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The Hypocrisy of Hollywood

Harvey Weinstein Stripped of Academy Membership

“The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Board of Governors met today to discuss the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, and has voted well in excess of the required two-thirds majority to immediately expel him from the Academy. We do so not simply to separate ourselves from someone who does not merit the respect of his colleagues but also to send a message that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over..."



OK, next they will make a list all the starlet ****** who DIDN’T say no to Harvey in order to further their careers and kick them out of Hollywood, too.
1.Her campaign NEVER accepted money from any Muslim country. The Clinton Foundation did BEFORE she was Secretary of State and this money is used for good causes around the world INCLUDING Muslim countries, this has nothing to do with her campaign.

2.Islam doesn't mistreat women, certain sects and individuals do; think the Mormons, or there in Pennsylvania the Amish. We've all heard the fairly recent account of abuse, hebephilia, and rape in those Christian sects.

3. Find a dictionary and read the definition of a fact.
The amount of mental gymnastics you need to use in order to make such statements is truly breathtaking.

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1.Her campaign NEVER accepted money from any Muslim country. The Clinton Foundation did BEFORE she was Secretary of State and this money is used for good causes around the world INCLUDING Muslim countries, this has nothing to do with her campaign.

2.Islam doesn't mistreat women, certain sects and individuals do; think the Mormons, or there in Pennsylvania the Amish. We've all heard the fairly recent account of abuse, hebephilia, and rape in those Christian sects.

3. Find a dictionary and read the definition of a fact.

Elffi just makes **** up as he goes.
Harvey Weinstein Stripped of Academy Membership

“The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Board of Governors met today to discuss the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, and has voted well in excess of the required two-thirds majority to immediately expel him from the Academy. We do so not simply to separate ourselves from someone who does not merit the respect of his colleagues but also to send a message that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over..."



OK, next they will make a list all the starlet ****** who DIDN’T say no to Harvey in order to further their careers and kick them out of Hollywood, too.

After he goes to "sex therapy" all will be for given and they will all stand up and cheer just like they did for Polanski and Woody Allen. Hollywood people are just sick pervs with superiority complexes.
This is an incredibly disingenuous 'comparison'. One guy preyed upon his female employees for decades and it was not only tolerated, but enabled. The other guy, while not showing much in the way of being a very stand-up or virtuous person, made ***** jokes and has since been accused and slandered by questionable parties (to put it lightly) without a shred of substantiation. Intellectually lazy and disingenuous comparison, but if it makes certain people sleep easier at night.

the third line in that poster is all you need to know. Trump is a Dem in Republican clothing. Also was, but jumped on the Republican ticket because there was no real competition and the Libs hate him. How f'ed up is that, really? He was such chums with the Clintons, then goes against her and now is the devil. Some stupid *** morons. Now, they paint everyone that voted for Trump as racists and nazis. They don't really see how how truly twisted they really are. No one is excusing Trump's past behavior(even though it's well known) and expect the same ridicule and punishment to be given to the known sexual predator that Weinstein is and the Hollywood Holier than Thou elite have know for years and kept it hushed to get for acting jobs so the millions would keep rolling in. Weinstein should share a cell with Jerry Sandusky. Two sick *****!
After he goes to "sex therapy" all will be for given and they will all stand up and cheer just like they did for Polanski and Woody Allen. Hollywood people are just sick pervs with superiority complexes.

Speaking of Woody....

“The whole Harvey Weinstein thing is very sad for everybody involved,” he told the BBC. “Tragic for the poor women that were involved, sad for Harvey that his life is so messed up. There’s no winners in that. It’s just very, very sad and tragic for those poor women that had to go through that.”

In the same interview Allen also warned that the revelations could lead to a “witch hunt atmosphere ... where every guy in an office who winks at a woman is suddenly having to call a lawyer to defend himself”.

He feels bad for Harvey. Poor Harvey, being persecuted just like Woody.
After he goes to "sex therapy" all will be for given and they will all stand up and cheer just like they did for Polanski and Woody Allen. Hollywood people are just sick pervs with superiority complexes.

Nah, I think that ship has sailed, hit an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the ocean. Hollywood elite viewed dealing with him as a necessary evil - someone they tolerated while they courted his money and influence.

