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Kavanaugh hearing

For the texts? Thats overblown... there will be a vote Friday.

If he lied under oath he's done.

We'll see. There are people who are going to know what he knew and didn't know and when. Haven't seen the texts yet. I hope I'm wrong.
If he lied under oath he's done.

We'll see. There are people who are going to know what he knew and didn't know and when. Haven't seen the texts yet. I hope I'm wrong.

Again its going to be hard to take his statement and conflate it to lying under oath when he clearly explained that he heard she was contacting the press immediately after as clarification... you cannot take some piece out of context and scream lie... it has to be intentional. As several articles have stated its pretty easy to discredit this just like the earlier blackout drunk perjury trap they tried...

Its just throwing everything at the wall hoping something sticks... and the normally calm Republicans i know are incensed over it... there is going to be a **** you vote unless those texts have him asking someone to outright lie for him... its that bad right now
The literal republican response to the texts were that they are irrelevant and in no way contradict his testimony... its just another stall tactic to get more interviews crammed in....
He was directly asked if he had heard about any allegation matching the description of her allegation at any time before the New Yorker story came out. He said no. If there are any text messages that indicate he did know the details of her allegation, that's a lie.

Between this and the bar fight and now it sounds like Ramirez has witnesses who will back her up, it does not look good. But again we haven't actually seen any of this. Could be a last ditch attempt at swaying pubic opinion before the FBI clears him. Who knows? Nothing would surprise me anymore.
As an ADULT of many years, I could really care less what he did in HS and College. What I really care about is how he has handled himself through his adult life.

Bringing up HS bullshit is just that. I did a ton of stupid **** during that phase of my life. Didn’t really go to College, spent those years in the US Navy, and some of the **** we did then made HS pale in comparison. After that I grew up and learned to fly right. And while I don’t claim to be perfect, I have always been a decent adult.
All my female (liberal) friends who wanted Big Ben to be innocent and to WAIT FOR FACTS TO COME OUT are now the same ones who think Kavanaugh is guilty- WITH NO FACTS PRESENTED. Funny how when it's someone you like, you wait for the facts....but when it's someone on the opposite side of your political beliefs, he's automatically guilty.
Welcome to the new normal, where you can derail any political process by flinging wild, and unsubstantiated accusations. This is an obvious slime campaign designed to delay, and derail the nomination. Once the damage is done, the accusers disappear into the ether. With this Ford woman, her gofundme payoff is lucrative.

We will see what info the FBI digs up by Friday. Kamala Harris has another Jane Doe accuser, of course. I expect to see more. It is full court press time.

It is a disgrace what is happening to this man. The precedent being set here is troubling. Another indication that we are hurtling toward an impasse.

I hope I am wrong.

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The funny thing is Kavanaugh would be disqualified working for the FBI with his drinking and gambling issues,
but somehow he is the best qualified nominee for the Supreme Court. I had one friend and one neighbor who
applied for an FBI job. I was interviewed for both of them. The questions they most emphasized were alcohol
& drug use, gambling and personality traits related to anger and violence. Its extremely hard to get any FBI
job with any background that includes abuse of alcohol or drugs.

yet the Dems roll out Beto O'Rourke in Texas.
Hypocrites. All of them.
Good read on Ford’s testimony.

By any standard of truth, fairness, classical liberalism, evidence, and facts, Dr. Ford is not only not credible, she is nothing close to credible.

