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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Mapping Police Violence

Police killed at least 346 black people in the U.S. in 2015.

Update: Police have killed 160 black people in 2016.





I am going to tackle EACH one of these bullshit statistics TIBS just put up because it is ludicrous.


Police are killing blacks at a consistently high rate. What makes this a high rate exactly? How do we know 25 or 26 (which is what the average line represents) isn't a "low rate"? This graph means nothing except shows you the number of blacks killed by police for any reason. The amount it has gone up is consistent with population growth.


Black people are more likely killed by police than white people. THIS IS A PER CAPITA graph (again). We know this. Blacks are also 3 times (actual more) to commit a violent crime. Blacks account for crimes on a HUGE percentage different from their population percentage. With respect to "unarmed" police shooting deaths this is a very small number and has been debunked as statistically almost irrelevant. When you look case by case at "unarmed" police shooting there are tons of mitigating factors included incidental fatalities (police shoot the wrong person or people caught in crossfires) and unarmed perpetrators that attacked or attempt to take weapons from police offices (disproportionately done by black criminals).


It's not about crime. This graph makes no sense other than including or reiterating the "unarmed" confusion above. If a black man attacks a police officer and attempts to take his weapon, he is considered "unarmed". Not sure what he's considered as far as a "suspect". What do you have to do to be considered a "suspect". Crazy graph that means nothing in context.


Crime level vs. Police shootings. Again, this is statistically misleading and unreliable. Notice the quantity of "police shooting deaths" on the right column. It ranges from 0-14. For a majority of the graph and selected cities the number of police shootings is between 1-6. That is not statistically relevant. It's like measuring fumbles inside the red zone. Some years you might have 1, some you might have 5. Doesn't mean you have a problem or that one year you measured means anything. Show me this graph over 20 years and I guarantee there is a correlation between crime and police shootings and don't pick such small regional police departments or areas. One shooting incident in which police kill 3-4 criminals (like a drug raid) could throw this whole graph out of whack.


No accountability. First the graph is incorrect. 97% of police officer were not CONVICTED of a crime. Actually 89% of police were not CHARGED with a crime and of those only 3 were convicted. Second, how do we know this isn't justice exactly? How do we know this is not correct?

TIBS... you're better than this. If you want to throw meaningless statistics to prove your point, do a better ******* job of picking the graphs because those are just bullshit. And I will gladly debate each and every one.
Be my guest, keep burying your head in the sand deljzc. You've got plenty of company in pretending everything is peachy regarding rogue cops and minorities.

Shaun King: Dear White America, which form of protest do you actually prefer?

The most common, politically correct refrain I have heard from white critics of Colin Kaepernick's silent protest during the "Star-Spangled Banner" is that they kind of understand his motivations for protesting, but they just don't like his methods.

As a recap, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has decided to silently take a knee during the pre-game singing of the national anthem.

In response to his silent, peaceful protest, NFL executives are calling him "a traitor," saying that they absolutely hate him, and that he is the most despised NFL player among executives since Rae Carruth hired a man to kill his pregnant girlfriend. Yeah, really. And those are the executives from his league.

A quick scan of Twitter will produce death threats and racial slurs. Donald Trump, who has based his entire campaign on the idea that America is a steaming hot mess that he can make great again, even said that if Colin doesn't like this country, he should find another country to move to. That was basically code for "Go back to Africa." In other words, if you are white and think this country sucks, you should run for President on that premise, but if you are black and think the same thing, you should move the hell out.

These sentiments aren't obscure. Talking heads, athletes, writers, and politicians all over America have expressed disgust over Colin's silent protest.

Well, I have a question.

Exactly which form of our protest do you actually prefer?

You hated when Cleveland Browns player Andrew Hawkins wore a "I Can't Breathe" T-shirt before a game.

You hated when Lebron James did the same thing.

You hated when several players from the St. Louis Rams simply put their hands up in the air before a game in solidarity with unarmed victims of police brutality.

When we march across the country, you mock us.

When we block intersections and hold up traffic, your blood boils.

When we simply express our concerns on Twitter and Facebook, we receive extreme opposition.

I think the point you are really making is that for you, to be patriotic and black, is to be silent in the face of injustice. We shouldn't march, we shouldn't sit down silently, we shouldn't wear T-shirts, we shouldn't put our hands up, we should just suffer and take the injustice with a wink and a nod. And, we should also sing and dance and hoop and score touchdowns for you with big huge smiles on our faces like the injustice doesn't even bother us. Hell, I think you want us to actually like it.

