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N. Korea again

I don't know why they are so invested in N. Korea

Because they can use NK to poke the bear at their bidding and with anonymity.

NK is like the disabled kid who lived on the block and they'd be spurred on by other kids to go and hit the big kid on the block. The big kid would then feel sorry for the misguided kid and wouldn't feel right by hitting him back
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Nothing about the hydrogen bomb test, you guys are slipping
North Korea openly threatens EMP attack for the first time, changing the game

The news Sunday morning that North Korea had launched what appeared to be its sixth nuclear test and most powerful one to date is troubling enough.

But a statement from the rogue regime took things to a whole new level. The North said it had tested an H-bomb that was “a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack according to strategic goals.”

This is the first time it has publicly mentioned its interest and ability in an EMP attack, a devastating weapon that could have catastrophic consequences for North America, the West and their closer neighbours.

In the worst case scenario, this wouldn’t just shut off the power for minutes or hours, but weeks or even months, due to serious damage to transformer stations and other integral elements of our power infrastructure.

This wouldn’t just mean we couldn’t turn on our laptops and televisions; it would shut down our telecommunications, transportation, water systems, our ability to get food to cities and much more.



Any nuke is a potential EMP weapon exploded like at 70,000 feet

Don't get rid of your land lines
Looks like they're preparing for another icbm test shortly. The cheese is off the cracker with that group. They should have been taken out 10 years ago. I'd calculate the best possible location of kim ding dong ung ping pong and turn it to ashes asap.
North Korea openly threatens EMP attack for the first time, changing the game

The news Sunday morning that North Korea had launched what appeared to be its sixth nuclear test and most powerful one to date is troubling enough.

But a statement from the rogue regime took things to a whole new level. The North said it had tested an H-bomb that was “a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack according to strategic goals.”

This is the first time it has publicly mentioned its interest and ability in an EMP attack, a devastating weapon that could have catastrophic consequences for North America, the West and their closer neighbours.

In the worst case scenario, this wouldn’t just shut off the power for minutes or hours, but weeks or even months, due to serious damage to transformer stations and other integral elements of our power infrastructure.

This wouldn’t just mean we couldn’t turn on our laptops and televisions; it would shut down our telecommunications, transportation, water systems, our ability to get food to cities and much more.



Any nuke is a potential EMP weapon exploded like at 70,000 feet

Don't get rid of your land lines

This is why I feel they're not too concerned with accuracy with their nukes. They just need to be close enough. Launch them shotgun style and he has a high percentage chance of one or two not getting defended. Just hope Ross Cockrell isn't manning our defense systems. We'd definitely be screwed...lol
Now we're getting somewhere

South Korea's defense minister raises the idea of bringing back tactical U.S. nuclear weapons

SEOUL, South Korea – South Korea’s defense minister on Monday said it was worth reviewing the redeployment of American tactical nuclear weapons to the Korean Peninsula to guard against the North, a step that analysts warn would, if taken, sharply increase the risk of an accidental conflict.

Tensions on the peninsula remain high after North Korea conducted a huge nuclear test Sunday.

South Korea’s defense ministry said Monday that Kim Jong Un’s regime might be preparing to launch another missile, perhaps an intercontinental ballistic missile theoretically capable of reaching the mainland United States.

South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo said that he asked his American counterpart, Jim Mattis, during talks at the Pentagon last week for strategic assets like U.S. aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and B-52 bombers to be sent to South Korea more regularly.

“I told him that it would be good for strategic assets to be sent regularly to the Korean Peninsula and that some South Korean lawmakers and media are strongly pushing for tactical nuclear weapons (to be redeployed),” Song told a parliamentary hearing on North Korea’s nuclear test, without disclosing Mattis’ response.

Looks like they're preparing for another icbm test shortly. .

Haley at UN: North Korea is "begging for war"

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is taking part in an emergency Security Council meeting on North Korea, lobbying for "the strongest possible" response to Saturday's nuclear test. At the top of the meeting, a top U.N. official said the blast was 5 times as powerful as those resulting from the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Some quotes from Haley:

"We have taken an incremental approach, and despite the best intentions, it hasn't worked."

"War is never something the United States wants, we don't want it now, but our people's patience is not unlimited."

"We have kicked the can down the road long enough. There is no road left."

This thread is part of the Feds' plan. Watch the starting date, it's when they got the deal with N. Korea to make a war show to cover up a US domestic framed case.
The initial symptom was "8/3 Ban travel to N.Korea". The whole plan must have been done in late July. That's when they started propaganda preparation.

980. Korea war crisis used as distract (9/6/2017)

On 8/1, Christopher Wray was confirmed as new FBI director. The had to fill that post because in September plot, they had a secret deal with N. Korea. Someone has to take the responsibility.

On 8/3, a PG&E man came to replace gas meter of my house. A "Fed Ex" cart roared into my lane to show off Feds' new plot - create a gas leaking case or damage the garage door.

On 8/3, US announced to ban citizen to travel to North Korea beginning September 1,
Thomson Reuters Aug 3rd 2017

8/12 My wife said she was going to travel Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. I thought the Feds had set up a framed case at that travel to carry out a search and arrest.

