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Kavanaugh hearing

In Fords testimony she stated that 6 to 8 weeks after the "incident" she crossed paths with Judge at a Safeway store. She said "hi" to him...and that he looked like he wanted to avoid her.

Wait a sec...is it normal for a woman who was so traumatized by the incident to say "hi" to a guy who she said was in the room with Kav???

You would think a traumatized woman would want to avoid him.

You know she wasn't invited to no party LOL!

No boy wants that.
Definitely not hit. Pass.
So Jitter, how many women did you sexually assault or rape while you were in that state?
You claimed yourself there were times you didn't remember the entire evening, so clearly you are at least implying that you were and are capable of raping women when you drink to excess as you've admitted.

(You see how that can be turned into an indefensible position?)
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Call the vote. Enough already they got the numbers. 53-47 Kav SCOTUS # 9

Hope you is right.

Penn State lost this week, Steelers lost. Need a win here.

Hmmm...53-47? Steelers over Atl. Why not.
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In Fords testimony she stated that 6 to 8 weeks after the "incident" she crossed paths with Judge at a Safeway store. She said "hi" to him...and that he looked like he wanted to avoid her.

Wait a sec...is it normal for a woman who was so traumatized by the incident to say "hi" to a guy who she said was in the room with Kav???

You would think a traumatized woman would want to avoid him.

I heard yesterday, on Rush I think, that the Safeway store wasn't built until four years after the made up incident.
I heard yesterday, on Rush I think, that the Safeway store wasn't built until four years after the made up incident.

Judge wrote in his book that he worked at a Safeway.
So Jitter, how many women did you sexually assault or rape while you were in that state?
You claimed yourself there were times you didn't remember the entire evening, so clearly you are at least implying that you were and are capable of raping women when you drink to excess as you've admitted.

(You see how that can be turned into an indefensible position?)

i understand its a trap question, but by not answering truthfully it becomes a credibility issue. Also why would he not welcome the FBI to investigate the claims. If i was innocent i would say bring it on. I am not saying he is guilty, but some of his answers did not sit well with me.
In Fords testimony she stated that 6 to 8 weeks after the "incident" she crossed paths with Judge at a Safeway store. She said "hi" to him...and that he looked like he wanted to avoid her.

Wait a sec...is it normal for a woman who was so traumatized by the incident to say "hi" to a guy who she said was in the room with Kav???

You would think a traumatized woman would want to avoid him.

It bears repeating over and over...

That was in 1982.

That Safeway didn't open until 1986.
i understand its a trap question, but by not answering truthfully it becomes a credibility issue. Also why would he not welcome the FBI to investigate the claims. If i was innocent i would say bring it on. I am not saying he is guilty, but some of his answers did not sit well with me.

Again, the burden of proof is on the accuser. You can't have the FBI running after every accusation that comes with absolutely no corroborating evidence, let alone surrounding details. There is nothing to investigate. The proper reaction is incredulity towards her, but that is not allowed at this time in our culture.
This is Wig level stuff, but I have to say quite a bit makes sense. I do believe they are friends. The boyfriend letter's been validated. Now this guy's theory at the end? I don't know. Plausible. But is this link not very interesting? Including who CBFs family are and where they have worked.


Christine Blasey-Ford Friend In Delaware Was Career FBI Agent and Likely Together During Accusation Letter Construct…

In a letter released last night from a former boyfriend of Christine Blasey-Ford, there was a name curiously not redacted. The name of Monica L McLean was revealed as a life-long friend who Ms. Ford helped with polygraph preparation.

The media has begun to focus on the letter as outlining a lie told by Ms. Ford during recent congressional testimony… But the backstory to Ms. Monica Lee McLean is an even bigger story.

First the letter from the boyfriend:


In addition to boyfriend noting Ms. Monica L McLean in the current letter, Ms. Monica Lee McLean was also one of the signatories of another letter from the Holton-Arms class of 1984 bolstering the credibility of Ms. Blasey-Ford.


