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Trump ****-cans N. Korea Summit

It's obviously early and actually having inspectors going in to verify is what is really going to count, but how anybody can not consider this a success on the surface is beyond me.

A peaceful, denuclearized Korean peninsula is good for the world.
And this morning on CNN they are back to talking about ...

wait, I know


North Korea!

North Korea!

North Korea!

LOL - they are so desperate, the whole world praises PRESIDENT Trump, no wonder the libs are losing their minds

South Korea Praises Trump’s Summit with Kim Jong-un

[The] Agreement will be recorded as a historic event that has helped break down the last remaining Cold War legacy on earth,” South Korea said, as reported by CNN’s Ryan Struyk. “It is a great victory achieved by both the United States and the two Koreas, and a huge step forward for people across the world.”


But the KJU employed that same technique...buttered up Trump. Sent him a large envelope by his second In charge....it was a psychological move and it worked. FFW'd to yesterday...who gave up more ? KJU has been working for this moment for years. China will ease sanctions again as will Russia and now Trump committed to stopping war games calling them "provocative". Provocative ? That's language China uses. Who would have ever thought a leader of this nation would suggest war exercises in a region that has a brutal dictator would relent on war readiness and call it provocative and suggest it was EXPENSIVE. EXPENSIVE ? We are talking about a president that increased the military budget exponentially and wants to have a military arms display parade. Now money is the issue over security of an ally and readiness ? Kim Jung studied Trump....hes an open book. He knew what got Trumps attention....and used it to his advantage...that one element he infused in the discussion was Money....he persuaded Trump to view those war games as "costly" and when this crossed his radar, he bit on it.....

Trump got played Sarge.

But think about this...over the course of 7 days we have nearly alienated Canada and endorsed Putin and Kim Jung. This is potentially a massive shift in relations going forward in how we address allies and enemies...we have cozied up to enemies and cold-shouldered allies. Something is really ****** up here. But ill wait and see how this plays out.

I can't say that Trump got played. It's far too early in the game. I think the problem in what you mentioned with cold shouldering allies and cozying up to enemies as you put it, is his own ego. Trudeau, Merkel and others have been thumbing their nose at Trump pretty much from the start. Teresa May is perhaps the worst. Then at the G7, they stood up as one against his tariffs. He didn't like that. And just like he does with anyone else that slights him, he takes to twitter. Kim is being conciliatory, at least to this point, and Trump likes that.

As far as the war exercises, that just makes no sense to me. I can't get behind that at all. Readiness is always an issue in the military, and discontinuing exercises aimed at readiness and coordination with the nation you are there to defend is concerning at least. I wouldn't have given that up without some kind of an agreement on ending human rights abuses in N. Korea or something substantive. To me, it is more than giving something away. It is stupid and short sighted.

Personally, I am not sure that he differentiates between allies and enemies, the way your average politician does. I think he stays in the moment, meaning that if the Ayatollah came to him being nice wanting to make a new nuclear deal, Trump would behave the same way. The minute the Ayatollah slights him, then twitter.

I am cautiously optimistic about this whole deal. I am still of the mind that the Norks have no intention of nuclear disarmament and that they are just buying time. Until they allow verified inspections and actually dismantle the entire program among many other things, I will remain skeptical. This is a good first step, and America, not just conservatives should be behind the President on this. Failure here isn't just bad for Republicans. It is bad for America and South Korea. America needs him to win here.
Counting those chickens before the hen is purchased ??? Decided to denuclearize ? Hold your breath while that happens

Keep on hoping it doesn't happen along with every other America hating Liberal. Remember the party is more important that the well being of the country. As long as you keep following the mantra you'll stay in their good graces.
It's obviously early and actually having inspectors going in to verify is what is really going to count, but how anybody can not consider this a success on the surface is beyond me.

A peaceful, denuclearized Korean peninsula is good for the world.

I agree with this. There have been absolutely no details of any treaty or whatever hammered out. They signed a commitment to work together towards de-nuclearization. Nothing more nothing less. However, I will say that getting to the table should be viewed as a success. I am still surprised it happened.
This is the video that Trump showed to Kim in the meeting.

Keep on hoping it doesn't happen along with every other America hating Liberal. Remember the party is more important that the well being of the country. As long as you keep following the mantra you'll stay in their good graces.

