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Trump Leaks Intel to Russians?

Remember when the Washington Post set up a task force to investigate "Trump's past"? Yeah, they're credible.
The Washington Post has assigned 20 reporters to look into every aspect of Donald Trump's past as the presumptive GOP nominee seeks to become the next president of the United States, famed Post associate editor, Bob Woodward, said Wednesday.

"There's a lot we don't know," Woodward told the National Association of Realtors convention, according to The Washington Examiner. "We have 20 people working on Trump, we're going to do a book, we're doing articles about every phase of his life."
What a joke. Trump's life has been an open ******* book. They knew more about Trump's past before he got into the race than anybody knows about Obama's past after 8 years in office.
We've entered a nasty and scary chapter of the USA. I'll tell you to pound sand if you don't believe these same acts would be going on if Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, or Ted Cruz had been elected.

The Democrats lost and Hillary should have been elected and they've become violent. It's not about Trump. He simply represents the enemy and they have one goal - win. **** Free Speech. **** free will. **** individual rights if you're not Liberal, gay, or an illegal alien. We need to win to dictate our position. No negotiation. No discourse.

We see it in the street. The Left is relentlessly violent. The AntiFa are fascists themselves (oh the irony). The Left is violent towards Conservatives as a rising norm. National publications are calling for Liberals to literally harass Conservative politicians, writers and speakers if seen in public - at restaurants, at plays, regardless if with family or alone. Thousands of examples that we now see in DC politics itself. Democrats and the media have assumed full on "destroy our opponent mode." This is literally a war to them. See the recent book released, explaining how Podesta and Hillary concocted the Russian scandal ruse in the 24 hours after the election. Watch MSNBC. They no longer report news, they throw **** at the wall 24x7 in hopes of disparaging the White House (and therefore this country). They are to the point of using their platform and reach to create stories...anything they can...to try to destroy the opposition. Who's in the suit is irrelevant.

If and when a Democrat is elected again, will the Republicans assume these behaviors? To be this vile, this self-driven, this Anti-American, this violent? I'd like to hope not. Because if they do, Presidencies will no longer be about running the country. It will be like The Hunger Games, spending 4-8 years trying to stay alive while attacks rain down daily. Revolution would soon be upon us.

What a wonderful new world.

So much for the question in the debates - "Will you accept the results of the election?" Hillary and the entire Liberal body have shown us they won't. They will fight by any means necessary to destroy because they didn't get the result they wanted.
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Wow I'm glad to see our lib trolls are back. Been missing them. Place hasn't been the same without having some so called scandals to belly ache about.
"What we see, is a presidency that is starting to come apart." Now that's an understatement.

<iframe src="//fave.api.cnn.io/v1/fav/?video=politics/2017/05/17/donald-trump-impeachment-territory-gergen-sot-ac.cnn&customer=cnn&edition=international&env=prod" width="416" height="234" frameborder="0"></iframe>
We've entered a nasty and scary chapter of the USA. I'll tell you to pound sand if you don't believe these same acts would be going on if Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, or Ted Cruz had been elected.

No. They weren't chaos candidates. They weren't insulting provocateurs. Trump has brought most of this on himself. He's not a God, he has faults, and they are many and they are great. Combine that with an unwillingness to accept that fact and this is what you get. If you didn't see this coming, that's on you. Don't blame everyone else.
No. They weren't chaos candidates. They weren't insulting provocateurs. Trump has brought most of this on himself. He's not a God, he has faults, and they are many and they are great. Combine that with an unwillingness to accept that fact and this is what you get. If you didn't see this coming, that's on you. Don't blame everyone else.

You are delusional if you believe this. Completely. One only has to look at what the media and Democrats have done to Republican candidates and politicians for the past 20 years...Herman Cain, Ben Carson, George Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, and dozens of others. I suppose you would say Ben Carson is an insulting provocateur. Or Allen West is. The minute there is a candidate set to run in an election with R next to his or her name, it's an onslaught. WashPo and others sick legions of reporters on them attempting to dig up or create dirt. Evidence being WashPo putting 20 reporters dedicated to attacking Trump during the election. Or CNN trying to make a story out of ice cream. Or the press going ape **** that Trump went to dinner soon after the election and didn't invite the press corps. Those last two examples show the absurdity of the bald-face tactics the media is playing - destroy at all costs. The suit is irrelevant.

