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Rudolph vs Pickett

According to Tomlin he put the ball where it was supposed to go, and the INT was because they were down multiple scores because the D couldnt keep a lid on it
Steelers were only down 11 at half with no help from the offense. Defense did their job but got tired. Offense needs to do their part.
Oh come on man. This was a team loss as all of them have been. I like Mason but he would be in a wheel chair with this team.
As a QB when you win it was a team win. When you lose it’s because of you. That’s what leaders do. Take the blame in a loss and give praise to the team when you win.
Steelers were only down 11 at half with no help from the offense. Defense did their job but got tired. Offense needs to do their part.
Im just repeating what Tomlin said. He says Kenny was putting the ball where it was supposed to go. If this is the case then obviously it was not Kenny's fault. We won the TOP by almost 10 minutes so not sure how the D was tired.....It is poor offensive scheme w/ terrible play calls (throwing a low percentage deep ball on 3rd and 1, trying to throw fades, 2yrd out routes over and over, using Najee instead of warren, etc etc...) Everyone and their brother is calling out the playcalling. Picketts accuracy stats are good, but its easy to complete throws when the ball travels 5 yrds. I would love to see slants. I think a double move or out and up would confuse the hell out of a defense. DBs are all over our out routes. If we pump faked on an out and the WR broke it up I would imagine it would be wide open. Bottom line is it is impossible to judge any QB in this "offense"
I don't understand how the Steelers can accomplish what Cowher wants. They have no semblance of a running game, and a below average defense.

The way they are going, i don't think they can do that either.

What they could do is play to the player's strengths. The O is littered with athletic linemen. The WR and the TEs are tall and soft-handed. The RBs have decent speed and good vision. The D-Line is not strong but they are gap-sound. The linebackers are quick if not weak-punching.

Given that, i would attempt to shorten the game by:
- adding 1 maybe even 2 D-linemen. That's right, 5 down-linemen. Then you tell Minkah, the corners and the LBers to quarters cover zone and deep as all hell when needed. If they so happen to find a RB, then please try to tackle his ***, otherwise Edmunds: lay all the ****** wood you possibly can running full sprint down into the box every... single... play. That aught to stop this route we are seeing the secondary because those ******* seem to be chasing **** thinkin their main responsibility is to provide help in the box. They're not that fast to do both.
- roll 11 personnel almost exclusively. Start pulling guards, centers, tackle 2, 3 or 4 at a time!
Move their *** on every running play. On almost every passing play as well. Forget the long bomb passing game. Forget the outside shoulder bullsh*t. From now on it's rub, crossing, screen and square routes. Claypuff and Diontae nay-nay do not sniff the field all that often. A Gunner is sprinkled in 3 times or so a game.

The effort down the field might be compromised but your betting Radar, Pickens, Muth and Najee can beat their guy and catch it more often than dueling sideline hitch routes.
I'm not going to hate on KP, and I think we should definitely ride with him and see what we've got by the end of the season, BUT.... if we end up picking in the top few picks of the draft after this trash season, AND there is a potentially great QB available.. I'm taking him.
We may never pick this high again in some of our lifetimes. Take advantage of it. The last thing I want is to develop into what we have been for the last 10 years. A mediocre team with no real shot at winning it all.
How long has it been since we've had a top draft pick? A potentially great QB (which I don't think we have on this roster) trumps a great O lineman.
I say that admittedly not knowing squat about what QB'S will be in the draft, or knowing squat about college football. I don't follow it, because I'm A Hoosier fan and we don't have much football success lol.
The way they are going, i don't think they can do that either.

What they could do is play to the player's strengths. The O is littered with athletic linemen. The WR and the TEs are tall and soft-handed. The RBs have decent speed and good vision. The D-Line is not strong but they are gap-sound. The linebackers are quick if not weak-punching.

