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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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In your world, do two wrongs make a right? Total illogic.

Take **** out of context much?

Kaepernick and the media are crying about an epidemic. The point of my post is that Police violence against Blacks is a smaller problem than black violence against police. If Police violence against blacks is an epidemic, then what is black violence against police?
Take **** out of context much?

Kaepernick and the media are crying about an epidemic. The point of my post is that Police violence against Blacks is a smaller problem than black violence against police. If Police violence against blacks is an epidemic, then what is black violence against police?

And why isn't the media and distorted Colin crying about that?

All Lives Matter...as they say.
I see. Run and hide. Facts are nothing to consider.

Heh... I have a life.

Did you read some of those deaths? Some of them like death by auto could easily have been accidental, but because it was a police vehicle, it's counted. Then you have several domestic disturbances - that are clearly personal conflicts that should not be counted as if they were committed in the line of duty.

It's stacking the deck to support the argument.
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Talk about a false flag. All you sympathizers to this bullshit narrative of an epidemic of bad cops gunning down innocent blacks are just useful idiots of Soros & Company.
In your world, do two wrongs make a right? Total illogic.

Are they not supposed to stop the threat to their lives and ours??? "Two wrongs" only applies when both sides of the equation are somewhat equal. Stopping criminal behavior has no similarity to a criminal killing a cop to enable their continued life of crime.
Talk about illogic. The lack of logic in your comparison is telling.
Take **** out of context much?

Kaepernick and the media are crying about an epidemic. The point of my post is that Police violence against Blacks is a smaller problem than black violence against police. If Police violence against blacks is an epidemic, then what is black violence against police?

You lack the ability to think in the context of logic. Blacks are being slaughtered when unarmed. But you think if you show cops being killed it makes that all OK. SMH. Two wrongs make a right in your world. Sad.
Are they not supposed to stop the threat to their lives and ours??? "Two wrongs" only applies when both sides of the equation are somewhat equal. Stopping criminal behavior has no similarity to a criminal killing a cop to enable their continued life of crime.

Yea, you were probably a fan of them murdering the black guy for selling single cigarettes, right? But they had to "stop crime" so the choked the brother out until he was dead. Keep "stopping crime" murderers.

Yea, you were probably a fan of them murdering the black guy for selling single cigarettes, right? But they had to "stop crime" so the choked the brother out until he was dead. Keep "stopping crime" murderers.

Nope I wasn't a 'fan'. The black female supervisor that was present could have stopped it. Is it possible that it wasn't about race? All bets are off once a suspect resists. His own health issues were paramount in his death. This example does absolutely nothing to justify your lack of logical thinking skills.
Nope I wasn't a 'fan'. The black female supervisor that was present could have stopped it. Is it possible that it wasn't about race? All bets are off once a suspect resists. His own health issues were paramount in his death. This example does absolutely nothing to justify your lack of logical thinking skills.

Oh yea, because a black man selling single cigs should be killed. That is just great. And this guy simply laid on the ground with his arms up, but they shoot him any how. I bet you think it was the black guy's fault. People like you make me throw up.

Go ahead and try to defend that while you are at it.

So you dig up a couple videos that prove that the world is not perfect. Now I suppose the next step is for someone else to produce some videos showing blacks shooting cops, then someone else will show even more crazy behavior and then what ? If you are trying to prove cops want to exterminate black people, you are goofier than your posts. If you just want to be a dick and stir up trouble, how about doing it down there in Yuppieville on the sea and leave us out of it.
A couple of bad cops do not make an institution of oppression. There is no empirical evidence to support it.
Oh yea, because a black man selling single cigs should be killed. That is just great. And this guy simply laid on the ground with his arms up, but they shoot him any how. I bet you think it was the black guy's fault. People like you make me throw up.

I never said he SHOULD be killed. What a moronic statement.
Colin was scheduled to speak at a black church and was a no show. Surprise surprise. Supposedly he cancelled do to his rigorous training and is supposed to reschedule, but we will see.
Looks like there are plenty of folks on the right side of the issue here...


Colin Kaepernick jersey sales soar in week after national anthem protest

olin Kaepernick may no longer be a starting quarterback, but his social activism has certainly grown his fan base.

The 49ers backup quarterback is now the team’s top-selling jersey on their website, jumping from 20th to first, according to Mike Rosenberg of the Seattle Times.

