Don't forget DC legalized recreational MJ - so members of Congress can buy weed now - that might help
We did that in Oregon as well. The problem is that by the time everyone gets done adding their taxes to it nobody will be able to afford it. LOL
Don't forget DC legalized recreational MJ - so members of Congress can buy weed now - that might help
It cracks me up that my county went completely Republican except for Wolf. I mean, I'm no huge fan of Corbett, but how does someone who votes Republican vote for a guy who wants to hike sales tax, hike income tax, massively increase spending, is for big time gun regs, and a huge supporter of unions. Out of the frying pan into the fire. Thankfully with an even stronger GOP legislature he won't get very far.
Not at all princess. I think he summed it up rather well.Actively destroying the country? Little dramatic don't you think?
are you suggesting they should get high then commit a strongarm robbery then attempt to take a cops gun and then get shot while not running away from the cop?
President Obama seems to be refusing to accept responsibility.
We did that in Oregon as well. The problem is that by the time everyone gets done adding their taxes to it nobody will be able to afford it. LOL
The repubs have to show they can play the moderate side despite having a clear majority in both the house and senate to keep the middle for 2016. heck they may need to woo the disenfranchised moderate dems a bit and that isnt going to be easy if there is a divide between the ultra conservatives and the current party agenda that got them this win...
would now be a good time to question the validity of all these birth certificate theories?
no - that was medical marijuana, govt controlled - they now have the same deal as Colorado and Washington - it's cheaper when it's pure capitalism
Another log on the IRS, Bengazi, F&F (etc, etc, etc) fire. They need to go quietly about those procedures and prosecute to the letter of the law. If something leads to impeachment, so be it. It isn't political at that point.
I find it interesting that you hear all this talk about compromise and wanting to work together coming from the Democratic leadership after they got their ***** whipped last night. Where has that been for the last 6?? Prepare to have policy dictated to you for the next 2 ********!!!
I expect that, overall, the American people will continue to get ******, just more lube will be used and the lube will be flavored a bit differently.