Given that, i would attempt to shorten the game by:
- adding 1 maybe even 2 D-linemen. That's right, 5 down-linemen. Then you tell Minkah, the corners and the LBers to quarters cover zone and deep as all hell when needed. If they so happen to find a RB, then please try to tackle his ***, otherwise Edmunds: lay all the ****** wood you possibly can running full sprint down into the box every... single... play. That aught to stop this route we are seeing the secondary because those ******* seem to be chasing **** thinkin their main responsibility is to provide help in the box. They're not that fast to do both.
- roll 11 personnel almost exclusively. Start pulling guards, centers, tackle 2, 3 or 4 at a time!
Move their *** on every running play. On almost every passing play as well. Forget the long bomb passing game. Forget the outside shoulder bullsh*t. From now on it's rub, crossing, screen and square routes. Claypuff and Diontae nay-nay do not sniff the field all that often. A Gunner is sprinkled in 3 times or so a game.

The effort down the field might be compromised but your betting Radar, Pickens, Muth and Najee can beat their guy and catch it more often than dueling sideline hitch routes.
We should definitely do most of this and it should not be that hard to implement at least offensively. Offenses usually run 50-70 plays. Realistically we would probably only need 15-20 different plays per game which if you flip them left / right would be 30-40 plays. You could even add simple variety. For example you have a slant called. Based on the D the QB would have a code to let the team know which WR was to run the slant. The other receivers would have pre-determined routes if they are not the slant guy Should be able to memorize something like that in 2 weeks. I think defense would be a bit harder to switch up on the fly, but some aspects could be incorporated.
We should definitely do most of this and it should not be that hard to implement at least offensively. Offenses usually run 50-70 plays. Realistically we would probably only need 15-20 different plays per game which if you flip them left / right would be 30-40 plays. You could even add simple variety. For example you have a slant called. Based on the D the QB would have a code to let the team know which WR was to run the slant. The other receivers would have pre-determined routes if they are not the slant guy Should be able to memorize something like that in 2 weeks. I think defense would be a bit harder to switch up on the fly, but some aspects could be incorporated.
Whatever plays they call or whatever defenses (nickel & dime i'm lookin at you) they install, i'd agree it's gonna be rough to transition to something like this.

However, i think it's the only way they can protect Kenny Pickett. You must slow the damn game down or you're gonna ruin the kid.

Whatever they do to do that - short passing game to simulate a run play, ball-control run plays on 1st & 2nd downs, i think they got to play to the players. Get those OL moving their *** & use the catching radius of the receivers / lift the burden off the secondary by playing heavier on the line & play the pass first, lean on zone coverages. Play the run secondarily.
Yes, KP is the one and only Steelers player who is responsible for the loss to the Eagles?

You are truly a moron. Nothing else left to say.
The way they are going, i don't think they can do that either.

What they could do is play to the player's strengths. The O is littered with athletic linemen. The WR and the TEs are tall and soft-handed. The RBs have decent speed and good vision. The D-Line is not strong but they are gap-sound. The linebackers are quick if not weak-punching.

Given that, i would attempt to shorten the game by:
- adding 1 maybe even 2 D-linemen. That's right, 5 down-linemen. Then you tell Minkah, the corners and the LBers to quarters cover zone and deep as all hell when needed. If they so happen to find a RB, then please try to tackle his ***, otherwise Edmunds: lay all the ****** wood you possibly can running full sprint down into the box every... single... play. That aught to stop this route we are seeing the secondary because those ******* seem to be chasing **** thinkin their main responsibility is to provide help in the box. They're not that fast to do both.
- roll 11 personnel almost exclusively. Start pulling guards, centers, tackle 2, 3 or 4 at a time!
Move their *** on every running play. On almost every passing play as well. Forget the long bomb passing game. Forget the outside shoulder bullsh*t. From now on it's rub, crossing, screen and square routes. Claypuff and Diontae nay-nay do not sniff the field all that often. A Gunner is sprinkled in 3 times or so a game.

The effort down the field might be compromised but your betting Radar, Pickens, Muth and Najee can beat their guy and catch it more often than dueling sideline hitch routes.
Well, I'd like to see more pulling from the guards as well, but to say that the team is "littered with athletic lineman" might be a stretch. Certainly more quick slants would help.

