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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Just chill for a bit in your safe space and everything will be okay.
Everything IS okay, I just have to keep my head on a swivel when visiting this board. It's a dangerous place, teeming with aggressive, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, far-right lunatics. It's like visiting Dracula's castle after midnight. I've got a string of garlic around my neck, a wooden spike in one hand, a crucifix in the other. Gotta be on the lookout for you blood-sucking, brain-eating, right-wing zombies. When entering this site, I bring some twine with me which I unwind as I read and post here, to make sure I can find my way out of the rabbit hole and back to the confines of reality.
There is nothing in the world more ironic than calling the president of the United States anti-American. You guys on the fringes of the far right are beyond hope.

A socialistic ideology is anti American.

Did you forget his "distribution of wealth" revelation to Joe the plumber?

What do you think he meant when he said he would "fundamentally change America"?

What do you think he meant by "you didn't build that" ?

Does not sitting in a church in Chicago whos preacher spewed hatred for America tell you anything?

Does not his position that the Constitution is flawed because it doesn't say what government should be doing for its citizens, rather than outlining what the government is prohibited from doing to its citizens tell you anything?

Does the mention of "Frank" 21 times in his book tell you anything. Card carrying Communist Frank Marshall Davis was Obamas mentor growing up.

His association with American hating terrorist Bill Ayers?

Doesn't bowing to foreign leaders during his Apologizing for America Tour tell you anything? Obamas mindset reflect those of millions of anti American liberals that believe America is the root of the worlds problems, that our fortunes were ill gotten and that our founding was illegitimate. His hatred for past British and American colonialism is paramount.

And I haven't even gotten to his policy decisions that affirms his hatred for America.

No, its not Davenport that's beyond hope, it's people like you. You are either oblivious and ill informed or in some serious denial.


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Stewey, you and others on the right have been spewing this garbage for years. Ever occur to you president Obama is now leaving office after TWO TERMS, ie EIGHT YEARS in the White House? Shockingly, nothing on your long list of fear-mongering drivel ever came to fruition. Ever stop and think about that, even for a second? Obama didn't take your guns away. Obama didn't turn the country into a Calliphate. Obama didn't enforce Sharia law. Obama hasn't turned America neither socialist nor communist. You live in a fantasy world, with little to no hope of recovery. At least you have plenty of company here at SN. You can all wallow in your misery and cry on each other's shoulders. It's high time you take all your misplaced angst and insecurities and dump them on someone other than Obama. He wasn't the incarnate of the Devil as you promised. He hasn't destroyed the country, as you promised. Of course, Hillary is here for you now to assume the position, to be Public Enemy #1. But what if she doesn't win? Who will you scapegoat then?
Obama has been a disaster. Where have you been? He and his feckless administration have given Muslims the benefit of the doubt on every front. So let's bring more of them in. They hate us. What could go wrong?

A former retirement home in my neighborhood has been turned in to a refugee center of some sort. Groups of mostly women and older children hang out on the street corners around the center staring at people driving by and sometimes yelling at them in Arabic. It doesn't seem like they have a lot to do with their time. But hey, welcome to America.
He and his feckless administration have given Muslims the benefit of the doubt on every front. So let's bring more of them in. They hate us. What could go wrong?
Probably should be focusing your fears elsewhere...

Ten year average. Current year is over 50 killed by the Muzzies.
Stewey, you and others on the right have been spewing this garbage for years. Ever occur to you president Obama is now leaving office after TWO TERMS, ie EIGHT YEARS in the White House? Shockingly, nothing on your long list of fear-mongering drivel ever came to fruition. Ever stop and think about that, even for a second? Obama didn't take your guns away. Obama didn't turn the country into a Calliphate. Obama didn't enforce Sharia law. Obama hasn't turned America neither socialist nor communist. You live in a fantasy world, with little to no hope of recovery. At least you have plenty of company here at SN. You can all wallow in your misery and cry on each other's shoulders. It's high time you take all your misplaced angst and insecurities and dump them on someone other than Obama. He wasn't the incarnate of the Devil as you promised. He hasn't destroyed the country, as you promised. Of course, Hillary is here for you now to assume the position, to be Public Enemy #1. But what if she doesn't win? Who will you scapegoat then?

