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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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ha ha


Protesters shut down Bernie Sanders rally

Protesters who claimed affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement stormed the stage during a rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Seattle on Saturday, taking over the microphone and forcing Sanders to leave without ever speaking.

Moments after Sanders took the stage at Westlake Park, two women and one man climbed the stage and confronted the Democratic presidential candidate, demanding a chance to speak.


Things could get even more interesting.........

On Saturday’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors spoke about the protests at Democratic primary candidates Martin O’Malley and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), when Black Lives Matters protesters demanded O’Malley and Sanders mentioned Sandra Bland, who was recently found dead in her prison cell, by name.

Cullors was asked by guest co-host Janet Mock what her plan was for Republican candidates, specifically Jeb Bush, for calling “black lives matter” a “slogan.”

Cullors replied, “Trust and believe that any opportunity we have to shut down a Republican convention, we will. We will make sure that our voices are made loud and clear.”

I was raised to respect women, like I am sure most of us where. I am also a bit old fashioned in the sense that I see women as the finer sex. Women should not be vile and crude like me and my buddies can be when we hang out. Men should not be vile and crude in front of women. This is not to excuse men when we are vile and crude, but it is what it is.

Now, with that being said, Trump pissed me off with his comments. I don't think it was necessary. I didn't like the questions he got, but you have to be better than that.

Then, last night, my wife is watching this absolute garbage of a TV show. Just horrible, about these women in a prison. Women defiling themselves and eachother, acting as crude, if not worse, than any men. My wife is laughing at parts of this show. I went outside, as I couldn't handle the **** coming out of the TV. She comes out and asks why I am outside. I say, "How the hell can you be mad at Donald Trump for statements he has made about women and then watch that crap on TV? You are a hypocrite." And that is what a lot of this righteous indignation is, just flat out hypocrisy.

She didn't talk to me much the rest of the night.
I was raised to respect women, like I am sure most of us where. I am also a bit old fashioned in the sense that I see women as the finer sex. Women should not be vile and crude like me and my buddies can be when we hang out. Men should not be vile and crude in front of women. This is not to excuse men when we are vile and crude, but it is what it is.

Now, with that being said, Trump pissed me off with his comments. I don't think it was necessary. I didn't like the questions he got, but you have to be better than that.

Then, last night, my wife is watching this absolute garbage of a TV show. Just horrible, about these women in a prison. Women defiling themselves and eachother, acting as crude, if not worse, than any men. My wife is laughing at parts of this show. I went outside, as I couldn't handle the **** coming out of the TV. She comes out and asks why I am outside. I say, "How the hell can you be mad at Donald Trump for statements he has made about women and then watch that crap on TV? You are a hypocrite." And that is what a lot of this righteous indignation is, just flat out hypocrisy.

She didn't talk to me much the rest of the night.

This post just made me laugh.

On the one hand, you believe women are the finer sex, that they shouldn't be vile and crude. On the other hand, your wife, by your own definition, is not the "finer" of you two because she likes to watch vile and crude shows.

Sorry, ya just have to LOL at that.
This post just made me laugh.

On the one hand, you believe women are the finer sex, that they shouldn't be vile and crude. On the other hand, your wife, by your own definition, is not the "finer" of you two because she likes to watch vile and crude shows.

Sorry, ya just have to LOL at that.

Heh, never looked at it that way.

Oh, I watch my share of vile shows, I guess. I like good old gratuitous violence as much as the next guy.

The backstory of it was we had been to a gun show (yea, she likes the gun shows) and afterwards went to get a drink and bite to eat. We were discussing Trump, and she expressed the fact that she thinks he is an ***, and his comments reinforced that. Not a few hours later she is watching that show. So how can one be offended by some guy making stupid statements of disrespect, then a few hours later watch a show in which there is disrespect for women all over the place? And laugh at it?
Look at that poll. The Jebinator isn't even in the top 5.
There's plenty of refusal to accept responsibility from people who didn't decide to have an abortion as well. That's a bigger problem, IMO.
That is 100% true, Troglodyte. However, the primary reason that you and I care about the fact that parents refuse to accept responsibility and care for their children is because now we are forced - at threat of imprisonment - to pay for those children via Section 8 housing, food stamps, school lunches, AFDC, WIC, etc.

