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Kavanaugh hearing

It will likely be leaked.

My prediction: they will find nothing and Dems will start screaming about how bogus it is.

Thats just it... everything gets leaked and at some point the republicans are going to investigate and nail the leakers in a partisan counterhit... its all super obvious dirty politics at this point
They are saying only senators will see the report. I do not understand this. They make a big spectacle over the hearings and what not and now the public will not see the report. I am kinda leaning toward he is not innocent anymore. Trump is being somewhat cautious which is very strange for him. Now the republicans do not want to release the report. There was also the info that he was getting people to back him about the 2nd accuser before it went public. Things seem to be a bit suspicious to me. I do think he is full of BS about his drinking which I do not really care about, but then dont lie about it. I know Dems will find something to complain about no matter what, but by releasing the report I think he will help ease moderates or at least people who are on the fence's minds.

OR they are trying to do things the way they should have been done to begin with by keeping private information private, also by doing it this way they may be trying to bait a trap for someone to leak it so they can bust them. He did say he drank heavily what more did he need to say what did he lie about, he said he never blacked out he did say he did go to sleep from drinking. That pretty much covers his ***.
A. The two things I don’t believe Kavanaugh about is never getting blackout drunk , and being non partisan... but if either of those disqualify people from the court, im not sure anyone on there now would still have a job tomorrow... lol

You know she wasn't invited to no party LOL!
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I think it's too late to do things the right way now. All the BS on both sides is out in the open. May as well let the public see what the FBI found. As for the drinking he made it seem like he only drank on weekends. Also i am not sure the difference between passing out and a black out, but i would bet there were times he could not remember stuff that happened the night before. I have only thrown up from drinking 2x and i am almost 40. There have been a couple instances were i just feel asleep or whatever, but i did not remember everything that happened.
They are saying only senators will see the report. I do not understand this. They make a big spectacle over the hearings and what not and now the public will not see the report. I am kinda leaning toward he is not innocent anymore. Trump is being somewhat cautious which is very strange for him. Now the republicans do not want to release the report. There was also the info that he was getting people to back him about the 2nd accuser before it went public. Things seem to be a bit suspicious to me. I do think he is full of BS about his drinking which I do not really care about, but then dont lie about it. I know Dems will find something to complain about no matter what, but by releasing the report I think he will help ease moderates or at least people who are on the fence's minds.

Only Senators will get the report. But as soon as they get it the dems will be in front of the camera with their half truths. I'll make up one.....He's caught smoking a stogie in the boys bathroom while a sophomore in high school. But what they won't tell you is he got sicker than a dog and didn't do it again.
Toot! Toot!

All Aboard!

Witness: Kavanaugh Accuser Likes Having Sex with More Than one Guy at a Time

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee today received a signed statement from Mr. Dennis Ketterer, the former Democratic candidate for Congress and weatherman for WJLA Channel 7 in Washington, regarding the recent allegations made by Julie Swetnick against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Mr. Ketterer had a relationship with Ms. Swetnick in the 1990s. Below are excerpts of the signed statement, which was provided to the committee under penalty of felony.

“During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know if that would be ok in our relationship."

“I asked her if this was just a fantasy of hers. She responded that she first tried sex with multiple guys while in high school and still liked it from time-to-time. She brought it up because she wanted to know if I would be interested in that.” …

“Julie never said anything about being sexually assaulted, raped, gang-raped or having sex against her will. She never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh in any capacity.”


Well apparently the gangbang portion of her accusation is the one accurate detail. She enjoys gangbangs a lot.
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A. The two things I don’t believe Kavanaugh about is never getting blackout drunk , and being non partisan... but if either of those disqualify people from the court, im not sure anyone on there now would still have a job tomorrow... lol

I've been obliterated drunk many times in my life and not only have I never blacked out, I can always later remember in detail what happened during said drunkenness. People are wired up differently. Some people get mean, some get silly, some cry and some black out.
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Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor and lifelong liberal .....Sexual McCarthyism.
For those that think that Kavanaugh will suffer no harm from this charade and simply return to his old job, think again.

This Is No Mere ‘Job Interview.’ Even in the court of public opinion, basic fairness should preclude conviction without clear evidence...

Until Judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of horrible crimes—sexual assault, lewd conduct and even gang rape—his confirmation hearings could fairly, if not entirely accurately, be characterized as a “job interview.” The burden was on him to demonstrate his suitability to serve on the Supreme Court. He apparently met that burden in the eyes of a majority, a partisan one to be sure, and seemed on the way to getting the job.

