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Starbucks protests in Philadelphia

Remember how enraged BlitzBoy was in this thread, screaming and yelling about how racism is everywhere in this country, his endless posts about how this is wrong and....

Yeah, whoops....

When ya only see racism in one direction, yer racist.

College hosts no-whites-allowed pool party

Event is meant to help ethnic minorities ‘build community’

A private college in California will be hosting a pool party later today at which white people will be excluded, with only “people who identify as POC” permitted to attend.

“POC” stands for “person of color.” The event will take place at Scripps College’s Sallie Tiernan Field House pool, according to The Claremont Independent.

A Facebook announcement of the event lists the party as being hosted by Café Con Leche, a student group identified in the post as “the badass Latinx at Scripps.”

“Bring your chanclas and the homies over to our nice *** resort pool, LET’S TAKE UP SPACE,” the announcement reads, advertising the event as “a safe space for…students that identify as POC to come together and build community.”

“Enjoy some yummy snacks, tunes that slappp, and the company of other POC,” the listing reads.

The announcement also advises attendees to anticipate “an anonymous Google form to notify us of people we should keep out !”

An anonymous student told The Independent that the party is meant to “promote inclusivity and congeniality between ethnic minorities.”

“Most POCs at any of the Claremont Colleges (which are historically PWIs (Predominantly White Institutions)) interact and enjoy interacting with people of all races (obviously including white people), but sometimes it’s nice to have a time to be with people who identify in the same or similar way that you do,” the student said.
White Priviledge (n) - A fictional, bullshit concept made up by Liberals who want to blame Whites for every problem in America, even self inflicted problems.

Okay then what her source of this definition... ? Seems like you crafted that one yourself...a typical Trumpnut maneuver..

Let me help you cross the rubicon on what white privilege is...

White privilege (contrary to that **** piece definition you dredged up) is the unearned perks or benefits afforded to whites based on race that others unlike them do not enjoy.

Some examples of white privilege are: when you enter a retailer to shop,, you aren't immediately recognized and targeted as a person of suspicion based on your skin color. Certainly the way someone dresses can bring attention from security or store personnel but for folks of color, especially blacks, they cannot escape the perils of racial bias because of social conditioning teaching society that most blacks are predisposed to theft when the statistics prove otherwise. As a well-to-do man of color, I often find myself under the scope of security or surveillance when I enter a retail outlet. My parents told me as a child, never walk thru a store with your hands in your pocket or make it a point to never look over your shoulder as they will think youre stealing.

Another example is being targeted by police. How often have you wondered if a stop by an officer might result in death ? Not because you planned on being hostile, aggressive or defiant but possibly because the officer that pulls you over might have some racial animosity towards your type and escalate a minor situation causing a natural counter response that results in a beating or worse, being killed ? Furthermore, how often do you have the "talk" with your children about how they cannot behave the way their white counterparts do when around police or how they must do their best to make that officer feel at ease so as not to agitate or excite that officer resulting in a problematic traffic stop ?

Has anyone ever looked at you in the corporate world and thought you got where you are today based on race or affirmative action programs ? "He probably got that position because he's _______ "

Do you have trouble recognizing the fruits of the accomplishments of your culture ? Do you have trouble finding them in the textbooks ?

One more example is the judicial system. What group receives the harshest sentencing considering all things equal with criminal history and nature of crimes ? Its blacks.....we know that if we are charged and convicted, that our sentences will be on average 10 percent longer than whites committing the same crime having similar history. Why is that ? Today in this country, we have witnessed a rise in domestic terrorism and mass shootings and most of these are conducted by white males, yet white males don't draw the same level of profiling that a black man does. We don't racially profile white men in this country. Why ? Even after a serial bombing or a mass shooting of 50 plus patrons at a concert we try and bring out the human side and invoke empathy of what went wrong in the lives of these white assassins. We don't mine and dwell on their criminal history or even call em thugs. Two men armed with assault rifles can stroll down a busy street in broad daylight..one white, the other black. Theres a strong chance the police/publics reaction to the black man will be different than that of the white guy...why is that ?

Privilege...white privilege. Its a real thing. These are only a few examples.
Can you ever guarantee that there is never any discriminatory practices in our society that intentionally block qualified minority occupants ? Do you even know why Affirmative action programs were created ? Counter-balance ?

So one bias generated a need to create a counter bias which is seen as bias itself...

I understand why Affirmative Action laws were enacted. But I also understand what bias is. If you are hiring or not hiring based only on qualifications, that is a good hiring practice. If you are hiring or not hiring based on anything other than qualifications, that is bias. You can call it what you want, but it doesn't change what it is.