Let me count the ways…

She has aligned herself with the far-left.
She straight-up lied about being afraid to fly.
She said she wanted anonymity but continually reached out to the far-left Washington Post.
Her polygraph is a farce.
Her story has been carefully weaved into a Kafka-esque nightmare no man (even with detailed calendars) can ever escape from.
Every single one of her witnesses refutes her story — has no memory of the gathering in question or says it doesn’t happen, and this includes a lifelong friend.
Her team was so desperate to have The Woman Who Wants Anonymity to testify publicly, they turned down the opportunity to have her questioned in private at her home in California — and then lied about it.
Ford’s therapist’s notes from 2012 also refute here tale, even as the media and Democrats try to gaslight us into believing the opposite. Ford originally claimed four boys tried to rape her when she was in her late teens in the mid-eighties. Now she says it was one rapist and one bystander when she was 15 in the early eighties.
Ford refused to give her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In the statement she wrote out in her farce of a polygraph test, Ford crossed out “early 80’s” so it would only read “80’s.”
Ford told the Committee the “primary impact” of the event occurred during the “four years after” it happened. She goes on to say, “I struggled academically. I struggled very much in Chapel Hill and in College. When I was 17 I went off to college, I had a very hard time.” Note how she skips over two whole years, her junior and senior years in high school; the two school years directly after the attack (unless it did indeed happen in her late teens).
To later confirm the event did in fact happen in 1982, Ford told the Committee she was able to pin it down to 1982 because she remembered she did not yet have her drivers’ license. But… she also says she doesn’t remember how she got to or from the house party, so how does she know she didn’t drive herself?
Ford also used Mark Judge’s Safeway job to confirm the 1982 timeline. She testified she saw him working there 6-8 weeks after the attack. She could not yet drive, so her mother drove her there, but for some bizarre reason Ford and her mother entered the Safeway using different doors. (And now mom can’t confirm this happened!)
Five times during her testimony she mentioned Safeway to verify the date. How could she know such a thing unless it really happened? Well, in his memoir (which began circulating online among Kavanaugh critics in the week before Ford’s testimony) Judge helpfully reveals he was working at the “local supermarket” during the “summer before senior year.”
In summation: On top of all four of her own witnesses refuting her allegations against Kavanaugh, so too do the notes taken by her own therapist. (Margot Cleveland’s tweet thread was indispensable for much of this — you will want to read it all.)

six to eight weeks after the alleged incident, CBF went with her mother to the Safeway where Kavanaugh worked.
simple enough to believe, since Kavanaugh said he worked at a grocery store as a teen.

YeT tHe SaFeWaY sHe ClAiMs To HaVe GoNe To DiD nOt OpEn uNtIl FoUr yEaRs LaTeR ...

Why aren't Blasey Ford father and brother out in front of every media outlet defending her?
Why aren't the media hounding them for a soundbyte?

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If he lied under oath he's done.

We'll see. There are people who are going to know what he knew and didn't know and when. Haven't seen the texts yet. I hope I'm wrong.


Same reason Bill Clinton should of been impeached for...

Lying under oath...

It isn't the offense...its the lie...

And I liked Bill as POTUS...most of time... :):uglyhammer:
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yet the Dems roll out Beto O'Rourke in Texas.
Hypocrites. All of them.

his people texted me asking who I was supporting in the election.

I responded back asking if o'rourke went with beto on his campaign signs because he was ashamed to be a white male...

they didn't respond
If they are planning a vote, I’m thinking they believe they have the votes... wouldn’t make sense to bring it to a vote if they didn’t.
I just got another link somewhat like it on the #3 bimbo

Why she's doing what she's doing....

Isn’t is curious that Feinstein has not turned Ford’s letter over yet?
Ford actually sent her letter to Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, a House member with zero jurisdiction over or authority to investigate presidential nominations, rather than Sen. Feinstein, who has explicit jurisdiction. There is a very good reason for this...A plain reading of 18 USC 1001 suggests that in the matter of a specific presidential nomination pending before the U.S. Senate, statements made to a House member on that matter may not be covered by the statute's prohibition on false statements.

Had she sent it to Feinstein, she would be libel and could go to jail if it turns out to be a lie...how did she know that? This also makes me wonder just how many letters the libs have prepped with different judges names in case one of them get nominated...

9.20.18 - Natural News

"Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey exposed for ties to Big Pharma abortion pill maker... Effort to derail Kavanaugh is plot to protect abortion industry profits"
By Mike Adams

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, who claims - without any evidence - that Kavanaugh inappropriately touched her at a drunken party while in high school, turns out to have ties to an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Corcept Therapeutics [produces an abortion pill called "mifepristone" also referred to as RU-486].

This discovery brings to light an obvious conflict of interest in Blasey's story, revealing that she works for a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug, whose profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.

Corcept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey's name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.