But now everything has changed. So should the burden of persuasion. The behavior of which Judge Kavanaugh has been accused is so serious and devastating that it requires a high level of proof before forming the basis for his rejection. There is an enormous and dispositive difference between a candidate’s rejection on ideological grounds, as was the case with Robert Bork, and rejection on the ground that he has committed crimes warranting lifetime imprisonment rather than a lifetime appointment...

If he is now denied the appointment, it will be because he has been depicted as a sexual predator who deserves contempt, derision and possible imprisonment. He may no longer be able to teach law, coach sports or expect to be treated respectfully. He could be forced to resign his current judicial position, because having a “convicted” rapist on the bench is unseemly. For these reasons, he now has the right—perhaps not a legal right, but a right based on fundamental fairness—to have the charges against him put to the test of clear and convincing evidence or some standard close to that...

We have come a long way since McCarthyism, but we now live in an age that risks a new form of sexual McCarthyism. We must not go to that even darker place. The best way of assuring that we don’t is to accord every person regardless of his status, the kind of fundamental fairness we would expect for ourselves if we were accused.
I've been obliterated drunk many times in my life and not only have I never blacked out, I can always later remember in detail what happened during said drunkenness. People are wired up differently. Some people get mean, some get silly, some cry and some black out.

I thought I had blacked out after the Steelers got their ***** kicked the other night. The problem is I remember all the horrific details.
I've been obliterated drunk many times in my life and not only have I never blacked out, I can always later remember in detail what happened during said drunkenness. People are wired up differently. Some people get mean, some get silly, some cry and some black out.


Honestly, I almost made it to 21 shots of tequila on my 21st birthday. I was wasted. But I remember the whole night. Are there small details I didn't remember on occasion? Of course. But I would not characterize that as blackout drunk.
And I've been thinking about her story.

It just doesn't make sense to me that she would not remember how she got there or how she got home. It's not like the area she's describing was in her neighborhood.

While I don't exactly remember every ride I ever got anywhere, I do recall quite clearly the limited number of people I might have gotten rides from at the age of 14 or 15. My parents, my sister, and a handful of friends who lived in proximity to me and had licenses. It would be very easy to narrow down who "might" have given me a ride there or home, and ask them if they remember anything. Unless Christine Blasey had dozens of friends with drivers' licenses it shouldn't be that hard for her either.
Where are her parents? She didn’t drive.. she was 15... did they just let her run the streets?
I've been obliterated drunk many times in my life and not only have I never blacked out, I can always later remember in detail what happened during said drunkenness. People are wired up differently. Some people get mean, some get silly, some cry and some black out.

Yeah, I rarely (if ever) blacked out and couldn't remember stuff and I binged drank about every weekend I was at college for 4 straight years (and some after). There was a joke in my fraternity that if I got really **** faced, I would sleep walk, but most of the brothers just said I talked/mumbled in my boxers, they told me to go back to bed and I did (and realize my bed was a loft, so I had to climb up). That only happened twice as far as I know.

For instance, I remember CLEARLY a night as a freshman my friends and I got a hold of a liter of cheap (plastic bottle) vodka. I had some cola and my 2 friends and I did shots of vodka with coke chasers (that was common in 1988). I remember CLEARLY we got up to 12-13 shots before friend #1 got sick and puked on my freshman dorm floor. Not good. If you can believe it, I cleaned it up, drunk as I was (I remember CLEARLY thinking this is going to be easier drunk off my *** than tomorrow morning).

I also remember friend #2 and myself were ELATED that friend #1 puked because he had yet to puke that semester and said he "never would". In fact, we had a board up on my freshman wall that counted how many times we drank and puked.

After cleaning up the puke, laughing at the guy and just plain acting like 18 year old *****, Friend #2 got sick. In his room down the hall. In a bucket. I remember laughing at him too.

Finally, it was my turn. I couldn't sleep in my room (friend #1). I couldn't sleep in friend #1's room because he was roommated with friend #2 (and I didn't want to be around puke). So I went downstairs to the lounge to sleep on a sofa. I thought I was good and wasn't going to puke, but the minute I layed down, the saliva thing happened and I got sick in a trashcan down in the lounge of my freshman dorm.

Let's just say I stayed away from vodka for the rest of my college life (and I still don't like vodka).

Now I am 49 years old. And this happened in fall of 1988. I would even guess it happened in October.

How can I remember this much detail about that night? I mean, it's clear as day and I was arguably as drunk as I've ever been (I weighed 120 lbs. as a freshman and had 12-13 shots of vodka in about 2-3 hours).

