Men----come on now...this ***** fest is getting tiresome and over done...
Our QB's have stunk like doggie do-do since Ben left...with no hope of championship caliber improvement looming in any of them.
So Kahn "took out the trash"....and replaced them with someone that has excelled at this level of professional football, with alot of game left in him, and signed a young back-up with excellent athleticism and has shown some glimpses of quality play in him....
Its as simplistic as that!
Kahn is just doing his job and trying to improve a hopeless situation on the most important position in all of sports...the NFL QB.
Oh yeah---did I mention he has done all of this without mortgaging the future of the franchise and for a measly 4.4 million dollars for christ's sake!
It doesn't matter how we got into that unfavorable position.......all that matters is that we have a young ambitious highly intelligent GM that want to makes us better!
Thats horrible I know!
Good Grief!