At the end of the day, it should be perfectly clear all forms of police brutality and the excessive use of force is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Regardless if the victim is black or white. Bad cops need to be weeded out and held accountable. We cannot accept a society where large segments of the population live in fear of the police that are there to serve & protect them.
We need much more of this (see video) and much less of a guns blazing-away, 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach.
i'm sure all cops wishes it was this easy as in the video, but it's not. I'm not a police officer, but have some in my family, past and present. I don't know another profession where you kiss your wife/husband and may be the last time, everyday. Sure, there are other dangerous professions out there, but being a cop is "a damned if you do, damned if you don't" profession. I don't believe any cop gets up hoping to kill a person. They are there to assist and protect, but they have to protect themselves first because no else will. CK has sent a strong message, but took a questionable path to do it. The Flag and National Anthem are not the problem. People respecting others and obeying the law are.