What I don't remember? Friend #1's full name. I can see him in my head. I can imagine him. I don't think he stayed at Lehigh for the entire time and we didn't keep in touch after freshmen dorm. Friend #2 and I were good friends throughout college but don't keep in touch now. I know his first/last name and what his home town was.

This logic she can't remember who drove her home is nonsense. This idea anyone that drank a lot in college "blacked out" (and you KNOW what they are trying to get to is he blacked out and didn't remember what he could/couldn't have done sexually to someone) is bullshit. I know because I drank more than Kavanaugh and I would bet my life on it.
If they are planning a vote, I’m thinking they believe they have the votes... wouldn’t make sense to bring it to a vote if they didn’t.

Not necessarily. McConnell may throw it out there to expose the rats in the Rep party, having been shown they have no reason to vote down. Hey.....Flake, Murkowski, and Collins....I'm talkin to you.

And I've been thinking about her story.

It just doesn't make sense to me that she would not remember how she got there or how she got home. It's not like the area she's describing was in her neighborhood.

While I don't exactly remember every ride I ever got anywhere, I do recall quite clearly the limited number of people I might have gotten rides from at the age of 14 or 15. My parents, my sister, and a handful of friends who lived in proximity to me and had licenses. It would be very easy to narrow down who "might" have given me a ride there or home, and ask them if they remember anything. Unless Christine Blasey had dozens of friends with drivers' licenses it shouldn't be that hard for her either.

What doesn’t make logical sense is that she is completely 100% certian about all the salacious and incriminating but doesn’t remember one single confirmable fact...

Of the several major tramatic events ive been through i might not have dates firmly locked in, but i can tell you places, people who were there and whom i talked to before and after...the day of the week, situations leading up to it...clothes people were wearing... lots of confirmable facts...

Everything is so vague here except the who and the what happened... moreover the whole accusation feels manufactured to fit a narrative... you don’t get to have 100% of an unproveable accusation taken as fact...

Lets face it... his one weakness is drunken behavior as a kid and thats just not anything and all of this feels like its bloating that behavior into something malicious for an excuse to attack him
I've just been thinking all day about how the media and senators immediately labelled her credible. Totally credible. But what makes someone credible?

Is their story consistent? Do they remember key details? Is their story logical, does it make sense? Did they share their story contemporaneously with anyone? Do they have any corroborating evidence at all? These are the questions I would think an investigator would be looking at to determine whether a witness is credible.

I guess because she isn't a raving lunatic and didn't call him by the wrong name or something, she's automatically deemed credible? Because by any objective measure, she's not credible at all.
I've just been thinking all day about how the media and senators immediately labelled her credible. Totally credible. But what makes someone credible?

Is their story consistent? Do they remember key details? Is their story logical, does it make sense? Did they share their story contemporaneously with anyone? Do they have any corroborating evidence at all? These are the questions I would think an investigator would be looking at to determine whether a witness is credible.

I guess because she isn't a raving lunatic and didn't call him by the wrong name or something, she's automatically deemed credible? Because by any objective measure, she's not credible at all.

This is why its suddenly very important that he be confirmed unless something absolutely rock solid is dredged up about all this... cause there cannot be a precedent where something that could have happened but no one can prove did happen can be used as a disqualification... it’s getting absurd... he drank as a kid... cool... I didn’t start drinking till 21, but many of my friends were heavy drinkers by their mid teens.. in our early 20’s killing 38 kegs in a year wasn’t outrageous. booze ate much of our money... (anyone else remember when kegs were the cheaper option lol)
The point is... ive been around the drunk party crowd most of my life...some to this day... none of these drunken friends ever sexually assulted anyone... i know its weird for the far left to grasp this, but every drunken young adult male isn’t automatically a rapist...
Where are her parents? She didn’t drive.. she was 15... did they just let her run the streets?

Back in the 70s/80s we were able to walk all over town night or day. Wasnt a big deal back then.
Everybody knows she made up the Kav accusation. There is a reason why she isn't giving any credible information. Her story is perfectly vague. She can't be caught in a lie because you can't disprove anything she said. There is no time, no date, no house, no real location and no real people. So there is no way to refute the claim. She remembers ONLY those things that can't be verified. She remembers him, a bedroom, faint laughter and nothing else. This is how I know this was a setup from the very start. There is no way to prove her case... the Dems are forcing him to prove a negative which can't be done.
Back in the 70s/80s we were able to walk all over town night or day. Wasnt a big deal back then.

Us too, but Columbia Country Club is about a 7 mile, 20 minute drive from her house. She wasn't just cruising around her neighborhood.