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Maybe i've been wrong...and hope

Back to the original post... I agree with you.

These stats (92% pass when in gun and 85% run when under center) combined with the fact they were among the lowest play action teams in the league AND they never threw the ball in the middle of the field made them incredibily predictable. There are defensive assistant coaches in the league making 6 or 7 figure salaries who spend hours each day watching film to find tendencies and scout their opponents. I'm just some dude who watches the Steelers every week sitting on my couch and I could predict their play calls 75% of the time or more the last 2-3 years. If I can do that, then you know their Steelers opponents could. The opposing LBs were always coming downhill on run plays b/c they knew it was coming and had no fear of being beat by play action or a pass over the middle. The opposing D-line could tee off on pass rush when the Steelers were in gun. Etc.

Frankly Najee, Warren, Friermuth, Pickens, Johnson, Pickett, Chuks, etc. all had reason to be frustrated. Everyone of them probably were asking their agent to get them out of Pittsburgh. They all looked worse than they are and couldn't excel becasue they were rarely put in a position to win by their coaches. These guys were always playing with one arm tied behind their back.

Tomlin was complicit in this because he should have seen it and addressed it sooner. Every NFL team employs assistants whose job is to scout their own team. They had to know how predictable they were.

Given that they've hovered around .500 and been in the playoffs or in contention for the playoffs the last 3 years with arguably the worst offense in the league... it won't take that much improvement on offense for them to be a legitimate contender. The offense doesn't have to be good, just not suck.
And our "head coach" didn't even realize this obvious condition, so where did that put us?
And our "head coach" didn't even realize this obvious condition, so where did that put us?

Technically you should be bitching about your other nemesis on the Steelers for that, since people love to ***** about our smaller coaching staff... its actually not actual coaches we skimp on... its analysts.. so the person who opts to not have as many dedicated Analysts would be a bigger issue, id guess🤣
This guy makes a sane person want to vomit. How many times is he going to say "component", "collectively", etc. !?? It's the same lingo every single year! What he's done to the once vaunted Steeler franchise is disgusting !! But hey, he checks all the boxes in today's society. F this. He's run us into the ditch It's disgusting, criminal and every single other team in the league LOVES it. smfh

This guy makes a sane person want to vomit. How many times is he going to say "component", "collectively", etc. !?? It's the same lingo every single year! What he's done to the once vaunted Steeler franchise is disgusting !! But hey, he checks all the boxes in today's society. F this. He's run us into the ditch It's disgusting, criminal and every single other team in the league LOVES it. smfh

Just spent a weekend surrounded by huge sports fans of other teams who most definitely do not share your opinion of the man. All of them agreed they would take him to replace their coaches in a heartbeat. They were disgusted by the reactions of many Steelers fans. Hate for your own teams coach is pretty common, but others seem to have the opinion we are extremely spoiled and whiny to hate on Tomlin to the degree many do.
Just spent a weekend surrounded by huge sports fans of other teams who most definitely do not share your opinion of the man. All of them agreed they would take him to replace their coaches in a heartbeat. They were disgusted by the reactions of many Steelers fans. Hate for your own teams coach is pretty common, but others seem to have the opinion we are extremely spoiled and whiny to hate on Tomlin to the degree many do.

Hate it that you completely misunderstood my post. Rival fans LOVE that the Steelers SUCK, and every single person you know that's a rival fan LOVES us being stuck in this crap.

Who said he wasn't a good man? Who gives a F if he's a good man? He's paid TO WIN PLAYOFF GAMES at the biggest name in NFL history. He can't do it! Effing absurd.
Hate it that you completely misunderstood my post. Rival fans LOVE that the Steelers SUCK, and every single person you know that's a rival fan LOVES us being stuck in this crap.

