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The problem is not white guys, it's black guys.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Let's address the elephant in the room. There cannot be a bigger elephant. STOP BREAKING THE LAW. Law abiding people are ******* sick of it.

That is all.
Yeah......it is never productive to anyone's argument to try and lump and entire race of people together in a negative light. Normally whatever point you are trying to make falls by the wayside. I know most people here fall on the Conservative side, including myself....but this is way beyond what I'm comfortable with. I think it's dangerous and counterproductive.

I'm actually hoping this was a late night drunk post.
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Yeah......it is never productive to anyone's argument to try and lump and entire race of people together in a negative light. Normally whatever point you are trying to make falls by the wayside. I know most people here fall on the Conservative side, including myself....but this is way beyond what I'm comfortable with. I think it's dangerous and counterproductive.

I'm actually hoping this was a late night drunk post.

In this case it is. Until we address the huge smelly elephant in the room of fatherless black kids turning to crime and gangs out of boredom and the need for a sense of family nothing will change. Let's have an honest discussion about the problem without shouting RACIST!
I agree with DBS. Fatherless children is the major cause of societal ills today, brought about by insane government policies and programs. But it should be said that although the problem is worse in the black community, the problem does cross racial lines. But you will never see this being openly discussed in the halls of government, since they are major contributor. The other factor is lack of responsible parenting.
Totally appropriate topic IMO. I'm ******* sick of people being labeled racist for speaking the truth.
I'm sure Elfie will be along to straighten us out soon.
I like this post. Finally, thanks to Trump, the Right is coming out of the closet.

Conservatives don't like Black people. Period. So rather than trying to solve problems, you want to assign blame. You whine about "law breakers" but don't want to deal with the fact that the laws aren't just.

You want lower crime? Abolish the drug war. A policy that WE KNOW (from admissions by his staff) was put in place by the Nixon administration to specifically target Blacks. And it has worked, too.

You want to reduce fatherlessness? Abolish the drug war. Locking up fathers for committing "crimes" that should never have been illegal in the first place is a great way to create fatherless children.

The Biggest Lie In Politics: Conservatives want small government. They do not. They want big, expensive, intrusive government designed to control personal choice. That's why they appose gay marriage, favor vice laws, and want to invade everyone under the sun. The war on drugs is the biggest and worst of all the "failed big government programs", but the Right supports it whole-heartedly. And when Blacks get caught in the trap that was set for them, you then turn around and say "see, it's all the n-gg-rs fault!" How about you try being solution oriented for a change.

The war on drugs CREATES CRIME. It creates violent crime in the form of robberies to get dope, gang wars to protect territories for dope, and cartel wars to settle regional disputes over dope. And we haven't even mentioned all the property crime it creates because prohibition drives up the cost of dope. When was the last time you heard of a whino stealing to get drunk? It don't happen because he can beg for enough change to get his fix.

I don't blame white people for the war on drugs. That would be just as racist as blaming Black people for crime. I blame crooked politicians and a dishonest media for lying to the American public. Convincing them that authoritarianism would make them safer. It hasn't. There are solutions to the crime problem. But you're not going to find them by turning it into a race issue.
I agree with DBS. Fatherless children is the major cause of societal ills today, brought about by insane government policies and programs. But it should be said that although the problem is worse in the black community, the problem does cross racial lines. But you will never see this being openly discussed in the halls of government, since they are major contributor. The other factor is lack of responsible parenting.

We shame professional athletes for everything from drugs to domestic abuse but their multiple children to multiple women is mostly overlooked and under-reported. Talk about a character flaw.
We shame professional athletes for everything from drugs to domestic abuse but their multiple children to multiple women is mostly overlooked and under-reported. Talk about a character flaw.

call the MSM out on it. Call them out on not reporting **** that does matter.
They have absolutely no problem screeching about how Michael Bennett says he was treated, but fail to report what he actually did to get treated in such a way. They also fail to report on **** like the same Michael Bennett up and moving to Seattle from Tampa and leaving his goddamn dog behind while telling the reporters who called him to question if he'd forgotten the dog or if he had someone come to get it "i dont give a ****". They swept that **** right under the rug. Just like they do with **** that is NOT sensationalistic and does NOT appeal to emotion.

yes, the MSM is rather ****** up.
I like this post. Finally, thanks to Trump, the Right is coming out of the closet.

