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Rumor is the Decision for Biden to drop out is done...

It's still speculation, but could well be true. What do you do with all of the primary elections in states where their delegates are set? How do they handle state ballot configurations that are already in place? Do the elite at the convention make all the decisions? How is that not destroying Democracy?

If I were RFK Jr, I'd tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine.
I believe if Sloppy Joe, Floggy's intellectual inspiration, drops out and releases his delegates, then the delegates can support whomever they choose. The usual scummy, maggot-infested group of lifelong politicians will then lobby for support.

With any luck, they will not be able to agree on somebody before November 5 and ask to be identified on the ballot as "None of the Above." That brilliant maneuver will garner the (D)imbo ticket the usual 81 million votes, at least 79 million of which arrive in vans delivering ballots to empty polling stations at 3:00 a.m.
It's still speculation, but could well be true. What do you do with all of the primary elections in states where their delegates are set? How do they handle state ballot configurations that are already in place? Do the elite at the convention make all the decisions? How is that not destroying Democracy?

If I were RFK Jr, I'd tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine.
I think they absolutely cannot replace Kneepads with a white man. They'd lose more of the black vote than they already have.
Upside for the Dems, they already found out that they don't need to win on the issues, they only need to win on the number of votes counted.
Best move for the Dims is to simply declare 2024 lost and not waste anyone who has a political future. Run Kneepads with Whitmer as VP, she is nearly as stupid, lose, and get to ***** about racism and sexism the next four years.
I believe if Sloppy Joe, Floggy's intellectual inspiration, drops out and releases his delegates, then the delegates can support whomever they choose. The usual scummy, maggot-infested group of lifelong politicians will then lobby for support.

With any luck, they will not be able to agree on somebody before November 5 and ask to be identified on the ballot as "None of the Above." That brilliant maneuver will garner the (D)imbo ticket the usual 81 million votes, at least 79 million of which arrive in vans delivering ballots to empty polling stations at 3:00 a.m.
Nope, not how it works for the Democrat nomination process

Dem Superdelegates can switch their votes, but barring a rule change, regular delegates are locked into voting for whomever their state voted for... since nobody won any regular delegates, the superdelegates dont have enough votes to override them...

However I dont know if there are any binding laws in play... it could be just party rules that can be adjusted on the fly...
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Nope, not how it works for the Democrat nomination process

Dem Superdelegates can switch their votes, but barring a rule change, regular delegates are locked into voting for whomever their state voted for... since nobody won any regular delegates, the superdelegates dont have enough votes to override them...

However I dont know if there are any binding laws in play... it could be just party rules that can be adjusted on the fly...

I believe the rule requiring delegates to vote for the candidate they have been designated as representing applies only if the candidate remains eligible for the nomination. If the candidate drops out, I don't think that rule applies.

States listing candidates on their ballots for the general election may be a more interesting question.
The bigger issue they have is that its past the date of several states to file paperwork to be on the ballot at all.. when people run in primaries, they have to file then... states have rules to keep last minute players from mucking things up.. so the Dems will need an exception from several states to get someone else on the ballot... and in places like wisconsin, they likely get sued because it only allows for replacement in cases of death, not withdrawal..

And in some tge Vice president and president are still filed seperately, so even Harris isnt eligible outside of death
All of these rules were meant to handicap third parties, by the way...
I believe the rule requiring delegates to vote for the candidate they have been designated as representing applies only if the candidate remains eligible for the nomination. If the candidate drops out, I don't think that rule applies.

States listing candidates on their ballots for the general election may be a more interesting question.
You are right. I am thinking of if he was forcibly removed... without his consent it is impossible unless he dies or is incapacitated, but if he lets them go, thats a different story
The bigger issue they have is that its past the date of several states to file paperwork to be on the ballot at all.. when people run in primaries, they have to file then... states have rules to keep last minute players from mucking things up.. so the Dems will need an exception from several states to get someone else on the ballot... and in places like wisconsin, they likely get sued because it only allows for replacement in cases of death, not withdrawal..

