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The Biden Crime Family - Exposed

The "facts" that lead to the first impeachment were that Hunter is crooked piece of **** selling out our Country on behalf of the "big Guy" and Trump knew this and rightfully asked for him to be investigated. It was total bullshit. People need to be brought to justice for that impeachment.
KJP keeps repeating that Hunter is a private citizen and while that may be technically true, why do foreign countries pay him a crap-ton of money and for what?
KJP keeps repeating that Hunter is a private citizen and while that may be technically true, why do foreign countries pay him a crap-ton of money and for what?

Begin Congressional impeachment hearings, and lets find out. What's the hold-up?
Begin Congressional impeachment hearings, and lets find out. What's the hold-up?
We, on this side of the planet, and even most others on this planet, know why. You know why. Yet you feel empowered being mockingly facetious.
We, on this side of the planet, and even most others on this planet, know why. You know why. Yet you feel empowered being mockingly facetious.
Bingo. Sanctimonious self-righteousness from the "Cafe Americano" of espresso professionals.

Don't forget to tip your server.
More cream, garcon
And a nice sugar cookie.

Tibby serving his favorite customer:

Maybe they should investigate President Biden for bringing down inflation and lowering unemployment. Preposterous! 🤷‍♂️
Maybe they should investigate President Biden for bringing down inflation and lowering unemployment. Preposterous! 🤷‍♂️
Inflation he caused and is lowering by destroying the Economy. Unemployment has nothing to do with anything he has done, in fact he and the rest of the Democrats pushed the panic that caused unemployment needlessly in the first place. You don't get credit for that. I do blame Trump as well for going along with the insanity.
Inflation he caused and is lowering by destroying the Economy. Unemployment has nothing to do with anything he has done, in fact he and the rest of the Democrats pushed the panic that caused unemployment needlessly in the first place. You don't get credit for that. I do blame Trump as well for going along with the insanity.
Biden proves every day that supply side economics works.
Of course.

Bring on the investigations, begin impeachment hearings on the Biden Crime Family. Been consistently saying it for days now. Bring it on. What's the hold up?
6 years and nothing. My wife still watches the evening news, the first 15 minutes, Trump, Trump, Trump, followed by 5 minutes bashing DeSantis. Then a story on the age of our politicians focusing on McConnell, and only briefly touching on the President. Lester Holt cares.
Thanks for chiming in, Karen. Really needed your input on this, we're all much better off. :rolleyes:

Do you ever look in the mirror and say "I see a joke?"

Asking for a friend
Begin Congressional impeachment hearings, and lets find out. What's the hold-up?

Or answer his fair question. If he is a private citizen, why in fact do foreign countries (several our enemies) pay him millions he doesn't pay taxes on. Being someone who spouts on and on and on and on about protecting democracy in this great land, one would THINK you'd be curious.
6 years and nothing. My wife still watches the evening news, the first 15 minutes, Trump, Trump, Trump, followed by 5 minutes bashing DeSantis. Then a story on the age of our politicians focusing on McConnell, and only briefly touching on the President. Lester Holt cares.

KJP keeps repeating that Hunter is a private citizen and while that may be technically true, why do foreign countries pay him a crap-ton of money and for what?

follow up question. Why does he get secret service protection if he's a private citizen?
Read up on " Operation Anvil". Biden is a criminal. No doubt.
Geez, seems like a long time. ⏳ 🤷‍♂️

follow up question. Why does he get secret service protection if he's a private citizen?
Presidents' immediate families get Secret Service protection. Standard procedure.
If you can answer honestly. If this was not Trump would we even know about this let alone be prosecuting it?

Has never happened in American history, that a President, or a former President, was charged with a federal crime, not to speak of 74(!) felonies and counting.

Until Donald Trump came bumbling along, and f*cked it all up.
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Has never happened in American history, that a President, or a former President, was charged with a federal crime, not to speak of 74(!) felonies and counting.

Until Donald Trump came bumbling along, and f*cked it all up.
I think you mean until the deep state/career politicians found him to be a threat, Yes, he wanted to **** that all up.
Maybe they should investigate President Biden for bringing down inflation and lowering unemployment. Preposterous! 🤷‍♂️
Gas is $4 a gallon in AZ, mortgage rates are 7%+, if you're retired you likely lost 25-30% of your retirement money that you'll never recover from.

But thanks for playing.
Has never happened in American history, that a President, or a former President, was charged with a federal crime, not to speak of 74(!) felonies and counting.

Until Donald Trump came bumbling along, and f*cked it all up.
Thanks for not answering the question. Biden is under a criminal investigation for the same things. Hillary exposed national secrets on an unsecured private server and wasn’t prosecuted. The Clintons were not prosecuted for similar offenses. Yet they throw the book at Trump in a total reversal of all precedent. I try and give you credit, be honest here and put aside your TDS. This is intentional.