Conservatives don't like Black people. Period. So rather than trying to solve problems, you want to assign blame. You whine about "law breakers" but don't want to deal with the fact that the laws aren't just.

You want lower crime? Abolish the drug war. A policy that WE KNOW (from admissions by his staff) was put in place by the Nixon administration to specifically target Blacks. And it has worked, too.

You want to reduce fatherlessness? Abolish the drug war. Locking up fathers for committing "crimes" that should never have been illegal in the first place is a great way to create fatherless children.

The Biggest Lie In Politics: Conservatives want small government. They do not. They want big, expensive, intrusive government designed to control personal choice. That's why they appose gay marriage, favor vice laws, and want to invade everyone under the sun. The war on drugs is the biggest and worst of all the "failed big government programs", but the Right supports it whole-heartedly. And when Blacks get caught in the trap that was set for them, you then turn around and say "see, it's all the n-gg-rs fault!" How about you try being solution oriented for a change.

The war on drugs CREATES CRIME. It creates violent crime in the form of robberies to get dope, gang wars to protect territories for dope, and cartel wars to settle regional disputes over dope. And we haven't even mentioned all the property crime it creates because prohibition drives up the cost of dope. When was the last time you heard of a whino stealing to get drunk? It don't happen because he can beg for enough change to get his fix.

I don't blame white people for the war on drugs. That would be just as racist as blaming Black people for crime. I blame crooked politicians and a dishonest media for lying to the American public. Convincing them that authoritarianism would make them safer. It hasn't. There are solutions to the crime problem. But you're not going to find them by turning it into a race issue.
I agree. End the war on drugs. Make them all legal, and over the counter. Been saying that for years. Take everyone who has a criminal record for selling, or possession, and cleanse their record. Then what? They are all going to go back to school and become engineers? Entering the world of the drug business was a choice....and a bad one. They had others. We all do.

And thanks for lumping all conservatives in one bucket, just like you accused others of the same.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
I agree. End the war on drugs. Make them all legal, and over the counter. Been saying that for years. Take everyone who has a criminal record for selling, or possession, and cleanse their record. Then what? They are all going to go back to school and become engineers? Entering the world of the drug business was a choice....and a bad one. They had others. We all do.

And thanks for lumping all conservatives in one bucket, just like you accused others of the same.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

Exactly...most of the blanket statements about conservatives are completely opposite of my positions starting with the failed war on drugs. Just say no...dumbasses.
You cannot legalize all drugs... heroin cant be.. or meth... but you can legalize 90% of the recreational drugs and focus the drug war on the really dangerous ones... and i think its not an issue along racial lines moreso inner urban culture across all races... fix large city ghetto culture and you fix a great majority of the country's issues. Half the politicians want to keep it screwed up and the other half want nothing to do with it
Do I want meth legal? Nope. Do I want heroin legal. Nope. Crack? ..ahhh no way. What's left ? Pot?LSD? PCP, MDMA?..throw in the rest of the prescription pain killers derived from the hard **** and I'm not sure what's left.

I just can't see a very functional society with all the hard **** being legal. Hell we'd have opium dens,meth houses ,crack heads,heroin junkies galore. Yeah bad ******* idea.
And like clockwork Steelvanguard screams "RACISM" and throws up a wall of deflections and excuses.