All I know is if I am on the operating table fighting for my life, I hope I have the best qualified surgeon regardless of race, gender or whatever.

You don't like bias against you I assume. So why should anyone else be forced to sit there and take bias against them?
Remember how enraged BlitzBoy was in this thread, screaming and yelling about how racism is everywhere in this country, his endless posts about how this is wrong and....

Yeah, whoops....

When ya only see racism in one direction, yer racist.

College hosts no-whites-allowed pool party

Alright Kim...so you can find a few examples and try and make a statement that tries to neutralize an argument....but yeah, there is such a thing as black bigotry. We all know that exists. But are you seriously going to try and equate a blacks only pool party with systemic racism that's been apart of this country since its inception ?

Did you source this story from the Claremont Independence by chance ?

None of this dilutes the issue of what took place in Philly at Starbucks. You can cite a few examples of black bigotry or segregation but I could counter with 400 years of documented bigotry and racism and LAWS crafted under white supremacy. Please MF, that's pony you don't want to ride today.
Let’s talk about black privilege- define it

Get’s to be a victim any time there is a disagreement
Gets to get into schools based on skin color not grades
Can be racist anytime they want because they are black
Can have 10 babies and draw unending welfare because they can’t work for the man
Built in excuse every time they don’t succeed in life
Can’t be arrested by the police for anything anymore
Gets huge lawsuit settlements for bullshit claims of racism
But are you seriously going to try and equate a blacks only pool party with systemic racism that's been apart of this country since its inception ?

You miss the point, as you missed the Cosby point. Racism is everywhere, and it's not just WHITEY. It's not just in this country. And you spew it all over this board and in this thread.

I could answer your inane question above with the simple retort, "So since blacks have been treated poorly, it's ok to treat other races poorly?" That's really your answer? That, BOI is racist.
I understand why Affirmative Action laws were enacted. But I also understand what bias is. If you are hiring or not hiring based only on qualifications, that is a good hiring practice. If you are hiring or not hiring based on anything other than qualifications, that is bias. You can call it what you want, but it doesn't change what it is.

All I know is if I am on the operating table fighting for my life, I hope I have the best qualified surgeon regardless of race, gender or whatever.

You don't like bias against you I assume. So why should anyone else be forced to sit there and take bias against them?

You're making much too much sense for this board.
Let’s talk about black privilege- define it

Get’s to be a victim any time there is a disagreement
Gets to get into schools based on skin color not grades
Can be racist anytime they want because they are black
Can have 10 babies and draw unending welfare because they can’t work for the man
Built in excuse every time they don’t succeed in life
Can’t be arrested by the police for anything anymore
Gets huge lawsuit settlements for bullshit claims of racism

Don't forget, they may address each other affectionately as nigg*r, infuse the word into their music, use the word at their family reunions. And only blacks may use the word. It's a word once considered so heinous, so vile, so insulting, many couldn't utter it. I couldn't even say it as a kid. It was the meanest word I knew.

Now, times have changed. African Americans will march and protest about being treated racistly at the hands of Starbucks (a liberal, Democrat organization btw). They march in the streets and protest while addressing each other as nigg*r affectionately, the word plantation owners once vilely used to address their human property/slaves.

It's hard to fathom.

My son plays on AAU basketball teams, sometimes 4 teams at a time. The POCs call each other nigg*r just like I might see a friend and say "What's up man?"

Stop acting racist to each other...it's a good start.
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if you're going to be so righteous in all your posts as to proclaim the right as being a bunch of hillbillies, deadbeats, fuckups, etc. then one could only assume that you're not categorizing yourself in that same regard. as such, you also fawn at the mere mention of the name Bomma, get stiff when someone mentions Hillary and it's only natural to determine you're a left-leaning pussyhat wearing pansy. which, coincidentally, is the same side that determined every issue has a victim, regardless of circumstance. as ark hypothesized, if you saw two guys in a fight and one was beating the hell out of the other, you'd determine guilt based on skin color.

Ahhh see Napolean, you'd be wrong. The problem with your statement is you like to group everyone that's not supportive of Trump as pro-Hillary. In fact there are folks on the left that didn't vote Hillary. I was one of them. I don't see victim in EVERYTHING but I know thru PERSONAL EXPERIENCE what racism looks like being at the receiving end of it a few times in my life. CAN YOU SAY THE SAME ?

I have family that lean right and I cant place em in the same light as some of you in this forum...many of you folks in this group are extreme right..Breitbart, Fox News Trump cultists and a couple I highly suspect are stormfronters too...good ole fashion, white nationalist and white supremacists.