If you and I were not forced by the government - you know, the guys with the guns and the jails - to pay for the irresponsibility of others, then we would view how others live their lives in a much different manner. You want to have kids you can't pay for? Oh well, I don't give a ****. Not my responsibility, then I have nothing to say about your life choices.

You want me to pay for your goddam kids because you and the absent father won't? Then let me tell you the rules - because I am paying for your ****.

The liberal trick is to convince us to pay for something based on government-mandated charity, and then tell us we have to provide all sorts of other **** at taxpayer expense (food, housing, medical care, transportation, employment) because "we are responsible" for the "children." When the inevitable series of horrendous problems ensue - massive cost overruns, bloated government sector overseeing the charity, demonstrably poor product being delivered - the liberal solution is always - ALWAYS - "spend more," rather than fix the genuine problem by not spending at all.

And of course your response will be, as is always the case when a liberal is confronted with these facts, "So your solution is to let the children starve? And have society like it was in 19th century England and like Dickens described it?" Unfortunately, immediately cutting off the public funds spigot is not an option since we have made people reliant on the freebies.

The solution will take a generation, but it will in fact wind up ending taxpayer funding for lifestyle choices. You want to have 10 kids? None of my business since I don't have to ******* pay for them. Your 10 kids will face economic hardship because they have no father helping to pay their way? Don't have 10 kids and no father helping to pay the bills ... how about that?
Look at that poll. The Jebinator isn't even in the top 5.

Trump's job is to destroy Jeb and all the usual GOP elite picks, even if he goes down in flames himself

that's why I'm betting all the Trump supporters eventually will vote for my guy - even if he was born in Canada

Go Ted!

I am leaning toward Cruz/Fiorina. Or even Fiorina/Cruz, to gain the "first woman president" angle. Can't we for once have someone intelligent, articulate and thoughtful who understands economic policy and who is not a ******* buffoon. Please.

Can anyone who is a Trump fan please tell me one policy statement he made in the debate that impressed you? I was out of town and didn't watch it and so far haven't heard much he said beyond his trashing of Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly (neither of whom I am any great fan of).
Trump speaks in generalities and hasn't given a specific on anything. I'd rather have Cruz, Paul or Fiorina. I didn't like Trump to start with then I thought, well at least he is challenging the status quo. Now I think I was right to start with. He is ignorant of policies and in-depth issues. He's just an angry elf with no specifics on what he would do other than "I'm Trump so I can do it".. whatever it is...
I was wrong, Carly is a trojan.


Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO Northern California Republican who ran as a conservative to get the Republican Senate nomination in 2010, attacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Wednesday, saying there was “no honor” in his fight to defund Obamacare.

Fiorina made her remarks just days after she joined the American Conservative Union, an establishment organization on the right that supports comprehensive immigration reform.

I was wrong, Carly is a trojan.


Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO Northern California Republican who ran as a conservative to get the Republican Senate nomination in 2010, attacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Wednesday, saying there was “no honor” in his fight to defund Obamacare.

Fiorina made her remarks just days after she joined the American Conservative Union, an establishment organization on the right that supports comprehensive immigration reform.


What is wrong with that. DO you really think defunding or repealing would ever happen. THe only choice now is to fix it from the inside. An we do need immigration reform. Does not say what type of reform.
It really doesn't matter what she says, she's not a contender for the top spot

The Don goes after Jeb...that's the battle

Trump starts online fundraising drive

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump launched an online fundraising campaign Saturday as he continues making headlines over a public feud with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

Trump wrote that he needs rising support from voters as he fights a news blitz against him in a donor blast.

“I want to show the liberal media that not since the days of Ronald Reagan has there been such a grassroots movement of people ready to transform our party and our country,” Trump said in a message to potential contributors.

“I have no doubt that the liberal media and the GOP establishment will continue attacking me,” he said.

“But, make no mistake, I will never back down or apologize in the figGOP’s 2016 nomination.

“Stand with me and send a powerful message to the establishment by supporting my campaign.”

Trump also made an unusual pledge to potential donors in his fundraising plea.

The outspoken billionaire vowed he would match any and all contributions to his political campaign in-kind.

“I so strongly believe in what I am doing that I am willing to match every dollar you contribute to my campaign,” Trump told possible contributors.

“Jeb Bush just raised over $100 million from Washington insiders,” he said of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, his closest competition for the GOP’s nomination next election year.

“His donors aren’t donating to me because they can’t own me,” Trump added. “Show America you want to join me in taking back Washington.”