So tell me SV, what lead you to believe that conservatives don't like black people? Is it because conservatives want black people to break the chains of government dependency thus creating a better life for themselves? Or is it because we want to see black people break the cycle of generational poverty that many of them are stuck in? I personally do not like or dislike any group I save that for individuals. I do however want all of my fellow Americans to live peaceful law-abiding prosperous lives because as the country prospers I prosper. I agree that the drug war needs to be ended. I want all drugs to be legal because it's nobodies business what substances you put into your body. By the same token if you become drug dependent I'm not going to subsidize your living costs either. But let's be honest, drug crimes are only about a third of the issue. Armed robbery, home invasion, Assalt and battery, ADW, Grand theft auto, and burglary or not drug crimes. Young black men commit the majority of those crimes. The rate of bastardy in the black community is not because of the drug war, it's because we have paid young black intercity women to become baby factories in exchange for votes. That dependency is a scheme to farm black Americans as a voting block by the DNC. It's just another plantation that they put the blacks on. Break the cycle and get off the plantation man.
I agree. End the war on drugs. Make them all legal, and over the counter. Been saying that for years. Take everyone who has a criminal record for selling, or possession, and cleanse their record. Then what? They are all going to go back to school and become engineers? Entering the world of the drug business was a choice....and a bad one. They had others. We all do.

And thanks for lumping all conservatives in one bucket, just like you accused others of the same.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

As I feel the same, I can see how "all Blacks must be criminals" argument can be applied here, so it's moot to defend myself from this blanket statement. It's just not true, even what the narrative is out there. I see ******** and criminals, not color. They are everywhere, in all shapes, sizes and races.
I can support decriminalizing marijuana use. That would be a drop in the bucket of solving these problems. And heck, I could support decriminalizing hard drugs as well, as long as it came along with drug testing for all government benefits. You want to sit around on your *** doing drugs all day? Fine, just don't expect my family to go to work every day to support that.

The problems of the black community are multifaceted and more complex than anyone in this thread has addressed. There is racism, yes. We'd be lying to deny that black people are treated as inferior by some people in this country. There is suspicion of black people, based party on crime statistics, yes, but still grossly unfair to law-abiding people.

There's also reverse racism. Kids who try to succeed and act right are accused of "acting white". There is hatred and suspicion of white people, even white people who truly want to help.

There are kids trapped in failing schools and liberals desperate to keep them trapped there for the sake of teachers' unions.

There is a lack of economic growth which limits economic opportunity.

There is a system that rewards failure and punishes success, that incentivizes out of wedlock childbirth and penalizes marriage and working. Generations of kids have grown up in this system and don't know anything else (both black and white).

Why aren't black lives matter people working in these neighborhoods, mentoring, encouraging kids to get an education, get job training, stay off drugs and not get pregnant? Instead they are teaching black people that they are helpless victims of racism, that there is nothing they can do to better their situation, that other people need to provide them with things because they are incapable of achieving them on their own. You were treated badly, therefore you are owed. Even if we could agree that's true, what kind of result do you expect when that's the message kids are getting every day?

And saying "conservatives don't like black people" is not even worth responding to. You can't say " I know many wonderful black people", that's racist. You can't say "My heart breaks for what's happening in black communities" that's racist..There's no real answer to that bogus statement, except that I know what's in my heart and that comment is used mostly when someone has no good arguments against legitimate conservative points. "You just don't like black people." Uh huh, ok.
But let's be honest, drug crimes are only about a third of the issue. Armed robbery, home invasion, Assalt and battery, ADW, Grand theft auto, and burglary .

These problems won't be solved by legalizing everything, and certainly all of the above cross racial barriers. Problem is, those other crimes, armed robbery, burglary, etc. are done by those who need the cash for their drug dependence. Legalizing the drugs won't lower those other crime rates. That segment of the population, white, black, brown, or yellow that choose to use these products will not be able to consistently be a functional member of society. And because they won't be able to be responsible for themselves, will resort to committing crimes to feed their habit. Interesting, but complicated subject. No simple answer for this one.
I agree. End the war on drugs. Make them all legal, and over the counter. Been saying that for years. Take everyone who has a criminal record for selling, or possession, and cleanse their record. Then what? They are all going to go back to school and become engineers? Entering the world of the drug business was a choice....and a bad one. They had others. We all do.

