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Kavanaugh hearing

They will not check her at all. Not the world we live in any more. Have to protect the victim. Even if she may have a few screws loose.

It's a lose lose. Any attempt to portray her in any kind of negative light will be pounced on and attacked.

That is what is so scary about the current climate. There's no viable defense, especially in this case when he can't even establish an alibi.
Great post.

Another thing I've thought before that is very odd about this...she doesn't remember the day, month or even the year that she was almost raped, but for some reason she remembers seeing this guy in a grocery store, she remembers exactly which grocery store, she remembers the fact that her mother was with her, she remembers his facial expression and demeanor, and she also remembers that it was 6 to 8 weeks after the attack. That's an oddly specific memory considering she doesn't even really know her own age when this happened with certainty.

She also stated that SHE said hello to HIM first, not something a 'traumatized' person would say to one of her 'attackers'. Normally SHE would've been the one to freeze and look pale, doing anything to avoid crossing paths. She is so full of **** that her eyes are brown.
What exactly IS the FBI looking for? If there are no exact dates, times, or locations, HOW are they supposed to investigate? Can they just say right now that there is not enough evidence to warrant an investigation?????
If Ford went to the police with her story, they'd say tough ****, there's nothing to investigate. But you get bunch of unhinged libtards riled up and they put Sherlock Holmes on the case.
To me you can disregard any sexual allegations and disqualify Kavanaugh on just his drinking and gambling history.
I believe the Supreme Court should be reserved for honorable men and woman and a history of financial issues
related to excessive gambling and drinking to excess disqualifies you as honorable.

If confirmed, he likely easily breaks the record of a justice who has broken the law the most times. How many times
did he underage drink, how many times did he gamble illegally, has he ever used marijuana or other illegal substances,
were any of the sexual allegations crimes?

If confirmed I will consider the Supreme Court tainted. There has to be a more honorable conservative qualified candidate out there.
I'm more concerned about his views on the patriot act and the 4th amendment. But I guess the smear campaign is more important than that type of stuff.
To me you can disregard any sexual allegations and disqualify Kavanaugh on just his drinking and gambling history.
I believe the Supreme Court should be reserved for honorable men and woman and a history of financial issues
related to excessive gambling and drinking to excess disqualifies you as honorable.

If confirmed, he likely easily breaks the record of a justice who has broken the law the most times. How many times
did he underage drink, how many times did he gamble illegally, has he ever used marijuana or other illegal substances,
were any of the sexual allegations crimes?

If confirmed I will consider the Supreme Court tainted. There has to be a more honorable conservative qualified candidate out there.

How many times did Thurgood Marshall underage drink? Alito? Kennedy? ...any of them past or present?
To me you can disregard any sexual allegations and disqualify Kavanaugh on just his drinking and gambling history.
I believe the Supreme Court should be reserved for honorable men and woman and a history of financial issues
related to excessive gambling and drinking to excess disqualifies you as honorable.

If confirmed, he likely easily breaks the record of a justice who has broken the law the most times. How many times
did he underage drink, how many times did he gamble illegally, has he ever used marijuana or other illegal substances,
were any of the sexual allegations crimes?

If confirmed I will consider the Supreme Court tainted. There has to be a more honorable conservative qualified candidate out there.

Give me a ******* break. Are you going to disqualify every person who drank in high school, or played cards or dice with their friends while on vacation? What history of financial issues are you referring to, the fact that he bought season tickets on a credit card for friends who paid him back?

Did we investigate any of the current or former justices on that type of bullshit? Ludicrous.

I'm sure you are just fine with Bammy's admitted cocaine use though.

To me you can disregard any sexual allegations and disqualify Kavanaugh on just his drinking and gambling history.
I believe the Supreme Court should be reserved for honorable men and woman and a history of financial issues
related to excessive gambling and drinking to excess disqualifies you as honorable.

If confirmed, he likely easily breaks the record of a justice who has broken the law the most times. How many times
did he underage drink, how many times did he gamble illegally, has he ever used marijuana or other illegal substances,
were any of the sexual allegations crimes?

If confirmed I will consider the Supreme Court tainted. There has to be a more honorable conservative qualified candidate out there.
Let me use my democratic translator.

As a Democrat I will ******* make sure that no matter what is said or done I will find a way to make it sound like the worst ******* thing in the world and protest it as we can not have any one in government that doesn’t think in lock step with our liberal group think. However had this guy been a democrat I would be pushing for him to run for President with accusations like this. We like our coke heads or womanizers.
Now they're trying to claim that he lied about his drinking habits.

He clearly said there were times he drank too much, and things he looks back on and cringes about. He said he has never blacked out from drinking, and they're trying to claim that couldn't possibly be true.

I drank a **** ton in college, and to a lesser degree high school. I've stumbled and slurred and vomited. I never once had a night where I totally blacked out and couldn't remember anything. It's entirely possible, I know that first hand and I was a 125 pound girl back then.
What's that about people living in glass houses and not throwing stones?
Let me use my democratic translator.