It's a machine. A long standing machine. To claim otherwise is fool-hardy.
You are delusional if you believe this. Completely. One only has to look at what the media and Democrats have done to Republican candidates and politicians for the past 20 years...Herman Cain, Ben Carson, George Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, and dozens of others. I suppose you would say Ben Carson is an insulting provocateur. Or Allen West is. The minute there is a candidate set to run in an election with R next to his or her name, it's an onslaught. WashPo and others sick legions of reporters on them attempting to dig up or create dirt. Evidence being WashPo putting 20 reporters dedicated to attacking Trump during the election. Or CNN trying to make a story out of ice cream. Or the press going ape **** that Trump went to dinner soon after the election and didn't invite the press corps. Those last two examples show the absurdity of the bald-face tactics the media is playing - destroy at all costs. The suit is irrelevant.

It's a machine. A long standing machine. To claim otherwise is fool-hardy.

Dude. You seriously can't differentiate Trump from the others? THAT is delusional.

The GW administration wasn't even a decade ago. Everybody remembers it well. The media was brutal on him, both when he deserved it and when he didn't, but there's been more chaos in Trump's first three months than GWs entire eight years. How ironic GWs dad and brother (along with Kasich and others) saw it coming and realize what is happening while you refuse.

Get a grip.
We've entered a nasty and scary chapter of the USA. I'll tell you to pound sand if you don't believe these same acts would be going on if Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, or Ted Cruz had been elected.

We are entering a very dangerous time. We all know that the Dems and the Repubs play dirty, and are unscrupulous in their tactics. But if there is even a hint of this Congress railroading this President without a proper , and fair, process, it may be the first steps of another civil war. And it won't be a peaceful one.
One only has to look at what the media and Democrats have done to Republican candidates and politicians for the past 20 years.


GOP senator: Special investigator may be needed 'to restore public's trust'

BREAKING: Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is breaking with her party and calling on Congress to consider letting a special prosecutor take over the investigation into President Trump’s ties to Russia.

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz Demands All FBI Documents on Trump, Comey

The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee demanded Tuesday that the FBI turn over all documents it has about communications between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey.

Chairman Jason Chaffetz of Utah sent the letter (PDF) a few hours after The New York Times first reported that Trump allegedly asked Comey to end the FBI's investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who resigned in February following reports that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Russia's ambassador to the United States.

NBC News has independently confirmed the Times report, along with additional details. Multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of the memo said it was part of a paper trail that Comey built to document what he believed to be Trump's efforts to derail the FBI's investigation of alleged Russian ties to his presidential campaign.

In an interview with NBC News, Chaffetz said that if the memo exists and accurately recorded the conversation, "that seems like an extraordinary use of influence to try to shut down an investigation being done by the FBI."

Chaffetz tweeted later: "I have my subpoena pen ready."

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin — a Republican, like Trump and Chaffetz — appeared to endorse Chaffetz's demand for the FBI documents.

"We need to have all the facts, and it is appropriate for the House Oversight Committee to request this memo," said AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for Ryan.
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Dude. You seriously can't differentiate Trump from the others? THAT is delusional.

The GW administration wasn't even a decade ago. Everybody remembers it well. The media was brutal on him, both when he deserved it and when he didn't, but there's been more chaos in Trump's first three months than GWs entire eight years. How ironic GWs dad and brother (along with Kasich and others) saw it coming and realize what is happening while you refuse.

Get a grip.

Please explain to me where I mentioned that Trump was like the others.

The point you Libs refuse to acknowledge, despite knowing it to be true, is what I stated is fact. It doesn't matter who is in the suit (regardless his or her character or the color of his or her skin), the Left and the MSM will work night and day to destroy that person. It's not a theory. We've witnessed it happen for decades now. How many viable, solid, great character African Americans have been turned into Uncle Toms, just as one example?

As I said, you're delusional.
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GOP senator: Special investigator may be needed 'to restore public's trust'

House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R) Demands All FBI Documents on Trump, Comey

Tibs, seriously, I won't consider your posts, links or replies. You lost all credibility in this forum when you tucked tail and ran and pouted and didn't have the backbone to show face after America spoke in November. Not at all unpredictable to see you now, true to form. The spineless aren't credible.
We are entering a very dangerous time. We all know that the Dems and the Repubs play dirty, and are unscrupulous in their tactics. But if there is even a hint of this Congress railroading this President without a proper , and fair, process, it may be the first steps of another civil war. And it won't be a peaceful one.

I've been brushing this off for years. "Won't happen, can't happen." I'm not about to say it is inevitable, but it's a realistic possibility now. One side is slowly working to control all power - the media, schools and the government. 97% of the MSM is Liberal. Academia is virtually all Liberal. If this President is brought down the way it's going with an all out, unapologetic onslaught by the media AND Congress, strife with made up stories (hey, anything that works)...I fear we will be headed that way.
No. They weren't chaos candidates. They weren't insulting provocateurs. Trump has brought most of this on himself. He's not a God, he has faults, and they are many and they are great. Combine that with an unwillingness to accept that fact and this is what you get. If you didn't see this coming, that's on you. Don't blame everyone else.