And thanks for lumping all conservatives in one bucket, just like you accused others of the same.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

You're right black people can't be engineers, or cops, or teachers, or even plumbers .............they should have just used their privilege and gone to school right?............................................................................it had to be a choice, yeah an involuntary one.
I like this post. Finally, thanks to Trump, the Right is coming out of the closet.

Conservatives don't like Black people. Period.

Bullshit. Replace the word "right" with "left," and "conservative" with "liberal." What you engage in is the logical fallacy known as circular reasoning. You conclude that the right, or conservatives, or whatever are racist, and thereby decide THEY ARE RACISTS!!

Ta-da, point proven!

You whine about "law breakers" but don't want to deal with the fact that the laws aren't just.

Look, it does not work that way. You CANNOT simply say, "Oh, laws suck" and immunize yourself from the ******* law. You have, I assume, heard the phrase, "We are a nation of laws, not of men"?????

Do you realize what that phrase means and how powerful it is? It means that we, the populace, pass laws. We agree that those laws are the ******* rules of the game, and NOBODY is immune from those rules. NOBODY.

Jesus-Christ-****-On-A-Stick, is that NOT the entire goddamn argument as to Trump?!?!?!? "Hey, he is not above the law"??? If the "laws are not valid" and don't matter, then WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY does it matter that Trump, or Obama, or me, or anybody violated the goddamn law?!?!?!?!?

You want lower crime? Abolish the drug war. A policy that WE KNOW (from admissions by his staff) was put in place by the Nixon administration to specifically target Blacks. And it has worked, too.

The most significant problem with your argument is the Nixon administration enacting tough drug laws, and later legislation in the 1980's regarding crack cocaine that resulted in tens of thousands of black males being incarcerated for a long time, were implemented with the approval, indeed the demand, of the black community. It was not only white politicians who demanded these tougher penalties on the drug suppliers (the vast majority of whom are black), not the users. The black community supported the anti-drug laws, and black legislators voted for it.

1970. September-October. MAJOR FEDERAL DRUG WAR LEGISLATION PASSES. Three of the nation’s ten African American lawmakers vote in favor of Nixon’s Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Prevention Act, the first major piece of Federal legislation laying the groundwork for the national war on drugs. Senator Brooke from Massachusetts, Rep. Shirley Chisholm from New York, and Rep. Robert Nix Sr. from Pennsylvania support the measure. Only two black congressman, including Rep. John Conyers from Michigan, vote against the bill. Five members of the black delegation don’t vote.

1971. February. The Congressional Black Caucus founded on a motion by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY). According to historian Marguerite Ross Barnett, the group quickly made “a transformation from a small, relatively powerless, and ignored group of representatives to a national cynosure.” Through most of its history, the CBC would advocate actively for tough drug war legislation.

1972 March 22. Nixon’s “Shafer” commission, made up largely of conservative white elected officials, recommends legalization of marijuana. “Neither the marihuana user nor the drug itself can be said to constitute a danger to public safety,” writes co-author Gov. Raymond Shafer, a Republican from Pennsylvania. Measure receives no support from black lawmakers in Congress.

1973. January. New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, a longtime member of the NAACP with close ties to the black community, rolls out drug laws that would set a new standard for tough sentences, even for low-level non-violent drug offenders. “I have one goal and one objective and that is to stop the pushing of drugs and to protect the innocent victim,” Rockefeller declared, at a press conference. He is joined at the podium by prominent black leaders from New York City who support the measure and urge Rockefeller to adopt even more stringent penalties including the death penalty for “pushers.”

