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The Hypocrisy of Hollywood


Bank Fraud Bernie to the rescue!!!


The 2020 presidential election is Senator Bernie Sanders’ race to lose, according to a new survey of more than a dozen top Democratic strategists.


The survey reveals a Democratic field crowded with old faces. At a time when the party could use some fresh blood, most contenders for commander-in-chief have been around for decades. Sanders, who will be 79 years old in 2020, currently leads the pack.

“His people have never gone away,” Democratic strategist Brad Bannon told The Hill. “And he has a loyal core following out there that will be with him come hell or high water.” Sanders is the most popular politician in America, with an approval rating of 75 percent, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll.

He's got legislative experience and he hasn't raped or killed anyone, so he is more qualified than Bomma or Slick Willy

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We are a country of extremes being fed fuel to divide us by every "news" source there is in their quest to get ratings/clicks.

Bernie still scares me because he is the antithesis of all things I stand for as a conservative. And he is as extreme as you can get on on the L-R spectrum. He's a communist dressed as an independent, democrat, socialist.

But again, we are at a point where extremism gets you elected, but rarely actually passes legislation. He would govern with a phone and a pen and regulations and his executive branch agencies and a politicized DOJ just like Obama did. And all his actions will be taken to court just like Obama and Trump.

Congress does nothing but obstruct in our new Republic. The real power is in the court system to decide the power and limit of executive branch actions.
Liberal Catfight!

Susan Sarandon: ‘I thought Hillary was very dangerous. If she'd won, we'd be at war’

For a long time Sarandon was despised by the right, her protests against the Vietnam war and US aggression in Nicaragua and Iraq making her the kind of target that, for progressives, is an affirmation of sorts.

Her latest unpopularity, by contrast, comes exclusively from the left and is much tougher on Sarandon. “I’m not attacked from the right at all,” she will tell me. Instead, she is accused of not checking her white privilege, of throwing away her vote on a third-party candidate (the independent Jill Stein) during the US presidential election, and of recklessly espousing a political cause that let Trump in through the backdoor. Liberals in the US, it seems, can summon more hatred for Sarandon right now than they can for Paul Ryan.

During the last election, Sarandon supported Bernie Sanders, then wouldn’t support Clinton after she won the nomination, and now all the moderates hate her, to the extent, she says, that she had to change her phone number because people she identifies as Hillary trolls sent her threatening messages. “I got from Hillary people ‘I hope your crotch is grabbed’, ‘I hope you’re raped’.

Did she really say that Hillary was more dangerous than Trump?

“Not exactly, but I don’t mind that quote,” she says. “I did think she was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war [if she was president]. It wouldn’t be much smoother. Look what happened under Obama that we didn’t notice.”



Conyers stepping aside as ranking Dem on House Judiciary Committee

Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) announced he is stepping aside as the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee pending an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment.

“After careful consideration and in light of the attention drawn by recent allegations made against me, I have notified the Democratic Leader of my request to step aside as Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee during the investigation of these matters," he said in a statement on Sunday.

“Not exactly, but I don’t mind that quote,” she says. “I did think she was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war [if she was president]. It wouldn’t be much smoother. Look what happened under Obama that we ignored.”


Fixed it. It isn't a matter of not noticing. EVERYONE noticed. But, much like the Clinton and Obama ties to Russia, it is being ignored.
The problem with the Clintons has and always will be their drive to be in power has overridden all moral compass in their decision making.

They went from white trash hillbillies down the gravity sewer line of politics and just kept going deeper and downstream into bigger and bigger sewers eventually to the cesspool of Washington (the treatment plant). And they LOVED it. They loved everything about Washington.

Everyone in America sees right through the Clintons in what they care about most. They care about themselves, their power, their influence and a Washington in their image with them as the sun and everyone revolving around them. It has never been about what is best for the country. Their positions change constantly to what is best needed to capture votes. They played the money game in Washington as well as anyone ever and flaunted it and were proud of it (which America hated).

They tried to sell to the American people that their love of Washington was about "service" but everyone saw right through that lie. They loved Washington for themselves.

It really had nothing to do with their politics and positions (they had none). It had everything to do with that they wanted it TOO much and were never honest (to themselves or to America) about WHY they wanted it that much in the first place.
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Bank Fraud Bernie to the rescue!!!


The 2020 presidential election is Senator Bernie Sanders’ race to lose, according to a new survey of more than a dozen top Democratic strategists.


The survey reveals a Democratic field crowded with old faces. At a time when the party could use some fresh blood, most contenders for commander-in-chief have been around for decades. Sanders, who will be 79 years old in 2020, currently leads the pack.

“His people have never gone away,” Democratic strategist Brad Bannon told The Hill. “And he has a loyal core following out there that will be with him come hell or high water.” Sanders is the most popular politician in America, with an approval rating of 75 percent, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll.



The gift that keeps on giving....BREAKING NEWS ALERT!

Al Franken: Streaming Presser

Al Franken on whether he will face more groping allegations: ‘I don’t know. I can’t say.’