And in your 5 down lineman set, where would Watt and Highsmith line up? Can't agree with you there; this defense is awful in any zone, especially when there is no pass rush.
KP actually played well yesterday against the No. 1 D while he was running for his life and getting pummeled. His turnovers were late in the game when it was over and he was trying to do too much. The game was already over when he fumbled and then definitely when he threw his interception.
KP actually played well yesterday against the No. 1 D while he was running for his life and getting pummeled. His turnovers were late in the game when it was over and he was trying to do too much. The game was already over when he fumbled and then definitely when he threw his interception.

Honest question, but what metric are you accounting for when you say he 'played well'? Because every stat that matters (i.e. turnovers, YPA, Rating) show a pretty poor performance.

Not putting yesterday's loss on him though, that honor would go to the defense. But even if the defense had held in, I am not sure his performance would have been enough. 13 points typically not enough to win an NFL game...
I don't understand how the "BIG" receivers are not working the middle of the field Friermuth and Claypool both are a mismatch on any LB. That leaves Pickens, Johnson, and Sims to work the edges and flys, not mention Najee on 5+ yard check downs. No fear, play the game! Fear has gotten yinz in this mess, go big or go away.

Salute the Nation
It really does not matter who are QB is right now. No human in the history of humans will succeed with the way this team is currently built and structured. Too many things to overcome that no one person is going to solve regardless of how good they are. We have a offensive scheme and coaching that is just atrocious. I am not part of the steelers so i don't know where the true blame lies for this. I'm sure it needs to be spread out between Tomlin and Art but make no mistake it is terrible. We lack identity, discipline and any kind of real X's and O's knowledge it seems. Its no longer a Mason vs Rudolph issue. Even Mahommes and Allen would struggle with the offensive scheme we are trying to deploy.

Rudolph may have ended up a better player had he played for a team that had decent coaching. I saw some promise in him when he started. Between hits and probably not being coached well and who knows what else i see a very hesitant football player. Kenny is headed to that place as well. Who knows what he could or couldn't be. I can tell you that he will not see whatever his potential he has (whatever it might be) with this offense and this coaching and this culture.

The Steelers need a serious house cleaning. Tomlin may or may not have been a great coach early in his career. We can debate whether he had success cause of cowers team or not. What we do know right now that the current stealers brain trust of Tomlin and Art have allowed this team to become terrible in way too many aspects of the game. Undisciplined, uninspired and unimaginative coaching and staff hires. I can handle the team losing and rebuilding as long as we see something to believe in. What i can't stand is watching a Professional football team and organization that can even handle the basic fundamentals of the game.
Yes, KP is the one and only Steelers player who is responsible for the loss to the Eagles?

You are truly a moron. Nothing else left to say.
He's the QB. He runs the offense. He isn't playing well. You put Roethlisberger in TODAY at 40 years old and he keeps it close. KP is not Ben Roethlisberger. He is NOT ready. You are some nob slobbing KP is your daddy dip. He is playing like :poop:. Your opinion is wrong.
He's the QB. He runs the offense. He isn't playing well. You put Roethlisberger in TODAY at 40 years old and he keeps it close. KP is not Ben Roethlisberger. He is NOT ready. You are some nob slobbing KP is your daddy dip. He is playing like :poop:. Your opinion is wrong.
You asked me how KP played yesterday. I said that he played like shlt, on par with how he's been playing. That doesn't make me "some nob slobbing KP is your daddy dip" (whatever the **** that means). It simply shows that either you can't comprehend what you're reading, or you're just full of shlt.

You are a ******* moron who believes one player can be solely responsible for his team's loss. Just stop with the stupid nonsense, will you?
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It really does not matter who are QB is right now. No human in the history of humans will succeed with the way this team is currently built and structured. Too many things to overcome that no one person is going to solve regardless of how good they are. We have a offensive scheme and coaching that is just atrocious. I am not part of the steelers so i don't know where the true blame lies for this. I'm sure it needs to be spread out between Tomlin and Art but make no mistake it is terrible. We lack identity, discipline and any kind of real X's and O's knowledge it seems. Its no longer a Mason vs Rudolph issue. Even Mahommes and Allen would struggle with the offensive scheme we are trying to deploy.