I stand for equal treatment regardless of gender, race, orientation, religion or nationality. Do you ? I think you say you would follow by a "But....". Imposing a travel ban on Muslims, on the basis of potential terrorism threats when the most deadly suspects look like you, is bullshit. Total BULLSHIT. Labeling a group of migrants rapist and drug dealers...bullshit. Yall fear the wrong things in life. But youre conditioned to do so.

The problem I have with yall is you don't stand up for **** except your own "self interests" always invoking fear as a means to push agendas. If yall had your way the Statue of Liberty would either be dismantled or be reconfigured in a "kiss my ***" mooning pose.

And with this story, it seems even though folks(who were there) have offered accounts of what happened you still refuse to accept that this might have been an issue of racial bias. Again, you need some internal self-reflection, my man.
Let’s talk about black privilege- define it

Get’s to be a victim any time there is a disagreement
Gets to get into schools based on skin color not grades
Can be racist anytime they want because they are black
Can have 10 babies and draw unending welfare because they can’t work for the man
Built in excuse every time they don’t succeed in life
Can’t be arrested by the police for anything anymore
Gets huge lawsuit settlements for bullshit claims of racism

Nods...classic. LOL...that's champion !!! Not even gonna address that bullshit.

When is the last time you've visited a black familys home and sat down to have dinner with them ?
Remember how enraged BlitzBoy was in this thread, screaming and yelling about how racism is everywhere in this country, his endless posts about how this is wrong and....

Yeah, whoops....

When ya only see racism in one direction, yer racist.

College hosts no-whites-allowed pool party

**** like that doesn't even bother me. Why on earth would I want to be around a group of people that do not want me there? I can't see a point in complaining about it.
You miss the point, as you missed the Cosby point. Racism is everywhere, and it's not just WHITEY. It's not just in this country. And you spew it all over this board and in this thread.

I could answer your inane question above with the simple retort, "So since blacks have been treated poorly, it's ok to treat other races poorly?" That's really your answer? That, BOI is racist.

Oh I know racism exists in other countries...The US isn't exclusive with its history of bigotry. But whats appalling is its declaration of inclusion throughout history when it practiced exclusion and segregation. All men are created equal yet the signers of those righteous documents owned slaves...the **** is that about ?

But racism without power does what to the opposition ? Black folks can call you all sorts of names, say they hate you, despise you but those same black folks even as a collective group cannot enact legislation to oppress you or expand their racism over your daily lives, or can they ?
Don't forget, they may address each other affectionately as nigg*r, infuse the word into their music, use the word at their family reunions. And only blacks may use the word. It's a word once considered so heinous, so vile, so insulting, many couldn't utter it. I couldn't even say it as a kid. It was the meanest word I knew.

Now, times have changed. African Americans will march and protest about being treated racistly at the hands of Starbucks (a liberal, Democrat organization btw). They march in the streets and protest while addressing each other as nigg*r affectionately, the word plantation owners once vilely used to address their human property/slaves.

It's hard to fathom.

My son plays on AAU basketball teams, sometimes 4 teams at a time. The POCs call each other nigg*r just like I might see a friend and say "What's up man?"

Stop acting racist to each other...it's a good start.

You wanna use the word ? Do you want the liberty to say it ? Go ahead and say it...matter of fact at the next public sporting event or mixed ethnic event go up to a black person and say it... :-)

I wont have a problem with it.
Don't forget, they may address each other affectionately as nigg*r, infuse the word into their music, use the word at their family reunions. And only blacks may use the word. It's a word once considered so heinous, so vile, so insulting, many couldn't utter it. I couldn't even say it as a kid. It was the meanest word I knew.

Now, times have changed. African Americans will march and protest about being treated racistly at the hands of Starbucks (a liberal, Democrat organization btw). They march in the streets and protest while addressing each other as nigg*r affectionately, the word plantation owners once vilely used to address their human property/slaves.

It's hard to fathom.

My son plays on AAU basketball teams, sometimes 4 teams at a time. The POCs call each other nigg*r just like I might see a friend and say "What's up man?"

Stop acting racist to each other...it's a good start.

Why would you wanna use that word? I can see there is a hypocrisy in it, but I can't imagine any good coming from white people running around saying it freely. Why would you want to?
You wanna use the word ? Do you want the liberty to say it ? Go ahead and say it...matter of fact at the next public sporting event or mixed ethnic event go up to a black person and say it... :-)

I wont have a problem with it.

How did you get that out of the statement he made? **** like that is what gives you no credibility.
Don't forget, they may address each other affectionately as nigg*r, infuse the word into their music, use the word at their family reunions. And only blacks may use the word. It's a word once considered so heinous, so vile, so insulting, many couldn't utter it. I couldn't even say it as a kid. It was the meanest word I knew.

