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N. Korea again

Now wait just a minute here. I thought Trump was some mad dog, out of control, maniac just itching to press the red button on somebody. Isn't that what you guys were saying in your tantrums all through and after the election process? Now you are saying there is no danger because he's all talk? Boy, I'm really confused now.

Trump is no longer in control. That's all I'm going to say.
No, stirring up a hornets nest is never a good idea.

You would think Trumptards would know by now that their POTUS is nothing but hot air.

One of two things is going to happen:

1. The North Koreans get a backchannel threat from the Chinese and Kim backs off.

2. Kim launches his missiles and we do nothing.

That's it. Other than Japan or us maybe launching Patriots(and that's a big maybe) nothing as far as war is going to come of this. Trump will prove himself to be a loud mouth jagoff just like that little prick running N.K.

If you expect any other result as a Trumptard ,you are obviously not tired of "WINNING!" yet..................

We knew you were a sick ****. This just adds to it. If you think any of us is hoping for war...well as I said, you're sick.
We knew you were a sick ****. This just adds to it. If you think any of us is hoping for war...well as I said, you're sick.

Some here on the CONservative side have openly wished for civil war.

Don't know how long you've been here but it seems like you don't pay attention.
Some here on the CONservative side have openly wished for civil war.

Don't know how long you've been here but it seems like you don't pay attention.

I have been here forever. Pay attention. And do not recall this
While our unhinged Commander-in-Chief turns red in the face and rants and raves, here is a good read on military preparedness. It has to be said it's unbelievable that eight months into his presidency Trump has already triggered a potential nuclear crisis. The worse fears about him being elected have literally begun playing out, right before our eyes.


Trump's Tweets Aside, Here's What to Watch on North Korea Crisis


President Donald Trump warns the U.S. is “locked and loaded,” while Kim Jong Un’s regime says it could launch missiles toward U.S. territory in the Pacific as soon as next week.

Behind the scenes, however, it’s not clear that a major military confrontation is imminent. Trump’s sharp rhetoric is belied by the business-as-usual routines of the U.S. Defense Department, which has been on stand-by for a belligerent act from North Korea for decades.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis continued with a previously scheduled trip on the West Coast. Speaking to reporters in California on Thursday, he said that while it’s his job to be ready with military options, the U.S. is pursuing diplomacy. He praised last weekend’s unanimous United Nations resolution tightening sanctions on North Korea and said the U.S. “is gaining diplomatic results, and I want to stay right there, right now.” A back-channel used earlier this year to try to free an American held by Pyongyang is still active, according to the Associated Press, though it isn’t clear those involved are discussing the current crisis.

Trump himself has sent some conflicting signals about what would trigger a U.S. military response. He suggested Friday morning that the U.S. isn’t looking to make a pre-emptive strike, saying on Twitter that the military stood ready to act “should North Korea act unwisely.” Speaking to reporters Friday afternoon in New Jersey, he said that if Kim utters another “overt threat” or hits U.S. territory or allies he will “regret it fast.”

The U.S. military says it is always prepared for conflict on a moment’s notice. The motto of U.S. Army’s Second Infantry Division, based in South Korea, is “ready to fight tonight.”

“There’s always some degree of readiness, but in the face of these indications and warnings that North Korea is communicating deliberately, we’re going to no doubt have an even higher condition of readiness,” said Thomas Karako, a senior fellow at Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

For military analysts, who discount public saber-rattling, there are several indicators to determine whether hostilities could be around the corner:

Ship Deployments

The USS Ronald Reagan, an aircraft carrier with more than 5,000 sailors that departed from its home port in Japan in May, actually returned to port this week “after a scheduled patrol to protect and defend the collective maritime interests of the U.S. and its allies and partners in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region,” according to ship’s Facebook page.

The Reagan had done exercises earlier this year with the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, which Trump briefly deployed to Korean waters when tensions with Pyongyang ratcheted up earlier this year. The Vinson, however, is now back in San Diego after a training exercise off the California coast.

<aside class="inline-newsletter" data-state="ready"> Japan is home to as many as six U.S. Navy vessels capable of defending against ballistic missiles, They are normally based at Yokosuka, on the eastern side of Japan. Just moving those ships toward the Korean peninsula would signal potential action to stop a missile launch is more imminent and would likely be seen as an urgent threat by Pyongyang. Asked about the ships’s current locations, the Pentagon said it wouldn’t “discuss operational schedules.”

</aside> Aircraft Deployments

Trump on Friday tweeted out a series of photos of long-range B-1B bombers at Andersen Air Force base in Guam, which North Korea has directly threatened. The bombers have long been a key tool in the U.S. arsenal for any renewed conflict in Korea, replacing B-52 stratofortress bombers used in earlier decades.