As a Democrat I will ******* make sure that no matter what is said or done I will find a way to make it sound like the worst ******* thing in the world and protest it as we can not have any one in government that doesn’t think in lock step with our liberal group think. However had this guy been a democrat I would be pushing for him to run for President with accusations like this. We like our coke heads or womanizers.

As my parents are hardcore CNN watching, card carrying Democrats, it's hard to have any conversations with them that has an ounce of politics. You pretty much nailed it on the head, though. What it ultimately comes down to is, if Kav gets the seat, the majority will be Republicans and their world might end. Said from the horses mouth and the discussion ended. That's what it comes down to and all the piling on is to get a Dem in that seat. I don't have to watch CNN, because they are robots and spew everything they discuss. Dr. Ford is instantly creditable and Kav is the devil. Game. Set. Match.
open all the baskets and see what pops out

Lindsey Graham Wants To Investigate Democrats for Kavanaugh Leak

As the FBI starts interviewing people who could have witnessed the alleged sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans are calling for an investigation to hold Democrats accountable for what they say has become a divisive and unnecessary public debate over sexual misconduct allegations leveled against Kavanaugh.

Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican on the Judiciary Committee who has become the voice of GOP outrage over Kavanaugh’s treatment, called for a probe of who leaked a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the committee’s ranking Democrat, from California psychologist Christine Blasey Ford.

Feinstein to be investigated over leaked letter from Ford

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office will be investigated to determine whether it leaked a confidential letter from one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers, Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday.

Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, also said lawyers recommended to Christine Blasey Ford by Democrats will face a Washington, D.C., bar investigation for telling her that Senate Judiciary Committee staffers would not travel to California to interview her about her sexual-assault allegation

The funny thing is Kavanaugh would be disqualified working for the FBI with his drinking and gambling issues,
but somehow he is the best qualified nominee for the Supreme Court. I had one friend and one neighbor who
applied for an FBI job. I was interviewed for both of them. The questions they most emphasized were alcohol
& drug use, gambling and personality traits related to anger and violence. Its extremely hard to get any FBI
job with any background that includes abuse of alcohol or drugs.
The funny thing is Kavanaugh would be disqualified working for the FBI with his drinking and gambling issues,
but somehow he is the best qualified nominee for the Supreme Court. I had one friend and one neighbor who
applied for an FBI job. I was interviewed for both of them. The questions they most emphasized were alcohol
& drug use, gambling and personality traits related to anger and violence. Its extremely hard to get any FBI
job with any background that includes abuse of alcohol or drugs.

What? You think there is no one in the FBI who drank in high school? Kavanaugh has no medical history of alcoholism, no DUIs, no citations for public drunkenness, nothing to indicate any sort of a problem with alcohol. What "gambling issues"? The one email where he described playing dice with his friends on vacation? Are you serious?

He has no history whatsoever that would indicate traits of excessive anger or violence.

You're truly out of your mind.
What? You think there is no one in the FBI who drank in high school? Kavanaugh has no medical history of alcoholism, no DUIs, no citations for public drunkenness, nothing to indicate any sort of a problem with alcohol. What "gambling issues"? The one email where he described playing dice with his friends on vacation? Are you serious?

He has no history whatsoever that would indicate traits of excessive anger or violence.

You're truly out of your mind.

I knew that Kav would become the ultimate frat boy before our eyes. Blackout drunk, drugs, violent, gang rapes, etc. It's a witch hunt of the highest order.
The funny thing is Kavanaugh would be disqualified working for the FBI with his drinking and gambling issues,
but somehow he is the best qualified nominee for the Supreme Court. I had one friend and one neighbor who
applied for an FBI job. I was interviewed for both of them. The questions they most emphasized were alcohol
& drug use, gambling and personality traits related to anger and violence. Its extremely hard to get any FBI
job with any background that includes abuse of alcohol or drugs.

See my earlier response to you it still applies. You are so full of ****. It must be nice to not have to sit to take a **** since it all comes out your mouth!
Heads could be asplodin' soon!

FBI Investigation into Brett Kavanaugh Allegations May Wrap Up Tuesday

A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) probe into allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh could wind down in the next 24 hours, according to reports.

Fox Business Network reporter Edward Lawrence and CNN political correspondent Dana Bash reported Monday afternoon that the FBI could wrap up its investigation into Kavanaugh as early as Tuesday, three days prior to its Friday deadline agreed upon by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Speaking before reporters in the White House’s Rose Garden on Monday, President Trump reiterated his support for a fair and thorough investigation into the Supreme Court nominee. “We don’t want to go on a witch hunt, do we?” the president asked reporters, a reference to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between Russia and Trump campaign.

“My White House will do whatever the senators want,” Trump affirmed. “The one thing I want is speed.”
