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Kavanaugh hearing

McConnell: Senate will hold Kavanaugh vote 'this week'

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the Senate will hold a vote on Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination this week.

"The time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close. Judge Kavanaugh's nomination is out of committee. We're considering it here on the floor and ... we'll be voting this week," McConnell said.

McConnell's comments, made during a Senate floor speech, comes as the FBI has to wrap up its investigation into multiple sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh by Friday.

As I said before, their requests for new investigations into new issues will never end. I heard Kavanaugh picked his nose once and lied about it. I demand an investigation!

Way to go Grassley.
As my parents are hardcore CNN watching, card carrying Democrats, it's hard to have any conversations with them that has an ounce of politics. .

I feel bad for you. I was able to lead my parents out of the darkness and they converted.

My parents were the descendants of Eastern Europeans that came over on the boat during those immigration waves. They all became hard core democrats, every last one of them.
Great post.

Another thing I've thought before that is very odd about this...she doesn't remember the day, month or even the year that she was almost raped, but for some reason she remembers seeing this guy in a grocery store, she remembers exactly which grocery store, she remembers the fact that her mother was with her, she remembers his facial expression and demeanor, and she also remembers that it was 6 to 8 weeks after the attack. That's an oddly specific memory considering she doesn't even really know her own age when this happened with certainty.


your white male privilege is showing through.
Grassley has waited his whole career for the opportunity to be the voice of reason. Atta boy Chuck!!!

Funny now that McCain is no longer, some of the head scratcher senators are putting their foot on the gas towards what we've been wanting for decades. See also Lindsey Graham.
Funny now that McCain is no longer, some of the head scratcher senators are putting their foot on the gas towards what we've been wanting for decades. See also Lindsey Graham.

Grassley has been kicking *** for at least a year or so. I'm pretty sure his hands were tied during the obummer years. We may never know the extent of dirty **** that man was able to slide past the American people.
Funny now that McCain is no longer, some of the head scratcher senators are putting their foot on the gas towards what we've been wanting for decades. See also Lindsey Graham.

You may have a valid point. RIP John McCain. Nothing that I am about to say sullies that man. But perhaps the remaining GOP Senators feel the ability to attack this nonsense head on?

I feel bad for you. I was able to lead my parents out of the darkness and they converted.

My parents were the descendants of Eastern Europeans that came over on the boat during those immigration waves. They all became hard core democrats, every last one of them.

they are set in their ways and I know when to pick my battles. When I walk into their house and they have been watching CNN all day, I beg them to put on a normal channel, a game, anything.
It's amazing that Kavanaugh only raped or attacked activist liberal trashy woman, what are the chances. He went to schools that the rich upper class went to yet only the wackaddodles are the ones he attacked, what a coincidence.

Oh and the piece of **** Professor Ford wrote 8 medical papers for a drug company that has sales of 218 million a year yet produces only one pill, the abortion pill, what are the odds.
Well isn't this all so special? As if we didn't ALL predict the following.

The State of MN was asked to look into the allegations that Keith Ellison assaulted his GF. She has some pretty damning testimony. But look at their reply:


"An allegation standing alone is not sufficient to conclude that the conduct occurred."​

Yet Dr Blasey-Ford's allegations alone mean the man must burn at a stake.

The double standard of the Democratic party on display right in front of you folks. We conservatives are not above the law. Democrats - are.

Finish the week out, let the FBI show their results, and then vote to confirm. Done and done.

Get out and vote a red storm in the midterms and all of this will go away. Then we all wait for RBG to croak. Good times.
Swetnick comes across as a sociopath, and it fits with her history.

No offense, but all of them so far do. I can't judge if any of them are credible or not, but. Well.
Hmmm...remember when all this came down there were claims that this Dr. Ford doesn't exist?

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What did I tell you. Now they are looking into a bar fight. There also may be evidence that he lied under oath about when he first heard about the Deborah Ramirez accusation. They are saying there is evidence he tried to reach out to classmates to back him up before it was made public.

