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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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At the end of the day, it should be perfectly clear all forms of police brutality and the excessive use of force is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Regardless if the victim is black or white. Bad cops need to be weeded out and held accountable. We cannot accept a society where large segments of the population live in fear of the police that are there to serve & protect them.

We need much more of this (see video) and much less of a guns blazing-away, 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach.

i'm sure all cops wishes it was this easy as in the video, but it's not. I'm not a police officer, but have some in my family, past and present. I don't know another profession where you kiss your wife/husband and may be the last time, everyday. Sure, there are other dangerous professions out there, but being a cop is "a damned if you do, damned if you don't" profession. I don't believe any cop gets up hoping to kill a person. They are there to assist and protect, but they have to protect themselves first because no else will. CK has sent a strong message, but took a questionable path to do it. The Flag and National Anthem are not the problem. People respecting others and obeying the law are.
At the end of the day, it should be perfectly clear all forms of police brutality and the excessive use of force is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Regardless if the victim is black or white. Bad cops need to be weeded out and held accountable. We cannot accept a society where large segments of the population live in fear of the police that are there to serve & protect them.

We need much more of this (see video) and much less of a guns blazing-away, 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach.

The "live in fear" is propagated and promoted by the media when it just flat out is not there. Black "activists" and celebrities pray on it. They make every policeman a boogeyman that is out to get them.

It's just not true in 99.99% of police and there is not one bit of evidence to prove otherwise. All the so-called "numbers" are explainable to any rational person that understands black america commits crimes at an astronomical rate as compared to other communities. It is not a chicken and egg debate. The crime came first (although that was partly created by leftist segregation policies).

The problem is the false fear and defiance black people are being sold about police is actually contributing to conflict. If police don't have 100% respect and 100% authority, bad things tend to happen. Especially with angry young males that are frustrated by their social condition (brought on by them or not).

I would LOVE an actual study to show the correlation between "attitude about police" and the probability of getting into a altercation with police. Because I guarantee those young adults that don't have respect for the profession are more likely to rebel against police direction which leads to more opportunity for police to have to make a life/death decision like drawing a weapon or discharging a weapon.

Police shootings do not go from 0-60 in a second. Something made the cop DRAW the weapon in the first place. No one wants to talk about that....

Colin Kaepernick jersey leads NFL sales after national anthem protest

Did you stop to think why that is, Tibs?



Fans are buying the Kaepernick jerseys to burn them in protest, Tibs.
Did you stop to think why that is, Tibs?



Fans are buying the Kaepernick jerseys to burn them in protest, Tibs.

Then those are some stupid fans.
Well.... to give them some credit before this all started I think Kaep jerseys were half price....
At the end of the day, it should be perfectly clear all forms of police brutality and the excessive use of force is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Regardless if the victim is black or white. Bad cops need to be weeded out and held accountable.

No doubt, None, at all.

However, the current onslaught of criticism of police does not care about the facts. Michael Brown was "unarmed" ... so ******* what? He is a 300 lb. guy charging a cop with his head down. He did NOT have his hands up, he was NOT shot in the back. The "hands up, don't shoot" narrative is pure, unadulterated, provable fiction.

And yet the lie about that situation continues.
No doubt, None, at all.

However, the current onslaught of criticism of police does not care about the facts. Michael Brown was "unarmed" ... so ******* what? He is a 300 lb. guy charging a cop with his head down. He did NOT have his hands up, he was NOT shot in the back. The "hands up, don't shoot" narrative is pure, unadulterated, provable fiction.

And yet the lie about that situation continues.

AFTER punching the cop and trying to get his gun.
Did you stop to think why that is, Tibs?



Fans are buying the Kaepernick jerseys to burn them in protest, Tibs.

I don't think anyone is that combination of patriotic and ******* retarded that they would buy an expensive jersey just to burn it.
"We cannot accept a society where large segments of the population live in fear of the police that are there to serve & protect them." Sounds great BUT !

But we live in a society where it perfectly fine if young black males murder other young black males at a staggering rate and nobody gives a **** or has one protest about it. That is the hypocrisy that makes there whole protest seem shallow and hollow.

500 dead in Chicago already.

Apples and oranges. Black on black crime is terrible. But they are doing it to each other. South Africa experiences the same thing: Most murders are blacks killing blacks.

