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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

Wait, I thought we were told the adults were in charge now.

I guess they meant adults who need assisted living, a 24 hour caregiver and someone to help with functional strength and balance.

Plus he's a total scumbag and a pedo piece of **** criminal. That's the added adult bonus.
I guess they meant adults who need assisted living, a 24 hour caregiver and someone to help with functional strength and balance.

Plus he's a total scumbag and a pedo piece of **** criminal. That's the added adult bonus.
You forgot that he has sold US influence to foreign enemies to enrich his family. Plus the brink of nuclear war in Ukraine.
With Xi taking full control of the Chinese congress it won't be long until the take over Taiwan. They will do it before Biden leaves office because they own Biden. He has been paid off by China. The world is very different now that Biden sold the American government to the Chinese communist party.
Wow. Censorship in science, led by the NIH itself. This is also scary. WTF?

Don’t Even Go There​

The National Institutes of Health now blocks access to an important database if it thinks a scientist’s research may enter “forbidden” territory.

A policy of deliberate ignorance has corrupted top scientific institutions in the West. It’s been an open secret for years that prestigious journals will often reject submissions that offend prevailing political orthodoxies—especially if they involve controversial aspects of human biology and behavior—no matter how scientifically sound the work might be. The leading journal Nature Human Behaviour recently made this practice official in an editorial effectively announcing that it will not publish studies that show the wrong kind of differences between human groups.

American geneticists now face an even more drastic form of censorship: exclusion from access to the data necessary to conduct analyses, let alone publish results. Case in point: the National Institutes of Health now withholds access to an important database if it thinks a scientist’s research may wander into forbidden territory. The source at issue, the Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP), is an exceptional tool, combining genome scans of several million individuals with extensive data about health, education, occupation, and income. It is indispensable for research on how genes and environments combine to affect human traits. No other widely accessible American database comes close in terms of scientific utility.

My colleagues at other universities and I have run into problems involving applications to study the relationships among intelligence, education, and health outcomes. Sometimes, NIH denies access to some of the attributes that I have just mentioned, on the grounds that studying their genetic basis is “stigmatizing.” Sometimes, it demands updates about ongoing research, with the implied threat that it could withdraw usage if it doesn’t receive satisfactory answers. In some cases, NIH has retroactively withdrawn access for research it had previously approved.

Note that none of the studies I am referring to include inquiries into race or sex differences. Apparently, NIH is clamping down on a broad range of attempts to explore the relationship between genetics and intelligence.

What is NIH’s justification? Studies of intelligence do not pose any greater threat to the dignity of their participants than research based on non-genetic factors. With the customary safeguards in place, research activities such as genetically predicting an individual’s academic performance need be no more “stigmatizing” than predicting academic performance based on an individual’s family structure during childhood.

The cost of this censorship is profound. On a practical level, many of the original data-generating studies were set up with the explicit goal of understanding risk factors for various diseases. Since intelligence and education are also risk factors for many of these diseases, denying researchers usage of these data stymies progress on the problems the studies were funded to address. Scientific research should not have to justify itself on those grounds, anyway. Perhaps the most elemental principle of science is that the search for truth is worthwhile, regardless of its practical benefits.

NIH’s responsibility is to protect the safety and privacy of research participants, not to enforce a party line. Indeed, no apparent legal basis exists for these restrictions. NIH enforces hundreds of regulations, but you will search in vain for any grounds on which to ban “stigmatizing” research—whatever that even means.

The restrictions appear to be invented to impede research on certain topics that anonymous bureaucrats with ideological motivations have decided are out of bounds. It’s impossible to know whether senior NIH officials have instigated the restrictions or merely accepted them tacitly. Perhaps they are unaware of the problem; officials far down the bureaucratic ladder are responsible for approving specific applications.

NIH has historically enjoyed high levels of public confidence in its professionalism and integrity. That trust is now deteriorating. The decline began with evidence that its personnel may have been complicit in blocking investigations of the possibility that Covid-19 escaped from a Chinese laboratory. The restrictions on scholars’ access to the dbGaP don’t have nearly the same public visibility as the Covid story, but they strike equally at the heart of NIH’s integrity.

The federal government was under no obligation to assemble the magnificent database that is the dbGaP. Now that it has done so at taxpayer expense, however, it does have an obligation to provide access to that database evenhandedly—not to allow it for some and deny it to others, based on the content of their research.
Since the Dobbs decision, the DoJ has charged/arrested 27 people under the FACE act. Every single one was a pro-life supporter, accused of damaging abortion clinics, or breaking other laws.

Not ONE pro-abortionist has been charged with anything, despite pregnancy centers across the nation having been targeted likewise.

It's almost as if political persecution is happening.

