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Seahawks karma. Go help out!

Welcome to the party, GRB and Ron!
The Kool-Aid is strong over there.
From an apparent Pats** fan:
bradynumber4 said:
The only team we've ever been proven to have cheated against was the Jets. The Stealers have robbed 6 franchises of superbowls. Now who's the biggest crook?

And it wouldn't surprise me if the Colts didn't deflate the Pats balls, or maybe the officials to set us up.
The Kool-Aid is strong over there.
From an apparent Pats** fan:

Lol surprised that he didnt accuse current Steelers of going incognito and showing up at gilette to clandestinely frame them. ******* pink-hatted moron
nd it wouldn't surprise me if the Colts didn't deflate the Pats balls, or maybe the officials to set us up.

Ha ha ha ha ha. Yes, the Colts' or the NFL's strategy was to secretly give the *Pat's QB, receivers and RBs a big advantage, and then hope that after they won someone would catch it and implicate the *Pats, thus causing them to be disqualified. That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.
Please leave. Please go to hell and die. We need not and want not any support from that putrid team or their putrid fans.

To reiterate; leave, hell, die.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Ha ha ha ha ha. Yes, the Colts' or the NFL's strategy was to secretly give the *Pat's QB, receivers and RBs a big advantage, and then hope that after they won someone would catch it and implicate the *Pats, thus causing them to be disqualified. That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.

As I said over there, "Choo-choo, meet bend" to illustrate for the Seahawk fans how easy it is to push the insecure guilt-ridden Pats** fans over the edge. Pats**Fan gonna be so tight the next week hoping, praying, begging for their team to win a post-Spygate SB that you won't be able to drive a pin up their *** with a sledgehammer.

Please leave. Please go to hell and die. We need not and want not any support from that putrid team or their putrid fans.

To reiterate; leave, hell, die.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
And I told them, "Tough. We're gonna root for your team anyway". Yinz know how I can be. :)
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I registered, but my request has never been approved. They have some ******** fans over there, which along with the number of Super Bowls they have won differentiates the Seahawks franchise from the Steelers. We have to haul our Lombardis around in an oversized dump truck and all of our fans are cool.
I hope they do win just for the sake of their fans' mental health. If they're still pissed off that much about all things Steeler from a game they were beaten in legitimately, how bad will it be if they lose to known cheaters?
At least my day on the Seahawks' board was amusing. Managed to send a few people over the edge (see above) and I wasn't even trying.
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It's no real wonder why kurt cobain offed himself with a shotgun.

Yeah, dealing with Courtney Love will have it's negatives....hell, it might have been a positive from Kurt's perspective. Really though, Washington State is outstanding. Pretty friendly place, people helping people, beautiful landscape (far less rain than you've been lead to believe) with diverse terrain, legal cannabis, peaceful coastline destinations, plenty of tourist attractions/activities in the big cities (if that's your thing), etc. If you're after a lot of hot weather, this obviously isn't the place for you, but me being Irish and fair skinned, I don't know that I'd rather live anywhere else.
Yeah, dealing with Courtney Love will have it's negatives....hell, it might have been a positive from Kurt's perspective.
I can see how that could happen.

Really though, Washington State is outstanding. Pretty friendly place, people helping people, beautiful landscape (far less rain than you've been lead to believe) with diverse terrain, legal cannabis, peaceful coastline destinations, plenty of tourist attractions/activities in the big cities (if that's your thing), etc. If you're after a lot of hot weather, this obviously isn't the place for you, but me being Irish and fair skinned, I don't know that I'd rather live anywhere else.
It probably rains here MORE than you think.
Welcome to SN.com. On your board it's only the 75% of haters that make the other 25% look bad.
I can see how that could happen.

It probably rains here MORE than you think.
Welcome to SN.com. On your board it's only the 75% of haters that make the other 25% look bad.

On any board one hater can make the whole place look bad. Best way to go about things in my opinion is steer clear of the fools and seek out those who you can not only hold a conversation with, but potentially learn something from as well. If I judged the 49ers fanbase off one (or 10) random fans, I could have 10 bad experiences (and possibly get stabbed, lol). I could also run into 10 very educated, passionate, and articulate fans as well. I may not like a TEAM because of certain players or a rivalry, but I'll never hate a fanbase (or judge one for that matter) due to an insignificant number douchebags.