He is also the fifth-highest selling jersey in the entire league, according to NFL.com.

The spike in sales comes a week after the public discovered he refused to stand for the national anthem to protest police brutality and the treatment of “black people and people of color” in the country.

The protest has sparked a nation-wide debate on a number of subjects in addition to race and police brutality and has made Kaepernick a polarizing figure in the NFL.

Some fans showed their disgust with Kaepernick by burning his jersey and posting it on social media.

Those fans may no longer sport their red, white and gold No. 7 jerseys, but it will not be a rarity to see Kaepernick jerseys around the country as his message continues to resonate with many others.
Of course, there's still hope for him...he could be voting for Trump

Can we all just agree that Kap has the right to protest in the land of the free, but is a disrespectful prick?

Obama Defends Colin Kaepernick: ‘He Cares About Some Real, Legitimate Issues’

“He’s exercising his constitutional right to make a statement,” the president said.

During a press conference on Monday at the G20 Summit, President Barack Obama defended NFL star Colin Kaepernick’s recent protest of the National Anthem.

The San Fransisco 49ers quarterback on Friday refused to stand for the Star Spangled Banner, saying that he was “not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

While Kaepernick’s protest has generated both praise and condemnation, the president framed the issue as one of free expression. “He’s exercising his constitutional right to make a statement,” Obama said on Monday. “I think there is a long history of sports figures doing so.”

“I don’t doubt his sincerity,” he added. “I think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about.” Obama continued, “If nothing else, what he’s done is he’s generated more conversation around some topics that need to be talked about.”

Expressing the need for an “active citizenry”, the president said, “I’d rather have young people who are engaged in the argument and trying to think through how they can be part of our democratic process than people who are just sitting on the sidelines and not paying attention at all.”

On those condemning Kaepernick, Obama stated, “my suspicion is, is that over time he’s gonna refine how he’s thinking about it, and maybe some of his critics will start seeing that he has a point around certain concerns about justice and equality, and that’s how we move forward. Sometimes it’s messy, but, you know, that’s the way democracy works.”
You lack the ability to think in the context of logic. Blacks are being slaughtered when unarmed. But you think if you show cops being killed it makes that all OK. SMH. Two wrongs make a right in your world. Sad.

Son, you've proven you are illogical incessantly on this board. There's a reason you're the laughing stock of this board, whether on the football forum, or here in politics.

I took numerous logic courses throughout my university days. I've been employed to use it throughout my career, and daresay have succeeded wildly with it. Nor do you know what I think.

Fact: More cops are killed by black men than black men are killed by cops. No logic needed to interpret that statement.
Fact: You and Colin Crappershit believe that there is an epidemic of blacks being "slaughtered" by cops.

I've asked you, IF blacks being killed by cops is an epidemic, then what is the situation where more cops are killed by black men? You refuse to answer. Your "epidemic" is no where near as bad as the killings of cops by blacks. That situation is worse.

So I'll ask a few more questions:
- Where is your outrage at the violence exacted by these black men towards white cops?
- Where are your endless videos of the same?
- Why is the media not crying about this violence towards cops and concerned about fixing it?
- Why are these athletes kneeling during the anthem over the smaller problem, and not the problem that takes more life?
- Why, if loss of life is so damned important to your side, are you and Crappershit and these athletes talking about Chicago? I mean, if it's about saving lives, let's go where we REALLY can save some lives right? Conveniently, you ignore it. It doesn't....fit...the...agenda.
Looks like there are plenty of folks on the right side of the issue here...


Colin Kaepernick jersey sales soar in week after national anthem protest

Shocker. I mean, absolute ******* SHOCKER that you, Obama, and Pop applaud Kaepernick and support disrespecting the United States and her Anthem. Protecting the USA and the pride in this country and the tradition and honor of supporting Old Glory are less important to your kind than appeasing the media on an issue - that really, mathematically, is no issue at all. We've had 8 years of destruction of the USA and you're one it's biggest cheerleaders. You being anti-American isn't something we haven't seen over...and over...and over again.

Divisive, ill-informed, anti-American, socialist/communist, and hypocritical describes your lot. While you sit and bask in the confines of a wall in conservative Hungary. Oh the irony

I am surprised not in the least.