1982. February. Congressional Black Caucus releases “Black Leadership Family Plan for the Unity, Survival and Progress of Black People.” The document, penned by civil rights icon and Washington DC non-voting representative Walter Fauntroy, includes criticism that “diminished drug enforcement increases [black youth] vulnerability to drug abuse.”

1986. July 15. Fauntroy testifies before a Committee hearing, describing crack cocaine as “the plague.” “Every area of our life, every institution of our society is being affected by this tragedy and high cost of drug abuse,” he says.

1986. August. New York’s Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo introduces sweeping drug war legislation that escalates Rockefeller-era penalties, particularly for crack cocaine.

1986. October. MAJOR FEDERAL DRUG WAR LEGISLATION PASSES. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 passes Congress, enacting far tougher Federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws for drug offenders, including those caught with marijuana. Establishes a 100-to-1 disparity in punishments for crack cocaine compared with powedr form of drug. The measure is supported by the Congressional Black Caucus, though some members want even harsher penalties for drug crimes. Sixteen of nineteen African American members of the House — including Texas Rep. Mickey Leland and California Rep. Ron Dellums — co-sponsor of the bill.

1988. May 17. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) publishes an op-ed in the New York Times titled “Legalize Drugs? Not on your life.” He chastises President Reagan for not doing enough to battle illegal narcotics and calls crack “the worst drug epidemic in our history.”

1988. October 22. MAJOR FEDERAL DRUG WAR LEGISLATION PASSES. House of Representatives approves the Anti-Drug Control Act of 1988, a bi-partisan bill which further toughens narcotics penalties, adding the death penalty in certain cases, and creating the Office of National Drug Control Policy — establishing a so-called ‘drug czar’ for the first time. Also enables a Federal media campaign designed to curtail youth substance abuse. Passes House on 346-11 vote. Many African American House members don’t vote on the measure. However, Julian Dixon, William Gray, August Hawkins and Charles Rangel vote in favor of the Reagan-backed bill. The only African American “No” votes are cast by John Lewis and John Conyers.

1989. March. Ebony magazine publishes an article describing Rep. Rangel as “The Front-Line General In the War On Drugs.” Rangel talks about the “cancerous epidemic” of drugs hitting black communities in America. Rangel chastises the administration of President George H.W. Bush for not doing enough to stop drugs. Blasts the White House for moving with “turtle-like speed” to tackle narcotics.

1991. The Debate Rages On. Rep. Charles Rangel insists in a televised debate that the drug war should continue in a debate with conservative William F. Buckley Jr., wants drugs legalized.

1998. Rep. Charles Rangel publishes article in journal “Criminal Justice Ethics” arguing against drug legalization and claiming that “legalization of drugs would be a nightmare…in minority communities.”

I obtained the information about this timeline from this very good article:


SteelVanguard said:
The war on drugs CREATES CRIME. It creates violent crime in the form of robberies to get dope, gang wars to protect territories for dope, and cartel wars to settle regional disputes over dope. And we haven't even mentioned all the property crime it creates because prohibition drives up the cost of dope. When was the last time you heard of a whino stealing to get drunk? It don't happen because he can beg for enough change to get his fix.

First off, you are generally correct that laws "create crime," since without the law, the activity would be legal, yes? Also, your comments about high drug prices creating property crimes, while such property crimes do not arise from alcohol abuse, are simply incorrect. Those addicted to alcohol steal all ... the ... time. The percentage of people who have alcohol in their system when they commit robberies and burglaries is extremely high. Further, people directly steal alcohol out of stores with regularity - something called "pack-and-dash." They don't need to steal a car stereo because they can simply steal the alcohol directly. Good heavens, I was in a very large and well-appointed supermarket two weeks ago, and saw two young men simply walk out of the store, carrying ****** beer - Modelo. Dog piss.

So yes, those addicted to alcohol steal to be able to drink, do it all the time, but simply steal the alcohol directly since it is sitting on the store shelf.