Now that you have some high powered actresses condemning his actions, and even his brother has come out to say he was a victim of his verbal and physical abuse - there's no way he can return to favor.


I thought this was very poignant and well written. I can't link the facebook post because they never work, so I just copy/pasted it. It was written by Scott Rosenberg a sort of middle-of-the-pack screenwriter during the 90's and 00's.

"So, uh, yeah.
We need to talk about Harvey.
I was there, for a big part of it.
From, what, 1994 to the early 2000s?
Something like that.
Certainly The Golden Age.
Harvey and Bob made my first two movies.
Then they signed me to an overall deal.
Then they bought that horror script of mine about the Ten Plagues.
For a lot of money.
Also bought that werewolf-biker script.
That no one else liked but was my personal favorite.
They were going to publish my novel.
They anointed me.
Made it so other studios thought I was the real deal.
They gave me my career.
I was barely 30.
I was sure I had struck gold.
They loved me, these two brothers, who had reinvented cinema.
And who were fun and tough and didn’t give an East Coast **** about all the slick pricks out in L.A.
And those glory days in Tribeca?
The old cramped offices?
That wonderful gang of executives and assistants?
All the filmmakers who were doing repeat business?
The brothers wanted to create a “family of film”.
And they did just that…
We looked forward to having meetings there.
Meetings that would turn into plans that would turn into raucous nights out on the town.
Simply put: OG Miramax was a blast.
So, yeah, I was there.
And let me tell you one thing.
Let’s be perfectly clear about one thing:
Not that he was raping.
No, that we never heard.
But we were aware of a certain pattern of overly-aggressive behavior that was rather dreadful.
We knew about the man’s hunger; his fervor; his appetite.
There was nothing secret about this voracious rapacity; like a gluttonous ogre out of the Brothers Grimm.
All couched in vague promises of potential movie roles.
(and, it should be noted: there were many who actually succumbed to his bulky charms. Willingly. Which surely must have only impelled him to cast his fetid net even wider).
But like I said: everybody-*******-knew.
And to me, if Harvey’s behavior is the most reprehensible thing one can imagine, a not-so-distant second is the current flood of sanctimonious denial and condemnation that now crashes upon these shores of rectitude in gloppy tides of bullshit righteousness.
Because everybody-*******-knew.
And do you know how I am sure this is true?
Because I was there.
And I saw you.
And I talked about it with you.
You, the big producers; you, the big directors; you, the big agents; you, the big financiers.
And you, the big rival studio chiefs; you, the big actors; you, the big actresses; you, the big models.
You, the big journalists; you, the big screenwriters; you, the big rock stars; you, the big restaurateurs; you, the big politicians.
I saw you.
All of you.
God help me, I was there with you.
Again, maybe we didn’t know the degree.
The magnitude of the awfulness.
Not the rapes.
Not the shoving against the wall.
Not the potted-plant *******.
But we knew something.
We knew something was bubbling under.
Something odious.
Something rotten.
And this is as pathetic as it is true:
What would you have had us do?
Who were we to tell?
The authorities?
What authorities?
The press?
Harvey owned the press.
The Internet?
There was no Internet or reasonable facsimile thereof.
Should we have called the police?
And said what?
Should we have reached out to some fantasy Attorney General Of Movieland?
That didn’t exist.
Not to mention, most of the victims chose not to speak out.
Aside from sharing the grimy details with a close girlfriend or confidante.
And if they discussed it with their representatives?
Agents and managers, who themselves feared The Wrath Of The Big Man?
The agents and managers would tell them to keep it to themselves.
Because who knew the repercussions?
That old saw “You’ll Never Work In This Town Again” came crawling back to putrid life like a re-animated cadaver in a late-night zombie flick.
But, yes, everyone knew someone who had been on the receiving end of lewd advances by him.
Or knew someone who knew someone.
A few actress friends of mine told me stories: of a ghastly hotel meeting; of a repugnant bathrobe-shucking; of a loathsome massage request.
And although they were rattled, they sort of laughed at his arrogance; how he had the temerity to think that simply the sight of his naked, doughy, carbuncled flesh was going to get them in the mood.
So I just believed it to be a grotesque display of power; a dude misreading the room and making a lame-if-vile pass.
It was much easier to believe that.