Rudolph may have ended up a better player had he played for a team that had decent coaching. I saw some promise in him when he started. Between hits and probably not being coached well and who knows what else i see a very hesitant football player. Kenny is headed to that place as well. Who knows what he could or couldn't be. I can tell you that he will not see whatever his potential he has (whatever it might be) with this offense and this coaching and this culture.

The Steelers need a serious house cleaning. Tomlin may or may not have been a great coach early in his career. We can debate whether he had success cause of cowers team or not. What we do know right now that the current stealers brain trust of Tomlin and Art have allowed this team to become terrible in way too many aspects of the game. Undisciplined, uninspired and unimaginative coaching and staff hires. I can handle the team losing and rebuilding as long as we see something to believe in. What i can't stand is watching a Professional football team and organization that can even handle the basic fundamentals of the game.
I will agree the system is bad. It is simple, easy to defend, and not a lot of great route combinations. BUT I do see guys open that KP misses. He dinks and dunks a lot and there's intermediate routes he skips right by. It is the same things I saw in College. He was lucky on a lot of deep ball throws having his receivers bail him out. That isn't working in the NFL. I think the reports of him being ready were greatly exaggerated. Too many people thought because Burrow did it at 24 that KP was the second coming. I think it is time to take the expectations and lower them dramatically. Best case scenario is KP is better in December than in October. And I mean better as in his October stats are 112/165 67.88% 962 yards 2/8 5.83 Y/A 3.89 AY/A. (5 games played as there where 5 Sundays in October) My hope is he is 65%+ completion percentage because he is doing a very good job here. 900 yards (225 yards per game). 6 TD's to 3 INT's. My hope is he turns the ratio around. Yes, we need more than 1.5 TD's a game EVENTUALLY. But right now I want to see him be smart with the ball. That ratio would equate to a 25 or 26 TD 2023 with 12 or 13 INT's. We can win ball games with that. 900 yards (225 a game). And I want his Y/A 6+ and his AY/A 5.5+.
Those are all doable numbers.
He's the QB. He runs the offense. He isn't playing well. You put Roethlisberger in TODAY at 40 years old and he keeps it close. KP is not Ben Roethlisberger. He is NOT ready. You are some nob slobbing KP is your daddy dip. He is playing like :poop:. Your opinion is wrong.
Because he’s a Hall of Famer who can ditch the OC’s calls in the fourth quarter. Ben was garbage in the first three quarters last season. Also, Pickett isn’t playing well.
Because he’s a Hall of Famer who can ditch the OC’s calls in the fourth quarter. Ben was garbage in the first three quarters last season. Also, Pickett isn’t playing well.
Roethlisberger is also 40. How about this. A 24 year old Roethlsiberger has this team above .500 imo.
Because he’s a Hall of Famer who can ditch the OC’s calls in the fourth quarter. Ben was garbage in the first three quarters last season. Also, Pickett isn’t playing well.
This, this and yes this.
Oh come on man. This was a team loss as all of them have been. I like Mason but he would be in a wheel chair with this team.
Kenny evades the pass rush well but he also doesn't identify blitzes well yet. I think Rudolph does get put on the ground a few more times but in different scenarios. I saw KP escape a few when it was a 4 man pass rush. MR doesn't get away. But on the blitzes her likely directs protection better. Who knows how that plays out but I think MR probably exploits the blitz better at the very least over KP.
Kenny evades the pass rush well but he also doesn't identify blitzes well yet. I think Rudolph does get put on the ground a few more times but in different scenarios. I saw KP escape a few when it was a 4 man pass rush. MR doesn't get away. But on the blitzes her likely directs protection better. Who knows how that plays out but I think MR probably exploits the blitz better at the very least over KP.
Your boy Rudolph would have been killed with that pass rush Sunday. We are talking discombobulated to direction antlers , red nose migration to umbilical, and packages in disarray type of mauling.
BTW did yinz see that what you talking about Willis and his 50 yards passing and one interception got a victory Sunday? I would sit the whole team down in the film room including all the coaches and let them zoom in and see if they learn anything.