Who said he wasn't a good man? Who gives a F if he's a good man? He's paid TO WIN PLAYOFF GAMES at the biggest name in NFL history. He can't do it! Effing absurd.
I did not misunderstand your post AT ALL, I just totally disagree with it on every level as do most fans of other teams, they respect and like Tomlin as a winning coach.
I did not misunderstand your post AT ALL, I just totally disagree with it on every level as do most fans of other teams, they respect and like Tomlin as a winning coach.
You STILL don't get it. I said they LOVE us losing. You're NUTS if you don't think fans of other teams love us NEVER winning a playoff game and you're NUTS if you think a winning record means a hill of beans to REAL Steeler bluebood fans. Your closest friends that aren't Steeler fans LOVE us chasing our tail. I don't care what they tell you. If they aren't Steeler fans, they LOVE us stuck in medicity. How old are you? I'd guess 70+. Not knocking age, but I can see SOME older people having no care for winning left in them and liking "a nice guy" for a coach. What a farce, lol. Then again, it could just be that you hang around alot of clowns. Have the last word. I won't read it as I put Tomlin apoligists on ignore. Wnat a joke.
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You STILL don't get it. I said they LOVE us losing. You're NUTS if you don't think fans of other teams love us NEVER winning a playoff game and you're NUTS if you think a winning record means a hill of beans to REAL Steeler bluebood fans. Your closest friends that aren't Steeler fans LOVE us chasing our tail. I don't care what they tell you. If they aren't Steeler fans, they LOVE us stuck in medicity. How old are you? I'd guess 70+. Not knocking age, but I can see SOME older people having no care for winning left in them and liking "a nice guy" for a coach. What a farce, lol. Then again, it could just be that you hang around alot of clowns.
Not 70+ but getting closer. I'm old enough to realize all the pissing and moaning some of you do about Tomlin ain't gonna change a thing. Therefore, a lot of us old people choose not to do it, not because we are satisfied with the results, but again, what the hell are you going to do about it?
Another thing that perplexes me. I don't know why anyone listens to what any coach says in the media. It's a lot of talk yet they say nothing. They all do it, not just Tomlin.
Not 70+ but getting closer. I'm old enough to realize all the pissing and moaning some of you do about Tomlin ain't gonna change a thing. Therefore, a lot of us old people choose not to do it, not because we are satisfied with the results, but again, what the hell are you going to do about it?
I don't say a word until people apoligize for him. I see it and give my take. Sorry that doesn't work for you. Hit the ignore button or waste your own time. The guy said he's a great guy and wins. LOL! Man some people are just f'd up. I'd give up if I was near 70 as well, lol.
Just spent a weekend surrounded by huge sports fans of other teams who most definitely do not share your opinion of the man. All of them agreed they would take him to replace their coaches in a heartbeat. They were disgusted by the reactions of many Steelers fans. Hate for your own teams coach is pretty common, but others seem to have the opinion we are extremely spoiled and whiny to hate on Tomlin to the degree many do.
Would love to give Tomlin to another team. Maybe we give them a late round pick also. Something to think about. 🤔
Not 70+ but getting closer. I'm old enough to realize all the pissing and moaning some of you do about Tomlin ain't gonna change a thing. Therefore, a lot of us old people choose not to do it, not because we are satisfied with the results, but again, what the hell are you going to do about it?
We can piss and moan about it. As a fan....that is all one can do in the end.
Another thing that perplexes me. I don't know why anyone listens to what any coach says in the media. It's a lot of talk yet they say nothing. They all do it, not just Tomlin.
We have all heard the same **** for all but 20 years now.....if we were winning SBs no one would care....but we aren't. Not even close.
We can piss and moan about it. As a fan....that is all one can do in the end.

That and take the LUXURY S10 out on the course and hit the 4- Barrel jumps, that puts thing into perspective.