So, since I'm a Seahawks fan and been one since I can remember, if anyone has questions relating to anything Seahawks, I'll do my best to answer. Don't know that there will be any interest, but the offer stands. I try to know a decent amount about every team, but obviously it varies. Reason I do this is so that I don't have to rely on ESPN analysts and/or anyone with an ego spouting off BS because they just want to say what will create the most controversy. I like to know how teams match up head to head down to the position, and no, I do not play fantasy football. Can't stand that garbage. Just had to throw that in there :-)

Any questions though, ask away. I'll be asking questions sporadically as well trying to get a better sense of what is going on with your team and how the division is shaping up. What is your top need going into the offseason? Off the top of my head I think cornerback might be an issue for you guys. How do each of you prefer to address each need this offseason? Le'Veon Bell was a prospect I really liked in the draft (as well as Knile Davis from the same draft), so seeing him do so well, while it's nice to see, is something I anticipated.
What is your top need going into the offseason?
Pretty much anyone with a pulse who can play defense and run the 40 in less than 5-flat would be an improvement.

Off the top of my head I think cornerback might be an issue for you guys.
Bingo. We have a guy named Bryce McCain we signed as a FA who turned out to be better than expected. I hope we can re-sign him. Cortez Allen got extended for big money then promptly lost his mojo (and starting job) and fell off the map prior to ending the season on IR. Ike Taylor lost a step or three.
Polamalu will probably retire, our other SS ain't all that good. Taylor and Kiesel will probably retire. I think there is a slight chance that James Harrison will be back. So we could use 1 DL, 2 LB, 2 SS, and 2 CB, i.e. Spend every pick on defense just to stay even and not get worse.
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Yeah, dealing with Courtney Love will have it's negatives....hell, it might have been a positive from Kurt's perspective. Really though, Washington State is outstanding. Pretty friendly place, people helping people, beautiful landscape (far less rain than you've been lead to believe) with diverse terrain, legal cannabis, peaceful coastline destinations, plenty of tourist attractions/activities in the big cities (if that's your thing), etc. If you're after a lot of hot weather, this obviously isn't the place for you, but me being Irish and fair skinned, I don't know that I'd rather live anywhere else.

One of my best friends in the world is from Washington State.She was the child of a crazy hippie mom who literally had to brave a bunch of harsh winters in the woods near Spokane living on next to nothing. I have nothing against the state at all and i do hear Spokane is nice. I also hear it rains in Seattle A LOT and they have the highest suicide rate in the country. My aunt&uncle live in Idaho not far from Canada and Washington.She works for Microsoft and flies into Seattle all the time. I grew up in Western Pa on a farm,then spent 25 years in florida and now I'm back up north just south of Philly near the delaware river.
My wife and I spent two days in Seattle last June as we were taking an Alaskan cruise. Beautiful city. Too liberal for my tastes, but beautiful nevertheless
My wife and I spent two days in Seattle last June as we were taking an Alaskan cruise. Beautiful city. Too liberal for my tastes, but beautiful nevertheless

My parents and son went on a 2 week Alaskan cruise out of Seattle just 2 years ago. They said it was awesome.
One of my best friends in the world is from Washington State.She was the child of a crazy hippie mom who literally had to brave a bunch of harsh winters in the woods near Spokane living on next to nothing. I have nothing against the state at all and i do hear Spokane is nice. I also hear it rains in Seattle A LOT and they have the highest suicide rate in the country. My aunt&uncle live in Idaho not far from Canada and Washington.She works for Microsoft and flies into Seattle all the time. I grew up in Western Pa on a farm,then spent 25 years in florida and now I'm back up north just south of Philly near the delaware river.

Actually, there are numerous large cities that have more precipitation on average than Seattle/Washington. I can't recall them off the top of my head, but iirc, Atlanta was one of them.

I believe you may be correct on the suicide rate, but I'll attribute that to some of the harder drugs going around these parts unfortunately and not enough cannabis consumption, lol. Really though, the harder drugs I've eluded to is why I don't get out much in the area I'm located (20 miles south of Olympia). I grew up near Tacoma and the city I lived in didn't have many issues back then. Moved down where I'm at now, finished college, had a couple of children, and never really associated with many people. Content having my friends up north still, but no one down here to hang out with aside from my children. Doesn't bother me much....I'm very happy with it.

