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Russia Hired Over 1,000 Trolls to Help Trump Win Election. Sad!


Oct 26, 2014
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Tick Tock Tick Tock......mmmm...mmmm...that imPEACHment pie cooking smells delicious! Hooooo can't wait to serve you guys a slice, real soon!
Is hiring anti- Trump protesters kind of like the same thing? When Soros does it, that's okay. Russia, under Putin is not to be trusted. What is the big deal here? When it may hurt the Democrats, then the butthurt is amplified. Hypocrisy.
It's Time for Conservatives to Celebrate This President

Do conservatives -- or non-leftists, for that matter -- appreciate just how terrific Donald Trump has been as president? And how lucky we are that he won the presidency?

I don't know the answer.

What I do know is that they ought to be deeply appreciative of him, and deeply grateful for luck or providence, and certainly for Trump himself, that he was elected president. First, it is unlikely that any other Republican would have defeated Hillary Clinton. Second, he has not only surpassed many of our expectations but also thus far governed in a manner more consistent with conservative principles than any president since Ronald Reagan, and arguably Calvin Coolidge.

I say this as one who vigorously opposed him during the Republican contest for the nomination. I said from the beginning, in print and on my radio show, that I would support Trump if he became the nominee, but I dreaded his becoming the nominee. His comments about the size of his hands, Sen. John McCain as a prisoner of war and former President George W. Bush lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; his lack of any history as a conservative; and the seeming absence of a filter between his brain and his Twitter app made it difficult for me to imagine him as a serious president of the United States.

Nevertheless, once he was nominated, I just as vigorously supported him on the simple and -- I still believe -- unanswerable grounds that while no one could be certain how Trump would govern, we were all certain about how Hillary Clinton would govern -- as a leftist. And I truly believed that another four years of left-wing rule would mean the end of America as it was founded to be.

That is why I found the arguments of the conservatives who were Never-Trumpers, many of whom I work with, admire and count as friends, not just unpersuasive but incomprehensible. That a conservative could prefer Clinton -- which was the only upshot of a Never Trump position -- to any Republican could only mean that we have an entirely different understanding of the damage the left has done and would have done to America and the Western world if Clinton had won.

I remember Never-Trumpers calling my radio show and asking me how I could possibly believe that, if elected president, Trump would honor his commitment to nominate to the Supreme Court one of the conservatives on the list of judges from which he promised to choose.

He has honored that promise.

And given the supreme importance of the Supreme Court, isn't that reason enough for conservatives to celebrate his presidency?

He has repealed many of President Obama's energy regulations that would have strangled the American economy. He doesn't believe that carbon-induced warming of the planet will destroy the human race -- the greatest of the innumerable hysterias the left manufactures and then believes in.

Isn't that reason enough for conservatives to celebrate his presidency?

He has appointed a woman who, as a billionaire, could have easily devoted her life to enjoying her wealth but instead has fought for American students and their parents to be able choose their schools just as the wealthy do. And he has taken on the teachers unions, the only group that has ever given American teachers a bad name.

Isn't that reason enough for conservatives to celebrate his presidency?

He has appointed as ambassador to the United Nations a woman who is calling the U.N. the naked emperor that it is. And now, America is backing, rather than subverting, Israel in that benighted institution.

Isn't that reason enough for conservatives to celebrate his presidency?

By building a wall along our southern border, he is reasserting the belief that America actually has borders.

Isn't that reason enough for conservatives to celebrate his presidency?

And then there is tax reduction and simplification so that private citizens can keep more of their money and corporations can be far more productive.

Isn't that reason enough for conservatives to celebrate his presidency?

And now, he has vowed, after decades of American obsequiousness, to confront the sociopathic North Korean regime.

The American media -- most particularly, its elite -- no longer even feigns objective reporting. It is solely an arm of the left and the Democratic Party, its task being the delegitimization of the Trump presidency.

If you live among liberals, it is not chic to express support for President Trump. But it is time more of us did. If people abandon you because you support this president, they weren't serious friends to begin with. And, sorry to say, they aren't worthy of you. Somehow, you have been able to look beyond their support for the America- and West-destroying left. But they can't look beyond your support for the first conservative president in a generation -- and the gutsiest perhaps ever.

If you live among liberals, it is not chic to express support for President Trump. But it is time more of us did.

True dat Spike, I can't understand why the right never fights back.


I can't even fathom what deep trouble we would be in with Hillary in the White House yet the Libs seem to think the end of the US would be a great thing ?

The lefts hate, spearheaded by the media.
Everything, no matter what is met with undeserving scrutiny in an attempt to take down Trump. To falsely render him incompetent.
Rush talked about it yesterday.