Oh, come on, Supersteeler, liberals would not wish harm on America just to damage Trump.

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I’m hoping for it because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy,” Bill Maher said. “So please, bring on the recession.”

Uhhhhh ... yeah, that says all you need to know about the left. Rooting for a nuclearized North Korea and a recession, because TRUMP!!
As far as the war exercises, that just makes no sense to me. I can't get behind that at all. Readiness is always an issue in the military, and discontinuing exercises aimed at readiness and coordination with the nation you are there to defend is concerning at least. I wouldn't have given that up without some kind of an agreement on ending human rights abuses in N. Korea or something substantive. To me, it is more than giving something away. It is stupid and short sighted.

Yeah I don't understand that either. I can understand doing something like that in good faith after seeing something verifiable on NOKO's part, but that's obviously not the case.

I am cautiously optimistic about this whole deal. I am still of the mind that the Norks have no intention of nuclear disarmament and that they are just buying time. Until they allow verified inspections and actually dismantle the entire program among many other things, I will remain skeptical. This is a good first step, and America, not just conservatives should be behind the President on this. Failure here isn't just bad for Republicans. It is bad for America and South Korea. America needs him to win here.

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I’m hoping for it because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy,” Bill Maher said. “So please, bring on the recession.”

And like a recession is really going to hurt him. These idiots really need to look in the mirror and do a little soul-searching.

I think this is the right move. It has been obvious in the last couple days that NK was going to start playing games, trying to win concessions even before they got to the table. Then, to start name calling and finger pointing and nonsense threatening to withdraw, **** that. Walk away. No freebies, no bullshit. This was a good call. You do not reward bad behavior.
As we have discovered, this was a well planned Trump negotiating tactic.

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CNN is the venereal wart that never goes away...

Kim gets taste of CNN's grandstanding newsman at historic summit

Kim Jong Un got a taste of President Trump’s pain when CNN star Jim Acosta peppered the world leaders with grandstanding questions following their historic summit in Singapore early Tuesday.

The CNN star first asked, “Mr. President, did he agree to denuclearize?”

“Mr. President, how is the meeting going so far, sir?” the Trump-bashing newsman hollered as Trump and Kim exited their conference room at the Capella Hotel following a 35-minute meeting. “Any progress, Mr. President?”

“Chairman Kim, will you denuclearize?” he pressed. “Mr. President, how’s it going so far, sir?”

For those who live outside the United States and who are wondering if all Americans are as annoying and obnoxious as CNN's Jim @Acosta, the answer is no.

Acosta, who regularly tangles with Trump, has built a reputation for casting aside manners and protocol in order to get his often-rhetorical questions on tape for the evening newscasts. Perhaps more than any other reporter, Trump has singled out the cable network’s White House correspondent for scorn and ridicule



The WH should be revoking that press passes of shitheads like him.
Oh, come on, Supersteeler, liberals would not wish harm on America just to damage Trump.

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I’m hoping for it because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy,” Bill Maher said. “So please, bring on the recession.”

Uhhhhh ... yeah, that says all you need to know about the left. Rooting for a nuclearized North Korea and a recession, because TRUMP!!

With respect to the economy, hell they did it before and it was not long ago. The Dems took control of Congress in the mid 2000s and passed laws, regulations, etc. that quickly crashed the economy. All blame fell on Bush (who didn't do much to avoid it) and paved an easy win for the next Democrat president. So if we have a repeat in history this Fall, watch out but at least I do not see Trump not vetoing bills that would take us down Recession Road
Pentagon: Mattis consulted on Trump move to halt US-South Korean war games

Defense Secretary James Mattis was consulted on and not surprised by President Trump’s announcement Tuesday that the Pentagon will hold off on military exercises with South Korea during ongoing negotiations with North Korea, CNN reported.

“He was not surprised. He was consulted. . . . The secretary is in full alignment with the president to meet his goal which is denuclearization of the peninsula,” Pentagon chief spokeswoman Dana White told CNN.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford also knew of Trump’s plan to suspend large-scale military exercises, according to multiple news reports.

Trump at the meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced that the Pentagon will halt joint military drills with South Korea during negotiations with Pyongyang.