Tibs, while that can be considered true, can we look at how well importing masses of Muslims from war-torn countries has been a great benefit to countries like Germany and France? One could consider that those countries, in close proximity to their homelands, would be more accommodating to those fleeing wars and ISIS, and prosper at the great influx of appreciative muslims.
Keep avoiding the questions Pop. Answer them.

I've asked you, IF blacks being killed by cops is an epidemic, then what is the situation where more cops are killed by black men? You refuse to answer. Your "epidemic" is no where near as bad as the killings of cops by blacks. That situation is worse.

So I'll ask a few more questions:
- Where is your outrage at the violence exacted by these black men towards white cops?
- Where are your endless videos of the same?
- Why is the media not crying about this violence towards cops and concerned about fixing it?
- Why are these athletes kneeling during the anthem over the smaller problem, and not the problem that takes more life?
- Why, if loss of life is so damned important to your side, are you and Crappershit and these athletes talking about Chicago? I mean, if it's about saving lives, let's go where we REALLY can save some lives right? Conveniently, you ignore it. It doesn't....fit...the...agenda.

You mean the cops were not even armed when they were killed? Oh, so they were armed, and the shooters may have been fearing for their own lives? Got it. But when the cops kill unarmed black men, they cannot claim they were fearing for their lives.

Black people don't even call the cops when they are exposed to crime. Because the Po Po always makes things worse. They realistically fear cops will just start shooting them. It's a real fear.

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It isn't even just about the cops shooting unarmed minorities. Sometimes they simply beat them to death. It is disgusting. And those who try to defend cops who kill innocent citizens should really be ashamed.

They would not need to fear cops if they would stop breaking the law.

That a steaming pile of horse ****. How many people have been killed who didn't even break the law? What law did this guy break?


Nothing. The cops were called because the mom and daughter were arguing. The dad did nothing wrong, yet they jumped on him and killed him. Try to defend that. Some of you inhumane types make me ill.
This guy was shot while he had his hands up. Try to defend that, sickos.

Did you miss the part where they were all unarmed? If they were unarmed, there is no logical reason to shoot them dead. Sorry if you can't grasp that.

Are you joking? Or do you actually believe this statement?

Do you believe that a cop needs to have his face bashed in or get choked to death because the suspect is "unarmed"??

No rule exists or could exist, "unarmed, cannot use gun." The degree of force allowed depends on a variety of facts, including (1) the level of aggression of the attacker, (2) the number of attackers, (3) the presence of weapons or potential weapons, (4) the cooperation or lack thereof of the suspect, and (5) any other factor relevant to the encounter, including the fact that a suspect who is 6'5" and 250 lbs. presents a threat whether or not he is "armed."
You mean the cops were not even armed when they were killed? Oh, so they were armed, and the shooters may have been fearing for their own lives? Got it. But when the cops kill unarmed black men, they cannot claim they were fearing for their lives.

Black people don't even call the cops when they are exposed to crime. Because the Po Po always makes things worse. They realistically fear cops will just start shooting them. It's a real fear.

If I tell you to comply and you don't then you reach your hand toward your pocket or your waistband you are as good as dead in my book. I'm not waiting to see if you are armed or not. You have already proven to be stupid by not complying in the first place. Dead men don't get second chances.
He wasn't black.

So now you are saying it's OK to shoot unarmed white guys with their hands up? Both is wrong. That cop should be tried for murder, end of story. Nothing can be argued within reason otherwise.

******* murderers. Another unarmed black man, shot and killed. But nothing to see here.
So now you are saying it's OK to shoot unarmed white guys with their hands up? Both is wrong. That cop should be tried for murder, end of story. Nothing can be argued within reason otherwise.

Wow, an internet lawyer-wanna-be.

Hey, jackass, you want to try a cop for murder where he shot an "unarmed" citizen? What if the unarmed guy was reaching behind his back - try him anyway? Yeah, great use of taxpayer money. Ever wonder how "reasonable doubt" is defined? Take a look:

A defendant in a criminal case is presumed to be innocent. This presumption requires that the People prove each element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Whenever I tell you the People must prove something, I mean they must prove it beyond a reasonable doubt unless I specifically tell you otherwise.