It was much easier for ALL of us to believe that.
And here’s where the slither meets the slime:
Harvey was showing us the best of times.
He was making our movies.
Throwing the biggest parties.
Taking us to The Golden Globes!
Introducing us to the most amazing people (Meetings with Vice President Gore! Clubbing with Quentin and Uma! Drinks with Salman Rushdie and Ralph Fiennes! Dinners with Mick Jagger and Warren-freaking-Beatty!).
The most epic Oscar weekends.
That seemed to last for weeks!
Sundance! Cannes! Toronto!
Telluride! Berlin! Venice!
Private jets! Stretch limousines! Springsteen shows!
Hell, Harvey once took me to St. Barth’s for Christmas.
For 12 days!
I was a broke-*** kid from Boston who had never even HEARD of St. Barth’s before he booked my travel.
He once got me tickets to the seven hottest Broadway shows in one week. So I could take a new girlfriend on a dazzling tour of theater.
He got me seats on the 40-yard-line to the Super Bowl, when the Patriots were playing the Packers in New Orleans.
Even got me a hotel room, which was impossible to get that weekend.
He gave and gave and gave and gave.
He had a monarch’s volcanic generosity when it came to those within his circle.
And a Mafia don’s fervent need for abject loyalty from his capos and soldiers.
But never mind us!
What about what he was doing for the culture?
Making stunningly splendid films at a time when everyone else was cranking-out simpering “INDEPENDENCE DAY” rip-offs.
It was glorious.
All of it.
So what if he was coming on a little strong to some young models who had moved mountains to get into one of his parties?
So what if he was exposing himself, in five-star hotel rooms, like a cartoon flasher out of “MAD MAGAZINE” (just swap robe for raincoat!)
Who were we to call foul?
Golden Geese don’t come along too often in one’s life.
Which goes back to my original point:
But everybody was just having too good a time.
And doing remarkable work; making remarkable movies.
As the old joke goes:
We needed the eggs.
Okay, maybe we didn’t NEED them.
But we really, really, really, really LIKED them eggs.
So we were willing to overlook what the Golden Goose was up to, in the murky shadows behind the barn…
And for that, I am eternally sorry.
To all of the women that had to suffer this…
I am eternally sorry.
I’ve worked with Mira and Rosanna and Lysette.
I’ve known Rose and Ashley and Claire for years…
Their courage only hangs a lantern on my shame.
And I am eternally sorry to all those who suffered in silence all this time.
And have chosen to remain silent today.
I mostly lost touch with the brothers by the early 2000s.
For no specific reason.
Just that there were other jobs, other studios.
But a few months ago, Harvey called me, out of the blue.
To talk about the bygone days.
To talk about how great it would be to get some of the gang back together.
Make a movie.
He must have known then the noose was tightening.
There was a wistfulness to him that I had never heard before.
A melancholy.
It most assuredly had a walking-to-the-gallows feel.
When we hung up I wondered: “what was that all about?”
In a few short weeks I would know.
It was the condemned man simply wanting to comb some of the ruins of his old stomping grounds.
One last time.
So, yeah, I am sorry.
Sorry and ashamed.
Because, in the end, I was complicit.
I didn’t say ****.
I didn’t do ****.
Harvey was nothing but wonderful to me.
So I reaped the rewards and I kept my mouth shut.
And for that, once again, I am sorry.
But you should be sorry, too.
With all these victims speaking up…
To tell their tales.
Shouldn’t those who witnessed it from the sidelines do the same?
Instead of retreating to the cowardly, canopied confines of faux-outrage?
Doesn’t being a bystander bring with it the responsibility of telling the truth, however personally disgraceful it may be?
You know who are.
You know that you knew.
And do you know how I know that you knew?
Because I was there with you.
And because everybody-*******-knew."
Tell us about it, Scott. Describe what the high times with Harvey were like. Tell us how flattered you were to be in the Big Splash. Tell us there was nothing you could have done. Nothing anybody could have done. Sounds like a story we've heard before. Sounds like, The King Had No Clothes. Literally. But Harvey was such a big shot it didn't matter--right? The party went on and on. Never mind the consequences. Never mind all those ambitious kids who paid a terrible price for admission to the party. Your beloved Harvey was a big spender. He spent it all over anyone dumb enough to open their mouths like you and swallow his largesse. It's too late to be ashamed, Scott. Way too late for contrition from Everybody-who-*******-Knew, don't you think? You don't know what to feel, do you, Scott?”
More Liberal rapists being exposed.....