The incident and the mainstream media reaction:

Melania hasn't moved into the White House yet...."That doesn't look good"
Mike Pence and his wife have rules about public appearances..."That's not a normal look", "That's not a good look".
Trump has put highly successful business people in his cabinet..."That doesn't look good", "That looks bad".
Trump talked to businessmen about keeping jobs in the U.S. before being sworn in..."That looks bad".
Trump didn't want to keep the childrens playset at the White House because there aren't any kids running around....."That certainly doesn't look good to the children"
Ivanka Trump was photographed sitting at her fathers desk in the Oval Office..."That had to be wrong."
Trump tweets before sunrise..."That just isn't normal".
Trump tweets he was illegally surveilled...."That's just wrong".
Kellyanne Conway had her feet on the couch...."That is a bad look"

Rush recorded and put together a montage the MSM reaction on various Trump administrations happenings..

PHIL MATTINGLY: It just doesn’t look good. There’s no really other way to put it.

JASON CHAFFETZ: Well, it doesn’t look good.

STEPHEN HAYES: Certainly the process doesn’t look good.

ERIC SWALWELL: It doesn’t look good.

ROB SCHMITT: It just looks bad.

GERALDO RIVERA: It looks bad for the President. Very sloppy. Very heavy-handed.

LISA BOOTHE: (laughter) It sure doesn’t look good today.

JOSH ROGIN: It looks bad. It looks very bad.

JOHN KING: Again, uh, it looks bad.

MATTHEW ROSENBERG: We don’t know what they discussed, but this doesn’t look good.

DAGEN MCDOWELL: It is about the optics, and the way things look. It looks bad.

JIM WALSH: Like you, I am troubled by this, and I think it looks bad.

JUAN WILLIAMS: Obviously on the surface it just doesn’t look good.

EBONI WILLIAMS: It’s the appearance of impropriety. It just doesn’t look good.

JACKIE KUCINICH: It doesn’t look good. At the end of the day, that’s what we are faced with.

JACK KINGSTON: It doesn’t mean the game’s over but it doesn’t look good for the home team.
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If you think the leftist losers are unhinged now, just wait until federal indictments start coming down.
If you think the leftist losers are unhinged now, just wait until federal indictments start coming down.

Tick Tock Tick Tock......mmmm...mmmm...that INDICTMENT pie cooking smells delicious! Hooooo can't wait to serve me a slice, real soon!

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If trolls got jobs, how did you get LEFT out?

If trolls got jobs, how did you get LEFT out?

You're a little slow CONman, the jobs were for Reich Wing trolls.

I am not a troll, I am a real constitution loving patriot, not a phony one hiding an agenda like 90% of the fascists on the right(racism).

Don't believe me? Look at all the stuff The Retarded Orangutan in Chief has tried to get away with, and then listen to the crickets from your fellow CONservatives on this board.
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Is hiring anti- Trump protesters kind of like the same thing? When Soros does it, that's okay. Russia, under Putin is not to be trusted. What is the big deal here? When it may hurt the Democrats, then the butthurt is amplified. Hypocrisy.

These aren't American protesters paid by an American citizen, they are employees of a foreign enemy paid by that government to try to influence an American election in their favor.

Try to pay attention.

Man on the left: highly intelligent, comprehends what he is reading and takes proper action.

Man on the right: 3rd grade vocabulary, doubtful that his comprehension is even 3rd grade level, doubtful that he can even read at that level, can't remember what he came into a room to do......... SEE BELOW

So impeach Putin you a hole.
Man on the left: highly intelligent, comprehends what he is reading and takes proper action.

Man on the right: 3rd grade vocabulary, doubtful that his comprehension is even 3rd grade level,


I believe he is focused on his first Supreme Court justice , soon to join his fellow justices. Win.
Lol. You can tell by the voraciousness of his insults on Trump (Orange Orangutan in Chief etc.) that Elfie is just absolutely dying inside. Just completely losing his ****.


SCOTUS Gorsuch

Republican Majority

Unhinged. And the more they thrash about the more people back away from them.
Speaking of dementia........................


Ruh ro!!!!!!

Ummmm this was already an established thing the dems have been doing for about a decade... thats why you ignore stuff trolls like elfie say on the net... its all prepackaged spin and nonsence... the other side does the same thing... also if you believe the Russians are the big bad in the world you are a dipshit sheeple... im going to activly vote against all democrats for a decade if they keep pushing this stupidity... literally the most annoying spin since the bush era imminent iraq wmd threat push.. its dated and idiotic fearmongering and mostly irrelevant... im very very tired of it... it makes no sense.