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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Tim Steelersfan - an avid supporter of institutionalized racism and police brutality.

I am surprised not in the least.

Obama Defends Colin Kaepernick: ‘He Cares About Some Real, Legitimate Issues’

“He’s exercising his constitutional right to make a statement,” the president said.

I was up at the gun range today shooting. Will you or Obama celebrate my exercising of a constitutional right?

I think Colin Kaeprnick has the right to sit or kneel during the anthem. What I object to out of you liberals is the selective celebration of constitutional rights.
Tim Steelersfan - an avid supporter of institutionalized racism and police brutality.

I am surprised not in the least.

Tim asked some legitimate questions. Why not answer them instead of doing what liberals always do when they can't, which is make up nonsense.
Tim asked some legitimate questions. Why not answer them instead of doing what liberals always do when they can't, which is make up nonsense.
LOL, legitimate questions. That's pretty funny. He did what he and others waste their time doing here day in and day out, call into question my patriotism and mock me for living abroad, along with the usual array of ad hominen, personal attacks.
LOL, legitimate questions. That's pretty funny. He did what he and others waste their time doing here day in and day out, call into question my patriotism and mock me for living abroad, along with the usual array of ad hominen, personal attacks.

He did? In post #249? He wasn't even addressing you. You responded to him and refused to answer the questions. You still refuse. You do what all liberals do. You cannot answer the questions so you just throw a bunch of **** against the wall to change the focus.
Colin was scheduled to speak at a black church and was a no show. Surprise surprise. Supposedly he cancelled do to his rigorous training and is supposed to reschedule, but we will see.

What's that have to do with cops shooting unarmed blacks?
He did? In post #249? He wasn't even addressing you. You responded to him and refused to answer the questions.
I respect you wanting to be Tim's lapdog, but you're getting your facts screwed up. He attacked me in post #250 to which I responded to.
Shocker. I mean, absolute ******* SHOCKER that you, Obama, and Pop applaud Kaepernick and support disrespecting the United States and her Anthem. .

Nothing more than a straw man argument. Not even worthy of a response. You intellectual dishonesty is colossal.
I respect you wanting to be Tim's lapdog, but you're getting your facts screwed up. He attacked me in post #250 to which I responded to.

I didn't see that. I stand corrected. But now you attacked me. What to do?

That is still not an excuse for not answering questions. Forget Tim's, then. How about mine? Do you celebrate my exercising of my gun rights today?

He told the cops he had a gun, legally. He told them he was reaching for his wallet but they shot him any how. Yea, but Colin has no point.
I didn't see that. I stand corrected. But now you attacked me. What to do?
No worries, I apologize for coming back at you like that, I get a little jumpy around here.

That is still not an excuse for not answering questions. Forget Tim's, then. How about mine? Do you celebrate my exercising of my gun rights today?
Absolutely. I have no problem with our 2nd amendment. In fact, I cherish the entire Constitution, down to every last word.

Of course, they don't just murder black men, here they beat a while man to death who wasn't doing anything wrong to begin with. Go ahead and try to defend this, Glob Toons.
Again, where's the news? They were ALL innocent victims - Dude?

Did you miss the part where they were all unarmed? If they were unarmed, there is no logical reason to shoot them dead. Sorry if you can't grasp that.
Are they not supposed to stop the threat to their lives and ours??? "Two wrongs" only applies when both sides of the equation are somewhat equal. Stopping criminal behavior has no similarity to a criminal killing a cop to enable their continued life of crime.

We are talking about them killing UNARMED black men. How were they a threat to the cops' lives if they were not even armed, yet still ended up dead? Some of you have some issues with basic thinking.
No worries, I apologize for coming back at you like that, I get a little jumpy around here.

Absolutely. I have no problem with our 2nd amendment. In fact, I cherish the entire Constitution, down to every last word.

Good. And as I have stated, Kaepernick has the right to do what he is doing. I don't agree, but he has that right.