Of course none of this has anything whatsoever to do with whether he committed sexual assault, but I figured if this went on long enough they'd be able to find a way to bring him down.

I think he may be done for at this point, unless these stories are totally bogus of course.
What did I tell you. Now they are looking into a bar fight. There also may be evidence that he lied under oath about when he first heard about the Deborah Ramirez accusation. They are saying there is evidence he tried to reach out to classmates to back him up before it was made public.

Of course none of this has anything whatsoever to do with whether he committed sexual assault, but I figured if this went on long enough they'd be able to find a way to bring him down.

I think he may be done for at this point, unless these stories are totally bogus of course.

This is a bit disturbing.

Doesn't reveal the actual texts though.

From NR:

Another Shoddy ‘Perjury’ Claim
October 1, 2018 7:37 PM
NBC suggests that Judge Kavanaugh may have lied in his Senate testimony when he said that he had not “discussed or heard discussion about the incident matching the description given by Ms. Ramirez to the New Yorker” before it was published on September 23. As usual, this allegation seems to be the product of some choice sophistry. On Twitter, @AG_Conservative runs through what NBC has done here.

As AG notes, the accusation from NBC is as follows:

the texts show Kavanaugh may need to be questioned about how far back he anticipated that Ramirez would air allegations against him. Berchem says in her memo that Kavanaugh “and/or” his friends “may have initiated an anticipatory narrative” as early as July to “conceal or discredit” Ramirez.

Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath that the first time he heard of Ramirez’s allegation was in the Sept. 23 article in The New Yorker.

But nothing Kavanaugh has said on the record contradicts that. Indeed, On September 25th, Kavanaugh answered the following question under oath:

[Redacted Questioner]: All right. My last question on this subject is since you graduated from college, but before the New Yorker article publication on September 23rd, have you ever discussed or heard discussion about the incident matching the description given by Ms. Ramirez to the New Yorker?

Judge Kavanaugh: No.

If this were his only answer, it could at a stretch be cast as misleading — although it would be a big stretch, given that he was asked whether he’d heard about an “incident matching the description.” But — surprise! — this wasn’t his only answer. Just one page on in the transcript, Kavanaugh takes a break from protesting his innocence to tell the committee that he had heard that Ramirez was calling around before the specific accusation was made public:

[Redacted Questioner]: Well, actually, are you aware that the New York Times passed up on this story before the New Yorker ran the story? Judge Kavanaugh. That’s what I read in the New York Times. What’s your reaction to that?

Judge Kavanaugh: They couldn’t — the New York Times couldn’t corroborate this story and found that she was calling around to classmates trying to see if they remembered it. And I, at least — and I, myself, heard about that, that she was doing that. And you know, that just strikes me as, you know, what is going on here? When someone is calling around to try to refresh other people, is that what’s going on? What’s going on with that? That doesn’t sound — that doesn’t sound good to me. It doesn’t sound fair. It doesn’t sound proper. It sounds like an orchestrated hit to take me out. That’s what it sounds like.

“And I, at least — and I, myself, heard about that, that she was doing that.”

Kavanaugh then goes on to assure the committee that he isn’t a gang rapist.

It's possible that he hadn't heard what her allegations were but had heard that she was calling around asking people if they remembered something.

That distinction's not going to matter though, to the angry mobs. Every little bit they can dredge up taken together will be hard to refute. Death by a thousand paper cuts. I think if I was him I just would be weary of trying to fight this.

I hope he keeps going, and I hope he wins. But I'm starting to lose hope a bit.
Right before the vote trump needs to tie himself publicly to Kavanaugh saying that voting against Kavanaugh means that senator isn’t supporting him... it will put a **** ton of pressure on the ones up for re-election... especially the guy from WV...
Right before the vote trump needs to tie himself publicly to Kavanaugh saying that voting against Kavanaugh means that senator isn’t supporting him... it will put a **** ton of pressure on the ones up for re-election... especially the guy from WV...

At this point unless the reporting is wildly off base I suspect there will be no vote.