's always different when it's YOU. The fact that Liberals almost always view non Liberals as less than human allows them to put aside all empathy. That;s why they feel it's perfectly fine to ruin a person's entire life to further their political cause, whether it's MeToo, Judge Kavanaugh or basically any other Conservative alive. The ends justify the means, we've heard it a thousand times from their own mouths. That's why I always say that Liberals have no steady moral compass, they swing wildly from one issue to the next, simply trying to further a cause......which often has zero consistency with previous issues. They simply grab onto the current issue, outrage or craze and fight to the ends of the Earth for it. Next month they might totally contradict themselves on the next issue. They are just swinging in the wind waiting to be outraged around the next corner.
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And it is always open season on republicans. Bill Maher referred to John McCain as Lindsey Graham's dead boyfriend, and said Lindsey is familiar with the back door. So calling someone gay is an outrage unless it is a liberal saying it about a republican, and insulting John McCain is impeachable, unless it is in the context of insulting a republican.


Disgusting mob.
To Liberals, we are just seeing ghosts. None of this stuff happens. Or the stuff that you mention that did happen - if a Leftist remembers it, they easily swipe it away some hair brained response...

So what if Soros hired mercenaries to attack Trump at rallies....you do know he's racist right?

I'm sure they remember it happens. Like you said in your last sentence...What they do is excuse it. In their warped minds they know it is wrong, but so what... it is for the greater good.
I got news for you Slapdick, it’s not Republicans Who are rioting to stop people from speaking on college campuses. It wasn’t republicans pelting Hillary supporters with rocks and eggs. Republicans aren’t the ones blocking highways. And a Republican didn’t shoot up The congressional Democrats baseball practice and almost kill a Democrat member of Congress.

Lindsey Graham promises 'full scale' probe into Democrats' handling of Ford-Kavanaugh allegation

"The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I'm going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford's trust? Who in Feinstein's office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?" Graham continued, referring to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Debra Katz, one of Ford's attorneys who has been involved in Democratic politics in the past.

The charade is easy to see when you know what to look for. The total opposite is what will always be called for. He should have been calm. Bullshit. This was an attack against him, his name, family and party. It's quite interesting that the ones said they do do everything to keep him out of the seat was the very ones tripping over themselves with the "secret" allegations. Like a pack of wolves training a young pup trying to trap their next prey.
You have to put his reaction in context of his belief this is totally outrageous. If you take what he said as true, that something like this is completely ludicrous, that he never laid a hand on a women in malice or even CLOSE to aggressive or against her will, then this is how you act.

In becomes almost an incredulous accusation that defies all logic.

In THAT context, his reaction is 100% correct. There were times he almost looked like "how is this possibly happening to me?". The left takes that reaction as white, male privilege showing through. But it's also the reaction of someone 100% innocent and accusations so far out in left field of the truth that you can't believe it.
Gee...I wonder if they really thought that this would never be revealed ?

Party was held, who she was with or how she got home. She was drinking and said nothing to anyone.

2002... She said nothing.
July 25, 2003: President George W. Bush nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C Circuit... She said nothing.
2005... She said nothing.
May 11, 2006: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recommended confirmation. Kavanaugh subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate... She said nothing.
June 1, 2006: Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy... She said nothing.
2011... She said nothing.
2012... She remembered 'something' happened in 1982, yet doesn't name Kavanaugh, still said nothing to authorities.
2017 - She becomes an anti-trump activist.
2018 - Now 36 years later, with Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation looming, she pens an anonymous letter with grave accusations against Kavanaugh regarding foggy circumstance that occurred while they were both minors, then reveals herself and DEMANDS an FBI investigation before testifying to her incredible allegations?
Who does she think she is?.......and then there's this picture of her and George Soros...hmmm....Can anyone else see what's REALLY going on here?

You have to put his reaction in context of his belief this is totally outrageous. If you take what he said as true, that something like this is completely ludicrous, that he never laid a hand on a women in malice or even CLOSE to aggressive or against her will, then this is how you act.

In becomes almost an incredulous accusation that defies all logic.

In THAT context, his reaction is 100% correct. There were times he almost looked like "how is this possibly happening to me?". The left takes that reaction as white, male privilege showing through. But it's also the reaction of someone 100% innocent and accusations so far out in left field of the truth that you can't believe it.