Wait...not almost.
Aside from filling my truck, this is essentially what many will heat their homes with this winter. FJB, if the Dimbo's don't get trounced next month, there is no one to blame other than us. Get off your *** and vote early and often.
Wife was opening the mail tonight and got to the gas bill.
"WTF? Gas bill went up $80 and we're on the budget plan!"
"What was it before?"
"What is it now?"
"Sounds about right. Radio was saying heating bills are going up about 30%."
"I didn't vote for this. If there's an upside, everybody's getting their higher bills before election day."
Wife was opening the mail tonight and got to the gas bill.
"WTF? Gas bill went up $80 and we're on the budget plan!"
"What was it before?"
"What is it now?"
"Sounds about right. Radio was saying heating bills are going up about 30%."
"I didn't vote for this. If there's an upside, everybody's getting their higher bills before election day."
So did you correct her and only males can be opening the mail?


Me and my bride have gone round , mostly bout the poke and how I would not permit our 12 yrd old to get it. Man I took a wallop many times. The bride is coming around, I’d call it, just open you eyes
No reason to be concerned, nope, none at all, Sloppy Joe is sharp as a freaking tack. Yet another example:

Anybody who thinks that dementia-ridden, confused, idiotic old man is running the country should lose the right to vote.
No reason to be concerned, nope, none at all, Sloppy Joe is sharp as a freaking tack. Yet another example:

Anybody who thinks that dementia-ridden, confused, idiotic old man is running the country should lose the right to vote.

Jesus, c'mon. This is absolutely nuts. This guy is not all there and probably hasn't in two years. Now PA is trying to place a half brain-dead ogre as a US Senator. A guy who can't even comprehend what you say directly to him. How the heck is that going to work debating bills????
So did you correct her and only males can be opening the mail?
Mrs. Burgundy is an accountant by trade so it's just easier to let her handle the bills. She's got spreadsheets for everything including our Christmas card list where she tracks not only who we send cards to but if they send a card to us and if we don't get one for two years then they're off our Send list.
She's loads of fun at cocktail parties. :rolleyes:
Me and my bride have gone round , mostly bout the poke and how I would not permit our 12 yrd old to get it. Man I took a wallop many times. The bride is coming around, I’d call it, just open you eyes
Mrs. Burgundy is an accountant by trade so it's just easier to let her handle the bills. She's got spreadsheets for everything including our Christmas card list where she tracks not only who we send cards to but if they send a card to us and if we don't get one for two years then they're off our Send list.
She's loads of fun at cocktail parties. :rolleyes:

That sounds exactly like my wife. Every time I go to Walmart I have to buy more tablets.
Hah, you loser conservatives, the great wordsmith, Sloppy Joe, proffers this inspiring narrative to counter the false claims about his coherence:

I'm getting misty-eyed re-watching the clip.
Hah, you loser conservatives, the great wordsmith, Sloppy Joe, proffers this inspiring narrative to counter the false claims about his coherence:

I'm getting misty-eyed re-watching the clip.

What an amazing leader.I can't fathom how he never got elected president in the past. This amazing all time vote getter just fills us with wisdom so far advanced, they'll be teaching college courses on it. King Solomon has nothing on this man.
What an amazing leader.I can't fathom how he never got elected president in the past. This amazing all time vote getter just fills us with wisdom so far advanced, they'll be teaching college courses on it. King Solomon has nothing on this man.

If only Repugnicans would get out of his way.

Well, they hold no actual power in D.C. right now but somehow are still preventing him from furthering his amazing agenda because ... see, what they ... and the Repugnicans are ... then they ... what they try to do is ... it's all their fault! Those idiot Repugnicans and their $2 trillion boondoggle, massive Covid shutdowns, vaccine mandates, taxes, bowing down to China, open border policies, defund police policies - all Repugnican ideas!!
If only Repugnicans would get out of his way.

Well, they hold no actual power in D.C. right now but somehow are still preventing him from furthering his amazing agenda because ... see, what they ... and the Repugnicans are ... then they ... what they try to do is ... it's all their fault! Those idiot Repugnicans and their $2 trillion boondoggle, massive Covid shutdowns, vaccine mandates, taxes, bowing down to China, open border policies, defund police policies - all Repugnican ideas!!

Unfortunately we have so many people who are completely ignorant to anything going on politically. They think Russia is the reason we're paying out the wazoo for fuel. Not the actions of this imposter as soon as he took over the office. It's the ignorant voters who vote themselves out of prosperity and into crisis that's intentionally inflicted upon them.

Everyone now suffers because of foolish people in the masses. I'm hopeful that gets corrected soon.
What an amazing leader.I can't fathom how he never got elected president in the past. This amazing all time vote getter just fills us with wisdom so far advanced, they'll be teaching college courses on it. King Solomon has nothing on this man.
Historians will look back and admonish us for not electing him president 30 years earlier.
Just the daily posting of Biden being an imbecile.

Went to Autozone this afternoon to drop off some used motor oil. As I was waiting for them to return with my container from the back, I found myself
in front of a display of individual 2 inch chrome numbers and letters to customize your vehicle, if so desired.

They had all the numbers and letters, but were sold out of all the F's, J's and B's. Strange.