8/27, N.Korea fired missiles over Japan. It reminded me of Sept. 1st travel ban. I made a search, found it was announced on Aug.3. The day the Feds showing off with attempt of gas attack and garage door damaging tactic. I thus realize the Feds using Korea war to cover up the murder case on me.

9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea.

9/2, my wife left for Canada. I warned it might be action day and followed by war on Korea.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive.

9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?

9/9, the day my wife returns from Canada. A framed case could happen. The Feds still have an option to distract - bombing N. Korea. Korea war crisis is their core to cover up a domestic framed case.

There is other big event to distract: hurricane Irma.

This thread is part of the Feds' plan. Watch the starting date, it's when they got the deal with N. Korea to make a war show to cover up a US domestic framed case.
The initial symptom was "8/3 Ban travel to N.Korea". The whole plan must have been done in late July. That's when they started propaganda preparation.

980. Korea war crisis used as distract (9/6/2017)

On 8/1, Christopher Wray was confirmed as new FBI director. The had to fill that post because in September plot, they had a secret deal with N. Korea. Someone has to take the responsibility.

On 8/3, a PG&E man came to replace gas meter of my house. A "Fed Ex" cart roared into my lane to show off Feds' new plot - create a gas leaking case or damage the garage door.

On 8/3, US announced to ban citizen to travel to North Korea beginning September 1,

8/12 My wife said she was going to travel Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. I thought the Feds had set up a framed case at that travel to carry out a search and arrest.

8/27, N.Korea fired missiles over Japan. It reminded me of Sept. 1st travel ban. I made a search, found it was announced on Aug.3. The day the Feds showing off with attempt of gas attack and garage door damaging tactic. I thus realize the Feds using Korea war to cover up the murder case on me.

9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea.

9/2, my wife left for Canada. I warned it might be action day and followed by war on Korea.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive.

9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?

9/9, the day my wife returns from Canada. A framed case could happen. The Feds still have an option to distract - bombing N. Korea. Korea war crisis is their core to cover up a domestic framed case.

There is other big event to distract: hurricane Irma.


The cases of rice stopped the inner workings of the device. Just two seeds then Eddie had the folded brush that was nearly at the beginning. He met with a windswept but stable earmouse . The calculations are done. 18 points narrowed down. The 7th could very well be time bound. It's not an absolute, but it's extremely rare. It will come in a clandestine form not of that realm.

North Korea promises ‘ultimate great pain’ following UN’s strongest sanctions yet on its exports

The United Nations Security Council on Monday voted unanimously to pass its strongest sanctions yet on North Korea following its sixth ever successful nuclear missile launch and claims that the country now has a Hydrogen bomb it can place on an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

The sanctions, while watered down from original drafts, fully ban the country’s textile exports and reduce its oil and petroleum exports. This means about 90 percent of North Korea’s exports are now banned, as well as a complete ban on the country’s overseas laborers that provide nearly $500 million in revenue. Additionally, all foreign investment with North Korea is cut off, and the regime’s assets will be frozen.

Han Tae Song, Pyongyang’s ambassador at a U.N. disarmament conference in Geneva, Switzerland, said Tuesday: “My delegation condemns in the strongest terms and categorically rejects the latest illegal and unlawful U.N. Security Council resolution,” according to Reuters.

“The forthcoming measures by [the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] will make the U.S. suffer the greatest pain it ever experienced in its history,” Song said, adding that the DPRK is “ready to use a form of ultimate means.”

Song also said the U.S. is “fired up for political, economic, and military confrontation” and is “obsessed with the wild game of reversing the DPRK’s development of nuclear force which has already reached the completion phase,” Reuters reported.



Is that "Fire and fury" Trump promised?

Trump's 'fire and fury' rhetoric met with defiance by Kim Jong Un

By Stephen Collinson, CNN Mon September 4, 2017

With his previous threat to rain "fire and fury" on North Korea and warning that the US military is "locked and loaded" to respond to Kim Jong Un's provocations, Trump set up a test of wills with his unpredictable adversary.

Now, with his nation's most powerful nuclear detonation Sunday and a string of missile launches, including one over Japan, Kim has effectively called the President's bluff, escalating a dangerous foreign policy crisis.

<iframe src="//content.jwplatform.com/players/q17gN8Pi-i6rGF9Ba.html" width="320" height="260" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

South Korea just showed how its stealth cruise missile can hit a tiny target with incredible accuracy


South Korea conducted its first live-fire drill for an advanced air-launched cruise missile on Wednesday, it says the missile will strengthen its pre-emptive strike capability against North Korea in the event of crisis.

South Korea's military said the Taurus missile fired from an F-15 fighter jet travelled through obstacles at low altitudes before hitting a target off the country's western coast.

The missile, manufactured by Germany's Taurus Systems, has a maximum range of 310 miles and is equipped with stealth characteristics that will allow it to avoid radar detection before hitting North Korean targets, according to Seoul's Defence Ministry.

South Korea has been accelerating efforts to ramp up its military capabilities in face of a torrent of nuclear weapons tests by North Korea, which on September 3 conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date.
More Nikki Haley posts, please. Hit all day and night.......

Too chubby for me. I'd hit Kellyann Conway until it broke off though. Thin, blonde, and fabulous boobs for as thin as she is.