If I knew full well that a group was trying to destroy for nothing more than political posturing, I would be absolutely irate. I think I would start "mother *******" them from the witness stand. I wouldn't be able to help myself.
If I knew full well that a group was trying to destroy for nothing more than political posturing, I would be absolutely irate. I think I would start "mother *******" them from the witness stand. I wouldn't be able to help myself.

Yes. And then some of the lowest forms of life, lying politicians who lie for votes and then lie about their lies, ask inane questions about a high school yearbook from 1982.

Dems: "We want to find the truth. What does 'boof' in your 1982 high school yearbook refer to?"


"Me? No, I'm the Senator from Rhode Island and I've never played quarters."

Apparently, he is the only person ever to live in Rhode Island and not play drinking games. I was married in Rhode Island. I vacation in Rhode Island. Rhode Islanders drink VAST quantities of alcohol. VAST quantities.
Who does she think she is?.......and then there's this picture of her and George Soros...hmmm....Can anyone else see what's REALLY going on here?

View attachment 4185

Can you verify that's her and Soros? That doesn't look like her to me at all? IF it is, that's HUGE. And I want it.
Can you verify that's her and Soros? That doesn't look like her to me at all? IF it is, that's HUGE. And I want it.

It’s been debunked, according to Snopes that is a Ukrainian human rights activist. I know some people here don’t trust Snopes but also no, it looks nothing like her.
It’s been debunked, according to Snopes that is a Ukrainian human rights activist. I know some people here don’t trust Snopes but also no, it looks nothing like her.

Yeah, I didn't think so. I've seen reported pics of her at the Women's March that didn't look anything like her. I don't doubt for a minute that she's a radical Liberal, especially considering 100% of all of her social media has been wiped out and that Standford also eliminated her bio on their staff website.

Would be fun to have some proof.
You know you don’t have to have ties to Soros to have a political bias, much like the left wing boogeymen the Koch brothers aren’t tied to every single conservative operative.... people overblow the perceived puppetmasters for their opposition
Anybody who thinks the Koch brothers are leading the conservative strategy has not been paying attention.

Libs continually demonstrate that they don't really know what's going on within the GOP. I go to the meetings and know the secret handshake. What the Libs think goes on is laughably untrue.
Libs continually demonstrate that they don't really know what's going on within the GOP. I go to the meetings and know the secret handshake. What the Libs think goes on is laughably untrue.

And yet you can't get them to stop being DNC-Lite.
And yet you can't get them to stop being DNC-Lite.

My county committee is alright but then you go to a state committee meeting and see all the "Republicans" from Philadelphia. :rolleyes1:
Good read on Ford’s testimony.

By any standard of truth, fairness, classical liberalism, evidence, and facts, Dr. Ford is not only not credible, she is nothing close to credible.

Let me count the ways…

She has aligned herself with the far-left.
She straight-up lied about being afraid to fly.
She said she wanted anonymity but continually reached out to the far-left Washington Post.
Her polygraph is a farce.
Her story has been carefully weaved into a Kafka-esque nightmare no man (even with detailed calendars) can ever escape from.
Every single one of her witnesses refutes her story — has no memory of the gathering in question or says it doesn’t happen, and this includes a lifelong friend.
Her team was so desperate to have The Woman Who Wants Anonymity to testify publicly, they turned down the opportunity to have her questioned in private at her home in California — and then lied about it.
Ford’s therapist’s notes from 2012 also refute here tale, even as the media and Democrats try to gaslight us into believing the opposite. Ford originally claimed four boys tried to rape her when she was in her late teens in the mid-eighties. Now she says it was one rapist and one bystander when she was 15 in the early eighties.
Ford refused to give her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In the statement she wrote out in her farce of a polygraph test, Ford crossed out “early 80’s” so it would only read “80’s.”
Ford told the Committee the “primary impact” of the event occurred during the “four years after” it happened. She goes on to say, “I struggled academically. I struggled very much in Chapel Hill and in College. When I was 17 I went off to college, I had a very hard time.” Note how she skips over two whole years, her junior and senior years in high school; the two school years directly after the attack (unless it did indeed happen in her late teens).
To later confirm the event did in fact happen in 1982, Ford told the Committee she was able to pin it down to 1982 because she remembered she did not yet have her drivers’ license. But… she also says she doesn’t remember how she got to or from the house party, so how does she know she didn’t drive herself?
Ford also used Mark Judge’s Safeway job to confirm the 1982 timeline. She testified she saw him working there 6-8 weeks after the attack. She could not yet drive, so her mother drove her there, but for some bizarre reason Ford and her mother entered the Safeway using different doors. (And now mom can’t confirm this happened!)
Five times during her testimony she mentioned Safeway to verify the date. How could she know such a thing unless it really happened? Well, in his memoir (which began circulating online among Kavanaugh critics in the week before Ford’s testimony) Judge helpfully reveals he was working at the “local supermarket” during the “summer before senior year.”
In summation: On top of all four of her own witnesses refuting her allegations against Kavanaugh, so too do the notes taken by her own therapist. (Margot Cleveland’s tweet thread was indispensable for much of this — you will want to read it all.)
Good read on Ford’s testimony.