“More aircraft deployments, particularly bombers to Andersen in Guam and perhaps Hickam in Hawaii” would be sign conflict is coming, said Rob Levinson, senior defense analyst with Bloomberg Government.

The U.S. also maintains jet fighters, including dozens of F-16s, at locations on the Korean peninsula, such as Kunsan Air Base on the country’s west coast, in addition to more than a hundred South Korean jets.

Personnel Departures

Preparations for conflict would also likely involve the departure, on a voluntary or mandatory basis, of family members of U.S. military and diplomatic personnel. Such a move would send a clear signal that the U.S. sees widespread conflict on the horizon, particularly because Seoul, the nation’s capital and most populous city, is just 35 miles south of the border separating the two countries.

“The canary in the coal mine for this is the surreptitious or overt evacuation of American military family members,” said Retired Army Major General Robert Scales, who commanded units in Korea and is the author of “Scales on War: The Future of America’s Military at Risk.” If that happens, “that tells you that things are getting bad,” he added in an interview.

On the North Korea side, if war were imminent, the government would probably undertake civil defense exercises, including rehearsing measures to open up underground tunnels and get Pyongyang’s elite to safer havens, as well as ramped-up, live-fire military drills, Scales said. The evacuation drills haven’t been seen in more than five years, he said.

And in South Korea, any sign the President Moon Jae-In is mobilizing army reserves would be “very, very serious,” said Scales.

“Until you see something like this go down, this is all just chatter,” Scales said. “You have to see something on the ground to believe that this is serious.”
Really.... so Trump created Kim? He allowed this guy to get ahold of nukes as well as create a disdain for the United States? Trump inherited this mess from the previous administration and all of the democratic senators and congressmen saying he is unhinged is laughable. I know he probably just needs a hug and jobs. It is not like North Korea put out a unprovoked video of New York in ruins after a nuclear attack in 2013 for their citizens to enjoy. They want us wiped of the earth and we finally have someone willing to explain what the consequences will be unfortunately. Sadly this should have never been allowed to get to this point of escalation by the prior president
Really.... so Trump created Kim? He allowed this guy to get ahold of nukes as well as create a disdain for the United States? Trump inherited this mess from the previous administration and all of the democratic senators and congressmen saying he is unhinged is laughable. I know he probably just needs a hug and jobs. It is not like North Korea put out a unprovoked video of New York in ruins after a nuclear attack in 2013 for their citizens to enjoy. They want us wiped of the earth and we finally have someone willing to explain what the consequences will be unfortunately. Sadly this should have never been allowed to get to this point of escalation by the prior president
You can rest assured the US military's level of readiness to thwart any moves from North Korea has remained unchanged over the past two decades or so, regardless of who's been in the White House.
Really.... so Trump created Kim? He allowed this guy to get ahold of nukes as well as create a disdain for the United States? Trump inherited this mess from the previous administration and all of the democratic senators and congressmen saying he is unhinged is laughable. I know he probably just needs a hug and jobs. It is not like North Korea put out a unprovoked video of New York in ruins after a nuclear attack in 2013 for their citizens to enjoy. They want us wiped of the earth and we finally have someone willing to explain what the consequences will be unfortunately. Sadly this should have never been allowed to get to this point of escalation by the prior president

Kim says he needs nukes to defend NK against us. Whether that's bullshit or he really believes it, I don't know. We could ignore him and issue a statement saying we have no interest in attacking NK but what he wants is attention and if we do that he'll lob more missiles in the general direction of Japan, wake up Godzilla, and that never ends well. If we nuke him then SK gets hit with fallout too and we don't get any more Hyundais. Best course of action IMO is to lean on China to either sit on Kim or take him out.

I don't know that China would even want NK but if I'm Trump I tell China that they can annex NK, take over the whole country, and we won't object.
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I don't know that China would even want NK but if I'm Trump I tell China that they can annex NK, take over the whole country, and we won't object.

Wouldn't a better endgame be to unify the two Korea's under one flag? South Korea is a relatively stable, free market, democratic country, part of the Western alliance and a strong US ally. Handing NK to China wouldn't resolve conflict on the Korean peninsula. With a stable government and free-market principles, a democratic Korea could be a strong ally to Japan, thus lending balance to the region and also push back on China a little. Similar to German reunification after the Cold War, I'd much prefer to see a unified Korea. Those people deserve as much.

Korean reunification refers to the potential future reunification of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (commonly known as North Korea), the Republic of Korea (commonly known as South Korea), and the Korean Demilitarized Zone under a single government. The process towards such a merger was started by the June 15th North–South Joint Declaration in June 2000, where the two countries agreed to work towards a peaceful reunification in the future. However, the process of reunification has met many difficulties due to ongoing tension between the two states, which have become politically and economically different since their separation in the 1940s.
Wouldn't a better endgame be to unify the two Korea's under one flag? South Korea is a relatively stable, free market, democratic country, part of the Western alliance and a strong US ally. Handing NK to China wouldn't resolve conflict on the Korean peninsula. With a stable government and free-market principles, a democratic Korea could be a strong ally to Japan, thus lending balance to the region and also push back on China a little. Similar to German reunification after the Cold War, I'd much prefer to see a unified Korea. Those people deserve as much.