Reese Witherspoon Claims Director Sexually Assaulted Her at 16


Witherspoon, who debuted on the silver screen at 15, “[I feel] true disgust at the director who assaulted me when I was 16 years old and anger at the agents and the producers who made me feel that silence was a condition of my employment.”

The Academy Award-winning actress went on to claim that the incident was just one of a number of times she had been sexually abused throughout her career. “I wish that I could tell you that was an isolated incident in my career, but sadly it wasn’t,” she said. “I’ve had multiple experiences of harassment and sexual assault and I don’t speak about them very often.

There has to be an effective way for Police to do their jobs in this case and not be sell outs to rich/famous people.

The truth is, the correct course of action for these women is NOT to just report it to Human Resources (although they should do that) but also report it confidentially to the police. Once enough women start reporting it to police and the "smoke" increases, the Police should be doing their jobs and THEY should be the ones going public. Not put the burden of going public on women who's jobs depend on some degree of "not rocking the boat" (even if that is awful to say).

There also has to be significant penalty, including prison time, for false accusations. The "accuse and sue" mentality some women have towards even legitimate sexual assault hurts the ability of society to really solve this problem. There are women that would rather make money off an incident rather that press charges and prevent the man from doing it again.

I can't really think of a method to solve this. The idea "women are going to stand together and change" or that men are just going to change because Harvey Weinstein is getting publicly executed is idealistic and naive.

The truth is women need to report these incidents IMMEDIATELY. Not years after the fact. Not #metoo. They are ignorant of the fact women have been using sexual favors for advancement just as much as men have abused power.

And truthfully, the Police need to do a better job of allowing even minor sexual assaults to be documented to reveal patterns of behavior and allow for collective prosecution of serial harassers.
I cannot stand that #metoo movement. It lumps in harrassment with assault, and makes those of us who DON'T speak out (because we don't view a wolf whistle as harrassment OR assault) appear not to give a ****. Well, I care about REAL sexual assault. But I don't need a hashtag campaign to tell me what I should and shouldn't speak out on.
I cannot stand that #metoo movement. It lumps in harrassment with assault, and makes those of us who DON'T speak out (because we don't view a wolf whistle as harrassment OR assault) appear not to give a ****. Well, I care about REAL sexual assault. But I don't need a hashtag campaign to tell me what I should and shouldn't speak out on.

I do agree the media is starting to lump all crude behavior of men into the same issue, when that is clearly not the case. I've been thinking about this and decided this issue is really FOUR different levels of bad (and sometimes criminal) behavior by men:

1. Being crude, uncouth, chauvinistic, sexist, etc. This can be as simple as a man whistling at a girl walking down the street or just a crude pickup line once too many times. This can happen in the work environment between two EQUAL individuals if there is a lude pass or pick up attempt or even asking someone out over and over again. This is NOT a criminal act and can not be punished by law. It involves no aggressive touching (I mean you can touch a woman's shoulder and not be criminal). Certainly this is wrong. I'd like to think I raise my son to act better around woman, but this is somewhat part of life and some men are going to (incorrectly) think this is the proper way to get attention. Again. Not criminal.

2. All the same above except done in a professional area where the man is ABOVE the woman in either power, control or influence. Note that unless the woman's space is compromised or physical touching is involved, this is still NOT A CRIME. The only liability in these cases is in civil court. This is partly why the "casting couch" culture is prevalent. I mean, you are one-on-one. To ask for a blow job in return for favors in your career is not criminal. To answer your hotel room in a bathrobe and ask for a massage is not criminal. I'm not even sure masturbating over someone sleeping is above this level of harassment. It's disgusting. It's wrong. But if I'm rich and you're not, the ability of you to win in a civil trial is almost nil. In many respects, much of what the media is now talking about is this type of wrongdoing. And I'm not sure how to correct this.