You haven't been paying much attention for the last 16 years have you? The political left no longer disagrees with the political right. The political left now hates anyone who is to the right of Stalin. And I don't mean hate as in the way you say you hate brussels sprouts or beets, I mean irrational willing to do violence and commit murder type of hate. We are a hairs breadth away from political assassinations. The left has been wrapping this up since George W. Bush, they want to destroy the republic and replace it with a European-style socialist democracy. If that happens we will effectively be ruled by New York Chicago Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Due process in the media? So don't report on investigations, they should wait for formal criminal charges? Maybe they shouldn't report on Trump's own tweets as well? Trump's lawyers would really appreciate that.

Look at this twit.

Please explain to me where I mentioned that Trump was like the others... It doesn't matter who is in the suit.

It's Trump. Who were the Republicans that warned against Bush, Romney, Cruz. Why was it widely speculated that the Republicans wouldn't honor a Trump nomination? You've read too much fake news, you're making up your own reality.
It's Trump. Who were the Republicans that warned against Bush, Romney, Cruz. Why was it widely speculated that the Republicans wouldn't honor a Trump nomination? You've read too much fake news, you're making up your own reality.

Facts and Liberals don't mix.

Please go back to the points I brought up, that you attempted to rebut, while now switching gears in a different direction. Who's in the suit doesn't matter. They will be destroyed if they are Republicans. This is the modus operandi. It doesn't matter that it is Trump. There is an all ought onslaught by the Left and the media to bring down Conservatives. Presidents, Christians, white men. It's as evident as the sun rises. For to refute this shows your obtuseness. But hey, it fits. You're a Liberal.
Hearing a lot of comparisons to Watergate lately. Here is a paragraph on the Watergate scandal from Wikipedia.
The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such “dirty tricks” as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Now, does that paragraph make more sense when you substitute Trump for Nixon, or Obama for Nixon?
I actually think if Trump is impeached, the country will go further right under a leadership of Pence with a Republican congress. I guess the left hopes an impeachment hearing will destroy the Republicans so much that it will flop over congress to Democrat in 2018 and Pence will never get his chance to govern without their obstructionism.

All this stuff about Trump is inside the beltway. The Russia thing to me if far fetched (and really irrelevant compared to the true DNC e-mails). The discussion of the laptop restriction on flights with Russia and the release of "some" classified or restricted information (maybe pin pointed the specific country of most concern out of the 8 hit with the restriction) is within the President's power to negotiate and discuss in the context of fighting terror.

Everything else we talk about. All the "scandals" are within the beltway. Washington elite continually chipping away and attacking Trump at every turn. Poking the bear whenever they can. Releasing almost any/all information to the press behind his back. This is from McCain and Comey and Ryan and CIA and inside every executive branch administration.

The conspiracy is not about Trump's mental state or his ability to do the job. If you look at every order and memorandum and law he's helped push through - nothing is THAT outside the ordinary. His foreign policy is actually an improvement over what we had.

The conspiracy is the unthinkable power Washington insiders have to almost tear down anyone who infringes on their power or fraternity. It can be a relentless assault when there are as many "loose lips" in Washington that have decided Trump is the devil incarnate and an enemy of the status quo.
all those legions of women who were reporting Trump of rape and sexual misconduct...

where are they now?
where were they prior to 2016?
I actually think if Trump is impeached, the country will go further right under a leadership of Pence with a Republican congress. I guess the left hopes an impeachment hearing will destroy the Republicans so much that it will flop over congress to Democrat in 2018 and Pence will never get his chance to govern without their obstructionism.

All this stuff about Trump is inside the beltway. The Russia thing to me if far fetched (and really irrelevant compared to the true DNC e-mails). The discussion of the laptop restriction on flights with Russia and the release of "some" classified or restricted information (maybe pin pointed the specific country of most concern out of the 8 hit with the restriction) is within the President's power to negotiate and discuss in the context of fighting terror.

Everything else we talk about. All the "scandals" are within the beltway. Washington elite continually chipping away and attacking Trump at every turn. Poking the bear whenever they can. Releasing almost any/all information to the press behind his back. This is from McCain and Comey and Ryan and CIA and inside every executive branch administration.

The conspiracy is not about Trump's mental state or his ability to do the job. If you look at every order and memorandum and law he's helped push through - nothing is THAT outside the ordinary. His foreign policy is actually an improvement over what we had.

The conspiracy is the unthinkable power Washington insiders have to almost tear down anyone who infringes on their power or fraternity. It can be a relentless assault when there are as many "loose lips" in Washington that have decided Trump is the devil incarnate and an enemy of the status quo.

the. ************. eats. his. steak. well. done.
what part of that do you not understand that is a threat to national security, the economy and social justices?