Some research into Ms. Fords life-long friend from school, Ms. Monica Lee McLean (DOB 03-15-66), reveals an almost guaranteed likelihood the polygraph assistance had something to do with the career path Ms. McLean would take.

Monica Lee McLean was admitted to the California Bar in 1992, the same year Ms Ford’s boyfriend stated he began a six-year relationship with her best friend. The address for the current inactive California Law License is now listed as *”Rehoboth Beach, DE”. [*Note* remember this, it becomes more relevant later.]

According to her LinkedIn background, Ms. Monica Lee McLean, was a 24-year employee of the Department of Justice and FBI from 1992 to 2016. According to public records Ms. McLean worked in both Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY.

In a 2000 Los Angeles FBI declaration Ms. McLean describes herself as a Special Agent of the FBI, Associate Division Counsel, in the Los Angeles Division Legal Unit:


Sometime between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean transferred to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), FBI New York Field Office; where she shows up on various reports, including media reports, as a spokesperson for the FBI.

There was a family death in 2003, and Monica McLean then shows up with an address listed in Washington DC in 2003; so it would appear Ms. McLean spent about 10 years in California, and then returned to the east-coast.

After 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean is working with the SDNY as a Public Information Officer for the FBI New York Field Office, side-by-side with SDNY Attorney General Preet Bharara:


According to her LinkedIn profile, Ms. McLean retired from the FBI in 2016, after 24 years of work. [*It should be noted that Ms. McLean’s PIO partner in New York, Jim Margolin, is still currently employed there; and coincidentally attached to the case against President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen.]

It does not appear that Ms. Monica L McLean ever married. On the east coast her historic addresses are Current: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; and Former: Bethesda, MD; Potomac, MD; Washington, DC; Malibu, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Laguna Beach, CA; Marina Del Rey, CA and Laguna Hills, CA respectively. All addresses coinciding with her employment and transferred assignments therein.


In an April, 2016, article in the Delaware Cape Gazette, Mrs. McLean shows up at a wine tasting event; and is pictured within the publication:


Enjoying the tastes are In back (l-r) Kelly Devine and Nuh Tekmen. In front, Monica McLean, Karen Sposato, Catherine Hester, Sen. Ernie Lopez, R-Lewes, and Jennifer Burton. BY DENY HOWETH

Ms. McLean is pictured above with the large pink handbag. This article confirms the location of Monica McLean in relationship to the numerous public record citations of her Delaware residence.

Here’s where things get really interesting.

Ms. Monica Lee McLean and Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford are life-long friends; obviously they have known each other since their High School days at Holton-Arms; and both lived together as “roommates” in California after college. Their close friendship is cited by Ms. Fords former boyfriend of six years.

Ms. Monica McLean retired from the FBI in 2016; apparently right after the presidential election. Her current residence is listed at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; which aligns with public records and the serendipitous printed article.

Now, where did Ms. Blasey-Ford testify she was located at the time she wrote the letter to Dianne Feinstein, accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh?

MITCHELL: The second is the letter that you wrote to Senator Feinstein, dated the — July 30th of this year.

MITCHELL: Did you write the letter yourself?

FORD: I did.

MITCHELL: And I — since it’s dated July 30th, did you write it on that date?

FORD: I believe so. I — it sounds right. I was in Rehoboth, Delaware, at the time. I could look into my calendar and try to figure that out. It seemed…

MITCHELL: Was it written on or about that date?

FORD: Yes, yes. I traveled, I think, the 26th of July to Rehoboth, Delaware. So that makes sense, because I wrote it from there.

MITCHELL: Is the letter accurate? FORD: I’ll take a minute to read it.