The exercises, which the Pentagon has asserted are essential to military readiness, will stop “unless and until” negotiations go poorly, Trump said

As for those bitching about the War Games he did hedge his bets saying he as to see some compliance. They're not scheduled until August if I remember correctly. He has said he will destroy a missile test sight in response. That is a verifiable promise so lets see.
Good article on the matter:

Trump meets Kim and sets the stage for fundamental change in Asia -– Here's what his critics missed
By Christian Whiton | Fox News

President Trump achieved a major diplomatic breakthrough Tuesday in his historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, dramatically improving America’s national security.

Most fundamentally, Kim agreed at the summit in Singapore to give up his nation’s nuclear capabilities, the acquisition of which has been its foremost priority for decades. To get to this point, President Trump conceded very little.

During the President Clinton-era negotiations with North Korea, the United States and our allies agreed to millions of dollars in food aid – easily converted to cash on the black market – and billions of dollars in so-called energy assistance that were a huge boon to Pyongyang. But the North kept its nuclear program.

During the administration of President George W. Bush, U.S. negotiators offered cash payments to North Korea just to get the nation back to the negotiating table. We relieved pressure from tough financial sanctions and sent other assistance. That didn’t work any better than President Clinton’s approach.

President Trump got to this point by ignoring all the establishment experts.

This time, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have insisted that North Korea undertake actual disarmament before real financial concessions or even sanctions relief. That, plus President Trump’s pressure campaign that involved working with allied militaries and governments around the world, proved to be decisive. This is proof that peace paradoxically comes from strength.

So far, President Trump – in close coordination with our allies in Japan and South Korea – has agreed merely to suspend occasional military exercises. He also agreed to provide a security assurance to North Korea in exchange for its nukes – part of what Pompeo has described all along as convincing North Korea that giving up its nuclear arsenal will actually make it safer.

While there is no mention of it yet, President Trump could theoretically reduce the number of U.S. troops in South Korea, currently numbering about 28,000. This would be a minor concession, since South Korea has a very capable military of its own, including a half-million troops in its army.

America would never going invade the Asian mainland with just 28,000 soldiers. The main purpose of the U.S. troops is to act as a “tripwire” to ensure North Korea understands that going to war against South Korea would again draw in the United States. The U.S. troops are best replaced by air and naval capabilities elsewhere in Asia that would help deter an expansionist China.

The critics of President Trump’s agreement are already flooding the airwaves.

One complaint is that President Trump conceded too much just by appearing with Kim Jong Un, suggesting it was a propaganda coup for the North Korean regime. These critics don’t understand North Korean propaganda, which has said for the 65 years since the end of the Korean War that the United States was poised to invade at any moment.

Pyongyang used these claims to justify North Korea’s large military, its nuclear weapons program, and its Stalinist dictatorship. The images of President Trump and Kim meeting on friendly terms undermine a key pillar of North Korea’s hostile identity.

Another complaint is that the outcome of the summit is too vague. But what was more important in Singapore was a meeting of the minds between the two leaders and their top aides – precisely what Trump got.

Delving into nuclear yields, missile throw-weights, spent fuel quantities, enrichment capabilities, fissile material stockpiles, level of detail for program disclosures and the like can now come after the leaders have gotten the overall concept and framework in place.

The one new detail President Trump did raise was a missile engine-testing facility. Kim readily agree to shut down the location.

Finally, some are saying President Trump didn’t do enough to press Kim on North Korea’s egregious violations of human rights, which range from running a huge gulag complex to concealing Japanese citizens it abducted in the past.

As the former deputy special envoy for North Korean human rights issues, I’m glad people are rediscovering this issue after the Obama years, during which few U.S. officials or liberal human rights activists cared. But President Trump’s first priority has to be the security of the United States. No one should expect the world’s most Stalinist regime to change overnight.

In fact, President Trump did raise North Korean human rights with Kim. So too has Vice President Mike Pence, who met with North Korean defectors and spotlighted the issue at the Winter Olympics and at other times.

These steps, along with the specter of future presidential pressure for a post-nuclear North Korea to engage economically with the world, amount to more than any administration has done for the beleaguered North Korean people.

Importantly, President Trump got to this point by ignoring all the establishment experts. All along, they said that the president’s use of pressure and blunt talk about the North Korean regime and its leader were dangerous. They criticized him for agreeing to meet, criticized him when he cancelled the summit, and now criticize him for conducting the meeting.