Trump speaks in generalities and hasn't given a specific on anything. I'd rather have Cruz, Paul or Fiorina. I didn't like Trump to start with then I thought, well at least he is challenging the status quo. Now I think I was right to start with. He is ignorant of policies and in-depth issues. He's just an angry elf with no specifics on what he would do other than "I'm Trump so I can do it".. whatever it is...

Exactly. I DVR'ed it and just watched it today. It cracks me up that some people compare him to Reagan...Reagan was charming, a gentleman, soft spoken but everything he said packed a punch. Trump is a carnival barker blowhard. He says nothing of substance, for some reason a lot of people seem to think that stating empty platitudes loudly and forcefully makes you a leader. Nope. He came off as ignorant and dishonest on immigration, which is supposedly his big issue.

Nobody really blew me away but in terms of performance I would rank them Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Christie, Walker, Paul, Carson, Trump, Huckabee, Bush. I actually liked some of what Bush had to say but he's painfully weak and boring. He won't be able to overcome that in this election.
His tax plan rules. You'll get the details soon.

Yeah, my tax plan rules. Unfortunately I have to convince Congress to vote for it. Being a total jackass isn't helpful. The whole "let's elect the total *******" idea has its downsides.
Yeah, my tax plan rules. Unfortunately I have to convince Congress to vote for it. Being a total jackass isn't helpful. The whole "let's elect the total *******" idea has its downsides.

He wouldn't need Congress. He has a lot of golf carts, many cell phones, and numerous pens.
The fact that Trump is still in the lead after this debate really says something about how frustrated the American people must be.
The fact that Trump is still in the lead after this debate really says something about how frustrated the American people must be.


While I live a bit of a charmed life, things are pretty bad on many areas. The media is just covering for BO.

Trump has tapped into a vein of frustration. It seems like the only thing that can stop Trump is Trump himself. It usually takes about 4-5 negative things before people break relationships. Trump's using up his nine lives rather early.

I wish he would hire a close friend to advise him on what he should not say.

While I live a bit of a charmed life, things are pretty bad on many areas. The media is just covering for BO.

Trump has tapped into a vein of frustration. It seems like the only thing that can stop Trump is Trump himself. It usually takes about 4-5 negative things before people break relationships. Trump's using up his nine lives rather early.

I wish he would hire a close friend to advise him on what he should not say.

Well, it sounds like his longtime adviser just quit because Trump completely ignored his advice. Had he approached the debate the way this guy advised him to, he might have impressed me.


Don’t get dragged down by petty attacks, Stone counseled Trump, but begin offering an agenda focused on the economy and hammer home what makes you a singular candidate. In a 13-page memo to Trump, Stone urged him to state that “the system is rigged against the citizens” and that he is the lone candidate “who cannot be bought.”

“A builder, an entrepreneur and a capitalist versus a bunch of politicians who are clearly part of the problem” is how Stone framed the contest in the document, obtained by The Washington Post from a Republican working with the campaign. The memo suggested a sound bite: “I’m running because when I look at this field — all perfectly nice people — I know that none of them could ever run one of my companies. They are not entrepreneurs.”

But Trump did not heed the advice. Instead, after briefly flipping through the papers, he decided to wing it — just as he had vowed to do. In a debate watched by a cable-news-record 24 million Americans, Trump followed his gut, and the theater that followed was defined more by outbursts than by substance — most memorably when he sparred with moderator Megyn Kelly over his past incendiary comments about wom*en.

To me he is trying too hard to be the reality show personality and not hard enough to be taken seriously as someone who could legitimately run this country.
Well, it sounds like his longtime adviser just quit because Trump completely ignored his advice. Had he approached the debate the way this guy advised him to, he might have impressed me.


To me he is trying too hard to be the reality show personality and not hard enough to be taken seriously as someone who could legitimately run this country.

too bad that is exactly what most voters seem to want. FBP and soon FWP.

While I live a bit of a charmed life, things are pretty bad on many areas. The media is just covering for BO.

Trump has tapped into a vein of frustration. It seems like the only thing that can stop Trump is Trump himself. It usually takes about 4-5 negative things before people break relationships. Trump's using up his nine lives rather early.

I wish he would hire a close friend to advise him on what he should not say.

Yeah he has, and I GET that. I share the frustration and I am glad he is bringing those issues to the forefront. But at some point, there has to be a line of class and decorum you uphold, not crass and boorish.
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