For I have yet to see a form of protest that you actually agree with.

Because here's what I really know — you have not yet seen the harshest protests and boycotts that we could try next to wake this nation up and motivate it to actually right the wrongs of police brutality and racial injustice. You should welcome Colin Kaepernick's peaceful and measured protest.

What if NFL players decided to actually stop playing until this nation took our pain seriously?

What if people of good conscience decided to stage an economic boycott unlike anything this nation has ever seen before?

What we are doing now is actually the tame, palatable alternative to those things, but it all seems to be too much for you — which is strange because you have said so little about the injustice itself.

Drew Brees, I am looking at you.

Boomer Esiason, I am definitely looking at you.

If only our pain bothered you as much as our protests.
Any protest that blocks intersections and holds up traffic is against the law unless you have a permit to do so.


Again... uneducated fools that think their cause is above the law are bound to fail. I do not think police activity is racist. I think it is based completely on crime levels and lawful stereotypes. Blacks want an imaginary world where despite their criminal neighborhoods and increased danger to police officers, the police behave completely the same as they would in suburban America with low crime rates and little to no danger to police officers.

That's just not going to happen and it shouldn't. What is going to happen is police are going to avoid minority crime areas to avoid possible conflicts that would be construed as racially motivated and crime will rise. I guess I could say "I don't care, that's not where I live", but I actually do care. I wish the black population realized they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater by rebelling against the police. That their message, going back generations now (hell NWA's **** the Police was written in 1988) encourages defiance of authority, teaches their children not to trust police officers (when a vast majority are good, lawful people) and often increase the very conflict situations that lead to poor (but not criminal) police decisions.

Police are not robots. They deal with emotion, adrenaline, fight/flight response just like any human being. No amount of training (and training costs time, money and restricts potential officer recruitment) is going to make all police act the same in every situation. It is unrealistic to think otherwise. The fact police interact with citizens (arrests and misdemeanors) almost 25 million times a year and we are talking about 300-400 deaths is amazing. And a true testiment to how well police actually do their jobs overall. Try comparing that to any other country that have similar violent crime rates. I'd be curious if we are that much of an outlier (and this has NOTHING to do with RACE).

The BLM movement will fade away in time and probably resurface again in 10-15 years. Black America is not solving their core issues and problems by voting democrat and being sold the message they are victimized and 2nd class citizens and need help from others (government or otherwise) to solve their problems. Poverty is a generational problem only because they let it be. As stated numerous times the three fundamental things a person needs to do to escape poverty are relatively simple: don't commit crimes, get a high school diploma and don't have children out of wedlock (or without a two-parent household). I have yet to see any strong argument that those three things are being denied Black Americans. It is their life choices that are preventing them from attaining them, nothing else. It might not be as easy to attain, but that is not really a "right". Our Constitution does not guarantee each person's life is equally easy or hard, only that the opportunity exists to achieve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Quoting race-baiting Shaun ******* King? Seriously? The dipshit doesn't even know what race he is.
Members of the Santa Clara Police Officer's Association have threatened to stop staffing 49ers games if Colin Kaepernick continues his national anthem protest.
Officers say they are offended at Kaepernick's comments about police brutality and that if the organization does not stop him 'it could result in police officers choosing not to work at your facilities.'

******* right. I hope they do it. Shouldn't have to work at a place where the owners sanction that bullshit.

I am sick of the narrative not including a heavy dose of "what do we do about all the crime in black communities". It's like that's just a given, deal with it, try to find something systemic going on with cops - who are mostly just trying to get home alive every day. You patrol Chicago slums for a week and get back to me.
I am going to tackle EACH one of these bullshit statistics


It's not about crime. This graph makes no sense other than including or reiterating the "unarmed" confusion above. If a black man attacks a police officer and attempts to take his weapon, he is considered "unarmed". Not sure what he's considered as far as a "suspect". What do you have to do to be considered a "suspect". Crazy graph that means nothing in context.

The suggestion that this graph has an agenda lies in the Boolean logic.

If you change the criterea "suspected of a violent crime AND allegedly armed" to "suspected of a violent crime OR allegedly armed" it goes from less than 1 in 3 to 99 out of 100 (or whatever).
Shaun King: Dear White America, which form of protest do you actually prefer?