Franken said he has no plans to resign from the Senate but “I’m going to be accountable by going through the process of the ethics committee.” Depending on the committee’s findings, Franken could face censure or even expulsion from the Senate or no penalty at all.

I have a lot of pro Bernie friends... but 90% of this country will not vote for an open communist... and a lot of Bernstars early writings and opinions make it impossible for him to deny he is communist through and through... the dems need a young charismatic blue collar type... not the false pretenses that the young vote for Bernie will offset the old vote against communist rule... mind boggling since their current strategy is to spread cold war type fear and hate....
... but 90% of this country will not vote for an open communist...
Dem voters will though, especially in the primary.

... the dems need a young charismatic blue collar type...
That's what they need but such a person would not generate support among the Dem faithful. They will double down on Socialism. Also since the Dems have spent the last decade-plus demonizing white men they will not be able to nominate such for at least a generation. The Dems will figure that the black guy won twice, the white lady lost, so we'll win for sure with a black woman. The next Dem candidate will be Willy Brown's former mistress, Sen. Stephanie Rawlings Blake. Dumb as a sack of hammers but she's female, black, attractive, and a SJW Communist. The party will love her.
Dem voters will though, especially in the primary.

That's what they need but such a person would not generate support among the Dem faithful. They will double down on Socialism. Also since the Dems have spent the last decade-plus demonizing white men they will not be able to nominate such for at least a generation. The Dems will figure that the black guy won twice, the white lady lost, so we'll win for sure with a black woman. The next Dem candidate will be Willy Brown's former mistress, Sen. Stephanie Rawlings Blake. Dumb as a sack of hammers but she's female, black, attractive, and a SJW Communist. The party will love her.

I think you do not understand how many people fear Communism... particularly immigrants who have been exposed to it in the past.... a large swath of them will flip... and there are more socially liberal economicly conservative voters in that base than they let on... 0.0% of republicans will vote for a communist.... they are playing the wrong card here... they need an unknown like Obama was... not a retry at Bernstar... but hey the more this keeps up tge better chance a third party grabs 5% of the vote and ***** the two party system up
The next Dem candidate will be Willy Brown's former mistress, Sen. Stephanie Rawlings Blake. Dumb as a sack of hammers but she's female, black, attractive, and a SJW Communist. The party will love her.

And if you don't support her you can be labeled and racist AND a sexist. That's two for the price of one in the eyes of Liberals. They could shame and guilt her straight into the white house.
I think you do not understand how many people fear Communism... particularly immigrants who have been exposed to it in the past.... a large swath of them will flip... and there are more socially liberal economicly conservative voters in that base than they let on... 0.0% of republicans will vote for a communist.... they are playing the wrong card here... they need an unknown like Obama was... not a retry at Bernstar... but hey the more this keeps up tge better chance a third party grabs 5% of the vote and ***** the two party system up

Surveys show that immigrants are inclined to like bigger government and more goodies though. We get a hell of a lot more of them from Mexico than eastern Europe and they think freebies are awesome.
The next Dem candidate will be Willy Brown's former mistress, Sen. Stephanie Rawlings Blake.

Wow, old Willy put his willy to use. He also banged that idiot Senator from California, Kamala Harris.

Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.

Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power. Daily Caller reports, “As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”

She “was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time. Although that job paid nearly $98,000, Harris’ term was set to expire in five weeks when Brown tapped her for the Medical Assistance Commission slot. That body met only monthly, and the $72,000 position was not considered a full-time job.


Hilarious how the current meme is to hammer men who hit on younger women ... while just ignoring the young women who ****** ugly, old men to help their careers and are now in a position of power due to their sexual largesse.
Wow, old Willy put his willy to use. He also banged that idiot Senator from California, Kamala Harris.
My bad, Kamala Harris is who I meant. Got mixed up with the Baltimore thread. The next Democrat Presidential candidate will be Kamala Harris. Black, female, attractive, SJW Communist, and has an exotic name like the last Democrat who won. Identity politics is part of the Democrats' problem. It's who you are that matters, not your positions (as long as they're Socialist) or experience.
My bad, Kamala Harris is who I meant. Got mixed up with the Baltimore thread. The next Democrat Presidential candidate will be Kamala Harris. Black, female, attractive, SJW Communist, and has an exotic name like the last Democrat who won. Identity politics is part of the Democrats' problem. It's who you are that matters, not your positions (as long as they're Socialist) or experience.

I’m not saying the dems are with me on this but, black men didn’t vote for white grandma, they sure as hell aren’t going to vote for an attractive black woman who married a white guy. I’m not sure a significant percentage of women don’t really want a woman president... whether they admit it or not.
My bad, Kamala Harris is who I meant. Got mixed up with the Baltimore thread. The next Democrat Presidential candidate will be Kamala Harris. Black, female, attractive, SJW Communist, and has an exotic name like the last Democrat who won. Identity politics is part of the Democrats' problem. It's who you are that matters, not your positions (as long as they're Socialist) or experience.

Did you say Kamala Harris?? LOl

Kamala the Ugandan Giant one of the all time greats!