The hippie's are most definitely all over though. This is a very diverse population we have here, but for the most part, people are quite friendly. Very community-like vibes all over with the "it takes a village" mindset. I've never been to the east coast (every state from the Dakota's west). Would love to someday visit over there, but I'm a very rural person who hates busy cities. For a vacation though, I may just suck it up :-)
Actually, there are numerous large cities that have more precipitation on average than Seattle/Washington. I can't recall them off the top of my head, but iirc, Atlanta was one of them.

I believe you may be correct on the suicide rate, but I'll attribute that to some of the harder drugs going around these parts unfortunately and not enough cannabis consumption, lol. Really though, the harder drugs I've eluded to is why I don't get out much in the area I'm located (20 miles south of Olympia). I grew up near Tacoma and the city I lived in didn't have many issues back then. Moved down where I'm at now, finished college, had a couple of children, and never really associated with many people. Content having my friends up north still, but no one down here to hang out with aside from my children. Doesn't bother me much....I'm very happy with it.

The hippie's are most definitely all over though. This is a very diverse population we have here, but for the most part, people are quite friendly. Very community-like vibes all over with the "it takes a village" mindset. I've never been to the east coast (every state from the Dakota's west). Would love to someday visit over there, but I'm a very rural person who hates busy cities. For a vacation though, I may just suck it up :-)

Do you ever worry about volcanic eruptions?
Do you ever worry about volcanic eruptions?

Nope. There have been a few times where the media has speculated about it due to readings showing increased activity, but worrying won't do me any good. If it happens, it happens. Considering all the other potential natural disasters that are somewhat commonplace in other areas around the country, I'd say we've got it pretty good here. Flooding happens on occasion, but it's primarily in a select few areas where rivers don't have to rise very far before they crest. I'm in one of those areas, but am lucky enough that the terrain actually slopes up on all sides to my property. Have literally been within 3 blocks of water in all direction from my property, but never any flooding whatsoever anywhere on the property. We get the occasional earthquake, but they're small 99% of the time, usually coming in the middle of the night and not strong enough for me to notice it occurred. Flooding and earthquakes are more of a threat than an eruption from Rainier or St. Helens. Don't get me wrong, if they do go off, it could easily do some damage, but I don't worry about things I can't control. IF it happens, I'll call up a friend who lives out on one of the islands in the Puget Sound and get my *** over there ASAP.
More Cheats trolls checking in on the Seahawks board. This is fun to watch. Hawks fans are starting to get it.
Nah, they aren't worthy of a meteor game... that's what you reserve for a Ravens/Pats game... or the Harbaugh bowl... that would have been spectacular... and the douchiness of the world would have dropped by a good 5%
I wandered into their P&R forum started in on the Moozlims. You can imagine how that's going with the Left Coast Libtards.
Good times.

You're a huge piece of ****.
**** you, you sorry excuse for a human.

They're gonna miss me when the SB is over.
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The Seahawks were not good enough to beat the Steelers. That was the bottom line. The Steelers made plays. The Seahawks didn't. That is the story of the game.

Let's not pretend that the Steelers didn't have obstacles in the game.

Ben had a wide open WR for an easy TD and the ball slipped from his hand for an INT. The game is a laugher if Ben completes that easy throw. Steelers came back from that.

Steelers are down 3-0. Ben completes a pass inside the 20. Steelers get called for OFFENSIVE pass interference. It's now 2nd and 20. Ben gets sacked. It's 3rd and 28. Ben scrambles and hit HInes Ward with a bomb down to the 3 yard line for 1st and goal. Steelers then punch it in to go up 7-3.

Now let's look at Seattle obstacles

Hasselbeck throws a TD and it is properly nullified by an offensive pass interference. It's 1st and 20. BUmmer but it's still 1st down. Do the Seahawks make plays to overcome it? Nope. They lose 3 yards and kick a FG.

Hasselbeck completes a pass to Hope Solo's battered wife Jeramy Stevens down to the 1. It is called back on an obvious Holding that even Warren Moon agreed with on the Seahawks radio broadcast. Does Seattle overcome it? Nope. Hasselbeck gets sacked by NT Casey Hampton (his only sack that year) on 1st down. On 3rd down Hasselbeck throws an INT to Ike Taylor. 4 plays later Randle El throws to Ward to essentially end the game.

That's the story of the game. Steelers made plays. Seattle didn't. Steelers overcame adversity. Seattle didn't. Seattle wasn't good enough to beat a good defense.