The critics also said that President Trump’s decisions to cancel the flawed Iran nuclear deal, terminate the phony Paris climate agreement, and refuse to be browbeaten on trade at the dying G-7 summit in Canada would all harm the prospects for diplomacy with Kim.

But in reality those steps achieved the opposite, conveying to North Korea that there is finally a U.S. president who will fight resolutely for American interests and not just go along to get along.

The path ahead will have twists and turns, but President Trump has set the stage for fundamental change in Asia.
ha ha, it was the South Koreans just a few months ago that were calling for the war games to stop!

Aug and March are the two times of year these are held, right Sarge?
ha ha, it was the South Koreans just a few months ago that were calling for the war games to stop!

Aug and March are the two times of year these are held, right Sarge?

Last time I was there, we only did them once a year and that was the Foal Eagle exercise. I always hated it. Kinda pointless unless you were a tanker or grunt. We would move up to Camp Eagle, and run normal daily operations from there. The only thing different was having to listen to the F-4's taking off day and night from the S. Korean Air Force Base next door. Ugh.
ha ha, it was the South Koreans just a few months ago that were calling for the war games to stop!

Are you sure about that? Everything I am reading says they were caught off guard by the announcement and want Trump to explain exactly what that means.
Oh, come on, Supersteeler, liberals would not wish harm on America just to damage Trump.

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I’m hoping for it because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy,” Bill Maher said. “So please, bring on the recession.”

Uhhhhh ... yeah, that says all you need to know about the left. Rooting for a recession, because TRUMP!!

Maher is basing that on the premise that it’s inevitable (has to fall out at some point). Ben Bernanke (among others) agrees with him. Not exactly a liberal.
Maher is basing that on the premise that it’s inevitable (has to fall out at some point). Ben Bernanke (among others) agrees with him. Not exactly a liberal.

LOL, that's what you got from that quote? Simply stating that it could happen? Good grief, the contortions needed to not see that as cheering for failure is astounding. He might as well have a cheer skirt and pom poms he's rooting so hard. **** him and **** all his ilk. And any Republican who thinks that way....**** them too.
Maher is basing that on the premise that it’s inevitable (has to fall out at some point). Ben Bernanke (among others) agrees with him. Not exactly a liberal.

Understanding that the economy is prone to cycles and can take downturns is completely different than what this pompous jackoff is saying. He's essentially saying "bring on people being out of work and struggling to provide for their families" so my political agenda is met.

ANY person living in this country working hard to provide for themselves and their families should be upset at a comment like that.
We keep too many troops in a number of countries, which is why I'm always perplexed at the outrage of the possibility of leaving troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

We really don't need 28,000 in South Korea. And we don't need 40,000 in Japan or Germany either. Did you know we have 12,000 troops in Italy?

The "war games" don't mean much anyway. Anyone that thinks "war games" are what really make us prepared for a conflict is a fool. We could overrun North Korea no matter what unless Russia or China intervenes on their behalf. And as the story above clearly describes, we often keep troops in places so that an attack on that country (by anyone) normally means we're involved from the beginning.

But we don't need troop deaths to really make that happen. If Russia attacked Germany, If Libya attacked Italy, If China attacks Taiwan or Japan or the Philippines, we're GOING to get involved. Regardless of the "trip wire" mantra.

We have given away nothing. No money. No energy. No aide. No reductions in sanctions. Whatever we get is a good start.
So we give up military exercises with South Korea and in return we get ______

North Korea has signed a denuclearization deal before and then secretly broke it. They have proven their signature isn't
worth the paper it is written on.

I’ll believe that little ****** only when it is complete, but what this does show is that the “toughest dictator in the world” knows not to **** with the US at least for the next 6 1/2 years unless he Wants his *** handed to him.
I’ll believe that little ****** only when it is complete, but what this does show is that the “toughest dictator in the world” knows not to **** with the US at least for the next 6 1/2 years unless he Wants his *** handed to him.

Trump has brass balls for sure. I mean, think about this -- the guy was tweeting about his economic adviser's heart attack on his way to perhaps one of the more historic summits of our lifetime. Kim's motorcade was probably trying to reassure him that "You're good enough, you're smart enough..."