No, I think NK is so backward that unification would suck SK dry. The Norks are isolated and primitive and Communism is all they know, so I think being taken over by China would be a better fit. Unlike East Germany, the Norks don't know WTF is going on in the rest of the world. I don't think China would go for unification but they might buy in to being given a country for free.
You can rest assured the US military's level of readiness to thwart any moves from North Korea has remained unchanged over the past two decades or so, regardless of who's been in the White House.
I'm not sure what you mean by thwarting any moves from NK, but of course readiness in general has definitely changed over the last two decades, and is relatively low right now. Silly dismissive statements like this one you made just enforce the opinion that liberals don't deal in facts.
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Tourism boosted 1000%

Guam Governor on Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’: ‘I Want a President That Says That’

Guam is suddenly the focus of intense media attention after North Korea ostentatiously threatened to attack it with missiles. The governor of Guam, Eddie Calvo, backed President Donald Trump’s warning to rain “fire and fury” on North Korea

“As far as I’m concerned, as an American citizen, I want a president that says that if any nation such as North Korea attacks Guam, attacks Honolulu, attacks the West Coast, that they will be met with hell and fury, I think it’s important to be very strong. At the same time, be calm”

“I’ve had enough briefings with the military that there is a multi-layered defense, starting from Korea and Japan, as well as in the Western Pacific, as well as our terrestrial assets here in Guam with the THAAD missile defense system, that American communities such as Guam, as well as other American communities, will be protected”

Some here on the CONservative side have openly wished for civil war.

Don't know how long you've been here but it seems like you don't pay attention.

Been here longer than you and I don't see any on my side openly wishing for Civil War. Have seen countless warn it's coming. I only expect a sick **** like you to twist predictions like that into a wish.
Top U.S. General Readies Military Plan for North Korea, but Pushes for Diplomacy

Arriving in Asia, Gen. Joe Dunford says he is prepared for war, but supporting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s efforts

OSAN AIR BASE, South Korea—The Pentagon’s top military officer said here Sunday the focus remains on finding a diplomatic solution to the North Korea missile crisis, even as the military works up viable options in case they become necessary.

Amid heated rhetoric between President Donald Trump and North Korea’s rogue leader, Kim Jong Un, the military is quietly supporting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s effort to use diplomatic and economic pressure to avert war.

“As a military leader, I have to make sure that the president does have viable military options in the event that the diplomatic and economic pressurization campaign fails,” said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joe Dunford in his first public remarks since the crisis escalated with North Korea’s launch of a second intercontinental ballistic missile late last month.

“Even as we develop those options, we are mindful of the consequences of executing those options, and that makes us have more of a sense of urgency to make sure that we’re doing everything we absolutely can to support Secretary Tillerson’s current path,” he said.

Gen. Dunford began a scheduled swing through the region Sunday, with a stop here to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, along with newly appointed defense officials and commanders. Gen. Dunford leaves Monday for Beijing and will also visit Tokyo this week, defense officials said.

He declined to provide an assessment of the current situation until he had met with officials on the ground. But while the U.S. military in the region is prepared for war, it isn’t necessarily preparing for war, other military officials said.

No additional forces have been sent to the Korean Peninsula as a result of the crisis, and there has been no new deployment of ships or submarines. The more than 28,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea haven't been put on special alert, military officials said. And, the fact that Gen. Dunford and his wife, Ellyn, are traveling in the region this week reinforces the sense that there is no imminent threat of war.
Chilling satellite images suggest North Korea is about to launch missiles from submarines as nuke crisis with US escalates

NEW satellite images of North Korea bases appear to show the volatile state is overhauling its missile sub fleet as tension rises during the nuclear stand-off between Kim Jong-un and the US.

The pictures show activity at a test site which is scarily similar to preparations before the Stalinist nation’s last test of their Pukguksong-1 submarine-launched ballistic missile in August 2016.



The images emerged after Trump warned North Korea that the US military was “locked and loaded” as Pyongyang accused the U.S. leader of driving the Korean peninsula to the brink of nuclear war.

The Pentagon said the United States and South Korea would proceed as planned with a joint military exercise in 10 days, an action sure to further antagonise North Korea.

North Korean watcher Joseph Bermudez of 38North, which monitors military activity in the Stalinist country, has spotted changes on the boat and the facility it is docked in.

