What a load of garbage. Look, have people done bad things in the name of God? Absolutely. We are inherently evil. We are ALL hypocrites. All you have to do is look around to see that. You can see it clearly in some of these abortion protests. The only reason many of us do not resort to some of the stuff we see is not due to our self control, but through the grace of God.This trained evangelical and ordained minister disagrees with you…
So who are "evangelicals"? And how did they become total hypocrites?
As a true believer in an Invisible Guy in the Sky, I'm here to explain how evangelicals became enemies of Jesuswww.salon.com
But people are all happy with Christians if they can be kept in a box. And that box is things like feeding the poor, helping impoverished places or whatever. But we gotta stay in that box. The minute we stray out of that and start to comment on social issues, look out. Then you have guys like this who have lost their way, who it has become more important to them to be accepted by the mainstream. But I think it is our job, now more than ever, to challenge what is going on.
Donald Trump. I will not apologize for supporting him. I learned well. In the '90s when Gloria Steinman was asked if it was hypocritical to support Bill Clinton in light of his issues, she stated it was about his policies. Well, Trump got 3 conservatives on the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade is overturned. Look at the family tree of Jesus Christ. It's not a clean sheet, for sure. You use what/who you can to get the results you want.
The final thing here...the main question. If all of us asked God for the ability to take one step toward living more like Jesus, regardless of our starting point, would this world be a better or worse place? I think we all know the answer to that.