SteelVanguard said:
I don't blame white people for the war on drugs. That would be just as racist as blaming Black people for crime. I blame crooked politicians and a dishonest media for lying to the American public. Convincing them that authoritarianism would make them safer. It hasn't. There are solutions to the crime problem. But you're not going to find them by turning it into a race issue.

Then why did you write,

I like this post. Finally, thanks to Trump, the Right is coming out of the closet. Conservatives don't like Black people. Period.

Are you claiming that was not a race-based comment? Be honest, for crying out loud.

And like most conservatives - William F. Buckley, for example - I agree that personal drug use really should be of little attention to government. However, I will point out that alcohol is available only to those age 21 and older, and I think that drugs that can affect brain chemistry should not be available for use until age 22. Seriously, I have no interest in seeing 16-year olds using marijuana or whatever.
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oh, no worries with Steel Vanguard. his circular arguments will soon spiral into his lust for underage white girls.
then he'll get banned again.
I agree. End the war on drugs. Make them all legal, and over the counter. Been saying that for years. Take everyone who has a criminal record for selling, or possession, and cleanse their record. Then what? They are all going to go back to school and become engineers? Entering the world of the drug business was a choice....and a bad one. They had others. We all do.

And thanks for lumping all conservatives in one bucket, just like you accused others of the same.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

You're right black people can't be engineers, or cops, or teachers, or even plumbers .............they should have just used their privilege and gone to school right?............................................................................it had to be a choice, yeah an involuntary one.

So hamster says that releasing individuals with drug related criminal records isn't going to make them turn their lives around and become engineers - and you inferred that as black people can't be engineers and such.

Are you saying that all criminals in prison are black?

Man, you are so racist.
Conservatives don't like Black people. Period. So rather than trying to solve problems, you want to assign blame. You whine about "law breakers" but don't want to deal with the fact that the laws aren't just.

As some say, you can go swallow a glock.

I'm white. I'm conservative. And I spent all of yesterday afternoon in District Court to support a young man my family loves and has tried to help and mentor for 4 years, who happens to be black. Who's dad is currently in jail. Who's mom has 7 kids by 4 men and recently got out of jail. Typical black hood story where the ****** up culture keeps producing ****** up kids who become ****** up adults. I have had this young man that I love spend hundreds of nights in my home. I've fed him. I've paid for his clothes. His sports leagues. I've coached him. I've bought his mother furniture. I've cried with him and talked to him and done everything I can to help him. But his ****** up culture is a cancer and it's winning. He was arrested Tuesday on 8 counts and is currently in a juvenile detention center.

"But it's the law that is ****** up." He was accused by 7 younger kids (he's 15) of sexually assaulting them, ranging in ages from 6 to 10 years old. Playing the "Baby Daddy's Momma Game" as these kids said he called it. There's nothing wrong with the laws. What's wrong is his mom having a rotation of 8 or so men always coming in and out of the house (when she hasn't been evicted), the drugs, five to ten kids running around the place at times in a cloud of marijuana smoke that hangs in the air, other drugs always present, him always sleeping on the floor and being asked to babysit these other kids while mom & boyfriends get high or have sex while all are present. And many of the kids are sitting around watching porn. Six year olds...

But it's the laws? No. It's the ****** up culture and the utter vacuum of morals. This amazing, talented, bright young boy would be fantastic had he had A human that had cared for him.

My wife and I are actively discussing being his current foster home and potentially becoming his legal guardians. I sat with his mother and aunt yesterday and mopped up their tears.

To compound matters for your ridiculous stereotype, my white son is going to his first Home Coming as a Freshman in a couple weeks with a black female.

No, I'm not nor are we racists and we love "people". Skin color is irrelevant. However, I will say this publicly - YOU are one black person I can't tolerate because you're an uneducated race baiter.with zero character. Remember, you're the one who brags about using blonde chicks half your age and evaluating them based on their "tightness quotient.".

Take your baseless stereotypes and uneducated blather elsewhere tool.
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