Kamala (wrestler) James Harris (born May 28, 1950) is a former American professional wrestler and author. For most of his career, Harris wrestled under the ring name Kamala, using a "wild savage" gimmick, and usually accompanied by a handler as well as a manager.

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Kamala just died a few weeks ago. I read that the poor fella had his legs amputated several years back due to a disease.....might have been diabetes.
I have a lot of pro Bernie friends... but 90% of this country will not vote for an open communist... and a lot of Bernstars early writings and opinions make it impossible for him to deny he is communist through and through... the dems need a young charismatic blue collar type... .

Speaking of those 2020 presidential hopefuls....a Grey Beaver sighting!

Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud

My favorite Elizabeth Warren story involves a cookbook. Warren, who was at that time posing as a trailblazing Cherokee, actually contributed recipes to a recipe book with the name, I kid you not, "Pow Wow Chow."

But here’s the best part of the story. She plagiarized some of the recipes. Yes indeed, her version of "pow wow chow" came directly from a famous French chef.

My second-favorite Warren story involves breastfeeding. She once claimed to be the first "nursing mother" to take the New Jersey bar exam, making her, I suppose, the Jackie Robinson of lactating lawyers.

The problem? There's no evidence this is true. Women have been taking the New Jersey bar since 1895, and the New Jersey Judiciary was "not aware" whether they tracked the nursing habits of test-takers.

Warren is a bit of an academic grifter. She’s willing to fake her way to the top. When she came to Harvard Law School, she was - believe it or not - considered by some to be a "minority hire."

She listed herself as a minority on a legal directory reviewed by deans and hiring committees. The University of Pennsylvania "listed her as a minority faculty member," and she was touted after her hire at Harvard Law School as, yes, the school’s "first woman of color."

about all that bleating from the left about "women's issues" over the years

NPR’s Cokie Roberts: Press Corps Covered Up Congressional Sexual Misconduct ‘For Years’

Appearing on ABC’s This Week, National Public Radio’s Cokie Roberts admitted that “for years” the female press corps has covered up sexual misconduct on Capitol Hill.

While speaking about John Conyers and Al Franken, two Democrats facing numerous sexual misconduct allegations, Roberts let this bomb matter-of-factly drop on the left-wing Sunday show, “I mean, we all talked about for years: ‘Don’t get in the elevator with him,’ you know, and the whole every-female in the press corps knew that, right, don’t get in elevator with him.”

Which “him” is Roberts referring to? Conyers? Franken? Are there others?

But back up just a moment– According to Roberts, “every” woman in the press corps knew that there was sexual misconduct going on in congress, knew that it was so brazen and so permissive that not even a female reporter was safe on an elevator, and NO ONE REPORTED IT?

No one bothered to inform the public?

How do things get so brazen that a Conyers or a Franken or a whomever feels perfectly safe groping a journalist on an elevator? I will tell you how — when said groper knows there will be no accountability for his behavior.

Yet, according to Roberts, our wonderful, glorious, utterly useless press corps knew for years this was going on in congress and covered it up, said nothing, let it slide, ENABLED IT, and through their silence, encouraged it.

What else are they covering up?

I think the best shot the Dems have is to find someone who conjurs up Bill Clinton, ie a caucasian progressive male who's hip with minorities. If he's halfway sane, certainly many current, non-partisan Trump supporters will happily vote for him, as opposed to a woman or a minority. The race/gender issue won't be in play, it will be voting for sane white man to replace insane white man.

My two main nominees would be Sheldon Whitehouse and Adam Schiff, with Joe Kennedy III a dark horse.

Then you tag on someone like Ted Lieu, Kirsten Gillibrand or Kamala Harris as the VP and you're set. Landslide victory. ;)

Of course this is in jest, as race and gender shouldn't mean jack **** when it comes to electing officials. The candidate's knowledge, experience, policy ideas and personal traits should be all that matters. But sadly, that's probably not the case, not even at this point in American history.

Most importantly, if I'm the Dems I'd steer clear of all the usual suspects, wipe the slate clean and put forth some younger, newer faces to lead the party and vie for the presidency. Believe it or not, a lot of libs have had enough of current Dem leadership and certainly the Hillary trainwreck that put The Donald in the WH.
Most importantly, if I'm the Dems I'd steer clear of all the usual suspects, wipe the slate clean and put forth some younger, newer faces to lead the party and vie for the presidency. Believe it or not, a lot of libs have had enough of current Dem leadership and certainly the Hillary trainwreck that put The Donald in the WH.

Hell that's all anybody wanted the last election. NO MORE established political hacks with their pockets full of handouts in exchange for votes. Both parties needed fresh faces and still do. I absolutely still see Trump as the necessary means to that end. He HAD to get elected in order to send the message of just how pissed off and fed up Americans are with the same old bullshit in Washington. As far as I'm concerned it'a already mission accomplished. Politicians will have to get real now and cannot afford to say **** you to large swaths of voters (i.e. Middle class people in flyover country....aka The Deplorables) without knowing they will be mortally hurt by it in the polls. For all Trump's faults...and he has a good deal of them, it was of the utmost importance that he beat Hillary. It changes everything from now on IMO.
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