And in some tge Vice president and president are still filed seperately, so even Harris isnt eligible outside of death
All of these rules were meant to handicap third parties, by the way...

Also unless Ohio changes the law, not likely, no Dem candidate would be on their ballot because their convention is after the cutoff date. Not a big deal really because Ohio isn't going to vote for a Democrat anyway.
I believe the rule requiring delegates to vote for the candidate they have been designated as representing applies only if the candidate remains eligible for the nomination. If the candidate drops out, I don't think that rule applies.

States listing candidates on their ballots for the general election may be a more interesting question.
I think what will happen is that Biden can release his delegates and they can vote for whoever they want but being good Democrats they will vote for who they are told to vote for. THE most important thing above all is Orange Man Bad.
Agree, the issue will be getting the Dem nominee's name on some state ballots. Hopefully both parties will pay more attention to this in the future. Having the conventions so late doesn't give candidates much time to campaign, especially if it's a tight primary race and not certain by convention time. Both parties have gotten used to things being decided well before their conventions.
I'm thinking the Dim Convention 2024 in Chicago is going to look a lot like Dim Convention 1968 in Chicago.
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I would think that the dems have to be willing to throw this election in the trash and try again in four years.
I would think that the dems have to be willing to throw this election in the trash and try again in four years.
Even if Bad Orange Man wins, Bomma will still be in D.C. running half the government like He has for the past eight years and they'll be listening to Him and not Bad Orange Man anyway.
Now they will hammer on Trump's age and calls for him to also drop out "for the good of the country."
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The story is that Dem super contributors all want him gone... his wife and Son are fighting for him to keep running, but basically money talks... as soon as the rumors broke that he was gonna quit new ones about Hunter trying to keep him in the race broke... that dude loses his entire lifestyle if his dad retires...
The story is that Dem super contributors all want him gone... his wife and Son are fighting for him to keep running, but basically money talks... as soon as the rumors broke that he was gonna quit new ones about Hunter trying to keep him in the race broke... that dude loses his entire lifestyle if his dad retires...
There will be a recession among strip bars and coke dealers in Delaware and Virginia.
I believe if Sloppy Joe, Floggy's intellectual inspiration, drops out and releases his delegates, then the delegates can support whomever they choose. The usual scummy, maggot-infested group of lifelong politicians will then lobby for support.

With any luck, they will not be able to agree on somebody before November 5 and ask to be identified on the ballot as "None of the Above." That brilliant maneuver will garner the (D)imbo ticket the usual 81 million votes, at least 79 million of which arrive in vans delivering ballots to empty polling stations at 3:00 a.m.
They’ll find a way. Those scummy ******** always do
Funny they care all about how ****** Pedo Pete is now and not 4 years ago. They should be forced to ride with this guy. Who they claimed was just fit as a fiddle a short time ago.
Funny they care all about how ****** Pedo Pete is now and not 4 years ago. They should be forced to ride with this guy. Who they claimed was just fit as a fiddle a short time ago.

This ^^ x 1,000,000

"oH My GoDd, iF oNLy WeE'D KnOwN jOe WuZ DeMeNtiOniNg!"
- (D)imbos

"TaLkiNg AbOuT cOrN PoPp aNd LeG HaiR In 2019 WuZ NoRmEL!"
- Same (D)imbos
Dems will double down and ignore anything their eyes are seeing or their ears are telling them.

"vote blue, no matter who"

party over country over state over county over city over family. party first, always.

i'd be willing to bet the $50 jizzer owes Jimmy that the Dems would vote Trump if he were to declare himself a Democrat and admonish Republicans... but not change his policies.
They should just get Obama to run it really has been Trump vs Obama since Trump questioned the BC and nativity story. Obama has been running the country the last four years they should just bring him out of the shadows. Anyone they get will be stage managed by Obeyme anyway.