3. If in either of the cases above, if there is unwanted physical contact and touching, especially of a sexual nature, we finally get to a crime. And that is sexual assault. This requires touching and almost always of an unwanted sexual nature. It varies strongly in severity from just feeling up a woman that's not paying attention to full blown attempted rape (no penetration). The proper course of action IN EVERY CASE is to go to the police and make a report. This is the part of Hollywood right now that is most frustrating. If sexual assault was happening, too often women let it go and don't report it to the police. Or the police are playing favorites and protecting a powerful individual (which is a much worse crime the Feds should prosecute strongly). If you don't report sexual assault to the police, it's not sexual assault. You are either looking for a payday or you don't care if that individual does it to other people. Too many of these "stories" from actresses right now should have been reported to Police and if they don't do enough (after enough complaints) than the story would be corrupt Police, not Weinstein.

4. The last category is rape, which requires penetration of an orifice. As far as I can tell, Weinstein has not been accused of rape.

In reality our cultural acceptance and disgust at each level above is really a separate issue (sure it stems from some degree of misogyny), but how we correct it might be completely different. Do we need more laws to let harassment be tried as a crime in severe or serial nature? Do we just let the civil courts continue to act as the "punisher" of harassment in the workplace? That the threat of financial and reputational ruin is enough to keep men from harassment and how does that work against the most elite and powerful (like Clinton, Weinstein or Trump)? Do we need better ways to educate our boys and men so they never get to "Stage 1" since I'm sure there is scientific evidence that sexual harassers probably started as just being uncouth and chauvinistic.

It's a complex issue that #metoo isn't going to solve.
no doubt Weinstein is a creeper, a bully, who likely did assault some women. But i guarantee you that many of these supposed victims voluntarily banged him for movie parts. That's how it's worked forever and not just for the women. I bet there's quite a few male stars who slobbed a knob to get a part.
Why haven’t the ***** Mad Hatters organized a ***** parade in Hollywood against Harvey, who actually committed multiple rapes versus Trump, who merely engaged in guy talk? Hypocritical libtards.

Because Harvey is a liberal, and when you are a liberal, it's OK.
You can thank feminists for this. They murdered chivalry and gentlemanly behavior. Now I sit back and laugh while thinking "there's a fish that needs a bicycle."
The exploits of this hero of the Left should be kept front and center. Just remember folks, Trump said "grab 'em by the *****" so he is evil. Read about Harvey's exploits below. He's to be revered....

'I DROVE MR SEX PIG' Harvey Weinstein’s former-chauffeur reveals more of the film chief’s sick secrets – including how he ‘had sex in the back of a car as woman begged him not to hurt her’

DISGRACED film producer Harvey Weinstein had sex with a woman in the back of his car as she begged him: “Don’t hurt me”, his ex-chauffeur reveals today.

Weinstein then took her into a hotel and romped with her again while his pregnant wife slept in a nearby room.

His driver Mickael Chemloul, 56, told how sex-crazed Weinstein was known as “le porc” (“the pig”) by locals in the South of France.

Mickael said the sleazy film-maker also kept an emergency stash of condoms and Viagra in his Mercedes’ glove compartment.

Speaking at his Cannes apartment, he told The Sun on Sunday how Weinstein, 65:

REGULARLY picked up girls when he was at film and TV festivals in France;
WAS minutes from death after his gastric band failed at model Naomi Campbell’s birthday party;
TREMBLED with excitement whenever he saw a pretty woman;
ATTACKED Mickael while he was driving after two East European escorts failed to show up.

Mickael, Weinstein’s regular driver in the south of France from 2008 to 2013, said: “Weinstein was a terrible man to work for. Everyone knew him as le porc because of his size and because he sweated so much. When he came to Cannes we all knew what to expect.”

He recalled how the mogul once picked up a woman at a billionaire’s yacht party — while pregnant wife Georgina Chapman stayed behind at the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc.

He said: “She was a good-looking girl, around 25 to 30, who had clearly had a few drinks. This was a fairly familiar sight for me, but even I was shocked when I heard her say, ‘Don’t hurt me’ in the car.

“I turned and saw her with her head in his lap and him pulling her hair. I knew Georgina decided to stay in her room and miss the party because she was feeling tired.