Salute the nation
You STILL don't get it. I said they LOVE us losing. You're NUTS if you don't think fans of other teams love us NEVER winning a playoff game and you're NUTS if you think a winning record means a hill of beans to REAL Steeler bluebood fans. Your closest friends that aren't Steeler fans LOVE us chasing our tail. I don't care what they tell you. If they aren't Steeler fans, they LOVE us stuck in medicity. How old are you? I'd guess 70+. Not knocking age, but I can see SOME older people having no care for winning left in them and liking "a nice guy" for a coach. What a farce, lol. Then again, it could just be that you hang around alot of clowns. Have the last word. I won't read it as I put Tomlin apoligists on ignore. Wnat a joke.
No us older people want to win playoff games, you have us confused with the younger fantasy football generation. Most fans aren’t Tomlin apologists they are just dealing with the cards dealt and hoping for the best. As far as fans outside of the Steelers?

(Insert Tomlin we do not care gif)
Not 70+ but getting closer. I'm old enough to realize all the pissing and moaning some of you do about Tomlin ain't gonna change a thing. Therefore, a lot of us old people choose not to do it, not because we are satisfied with the results, but again, what the hell are you going to do about it?
I just get a kick out of your continued belief and defense of this absurd concept.

None of us here have anything to do with what happens with the Steelers, nor will we. Ever. It's a message board for Steelers fans, and we come here to talk about the team. To exalt them when they do well, and to vent (for many) when they don't. And that includes complaining about the status quo of Tomlin. Again, what's so difficult to understand?
This guy makes a sane person want to vomit. How many times is he going to say "component", "collectively", etc. !?? It's the same lingo every single year! What he's done to the once vaunted Steeler franchise is disgusting !! But hey, he checks all the boxes in today's society. F this. He's run us into the ditch It's disgusting, criminal and every single other team in the league LOVES it. smfh

Don't forget "from a structural and environmental standpoint" that seemed to be the go to last year. He's beyond stale.
Espn was hammering the Steelers the other day and gave an interesting but sad fact. over the last 5 yrs we are 30th in total yards per game.
That is why Smith was partially brought in. Hopefully they will get the ship righted.
I just get a kick out of your continued belief and defense of this absurd concept.

None of us here have anything to do with what happens with the Steelers, nor will we. Ever. It's a message board for Steelers fans, and we come here to talk about the team. To exalt them when they do well, and to vent (for many) when they don't. And that includes complaining about the status quo of Tomlin. Again, what's so difficult to understand?
What I find difficult to understand is your argument that it is a message board, people should be able to vent as they see fit. But people can't question that venting...on the same message board?
We have all heard the same **** for all but 20 years now.....if we were winning SBs no one would care....but we aren't. Not even close.
I know that. That's why I don't listen to a thing he says. I loved Cowher but in listening to him I learned that. Noll never said anything, anyway. It was Cowher where I figured that out, because he'd change his statement to suit his argument. When they were having some tough years from 1998-2000, he was asked why not play younger players to see what you have. He said something about the integrity of the game. But when they made the playoffs they'd sit guys and play the younger guys...what about the integrity of the game? It didn't make me mad or anything, I just laughed and realized not to listen to the bullshiit coaches spew.
I don't say a word until people apoligize for him. I see it and give my take. Sorry that doesn't work for you. Hit the ignore button or waste your own time. The guy said he's a great guy and wins. LOL! Man some people are just f'd up. I'd give up if I was near 70 as well, lol.
One thing about being old is we old people can handle when other people don't like our opinions. We don't give a shiit. And we are gonna say it anyway.
Just spent a weekend surrounded by huge sports fans of other teams who most definitely do not share your opinion of the man. All of them agreed they would take him to replace their coaches in a heartbeat. They were disgusted by the reactions of many Steelers fans. Hate for your own teams coach is pretty common, but others seem to have the opinion we are extremely spoiled and whiny to hate on Tomlin to the degree many do.
Ignorance - especially from other fans not closely "in the know" - exists. We can all agree with that. Have them experience the coach who's infamous for lack of discipline, megalomaniac tendencies, etc., then come talk to us.