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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

It's OK, anyone not a leftist will be labeled an extremist before long. Which is well over half of this country and growing daily.

All walks of life are clearly seeing them for what they are. The **** they've done and keep doing to Trump isn't going to work in their favor.

Even the people who really don't pay attention to politics and have normally voted Democrat are turning because of it.
Before long? We’re already there.

And people may be seeing what’s going on, but it won’t stop the single issue (gay rights, trans rights, gun control, etc) voters from voting democrat.

People are turning, but people are joining too. It won’t be enough. I hate being so pessimistic, but the left owns education, the media, federal law enforcement, the CIA, and every bureaucracy that controls laws and regulations in this entire nation. The future, in my view, is bleak.
Before long? We’re already there.

And people may be seeing what’s going on, but it won’t stop the single issue (gay rights, trans rights, gun control, etc) voters from voting democrat.

People are turning, but people are joining too. It won’t be enough. I hate being so pessimistic, but the left owns education, the media, federal law enforcement, the CIA, and every bureaucracy that controls laws and regulations in this entire nation. The future, in my view, is bleak.

I'm attempting to be optimistic. If you look at all of the states that are not under control of the left there's still reason for hope. The federal level is lost. I fully agree with. Whatever end that eventually reaches I don't know.
Each election cycle gets worse than the one before. Now they're arresting political opponents and destroy anyone who dares cross them. They'll keep pushing those boundaries because nothing is a threat to stop them.
On a positive note
If I just used the measurement of states that allow the carrying of concealed weapons without a permit,that alone gives me hope. That stands at 26 States in the Union. All is not lost.
Well, when he was VP Biden like to take off his clothes and go swimming in front of female Secret Service agents often enough that they asked to be off his detail.

A girl who had her breast fat removed and is on testosterone shots.
A guy who is on estrogen shots and fake ****. Welcome to extreme weirdo and pervert month. Who came up with an entire month of this nonsense?
A girl who had her breast fat removed and is on testosterone shots.
A guy who is on estrogen shots and fake ****. Welcome to extreme weirdo and pervert month. Who came up with an entire month of this nonsense?
The folks behind the gay/trans/Covid BS are the same folks behind Zero Population. Just addition ways to get to their goals. Problem is it’s only going to work in the U.S., Canuckistan, and Western Europe. Still gonna have a high birth rate in India, China, Middle East, and Mexico/South America. Which could be another goal, less proportion of white people. I know, I know, QBR.

Support For Transgenderism Is Cratering​

Support for gay marriage continues to climb steadily over time, according to Gallup survey data, while public support for transgenderism appears to be cratering.

A new Gallup poll out Monday reveals an overwhelming majority of Americans believe biological sex should define participation in athletic competition. Sixty-nine percent of the 1,011 adults surveyed between May 1-24 said athletes should only be allowed to compete on teams that match their birth gender, up from 62 percent just two years ago. Even 64 percent of participants who reported knowing a transgender person said sports leagues should be segregated based on sex.

Another 55 percent of Americans told Gallup that it is “morally wrong” for individuals to attempt a gender transition, up from 51 percent in 2021. While 7 in 10 Democrats thought otherwise, a majority of Democrats, 48 percent to 47 percent, still believe biological males should stay out of women’s sports and vice versa.

The swing against sports participation contrary to one’s biological sex was greatest among those who knew a person who identified as transgender. Sixty-four percent of survey respondents who know a transgender person oppose erasing gender in sports, marking a 9-point shift from 53 percent who said the same in 2021.

“People who know a transgender individual continue to be more accepting of pro-transgender policies than those who do not, but the relationship has weakened in the past two years,” Gallup reported. “As a result, Americans have become less favorable to transgender athlete participation in single-gender sports than they were in 2021, even as more people say they know a transgender person.”

The latest data from Gallup corroborates several surveys showing Americans overwhelmingly oppose trans-identified athletes competing on teams of the other sex.
Make America Great Again. ❤️🇲🇽

Make America Great Again. ❤️🇲🇽

The anti-trans Bud Light boycotters have made a Mexican import the #1 beer in the US and may force Anheuser-Busch to fire American workers. Good work, Anheuser-Busch.