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is proof that leaves you with an abiding conviction that the charge is true. The evidence need not eliminate all possible doubt because everything in life is open to some possible or imaginary doubt.

In deciding whether the People have proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt, you must impartially compare and consider all the evidence that was received throughout the entire trial. Unless the evidence proves the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, he is entitled to an acquittal and you must find him not guilty.

COP: I told the suspect to get on the ground. He did not do so. I told the suspect to keep his hands visible. He did not do so. I told the suspect to stop reaching behind his back. He did not do so. I told the suspect I would use force if he reached behind his back, and he did so anyway. I believed he had a weapon behind his back, since he was not obeying my instructions, did not get on the ground, and reached behind his back when I told him not to do so.

JURY: Not guilty. Reasonable doubt as to the existence of "malice," and a finding of self-defense, which exists when the following is determined:

The defendant is not guilty of murder if he was justified in killing someone in self-defense. The defendant acted in lawful self-defense if:

1. The defendant reasonably believed that he was in imminent danger of being killed or suffering great bodily injury;

2. The defendant reasonably believed that the immediate use of deadly force was necessary to defend against that danger;


3. The defendant used no more force than was reasonably necessary to defend against that danger.

The guy was just to sell some CDs to feed his family, not even sell drugs. They had him on the ground but the cop pulls out his gun and shoots the unarmed black man. Try him for murder.

******* murderers. Another unarmed black man, shot and killed. But nothing to see here.

That happened in my city, so I know about a million times more about the situation than you do. Here is what you forgot to mention.

The homeless guy - who went by the moniker "Africa" - had wielded a knife at pedestrians before the police arrived, and that was what prompted the police to stop by. When the cops tried to put the suspect in custody, he pulled his hand free and was trying to get one of the officer's guns:

Three Los Angeles police officers shot and killed a man on the city's Skid Row during a struggle over one of the officers' guns, authorities said late Sunday.

The shooting, which took place shortly after noon Sunday, garnered widespread attention after video captured by a bystander was posted on Facebook
. The video shows four officers struggling with the man near a curb when the clicking of what sounds like a stun gun is heard and then about five shots ring out.

Someone is heard yelling, "Drop the gun,'' right before the shots are heard. Onlookers then accost the officers at the scene.


Get your facts straight. Oh, and your stupid attitude towards police - this incredible belief that the cops are homicidal maniacs out to kill innocent civilians, is embodied by the moron who grabbed a police baton and thought it a good idea to wave it at the cops.

Funny how the cops took down that fuckstick very quickly and safely and cuffed him. Hmmm, I guess their murderous appetite was quenched when they shot a guy who grabbed for a cop's gun, and who was not bothered by the stun gun.
Hey Steeltime, POP is trying to have some fun here, and you are ruining it. I know a microaggession when I see one. I advise POP to hurry to his safe space, and have a warm cookie.
That happened in my city, so I know about a million times more about the situation than you do. Here is what you forgot to mention.

The homeless guy - who went by the moniker "Africa" - had wielded a knife at pedestrians before the police arrived, and that was what prompted the police to stop by. When the cops tried to put the suspect in custody, he pulled his hand free and was trying to get one of the officer's guns:

Three Los Angeles police officers shot and killed a man on the city's Skid Row during a struggle over one of the officers' guns, authorities said late Sunday.

The shooting, which took place shortly after noon Sunday, garnered widespread attention after video captured by a bystander was posted on Facebook
. The video shows four officers struggling with the man near a curb when the clicking of what sounds like a stun gun is heard and then about five shots ring out.

Someone is heard yelling, "Drop the gun,'' right before the shots are heard. Onlookers then accost the officers at the scene.


Get your facts straight. Oh, and your stupid attitude towards police - this incredible belief that the cops are homicidal maniacs out to kill innocent civilians, is embodied by the moron who grabbed a police baton and thought it a good idea to wave it at the cops.

Funny how the cops took down that fuckstick very quickly and safely and cuffed him. Hmmm, I guess their murderous appetite was quenched when they shot a guy who grabbed for a cop's gun, and who was not bothered by the stun gun.

