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Official Prediction thread Steelers vs Deadskins

Home dogs tend to play well in prime time.

But we beat the Redskins at least 5 times in a row.

Key matchup will be Brown vs Norman.
I'll just drop this in here.... is this the reception desk? :)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Antonio Brown is going for a different kind of reception record. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ThisIsSportsCenter?src=hash">#ThisIsSportsCenter</a> <a href="https://t.co/9nnAKr6Fvr">pic.twitter.com/9nnAKr6Fvr</a></p>— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportsCenter/status/773923377388130305">September 8, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


loved it
Oh yeah

almost forgot


Steel City 35
Washington Caps...er Redskins 10
Our defense is a sieve in the secondary, Cousins will pick us apart. Hoping for the woi, fearing a typical Tomlin game against a bad team/
Anyone else surprised that Pop, Coach and Clete all feel like we're going to lose???

Visiting Steelers 28
Maroon Boys from Landover 16
31-30 Bos as the gun sounds from 43
Steelers 21
Skins 17

Big shout out to Crimson who used to do this.
Last edited:
Steelers - 45
Skins - 17
If the black n gold are going to represent, then this is a game you need to win. Steelers are a better team than the Skins... but, under our esteemed ball coach the boys (since 2011) are 1-4 in season openers 0-3 on the road, been outscored 137-86 for an average score of 27-17. I don't see how Tomlin will change his teams preparedness since he now has a trend of NOT preparing or having the team ready. I'll go w/the trend.
Skinz 24
Get 'em next week 19
I think everyone is DRASTICALLY underscoring this game......from both teams.
Neither of the defenses are that great, and Washington's secondary is as porous as ours.
We don't know if Josh Norman was merely a product of Carolina's defense or a standout on his own. I tend to think the first.
But they do have the offensive horses like we do.
Should be a offensive storm.

Steelers - 42
Redskins - 37
Looks like Wheaton is out for Monday. If Coates, Rogers and DHB play well, he may not be the No. 2 guy when he comes back.
Steelers 31
Skins 18
Steelers 30
Team from D.C with politically incorrect/ insensitive/ plain old racist name that Donald Trump finds perfectly acceptable: 17