So we have Dr. Blasey-Ford in Rehoboth Beach, DE, on 26th July 2018. We’ve got her life-long BFF, Monica L McLean, who worked as attorney and POI in the DOJ/FBI in Rehoboth Beach, DE…. Apparently at same time she wrote letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Ms. Blasey-Ford and Ms. McLean, the BFF she coached on lie detector testing, together for the four days leading up to the actual writing of the letter. July 26th to July 30th.

It would appear that Ms. Blasey-Ford was with Ms. Monica L McLean, the retired FBI agent and former New York field office spokesperson, at the time she wrote the letter to Senator Feinstein.

That would certainly begin to explain quite a bit about who exactly was handling Ms. Ford; and how there would be an intentional effort, from a subject matter expert, on how to best position the attack against Brett Kavanaugh.

Who better to help scrub the internet history, and know what processes and people to enlist in such preparatory work, than a retired lawyer who worked deeply inside the FBI?

Not only did Ms. McLean possesses a particular set of skills to assist Ms. Ford, but Ms. McLean would also have a network of DOJ and FBI resources to assist in the endeavor. A former friendly FBI agent to do the polygraph; a network of politically motivated allies?

Does the appearance of FBI insider and Deputy FBI Director to Andrew McCabe, Michael Bromwich, begin to make more sense?

Do the loud and overwhelming requests by political allies for FBI intervention, take on a different meaning or make more sense, now?

Standing back and taking a look at the bigger, BIG PICTURE….. could it be that Mrs. McLean and her team of ideological compatriots within the DOJ and FBI, who have massive axes to grind against the current Trump administration, are behind this entire endeavor?

Considering all of the embattled, angry, institutional officials (former and current); and considering the recently fired DOJ and FBI officials; and considering the officials currently under investigation; and considering the declassification requests which will likely lead to the exposure of even more corruption…. Could it be that these elements wanted to do something, anything to get back at the executive branch; and possibly change the tide?

If so, and I think the likelihood is pretty good, doesn’t everything known just easily reconcile if you think of Ms. Blasey-Ford as a tool for those ideologues?

If Ms Monica Lee McLean and her allies wanted to strike, she couldn’t be the visible face of the confrontation because she was retired FBI. It would be too obvious. She would need a patsy; a friend who could deploy the hit on her/their behalf. It would need to be someone she could shape, easily manage and guide etc. Someone who could be trusted, and at the same time would be trusting of them.

It is quite likely Ms. McLean selected/recruited her life-long best friend, Ms. Blasey-Ford.
I'd be really ok with the FBI investigating all of that as part of this investigation. You want an investigation, Feinstein? You got it. We'll take your statement tomorrow.
It's almost over

McConnell Affirms Kavanaugh Nomination Vote Will Occur This Week

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reiterated on the floor on Wednesday that the Senate will vote this week on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.

For the Senate to do so, Mr. McConnell would need to make a procedural move today. He did not indicate in his morning remarks when he would make such a move, known as filing cloture.

Mr. McConnell criticized Democrats in his speech on the Senate floor, accusing them of changing their expectations for the hearings and the FBI investigation.

"No matter what accommodations were made, no matter what agreements were reached, Senate Democrats would find more excuse to continue moving the goalpost one more time," the Kentucky Republican said.

Mr. McConnell also condemned protesters opposing the nomination.

"There’s no chance in the world they’re going to scare us out of doing our duty," he said. "I don’t care how many members they chase, how many people they harass here in the halls... we will not be intimated by these people."

All I can say is that I hope every candidate for every office or appointment going forward is vetted as hard as the people in the Trump circle. Imagine if Hillary or Obama were vetted as thoroughly. Hell, any Dem for that matter. There’d be fewer in office, I think.
All I can say is that I hope every candidate for every office or appointment going forward is vetted as hard as the people in the Trump circle. Imagine if Hillary or Obama were vetted as thoroughly. Hell, any Dem for that matter. There’d be fewer in office, I think.

Yeah im fine with weeding out the scum... I don’t want one mistake to disqualify people but you should have to disclose everything you can remember and be an open book ...