Now, times have changed. African Americans will march and protest about being treated racistly at the hands of Starbucks (a liberal, Democrat organization btw). They march in the streets and protest while addressing each other as nigg*r affectionately, the word plantation owners once vilely used to address their human property/slaves.

It's hard to fathom.

My son plays on AAU basketball teams, sometimes 4 teams at a time. The POCs call each other nigg*r just like I might see a friend and say "What's up man?"

Stop acting racist to each other...it's a good start.

Nice post, Gomer gringo Casper whitey honky fish belly cracker white devil frosty hillbilly redneck ivory wonder bread powdered donut.
Ahhh see Napolean, you'd be wrong. The problem with your statement is you like to group everyone that's not supportive of Trump as pro-Hillary. In fact there are folks on the left that didn't vote Hillary. I was one of them. I don't see victim in EVERYTHING but I know thru PERSONAL EXPERIENCE what racism looks like being at the receiving end of it a few times in my life. CAN YOU SAY THE SAME ?

I have family that lean right and I cant place em in the same light as some of you in this forum...many of you folks in this group are extreme right..Breitbart, Fox News Trump cultists and a couple I highly suspect are stormfronters too...good ole fashion, white nationalist and white supremacists.

I stand for equal treatment regardless of gender, race, orientation, religion or nationality. Do you ? I think you say you would follow by a "But....". Imposing a travel ban on Muslims, on the basis of potential terrorism threats when the most deadly suspects look like you, is bullshit. Total BULLSHIT. Labeling a group of migrants rapist and drug dealers...bullshit. Yall fear the wrong things in life. But youre conditioned to do so.

The problem I have with yall is you don't stand up for **** except your own "self interests" always invoking fear as a means to push agendas. If yall had your way the Statue of Liberty would either be dismantled or be reconfigured in a "kiss my ***" mooning pose.

And with this story, it seems even though folks(who were there) have offered accounts of what happened you still refuse to accept that this might have been an issue of racial bias. Again, you need some internal self-reflection, my man.

I offered my take. YOU refused to see it as it is.
Thus, you have the same blinders on towards your opinion that you perceive others to have.

Can't argue with you because you are always right, even when you are wrong.

you're the absolute definition of a hypocrite.
And that impacts a majority of whites or.......?

See, you like to point to one specific instance and compare that to a systemic brand of racism that impacts folks of color. Not recognizing that even still in this modern era there are biases against folks of color when it comes to pay, mortgage loans, policing, housing, healthcare.

Let me play the "well we don't know the full story" option. Would you have been told by some program director as to why you were declined the opportunity to apply for internship ? Was it a native American oriented program set aside specifically for that group ? I know those exist. Did you file a complaint against the organization to challenge their restriction ? Was it racial bias or was it quota....

Well, NO white males were allowed to apply for an internship with a national insurance company. This wasnt some mom and pop operation. I was told it was for minorities and women, only. It wasn't that those groups were given preferences, it was that they were the only ones allowed.

I didn't file a complaint because I am not a *****, but that company is on my black list of those not to do business with and I have never spent one dime on their products.
**** like that doesn't even bother me. Why on earth would I want to be around a group of people that do not want me there? I can't see a point in complaining about it.

it is the hypocrisy, not the event.
I always though the nigga was the term used to bullshit with and the er was the racist version...
just an FYI since we're now toeing the line on using that word.

Do not use it here.


Elftard was banned for using a similar word. This is the only warning. Dropping it will result in a vacay.
just an FYI since we're now toeing the line on using that word.

Do not use it here.


Elftard was banned for using a similar word. This is the only warning. Dropping it will result in a vacay.

What's up, my niiiiiiiiiiiice moderator?
it is the hypocrisy, not the event.

I get that. So what do you want? All white pool parties?

Just kidding. I understand that groups that scream for inclusion have a tendency to exclude others. See it almost daily.
I get that. So what do you want? All white pool parties?

Just kidding. I understand that groups that scream for inclusion have a tendency to exclude others. See it almost daily.

I think people naturally segregate to those that are "like" them. It might be color, socio-economic status or a whole host of reasons.

For our "all hands on deck" meetings, virtually the whole room was segregated by race. Rather than sit together as units, people drifted in other ways.

We all, also, stereotype for various reasons. Sometimes unconsciously. When i have people over and we are cooking, i always make sure to ask if there are some foods they won't eat. However, once, I didn't and, inadvertently stereotyped Bermuda because it never occurred to me that a black guy wouldn't eat pork.

I have no problem with clubs having specific requirements for whatever reason as long as that doesn't legitimately interfere with anyone's rights. Right to free association and all that. I don't have a right to be in anyone's club.