I just love those who make endless excuses for murderers. You better hope things like God and karma do not exist. They had like 6 cops on a man down on the ground, and their only solution was to full him full of hot lead. Why are cops the biggest wussies of all? How can't 6 burly cops not be able to control one guy already on the ground? How can they not control him with any option other to just pump him full of lead? Does that sound reasonable or plausible to you? Oh, wait, to you, it will.

As far as the skinny, tiny person picking up a baton to "half wave" it around, the brave officers took the 80 lb person down with ease. I can handle an 80 lb myself too, don't even need several other men to help me. The fact that you make mention of this is beyond laughable. No, pathetic is the right word.

Cops are never murderous, cowardice thugs? How about them beating Kelly Thomas to death? What brave men with honor.

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Stewey, you and others on the right have been spewing this garbage for years. Ever occur to you president Obama is now leaving office after TWO TERMS, ie EIGHT YEARS in the White House? Shockingly, nothing on your long list of fear-mongering drivel ever came to fruition. Ever stop and think about that, even for a second? Obama didn't take your guns away. Obama didn't turn the country into a Calliphate. Obama didn't enforce Sharia law. Obama hasn't turned America neither socialist nor communist. You live in a fantasy world, with little to no hope of recovery. At least you have plenty of company here at SN. You can all wallow in your misery and cry on each other's shoulders. It's high time you take all your misplaced angst and insecurities and dump them on someone other than Obama. He wasn't the incarnate of the Devil as you promised. He hasn't destroyed the country, as you promised. Of course, Hillary is here for you now to assume the position, to be Public Enemy #1. But what if she doesn't win? Who will you scapegoat then?

Things take time. Obama has laid the groundwork. Anyone who understands history understands that most things take a hell of a lot more time to come to fruition than 8 years. World War 2 probably had it's seeds planted as early as the 1880s with the rise of nationalism in Europe, among other things. The one thing leftists are is patient. For 50 years leftist thought has invaded the school systems to the point where history courses, most notably AP History courses have an anti-American theme. I am all for honesty in history, and we should teach the good and the bad about America, but not just the bad at the expense of the good. The United States has done more to better the lives of people that any other country in history, and that should not be lost.

Obama and his ilk think long term. An example of that would be their open borders belief. Bring these people in, give them handouts, and we will have a new voting block for Democrats for years and years.
I just love those who make endless excuses for murderers. You better hope things like God and karma do not exist. They had like 6 cops on a man down on the ground, and their only solution was to full him full of hot lead. Why are cops the biggest wussies of all? How can't 6 burly cops not be able to control one guy already on the ground? How can they not control him with any option other to just pump him full of lead? Does that sound reasonable or plausible to you? Oh, wait, to you, it will.

As far as the skinny, tiny person picking up a baton to "half wave" it around, the brave officers took the 80 lb person down with ease. I can handle an 80 lb myself too, don't even need several other men to help me. The fact that you make mention of this is beyond laughable. No, pathetic is the right word.

Cops are never murderous, cowardice thugs? How about them beating Kelly Thomas to death? What brave men with honor.


What are you arguing here? What exactly do you want done? What steps do you want to see taken? As far as I can tell you are more outraed at the people here who disagree with you than anything. So how would you fix this issue? I don't think anyone would argue that there are lousy cops who should be cleansed from police forces wherever they are. But the problem is nobody seems to be coming up with real solutions.

See, my problem is I remember stuff. In a way it is a curse. But I remember movies, comedians, popular music through the '80s and '90s and even later making reference to the fact that cops aren't seen in black neighborhoods. If a crime happens in a white community, they are there, but not in a black community. The latest I remember is a reference in the movie "21 Jump Street" where the Ice Cube character says that the kid who overdosed is white, so people give a ****. So there have been attempts to remedy that. How do you strike that balance?

******* murderers. Another unarmed black man, shot and killed. But nothing to see here.

If I tell you to comply and you don't then you reach your hand toward your pocket or your waistband you are as good as dead in my book. I'm not waiting to see if you are armed or not. You have already proven to be stupid by not complying in the first place. Dead men don't get second chances.