But having a PAID police force killing its own people, that they are supposed to "protecting and serving" is an entire other kettle of fish.

Ask any black dudes you know if they get pulled over all the time, for doing nothing wrong.
The "live in fear" is propagated and promoted by the media when it just flat out is not there. Black "activists" and celebrities pray on it. They make every policeman a boogeyman that is out to get them.

It's just not true in 99.99% of police and there is not one bit of evidence to prove otherwise. All the so-called "numbers" are explainable to any rational person that understands black america commits crimes at an astronomical rate as compared to other communities. It is not a chicken and egg debate. The crime came first (although that was partly created by leftist segregation policies).

The problem is the false fear and defiance black people are being sold about police is actually contributing to conflict. If police don't have 100% respect and 100% authority, bad things tend to happen. Especially with angry young males that are frustrated by their social condition (brought on by them or not).

I would LOVE an actual study to show the correlation between "attitude about police" and the probability of getting into a altercation with police. Because I guarantee those young adults that don't have respect for the profession are more likely to rebel against police direction which leads to more opportunity for police to have to make a life/death decision like drawing a weapon or discharging a weapon.

Police shootings do not go from 0-60 in a second. Something made the cop DRAW the weapon in the first place. No one wants to talk about that....

Blacks have a reason to not respect cops. Did you ever consider that? They get beaten, framed, arrested, shot and abused. You think blacks should respect cops when that is how they get treated?
"Africa" was waving his knife at pedestrians 10 minutes earlier, took a swing at a cop, ignored the stun gun and then grabbed a cop's gun. Those are not make-believe like your 9-11 fantasies, and are instead something known as "facts."

You are the one who insists that these cops are raging, murderous lunatics ... and some ******* moron picks up a baton and waves it at them and they treat him like a lost kitten? Hmmm, does not fit your asinine narrative so you make your usual, idiotic response: "Oh, I could have taken him down."


Finally, you intermingle the Kelly Thomas situation with the "Africa" shooting. Two completely different matters. Try and stay on point.

I guess you don't get the point, then. THE POINT is that cops kill people that they didn't really need to, and they do so with blacks on a larger per capita basis. That is the sidebar to the OVERALL point that cops kill people that were not necessary. If you can't grasp why that is heinous and immoral, then I can't help you; your brain washing is too deep. Out of the 1,000's of cases where cops kill people, on 6 cops TOTAL were found guilty of a crime. 6.
Police killing citizens is awful. But even if they don't kill unarmed people, that isn't even enough of the story.

Police brutality is also out of control; kicking in doors, shooting people's dogs of innocent people. Them shooting pet dogs when not even necessary sickens me to no end.


We are headed towards a police state. This is an engineered agenda.
Apples and oranges. Black on black crime is terrible. But they are doing it to each other. South Africa experiences the same thing: Most murders are blacks killing blacks.

But having a PAID police force killing its own people, that they are supposed to "protecting and serving" is an entire other kettle of fish.

Ask any black dudes you know if they get pulled over all the time, for doing nothing wrong.

So what you are saying you don't give a **** about black people as long as they are killing each other. Got it.

Black deaths by cops>blacks killed by blacks

Racist much ? Hat cops much ? Hate blacks ?
I guess you don't get the point, then. THE POINT is that cops kill people that they didn't really need to.

You give an example, and I point to specific facts showing how wrong you are.

All you care about is the rant, not the facts.
I played hockey with inner city cops in Philly. They were white, and dropped the N bomb more than NWA. Night after night, they had to police black neighborhoods. Normally the drug dealers, domestic violence cases, and assault cases all involved blacks. All their shootings involved blacks. They developed a bias due to the sheer number of blacks they had to arrest. This is a natural progression of associating generalizations within a specific demographic.

Is it right or fair? no it's not, but I can't fault a cop for being careful when dealing with potential perp. I only have a problem with the killing of unarmed perps, regardless of skin color.

I understand how this happens. Dealing with endless **** day after night would change you.

One of the highest-ranking cops in Erie, PA went to my gym and told "racial jokes" all the time, out loud for anyone to hear, without even thinking it might be a bad look. And if Erie cops get that mindset, I can just imagine how bad Philly cops would be with a huge bias.

Here, an Erie cop is caught on camera telling (what he thinks) a funny story about watching a young black man twitch after being shot in the head. He assumed he was a drug dealer, when in fact he was a college student.


