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Seahawks karma. Go help out!

Even if you think the refs screwed them (which I don't, that was offensive pass interference every time), how is that the Steelers' fault? How is that Steeler fans' fault? Be mad at the refs, be mad at the NFL. Their anger is misplaced. It's kind of comical.
and of course

It always crack me up that their fans ***** about the refs but they got beat on that play when the Steelers ran it a couple times during the season, all from pretty much same spot on the field. It was on film, you idiots, all you had to do was study. But yeah, sure, the refs were the problem.
Been about 12 hours and they haven't approved my join request yet.

Welcome to SN.com. We have a token Ravens fan here also.
If they're still steamed about SBXL, just think how off the hook they'll be if the Pats** win.
In case I don't get on your board, may karma be upon you and your team and may Richard Sherman get 10 INT's and 5 for pick 6's.

I will comment on SB XL one time with my opinion, but won't go on & on about it. While I feel there were some poor calls, as a football fan in general, the Seahawks didn't do anything to help themselves in that game either. Even with that officiating, there were a few opportunities to be had in a relatively close game. So, while I may not be fond of the officials from that day, I also blame a poor showing by the Seahawks who still had plenty of chances to take the Lombardi back to Seattle. They didn't, it sucks (for me), but it is what it is. The Randle El pass was the dagger IMO. Can't blame the officials for such poor defense there.

Also, as with any fanbase, there are fans who truly show their lack of intelligence with derogatory slurs & childish drama. While there is plenty on .Net directed at certain teams/specific fanbases, I'm sure the same can be said here after reading through many of the comments. Going forward, I hope this is a place I can discuss all things football, even if we may not agree. I'm not here for petty BS or to pick a fight. If I comment saying I disagree, it'll include my reasoning and I hope there can be some good conversation to come of it.

Anyway, appreciate the kind welcome I've received thus far. Just keep in mind that every fanbase has people that are garbage. I've had great discussion with Seahawks fans who know what they're talking about & are welcoming to the opposition when in Seattle and I've had outstanding interactions with opposing fans myself (as well as idiots just throwing around insults & statements that you'd expect from someone with an IQ of potato). No need to generalize ANY fanbase in my opinion. Will be browsing around a bit around here to see what the big talk of the offseason is for your team.
That's an insightful, calm, rational post.

Maybe you should teach your brothers over there a thing or two.

Yeah, that isn't going to happen, lol. Some will agree with me, some won't. We're all human and have differing opinions, which I respect. I tend to watch & evaluate games with very little bias (still root for my team, obviously). Makes things a lot easier when trying to diagnose what the real issues are and how my team matches up to it's opponent each week. All about the matchups, regardless of whether a team is perceived as poor or elite.
Also, as with any fanbase, there are fans who truly show their lack of intelligence with derogatory slurs & childish drama. While there is plenty on .Net directed at certain teams/specific fanbases, I'm sure the same can be said here after reading through many of the comments. Going forward, I hope this is a place I can discuss all things football, even if we may not agree. I'm not here for petty BS or to pick a fight. If I comment saying I disagree, it'll include my reasoning and I hope there can be some good conversation to come of it.
Welcome to SN. You sound like a knowledgeable football guy. We let a token Ravens fan (EdReed4Prez) hang out here too.

Will be browsing around a bit around here to see what the big talk of the offseason is for your team.

Thanks to Spike and Superman it generally involves a lot of pics of boobs.
Welcome to SN. You sound like a knowledgeable football guy. We let a token Ravens fan (EdReed4Prez) hang out here too.

Thanks to Spike and Superman it generally involves a lot of pics of boobs.

Sounds like some damn good discussion then that I will definitely be browsing through.
Sounds like some damn good discussion then that I will definitely be browsing through.

You won't be able to quit us. Heck, even the people we ban keep sneaking back in.

You have no idea how bad it gets.
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You won't be able to quit us. Heck, even the people we ban keep sneaking back in.