“I said to Harvey, ‘Are you sure?’ He replied, ‘Just drive to the f****** Cap’.

“When we arrived, Harvey got out with the girl and headed for another room. He was with her until 5am and left her there to go back to Georgina.

“The worst of it was that Georgina phoned me at 4.30 while I was trying to catch some sleep in the car and asked me where Harvey was.

“I was in an awkward spot. All I could think of was he had gone for a meeting with some business friends. I felt forced to lie.

“I remember a night porter saying to me, ‘What is he doing coming in with a hooker when his wife is asleep upstairs?’

“When Harvey finally turned up he looked in a right state, sweating like a pig with his shirt out. ‘What did you tell my wife?’ he blurted. To be honest, he sickened me.”

The Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc is where Italian actress Asia Argento alleges Weinstein sexually assaulted her in 1997. A string of other women have also accused him of sexual misconduct, including rape, assault and harassment.

Mickael said Weinstein fuelled himself on sugar before heading to orgies. He recalled: “He would have Viagra, chewing gum, Coca-Cola and loads of M&M’s sweet packs in the car. It gave him the energy to carry on the way he did.

“It was so stressful working for him – I was taking him to parties and I know he was going to orgies as well but I had to keep quiet.

“Harvey gets so excited in the presence of women that he trembles, he shakes, it’s as if he is having an orgasm.

“One day he was leaving a beach lunch on the Croisette in Cannes and he saw two attractive girls on the pavement go in. They looked like models or actresses.

“Harvey turned to me and said, ‘Tell them who I am and that I am a film producer’. It is hard to believe but he was shaking. As he followed them in, he was gently groping them. A day without sex for Harvey is like a summer day without sun. The glove box always contained contraceptives for when he had a pressing need, along with Viagra and all the medicinal pills and tablets he had for his health.

“I have seen him attend three dinners in one night and still go later to the villas well known for their orgies with police outside to protect the guests.”

But Mickael recalled how Weinstein was minutes from death at Naomi Campbell’s birthday party at the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc. He said: “People ran out to say Harvey was flat out on the floor and could hardly breathe.

“Luckily for Harvey someone found a surgeon who lived nearby on the Cap D’Antibes.

“It appeared he had eaten so much from the buffet that it was too much for the sort of gastric band he had fitted.

“The surgeon did a manipulation that allowed Harvey’s food to go down, so he could breathe more easily. He told me Harvey would have died within 30 minutes if he had not intervened.

The amazing thing was that when he opened his eyes and saw me, he said, ‘F*** you, go home.’ Then he went back to the buffet and started eating again.’’

Mickael quit working for Weinstein after he allegedly attacked him in 2013 when he failed to track down two East European hookers.

Weinstein was at a launch party at VIP hangout Club 55 in Saint-Tropez — and afterwards handed Mickael a note with two phone numbers.

He then barked: “Find out where these girls live.” Mickael went on: “The arrangement had already been made and Harvey only wanted the address. That was so he could pick them up and enter the hotel with the girls as his guests.

“Trouble is they were not there. They had misunderstood and caught a taxi to the hotel where staff wouldn’t let them in.”

Mickael said furious Weinstein then hit him while he was driving and crushed his €1800 shades in his fist.

The Sun on Sunday has seen the complaint Mickael filed to Cannes police about the incident, which left him with a broken finger, bruised ribs and facial injuries. He said Weinstein ranted: “The Mafia will find you and put you in the boot, you will disappear and no one will know what’s happened to you.

“He then dragged his index finger across his throat as if to indicate I would be guillotined.”

Mickael added: “He attacked me violently as I was trying to keep the car on the road. I stopped the car and told me I would never work for him again. But it still wasn’t over for him. His last words he screamed as he went into the hotel were, ‘Go and find those *******.’’’ Weinstein denied the attack to police. The investigation was later dropped because there were no independent witnesses and Mickael waited too long to make a complaint.

Mickael added: “It’s poor Georgina I feel sorry for the most. I drove her a few times and she was always very sweet. I think she was embarrassed by the way her husband bullied me and his other staff. Thankfully I won’t see or work for him again.”

Weinstein has denied any allegations of non-consensual sex.