And the loud girl laughing be ashamed too.
You give an example, and I point to specific facts showing how wrong you are.

All you care about is the rant, not the facts.

No, you just move goalposts around. You won't face the FACT that cops kill unarmed people, and do so to black people on a disproportionate rate.
No, you just move goalposts around. You won't face the FACT that cops kill unarmed people, and do so to black people on a disproportionate rate.

That is Bullshit. When you look at the numbers in depth the amount of black people killed by cops unjustly it is a tiny percent of all black deaths. There is a slightly higher percentage of deaths per incident among blacks but not anything really meaningful for people to say Cops are slaughtering blacks. It just isn't true PERIOD. The only slaughter of blacks is by other blacks PERIOD!

This is not to say it is not a tragedy when anyone is killed or an attempt to down play the tragedy of a life lost whether justified or not just that it is not Statistically significant to the amount of blacks killed by black on black crime.
No, you just move goalposts around. You won't face the FACT that cops kill unarmed people, and do so to black people on a disproportionate rate.

Liar. Here is the discussion:

******* murderers. Another unarmed black man, shot and killed. But nothing to see here.

That happened in my city, so I know about a million times more about the situation than you do. Here is what you forgot to mention.

The homeless guy - who went by the moniker "Africa" - had wielded a knife at pedestrians before the police arrived, and that was what prompted the police to stop by. When the cops tried to put the suspect in custody, he pulled his hand free and was trying to get one of the officer's guns:

Three Los Angeles police officers shot and killed a man on the city's Skid Row during a struggle over one of the officers' guns, authorities said late Sunday.

The shooting, which took place shortly after noon Sunday, garnered widespread attention after video captured by a bystander was posted on Facebook
. The video shows four officers struggling with the man near a curb when the clicking of what sounds like a stun gun is heard and then about five shots ring out.

Someone is heard yelling, "Drop the gun,'' right before the shots are heard. Onlookers then accost the officers at the scene.


Get your facts straight. Oh, and your stupid attitude towards police - this incredible belief that the cops are homicidal maniacs out to kill innocent civilians, is embodied by the moron who grabbed a police baton and thought it a good idea to wave it at the cops.

Funny how the cops took down that fuckstick very quickly and safely and cuffed him. Hmmm, I guess their murderous appetite was quenched when they shot a guy who grabbed for a cop's gun, and who was not bothered by the stun gun.

You are the assclown who cannot keep track of your conspiracy theories. I pointed out that your allegation, "******* murderers. Another unarmed black man, shot and killed," was a bald-faced lie.

You then go on a rant about how the small guy grabbing a baton and waving it at police is irrelevant, thereby underscoring your clear inability to think logically and critically.

Try your bullshit somewhere else.
I was saying in an earlier post that fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to frame it, I have a pretty good memory. Like I said, I remember for years comments made by black comedians, comments made in movies and TV shows, comments made by commentators on TV that when a crime happens in a black neighborhood, nobody cares. If it happens in a white neighborhood, cops are all over it. This has to change, dammit! Or so was the thinking. So guys like Rudy Giuliani and others up the policing in those neighborhoods and now that isn't right, either. The left banks on people forgetting what was said previously.

So which one is it? Should police be in those neighborhoods? Should they aggressively confront crime in those neighborhoods or because of a few bad apples, just go back to the way it was previously?

Talk about moving the goal posts.

Nobody owned his jersey, and the 49ers cut him.

Apples and oranges.

If he remained with the team, and anybody knew who the hell he was, plenty would protest and burn his jersey.
This is the first I'm hearing about it. I trust the media will let me know which stories I need to get riled up about. This wasn't one of them, I suppose.
That is Bullshit. When you look at the numbers in depth the amount of black people killed by cops unjustly it is a tiny percent of all black deaths. There is a slightly higher percentage of deaths per incident among blacks but not anything really meaningful for people to say Cops are slaughtering blacks. It just isn't true PERIOD. The only slaughter of blacks is by other blacks PERIOD!

This is not to say it is not a tragedy when anyone is killed or an attempt to down play the tragedy of a life lost whether justified or not just that it is not Statistically significant to the amount of blacks killed by black on black crime.

And if your black son get unjustly targeted by the cops, and they shoot him dead because he was wearing headphones and didn't hear their request to stop, how would you feel then? Would you still say it's not a "meaningful" amount of blacks being killed by cops?