But in the interest of clarity, I was shooting the evil black gun with my wife, the one that she can handle quite well, the one that evens the playing field for women. You still willing to celebrate that? I know a lot of other liberals do not.
I wonder if Kapernick has lost support in the locker room amongst the players? I'd say yes he did, but how many is the question.
Nothing more than a straw man argument. Not even worthy of a response. You intellectual dishonesty is colossal.

Keep avoiding the questions Pop. Answer them.

I've asked you, IF blacks being killed by cops is an epidemic, then what is the situation where more cops are killed by black men? You refuse to answer. Your "epidemic" is no where near as bad as the killings of cops by blacks. That situation is worse.

So I'll ask a few more questions:
- Where is your outrage at the violence exacted by these black men towards white cops?
- Where are your endless videos of the same?
- Why is the media not crying about this violence towards cops and concerned about fixing it?
- Why are these athletes kneeling during the anthem over the smaller problem, and not the problem that takes more life?
- Why, if loss of life is so damned important to your side, are you and Crappershit and these athletes talking about Chicago? I mean, if it's about saving lives, let's go where we REALLY can save some lives right? Conveniently, you ignore it. It doesn't....fit...the...agenda.
Tim Steelersfan - an avid supporter of institutionalized racism and police brutality.

I am surprised not in the least.

Yes, please, do show where I "support" racism. As I've demonstrated repeatedly before, and I'm happy to stand by it, I do more for race relations at a grass roots level than you know. Highly, highly likely more than you've broached in your life.

LOL, legitimate questions. That's pretty funny. He did what he and others waste their time doing here day in and day out, call into question my patriotism and mock me for living abroad, along with the usual array of ad hominen, personal attacks.

We've been down this path, listing your past posts, personally attacking people on this board. "Hello Pot? Yep, you're black."
Obama, the Commander-in-Chief, is basically encouraging this bullshit. He is such an incompetent, anti-American piece of ****.
Did you miss the part where they were all unarmed? If they were unarmed, there is no logical reason to shoot them dead. Sorry if you can't grasp that.

Smug much? You can't see to grasp much beyond 1 + 1 = 2, when it's more like X + Y = Z.

Did you miss the part that some were killed as a result of a traffic accident? How about some that were due to domestic disturbances that just happened to involve a police officer?

The President is SO fond of terming attacks from radical Muslims as "domestic violence" or "workplace violence" -- shouldn't that then apply in those cases where it involves a police officer?

Also -- unarmed does not mean "innocent", and does not mean "not a threat". If I come at you unarmed, but with intent to do bodily damage -- do you drop your gun and face me man to man, or do you shoot first and ask questions later? It's your right as a private citizen to protect yourself by any means necessary.

The facts in your list don't paint the full picture for each case -- just that one or more police officers wasn't punished for an unarmed black persons death. Each case needs to be taken by their merit.

And I think that any police officer that IS found to have been complicit, negligent or whatever have you that results in the death of ANY unarmed person, be he/she be black, white, or any other shade of color, deserves some form of punishment. You just can't paint EVERY such incident with the same, extremely wide brush of Racism.
We are talking about them killing UNARMED black men. How were they a threat to the cops' lives if they were not even armed, yet still ended up dead? Some of you have some issues with basic thinking.

You have heard of criminals disarming police and using their gun against them yes? One wonders if you're paying attention.
Did you miss the part where they were all unarmed? If they were unarmed, there is no logical reason to shoot them dead. Sorry if you can't grasp that.

If I tell you to comply and you don't then you reach your hand toward your pocket or your waistband you are as good as dead in my book. I'm not waiting to see if you are armed or not. You have already proven to be stupid by not complying in the first place. Dead men don't get second chances.
Obama, the Commander-in-Chief, is basically encouraging this bullshit. He is such an incompetent, anti-American piece of ****.

There is nothing in the world more ironic than calling the president of the United States anti-American. You guys on the fringes of the far right are beyond hope.
That son of a ***** is as much pro-American as Bin Ladin was.