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Maybe i've been wrong...and hope

We will run TOWARDS the fire this year !
Somebody truly should do a word salad mash up of Tomala it would be hilarious with the significance of time both collectively and individuallly as our story is written at this juncture.
I did not misunderstand your post AT ALL, I just totally disagree with it on every level as do most fans of other teams, they respect and like Tomlin as a winning coach.
Tomlin is just like Joe Flacco, dangerously average but will have 1 playoff run in said dangerously average career

Of course I wanted the Rats keep him forever

Other fans just want us to stay irrelevant
That’s why they want us to keep Shades forever just like I wanted the Rats to keep Unibrow forever

Oddly enough Unibrow would be a better QB than this team has seen in years, maybe he and Shades should get together
Espn was hammering the Steelers the other day and gave an interesting but sad fact. over the last 5 yrs we are 30th in total yards per game.
The “Tomlin effect” on an offense that doesn’t have a HOF QB hiding its warts, many of us saw this coming for years

We are a warty POS on the offensive side of the ball and nobody in management seems to give two ***** about it
This year it really happens!

Who here actually remembers him saying that? He actually boastfully said we were gonna "unleash hell" for the rest of the season, which we assuredly did not. We went from being a 6-2 team, to losing 5 straight in the midst of Tomlin's "unleashing hell" period. We lost 2 games right after he made that esteemed statement (to Oak and Cleveland), on our way to a 5-game losing streak. From 6-2 to 6-7, what a great version of "unleashing hell." That should have been our 1st clue to what a fraud Tomlin was, but (at least to me) it was not. He told Woodley that he meant by that statement that we were going to be the ones punching people in he face, not absorbing the blows. Well, that didn't turn out very true. We "absorbed" quite a few I would think. So much for Shades' megalomania and grandiose running of his mouth. And people wonder why this team is full of those running their gums? Look no further than the head coach.
Tomlin is just like Joe Flacco, dangerously average but will have 1 playoff run in said dangerously average career

Of course I wanted the Rats keep him forever

Other fans just want us to stay irrelevant
That’s why they want us to keep Shades forever just like I wanted the Rats to keep Unibrow forever

Oddly enough Unibrow would be a better QB than this team has seen in years, maybe he and Shades should get together
Flacco is the exact opposite of what Shades can stomach: a turnover machine. I was texting with one of my Browns buddies during their playoff game last year with Houston. He warned me: "Flacco will turn the ball over at the absolute worst time. It's how teams score on us." Sure enough, right on cue, Flacco throws the worst interception imaginable. Game over.
For me I'd go with The Deer Hunter and The Bridge on the River Kwai.That whistle I still know today.
Can't even look at De Niro anymore with all the vomit he spews. Like anybody wants his opinon. Haven't seen the other movie. I wasn't even close to being born in 1957.
Some of the best movies ever, collectively, were the first 3 Indiana Jones movies.

In totality there was 5 of them.

The components of the first 3 movies were above the line.

The last 2 movies were junior varsity.
Can't even look at De Niro anymore with all the vomit he spews. Like anybody wants his opinon. Haven't seen the other movie. I wasn't even close to being born in 1957.
Oh the reruns I watched as a kid on TV. I wasn't close to being born yet either.My dad loved that movie and introduced me to it. It's set in a Japanese POW camp during WW11. Won 7 Academy awards including Best Picture and Best Actor.

Highly recommended.

I have to blot out today's De Niro and just appreciate the older movies.
I heard Tomlin has never been to the border and he's never been to Europe. :ROFLMAO:

I’ve also heard he’s never had a losing season……………….

Salute the nation
What I find difficult to understand is your argument that it is a message board, people should be able to vent as they see fit. But people can't question that venting...on the same message board?
What we all understand is that there's nothing we can do about Tomlin, and pissing and moaning about it ain't gonna change a thing. Thank God that you're here to remind us all of that. Over and over and over and over again. You're nothing if not consistent.

I just find your schtick amusing...feel free to carry on.
What we all understand is that there's nothing we can do about Tomlin, and pissing and moaning about it ain't gonna change a thing. Thank God that you're here to remind us all of that. Over and over and over and over again. You're nothing if not consistent.

I just find your schtick amusing...feel free to carry on.
Thank goodness some people on here to remind us all, over and over again, and then again, how lousy a coach Tomlin is.

If you notice, the ordinary, run of the mill constant bitching about Tomlin i don't respond to very often. It's when the little comments insinuating all of us better wake up and realize how bad he is and stuff like that. The post I was responding to made a comment about "older people" not caring about winning, and blah, blah. Older people
"accepting" having a "nice guy" coach. What? I'm older. I want them to win. I wish they had another coach. But all the pissing and moaning in the world ain't gonna change it. So piss and moan all you want, but don't judge other people's lack thereof as anything other than what I just said.
Thank goodness some people on here to remind us all, over and over again, and then again, how lousy a coach Tomlin is.

If you notice, the ordinary, run of the mill constant bitching about Tomlin i don't respond to very often. It's when the little comments insinuating all of us better wake up and realize how bad he is and stuff like that. The post I was responding to made a comment about "older people" not caring about winning, and blah, blah. Older people
"accepting" having a "nice guy" coach. What? I'm older. I want them to win. I wish they had another coach. But all the pissing and moaning in the world ain't gonna change it. So piss and moan all you want, but don't judge other people's lack thereof as anything other than what I just said.
I'm older, it's not that I don't care about winning, I just don't care in general anymore. The luxury of being older is the ability to understand the bigger picture in life, what matters and does not matter. Once upon a time I swore at the television, threw ****, walked outside to cool off after a loss and had a pissy attitude the next day. Now, if I even watch the game, I sit and chuckle as I sip on a libation and turn the game off if I'm not entertained. I value peace more than I value almost anything else in life.
I'm older, it's not that I don't care about winning, I just don't care in general anymore. The luxury of being older is the ability to understand the bigger picture in life, what matters and does not matter. Once upon a time I swore at the television, threw ****, walked outside to cool off after a loss and had a pissy attitude the next day. Now, if I even watch the game, I sit and chuckle as I sip on a libation and turn the game off if I'm not entertained. I value peace more than I value almost anything else in life.
Right. I don't view that as giving up attitude. I view that as reality. I enjoy the Steelers. I enjoy talking Steeler football. I enjoy discussing the various philosophies, for lack of a better word, of being a fan. I will see how the year progresses. If they show to be something to invest time in, I will do so to some degree. If not, no big deal. There are fall trout to chase, birds to hunt and so on, which to be honest, I will do even if they are worth investing time in. As I have gotten older the reality hits you that we are all just visiting, and it is getting harder on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to sit in front of the TV regardless of how good they are.