Corcept Therapeutics, Inc., a $166 billion market cap company (stock symbol CORT) reportedly has current annual sales of $216 million. The company offers just one drug, mifepristone, which is widely known as an "abortion pill" or RU-486.




Same reason Bill Clinton should of been impeached for...

Lying under oath...

It isn't the offense...its the lie...

And I liked Bill as POTUS...most of time... :):uglyhammer:

Yes but for it to be perjury it has to clear several high bars.
1st it must be material to the immeadiate case... if he went in and lied about having a black transam when he had a blue ford it would only matter if the color and make of the car was part of the actual case
2nd it must be intentional and be able to be proven intentional... it cannot be a slice of testimony taken out of context or a misunderstood question
In this particular case it can be argued that unless very specific allegations are in these texts, he knew she was making allegations but not exactly what they were... which aligns with his testimony about this issue a little bit later than the part the newspapers are pushing

Like i said its a bunch if speculation presented as facts... lets wait to see these emails or texts....

As for the former president, Clinton, in a deposition about sexual harassment, lied about having sexual relations with lewinsky and never went on to clarify that bjs weren’t sexual relations in his mind... if he had its pretty hard to make a perjury case and he wouldn’t have been impeached over it.
the fact that his argument there did leave wiggle room meant there was more than enough justification to not remove him despite being found guilty of it...

Perjury isn’t as cut and dry as people think... and in these things everyone is screaming perjury all the time. It almost never is...
They are saying only senators will see the report. I do not understand this. They make a big spectacle over the hearings and what not and now the public will not see the report. I am kinda leaning toward he is not innocent anymore. Trump is being somewhat cautious which is very strange for him. Now the republicans do not want to release the report. There was also the info that he was getting people to back him about the 2nd accuser before it went public. Things seem to be a bit suspicious to me. I do think he is full of BS about his drinking which I do not really care about, but then dont lie about it. I know Dems will find something to complain about no matter what, but by releasing the report I think he will help ease moderates or at least people who are on the fence's minds.
Leland Keyser meets with FBI, doesn't back Blasey Ford's story about Kavanaugh

Ford's Friend Leland Keyser Reaffirms That She 'Does Not Know Mr. Kavanaugh' During FBI Interview

"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," Keyser's attorney Howard J. Walsh III said.

Walsh also explained that Keyser cooperated fully with the investigation, but that she did not know of any event that occurred as Ford explained.

"Ms. Keyser asked that I communicate to the Committee her willingness to cooperate fully with the FBI's supplemental investigation of Dr. Christine Ford's allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. However, as my client has already made clear, she does not know Judge Kavanaugh and has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford"



I heard from some guy that they next want the FBI to interview the ice from the bar, but it seems to have melted away.......
McConnell: FBI report on Kavanaugh won't get public release

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said Tuesday that he doesn’t anticipate the FBI’s final report from its inquiry into Brett Kavanaugh would be made public, adding that such a break from protocol “might actually hurt” the bureau’s ability to conduct such probes.

All 100 senators will have access to the report in a secure setting after the FBI releases it. Asked when he expects that report, Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that “I think it will be sooner than Friday but I don’t have an exact date.”

Toot! Toot!

All Aboard!

Witness: Kavanaugh Accuser Likes Having Sex with More Than one Guy at a Time

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee today received a signed statement from Mr. Dennis Ketterer, the former Democratic candidate for Congress and weatherman for WJLA Channel 7 in Washington, regarding the recent allegations made by Julie Swetnick against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Mr. Ketterer had a relationship with Ms. Swetnick in the 1990s. Below are excerpts of the signed statement, which was provided to the committee under penalty of felony.

“During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know if that would be ok in our relationship."

“I asked her if this was just a fantasy of hers. She responded that she first tried sex with multiple guys while in high school and still liked it from time-to-time. She brought it up because she wanted to know if I would be interested in that.” …

“Julie never said anything about being sexually assaulted, raped, gang-raped or having sex against her will. She never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh in any capacity.”

Dems probably have more to hide in the report. It may reveal facts about who leaked Ford’s name, maybe facts about who is paying Ford’s bills or her deleted social media history.