Those are some sad, bitter, fans there.
Those are some sad, bitter, fans there.
I revel in their misery. I'm at the bar now after leaving work. I'll log in tomorrow, light them up, and get banned. 😎
Bartender just gave me a free Dale's Pale Ale glass. It's a good night.
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The Patriots have systematically cheated as many ways as they can for over a decade vs. the Steelers getting a few calls in one game (which were deemed as correct (except one) by the head of officials)...

So, I'd say the hate for the Patriots is much more warranted than the hate of the Steelers.... It would be like your wife cheating on you for 12 straight years vs. her having some guy (without her knowledge or flirtation) messaging her on facebook asking for a rendez-vous.
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The Patriots have systematically cheated as many ways as they can for over a decade vs. the Steelers getting a few calls in one game (which were deemed as correct (except one) by the head of officials)...

So, I'd say the hate for the Patriots is much more warranted than the hate of the Steelers.... It would be like your wife cheating on you for 12 straight years vs. her having some guy (without her knowledge or flirtation) messaging her on facebook asking for a rendez-vous.

to be fair I think they cheated against every team they faced..........
I revel in their misery. I'm at the bar now after leaving work. I'll log in tomorrow, light them up, and get banned. 😎
Bartender just gave me a free Dale's Pale Ale glass. It's a good night.

Heh. Someone posted a screen shot of my above post. I weighed in, wished them well, told them they lost SBXL because they didn't score enough points, now we can watch them lose their flippin' minds.

Oooh, ooh, the refs made the "Stealers" win the Super Bowl. Boo-*******-hoo, the Cheats kept us OUT of two Super Bowls and the commissioner destroyed the evidence and ten years later the cheating bastiges are still in the league and still cheating.
to be fair I think they cheated against every team they faced..........

Vs. was comparing them systematicall cheating and the steelers having a few calls in the super bowl... not meaning the pats cheating only vs. the Steelers.
I will comment on SB XL one time with my opinion, but won't go on & on about it. While I feel there were some poor calls, as a football fan in general, the Seahawks didn't do anything to help themselves in that game either. Even with that officiating, there were a few opportunities to be had in a relatively close game. So, while I may not be fond of the officials from that day, I also blame a poor showing by the Seahawks who still had plenty of chances to take the Lombardi back to Seattle. They didn't, it sucks (for me), but it is what it is. The Randle El pass was the dagger IMO. Can't blame the officials for such poor defense there.

Also, as with any fanbase, there are fans who truly show their lack of intelligence with derogatory slurs & childish drama. While there is plenty on .Net directed at certain teams/specific fanbases, I'm sure the same can be said here after reading through many of the comments. Going forward, I hope this is a place I can discuss all things football, even if we may not agree. I'm not here for petty BS or to pick a fight. If I comment saying I disagree, it'll include my reasoning and I hope there can be some good conversation to come of it.

Anyway, appreciate the kind welcome I've received thus far. Just keep in mind that every fanbase has people that are garbage. I've had great discussion with Seahawks fans who know what they're talking about & are welcoming to the opposition when in Seattle and I've had outstanding interactions with opposing fans myself (as well as idiots just throwing around insults & statements that you'd expect from someone with an IQ of potato). No need to generalize ANY fanbase in my opinion. Will be browsing around a bit around here to see what the big talk of the offseason is for your team.


That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out objection.

I registered, but my request has never been approved. They have some ******** fans over there, which along with the number of Super Bowls they have won differentiates the Seahawks franchise from the Steelers. We have to haul our Lombardis around in an oversized dump truck and all of our fans are cool.
I registered, but my request has never been approved. They have some ******** fans over there, which along with the number of Super Bowls they have won differentiates the Seahawks franchise from the Steelers. We have to haul our Lombardis around in an oversized dump truck and all of our fans are cool.

Our fans are not always cool...
I try my best to be nice. It doesn't always work out. I get over it quick.