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Starbucks protests in Philadelphia

When asked why they wouldn’t order anything, one of the black men said, “I don’t drink that burnt crap.”


Starbucks will replace the manager with an illegal Moslem tranny from Bangladesh

What WE need to do is hire a bunch of black guys wearing MAGA hats to open carry into every Starbucks in the land, that will send the libs heads aspinnin!
Hard to say who is at fault here. I am sure some of the story is missing from both sides. If i was a store manager I would not want to have people just hanging out. If they were waiting on a friend then fine, but if the friend was late and they were asked to leave then maybe they could have waited outside. If the guys had a crappy attitude when questioned i could see how things could escalate quickly.
I was asked to leave a pawn shop one time because heaven for bid my daughter was picking up and touching the toys. I said "OK cya" and left. There were a couple things I was going to buy for $20-$30 but went elsewhere. Some people are just plain ignorant no matter what race you are. I just move along and choose not to talk to them or do business with them.
I find it simply amazing that since the Kenyan race baiter in chief is gone how all that Black Panther BLM **** has crawled back into the ghettos

Radical lefties desperately looking for any stories to promote for their protected species now that Bernie is hated and despised by blacks
Starbucks did nothing wrong. It's a business, not a charity or a shelter. They would have done the same thing if it was two white guys. EVERYTHING is racist these days.

You're racist for saying everything is racist!!
my step daughter went to used the bathroom at a local pizza shop while we were waiting for AAA and they had her order a small pizza to use the facilities.

When we were driving the Al-Can (which is remote as ****, BTW), I had to pee. And when you have to pee, you stop at whatever mom and pop store is around because it could be 300 miles until the next stop. So I get out to go inside to use the restroom, and the owner came out and told me and the ex that we had to buy at least 20 bucks of gas in order for me to use the restroom. Most expensive piss I ever took.
Ummm wtf are you surmising that im projecting racial bias ? Explain please. The court of public opinion has Cosby as guilty. IN THIS FORUM AND MOST RIGHT LEANING CIRCLES. While Trump is innocent.
Do you believe Trump is innocent of allegations ?

I believe he banged Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. I am still not sure why any of it is a big deal. They signed their NDA's, and now want to be free of them to make some money. For the people that hate Trump, that **** is red meat. And they are feasting on it. If Trump would have just admitted it, it would be over. Everyone knows he did it. Cohen doesn't go pay $130,000 to a stripper without orders or getting reimbursed. Thinking otherwise is ridiculous. As for the rest, hard to say. Nothing would surprise me. They are only accusations at this point, but in America, an accusation is enough. Just come forward, point fingers, destroy lives. It's what we do in America.

As for Cosby, I don't know a single person that thinks he's innocent. I don't know what to think. I grew up watching the Cosby Show and Fat Albert. I still have "Bill Cosby: Himself" on cassette. One of the best comedy tapes ever. A problem for Cosby is the $3.4 million he paid to one of the accusers to settle out of court. Makes him look guilty. But again, accusers from 20 years ago, no evidence exists that I am aware of aside from the accusation, and yet the man is on trial. He is gonna hang on that $3.4 million payout.
**** Starbucks. They helped create this type of mentality. They reap what they sow.

The problem is not telling someone they have to buy something in order to be there, the problem is calling 911 when they don't.

Is it a nuisance that they didn't immediately get up and buy something? Yes. Is it a police emergency? I don't think so.
I honestly can't tell you last time I was in a Starbucks. That's neither here or there, but getting put in handcuffs is a bit much when there are others that are on the laptops and cell phones taking up space, too. I'm sure this will hurt their business for a little while then the regulars will go back to get their over-priced caffeine fix.
I can't believe that people go there for the coffee, it just doesn't compute. The coffee isn't that good, it just isn't. It has to be the atmosphere or the fact that you can pay extravagant prices to get these weird trendy concoctions made to order without someone laughing at you. Jus sayin.

Most expensive piss I ever took.

My sales rep in Mexico says "I've got to leave a piss." I said "No, Fernando, It's I've got to take a piss." He said "No, you don't take it with you, you leave it there." He takes English very literally.
As ive stated earlier...ITS PART OF THE CULTURE OF TRUMPISM. I didn't bring up Cosby. Someone else did but I thought id offer comparison.

Bill is assumed guilty...Why is Bills accusers validated and believable, but Trumps are scallywagging liars ?

I brought it up and it UTTERLY went over your head. I thought you'd get it.

I said "Did you know that Bill Cosby is now a victim?" You missed the sarcasm. And you proved my point.

A large majority of African Americans are running around now, despite a **** ton of evidence, saying Bill Cosby is innocent. Why? Because he's black and they identify with him. Because they identify with him, they tend to want to forgive.

A large % of Americans in the 90s identified with Bill Clinton. Because he was Democrat and they were Democrats. Despite a **** ton of evidence, they said he was innocent.

A large % of Americans since the 90s have identified with Hillary. Despite a **** ton of evidence...

A large % of Americans today identify with Trump. Because he is "Repbulican" and they are Conservatives.....

See the pattern?

And be careful how you reply.