By any standard of truth, fairness, classical liberalism, evidence, and facts, Dr. Ford is not only not credible, she is nothing close to credible.

Let me count the ways…

She has aligned herself with the far-left.
She straight-up lied about being afraid to fly.
She said she wanted anonymity but continually reached out to the far-left Washington Post.
Her polygraph is a farce.
Her story has been carefully weaved into a Kafka-esque nightmare no man (even with detailed calendars) can ever escape from.
Every single one of her witnesses refutes her story — has no memory of the gathering in question or says it doesn’t happen, and this includes a lifelong friend.
Her team was so desperate to have The Woman Who Wants Anonymity to testify publicly, they turned down the opportunity to have her questioned in private at her home in California — and then lied about it.
Ford’s therapist’s notes from 2012 also refute here tale, even as the media and Democrats try to gaslight us into believing the opposite. Ford originally claimed four boys tried to rape her when she was in her late teens in the mid-eighties. Now she says it was one rapist and one bystander when she was 15 in the early eighties.
Ford refused to give her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In the statement she wrote out in her farce of a polygraph test, Ford crossed out “early 80’s” so it would only read “80’s.”
Ford told the Committee the “primary impact” of the event occurred during the “four years after” it happened. She goes on to say, “I struggled academically. I struggled very much in Chapel Hill and in College. When I was 17 I went off to college, I had a very hard time.” Note how she skips over two whole years, her junior and senior years in high school; the two school years directly after the attack (unless it did indeed happen in her late teens).
To later confirm the event did in fact happen in 1982, Ford told the Committee she was able to pin it down to 1982 because she remembered she did not yet have her drivers’ license. But… she also says she doesn’t remember how she got to or from the house party, so how does she know she didn’t drive herself?
Ford also used Mark Judge’s Safeway job to confirm the 1982 timeline. She testified she saw him working there 6-8 weeks after the attack. She could not yet drive, so her mother drove her there, but for some bizarre reason Ford and her mother entered the Safeway using different doors. (And now mom can’t confirm this happened!)
Five times during her testimony she mentioned Safeway to verify the date. How could she know such a thing unless it really happened? Well, in his memoir (which began circulating online among Kavanaugh critics in the week before Ford’s testimony) Judge helpfully reveals he was working at the “local supermarket” during the “summer before senior year.”
In summation: On top of all four of her own witnesses refuting her allegations against Kavanaugh, so too do the notes taken by her own therapist. (Margot Cleveland’s tweet thread was indispensable for much of this — you will want to read it all.)

Ford looked a little confused to me. I think she has issues, and new FBI check might pull out some details the Democrats don't want you to know.
Ford looked a little confused to me. I think she has issues, and new FBI check might pull out some details the Democrats don't want you to know.

They will not check her at all. Not the world we live in any more. Have to protect the victim. Even if she may have a few screws loose.
Five times during her testimony she mentioned Safeway to verify the date. How could she know such a thing unless it really happened? Well, in his memoir (which began circulating online among Kavanaugh critics in the week before Ford’s testimony) Judge helpfully reveals he was working at the “local supermarket” during the “summer before senior year.”

Great post.

Another thing I've thought before that is very odd about this...she doesn't remember the day, month or even the year that she was almost raped, but for some reason she remembers seeing this guy in a grocery store, she remembers exactly which grocery store, she remembers the fact that her mother was with her, she remembers his facial expression and demeanor, and she also remembers that it was 6 to 8 weeks after the attack. That's an oddly specific memory considering she doesn't even really know her own age when this happened with certainty.