How about a form of protest that is protesting something that actually happened? I am not stating anything new, but the whole premise of a lot of this was the Michael Brown incident, and that has been based on lies. The hands up, don't shoot thing is just absolutely false.

Why didn't Shaun King say, "Alejandro Villenueva, I am looking at you."

Funny thing is, I don't give a damn whether Colin Kaepernick sits or kneels for the national anthem. He has that right. If it was just left at that, I don't think most people would be upset, I really don't. But then all the talking heads have to get involved. For example, ESPN is all about right now talking about his Constitutional rights. Oh, OK. Now Constitutional rights are important. What about the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens that they will make comments against when something happens? They pick and choose when the Constitution is important to them. So I think many rail against that, and their outlet to rail against right now is Colin Kaepernick.
Be my guest, keep burying your head in the sand deljzc. You've got plenty of company in pretending everything is peachy regarding rogue cops and minorities.

Just stop. Not one person here implied everything is peachy keen and you know it. Burying your head in the sand involves flat out denial or at least lame baseless rationale.
Del did a pretty good job of shooting you down.

You think scholars like Dr. Thomas Sowell, a black, and Heather McDonald have their heads buried in the sand?

How about that black Phd.. from Yale. Dr Rolono Fryer?

Just stop. Not one person here implied everything is peachy keen and you know it. Burying your head in the sand involves flat out denial or at least lame baseless rationale.
Del did a pretty good job of shooting you down.

You think scholars like Dr. Thomas Sowell, a black, and Heather McDonald have their heads buried in the sand?

How about that black Phd.. from Yale. Dr Rolono Fryer?


Facts are no longer relevant. Emotion and political narrative rule the game.
I see. Run and hide. Facts are nothing to consider.

Yes, don't consider facts.


HARD TRUTH: More Law Enforcement Officers Killed Each Year Than Young Black Men By White Cops

According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund 682 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the past five years in the United States. That averages out to over 136 dead law enforcement officers each year.

Here are the numbers:

2010 – 161
2911 – 171
2012 – 126
2013 – 107
2014 – 117

THIS is where I take total issue with that douchebag Colin K., and BLM and the MSM running around screaming about this EPIDEMIC of police brutality.

There is one, indeed. One of brutality towards the police.

This whole situation shows the lack of intelligence and education of people like Kaepernick. He's simply a sucker for believing the propaganda our media feeds us. Does every life matter? Yep. But if you compare absolute numbers and want to run around screaming about brutality, the REAL brutality flows in the other direction - cops being killed by black men. It's more of a problem than blacks being oppressed by police.

Those are FACTS.
Facts are no longer relevant. Emotion and political narrative rule the game.

Right. Another thing here is, and I am not defending Kapernick, he fell under the influence of Harry Edwards. Once I realized that, it wasn't surprising. Harry Edwards is another one of these leftover '60s liberals who just has to find discrimination everywhere and cannot acknowledge we have made significant strides. Do we have work to do? Sure. However it is important to note we have come a long way. But not to guys like Harry Edwards.

I remember reading "Three Bricks Shy of a Load"when I was a kid and reread it a couple of times. In that book, Joe Gilliam is talking about protesting at the Universities, and he talked about guys like Stokley Carmichael, who, in Joe Gilliam's words, would come in and say "Kill whites, then leave before the trouble started." Didn't really understand what he meant when I was young, but in rereading it now, what with guys like Barack Obama and Harry Edwards, it makes sense. Community organizers. Another term for "cowards." Get some impressionable kid all pissed off so he does something stupid, then get out before anything gets pinned on you. Ole Harry knows no one is going to come at him, so throw Kap out there. He is too stupid to realize what is happening.
Yes, don't consider facts.


HARD TRUTH: More Law Enforcement Officers Killed Each Year Than Young Black Men By White Cops

THIS is where I take total issue with that douchebag Colin K., and BLM and the MSM running around screaming about this EPIDEMIC of police brutality.

There is one, indeed. One of brutality towards the police.

This whole situation shows the lack of intelligence and education of people like Kaepernick. He's simply a sucker for believing the propaganda our media feeds us. Does every life matter? Yep. But if you compare absolute numbers and want to run around screaming about brutality, the REAL brutality flows in the other direction - cops being killed by black men. It's more of a problem than blacks being oppressed by police.

Those are FACTS.

In your world, do two wrongs make a right? Total illogic.