See to me, this is cyclical. Like violence breeds violence. The Left fought hard in the 90s to tell us Bill's sex was his business and we shouldn't care. They called us pigs for caring about the President sticking his dick in an intern's mouth in the Oval office. They called us all sorts of names for decades anytime one of the 29 Clinton scandals were investigated, when Hillary sent 20% of our uranium to Russia, when the Clinton's committed crime after crime and were never...even...prosecuted. We were to blame. We were racist when we disagreed with Obama's policies and red lines and his weaponized IRS and DOJ that targeted US, with him putting boys in our girls bathrooms.

And now there is Trump. Full of holes, not quite likeable - but getting results. Results we want. Conservative justices, a booming economy, jobs, tighter immigration. And the Left that for so long propped up corrupt politicians and told us their warts and sins shouldn't concern us, now they want us to care about Trump's holes and ignore his achievements. Through Reagan and both Bushes, Conservatives took the high road and sat back while the Left skewered them. Now people are saying enough is enough. If violence begets violence, this political war has beget this situation where the other side, brow beaten for so long, has said fine we will play by YOUR rules.

We don't forget three decades of mistreatment and double standards and it's comical to watch Liberals now suddenly have "morals" about Trump when they had none with the Clintons or Obama.

So when I said "did you know Bill Cosby is now a victim?" I'm exposing the Left's hypocrisy, people's hypcorisy...

You have yours. You brow beat us with this hypocrisy. Now its happening in return.

Fun times.
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What it's really going to boil down to is how long they waited. And if they were rude to the staff. Were they there for 45 minutes taking up a table without ordering, and then got pissy when they were asked to buy something? That is what we have to know before we can render judgment one way the other. My father ran a restaurant for close to 30 years, and sometimes you have to ask people to order or leave so you can free up the table for customers. Sometimes during your peak hours you have to ask people who have finished their meal to settle up and leave because you need the table for other customers. If that was the situation here it's definitely something we need to know.
Ahhh see....there it is...so he doesn't get the benefit of doubt like ***** Grabber...so Bill is guilty and Trump is innocent of his allegations ?

Im done.....I just cant with you som'*******...lol.....have a grand wizard torch lighting afternoon.......

Funny..the last openly KKK member in Congress was a democrat.....
I don't agree with a lot of what blitzburghv5 says, but this is a fair point.

He is an *******. You posted the scenario, specifically asking for more information and part of his response is

So please...review the video and collect facts and expand your viewing sources beyond Fox news

Most of us grew up listening to Bill Cosby and loved him and were pretty shocked by these allegations. The MEDIA and women are the ones that crucified him, not SN.
But let's not try and pretend like racism of this sort doesn't exist. It does.

Of course it does, and this might very well be one of those times. However, all of the shouting of racism over every "micro-aggression" makes us wonder if the shouting is about something real or if it is just more shouting that fades away when facts are known and there's never any apologies about the false racism claim.
As ive stated earlier...ITS PART OF THE CULTURE OF TRUMPISM. I didn't bring up Cosby. Someone else did but I thought id offer comparison.

But my statement is a fair argument. Bill is assumed guilty...his alleged crimes happened 20-30 years ago, while Trump, who admitted he grabbed *****, peeping Tom'd in on teenage girls, and made moves on women and has a list of 16 strong, that say he carried out the actions hes bragged about on tape and in these parts, they are all liars. Why is Bills accusers validated and believable, but Trumps are scallywagging liars ?

I'm such a racist, i didn't read the "Bill" comment you replied to and automatically assumed you meant Clinton.
Racism like this does exist. However, none of us know the real facts. And I agree, it would be great if policies like this were applied across the board equally. But that isn't realistic.

There is a Starbucks near me in Montgomery County MD that is often vastly empty. I can go in there, set up a laptop and work and I'm rarely threatening their space or affecting their business. They could rightfully have asked me to leave IF this is their policy. Now combat that with a Starbucks in Manhattan. Crazy busy and those tables churn $$. Loitering in an establishment like that does affect business and I can see where they would enforce a policy like that in one location v another. I was recently in Vegas for a week for a conference. The Starbucks in the Mandalay had a line like Seinfeld's Soup Nazi kitchen. Sometimes an hour wait. They want those tables for people paying. I get it.

Were these guys, realtors, who are often mobile, regularly using the establishment in lieu of paying for office space? Or was this a one time things? I don't know. But if I was the manager, regardless of skin color or gender, if you regularly come into my establishment, aren't buying product, using it as a place of business, I'm likely to enforce the policy.

Again, tons of what ifs and we don't know enough about the background. This well could have been racism. It could have been a business decision. Sadly we see racism every day and none of us know.

you do not need any facts to make a decision.
What it's really going to boil down to is how long they waited. And if they were rude to the staff. Were they there for 45 minutes taking up a table without ordering, and then got pissy when they were asked to buy something? That is what we have to know before we can render judgment one way the other. My father ran a restaurant for close to 30 years, and sometimes you have to ask people to order or leave so you can free up the table for customers. Sometimes during your peak hours you have to ask people who have finished their meal to settle up and leave because you need the table for other customers. If that was the situation here it's definitely something we need to know.

See post 74