He said: “Recent commercial satellite imagery reveals several developments suggesting that North Korea may be accelerating the development of the sea-based leg of its nuclear forces.

“Since the July report, netting or tarps have been suspended above both the fore and aft decks of the submarine obscuring any activity taking place beneath them.

“The only other time this was seen was during May-July 2016 and prior to the failed July 9, 2016 Pukguksong-1 test.”

Long-range ballistic missiles (ISBMs), and their submarine-housed counterparts (SLBMs), are rockets which can carry nuclear bombs and would be capable of striking the west coast of the US including cities such as Los Angeles and Seattle.

However, North Korea is not believed to have developed the technical capacity to mount a nuclear warhead on an SLBM.
I'll post this again.

I would be shocked if that area of the world isn't surrounded by our subs


In the event of a nuclear exchange, a boomer would likely receive its firing orders via Very Low Frequency radio transmission. While a submarine’s missiles are not pretargeted, like those in in fixed silos, they can be assigned coordinates quite rapidly. The first eight Ohio-class boats were originally built to launch the Trident I C4 ballistic missile—an advanced version of the earlier Poseidon SLBM. However, by now all of the boomers are armed with the superior Trident II D5 ballistic missile, which has 50 percent greater range and is capable of very accurate strikes, which could enable them to precisely target military installations as a first-strike weapon.

Ohio-class submarines also come armed with four twenty-one-inch tubes that can launch Mark 48 torpedoes. However, these are intended primarily for self-defense—a ballistic missile submarine’s job isn’t to hunt enemy ships and submarines, but to lie as low and quiet as possible to deny adversaries any means of tracking their movements. The submarine’s nuclear reactor gives it virtually unlimited underwater endurance and the ability to maintain cruising speeds of twenty knots (twenty-three miles per hour) while producing very little noise.
I'll post this again.

I would be shocked if that area of the world isn't surrounded by our subs


In the event of a nuclear exchange, a boomer would likely receive its firing orders via Very Low Frequency radio transmission. While a submarine’s missiles are not pretargeted, like those in in fixed silos, they can be assigned coordinates quite rapidly. The first eight Ohio-class boats were originally built to launch the Trident I C4 ballistic missile—an advanced version of the earlier Poseidon SLBM. However, by now all of the boomers are armed with the superior Trident II D5 ballistic missile, which has 50 percent greater range and is capable of very accurate strikes, which could enable them to precisely target military installations as a first-strike weapon.

Ohio-class submarines also come armed with four twenty-one-inch tubes that can launch Mark 48 torpedoes. However, these are intended primarily for self-defense—a ballistic missile submarine’s job isn’t to hunt enemy ships and submarines, but to lie as low and quiet as possible to deny adversaries any means of tracking their movements. The submarine’s nuclear reactor gives it virtually unlimited underwater endurance and the ability to maintain cruising speeds of twenty knots (twenty-three miles per hour) while producing very little noise.

And where there are missile boats there are fast attack subs. The Norks would have a trailer as soon as they left harbor and be sunk as soon as they made any aggressive moves.
So much for that

North Korea calls off Guam threat


North Korean state media reports that Kim Jong Un is backing off from his threat to launch missiles at Guam, a U.S. territory, per the WSJ. He decided to call it off after he visited a military command post and looked over a military plan his senior officers presented him.

B B But

Maxine Waters said we should be giving Kim Jong-Un what he wants!

China hands Trump a win on North Korea crisis

In a matter of a days, tensions with North Korea appear to have calmed down considerably.

Most of that is thanks to China making a series of positive moves and statements.

This is shaping up to be a big win for the Trump administration.

To be specific, the big move came Monday as China agreed to ban imports of North Korean iron, lead, and coal as part of new U.N. sanctions on Pyongyang. That's hitting Kim Jon Un's regime where it hurts

North Korean state media reports that Kim Jong Un is backing off from his threat to launch missiles at Guam, a U.S. territory, per the WSJ. He decided to call it off after he visited a military command post and looked over a military plan his senior officers presented him.

To be specific, the big move came Monday as China agreed to ban imports of North Korean iron, lead, and coal as part of new U.N. sanctions on Pyongyang. That's hitting Kim Jon Un's regime where it hurts

Great news, hope this sticks and the situation continues to de-escalate. Nice to see UN sanctions still mean something.
Hmmm, just when we thought things were simmering down. Is this a regularly scheduled joint exercise or something else?


U.S. & South Korea Launch Massive Military Drills on Korean Peninsula


The United States and South Korea have launched massive military drills on the Korean Peninsula, amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. More than 17,000 U.S. troops and 50,000 South Korean troops will participate in the military drills. Soldiers from Australia, Britain and Canada will also take part. The military drills come after President Trump threatened to attack North Korea with "fire and fury" and members of the Trump administration continue to make the case for a pre-emptive military strike against North Korea.