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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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My opinion (about the 3rd and final debate) - overall, Mr. Trump presented himself more prepared and ready for the questions in this debate. He did, however, continue to make asinine comments when it wasn't his turn and that bothers me when a 70+ year old man acts like my grandson...

Mrs. Clinton, while she looked the part, and answered questions (I assume) with some depth - well, the Dems "rigged" the primaries and "tag your it" (sorry Bernie). She did dance around the pointed questions about the Clinton Foundation - a question that incriminated her and the organization and she did come off the hinges when trying to keep talking when the moderator wanted to move on.

So, after all 3 debates - I still think the choices are horrible (can I use a Mr. Trump euphemism? "a disaster")---it is my opinion, that at this point, the Dems present the better option overall.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but, it's our medicine and we have to take it...

The Democrats only presented a "better" case because they controlled the media's dialogue. Had they not Hillary would not even be the nominee. It was rigged I have no doubt, and could never vote for her and will have a hard time accepting her if she wins.
This may be the lowest point we've ever reached with a presidential candidate. To call into question the most basic tenents of our democracy - 240 years strong - is flat-out unacceptable. It should infuriate any decent citizen and true American who loves and respects this country.

Ha ha, that is hilarious Tibs. I was at George Bush's inaugural parade watching people hurl eggs at his motorcade. For eight years and beyond we've had to hear how he "stole" the election, simply because the Supreme Court wouldn't let Florida keep counting the ballots in different ways until Gore got the result he wanted. Where were you then, begging people not to call into question the basic tenets of our democracy? This faux outrage is rich.

I think Trump worded his reply stupidly (surprise) but it would have been perfectly acceptable for him to say "I don't know. If the election is very close in some places we may have to verify that there was no fraud or malfeasance before we can accept the results. I can't make any promises right now when I don't know what the situation will be." There is nothing terrible about that, particularly in light of the hard evidence we have seen of voter fraud and media collusion with the Clinton campaign. Tampering with our free press and election system...that's what's "flat-out unacceptable". Where is your outrage over that? Donna Brazile had at least one debate question word for word in advance...she didn't deny it...where is your outrage over that? Are you good with a campaign working behind the scenes with the media to rig a debate?
This may be the lowest point we've ever reached with a presidential candidate. To call into question the most basic tenents of our democracy - 240 years strong - is flat-out unacceptable. It should infuriate any decent citizen and true American who loves and respects this country. Anyone who continues to support Trump, who is clearly aligned with dictators and enemies of the state like Putin & Assad, serves to destabilize the country. Anyone who continues to support Trump, who shows no trust in our electoral system, the core of our democracy, is a flat out traitor and an enemy of our great nation. Downright shameful. I expect the whole lot of you Trump supporters to follow his lead and renounce your citizenship the day after the election. You do not deserve to call yourselves American. Dust off your passports, pick up the lastest issue of Pravda and start learning the Cyrillic alphabet. Oh, and pack plenty of winter clothes, furry hats. Don't worry about the booze, there will be plenty of vodka where you're going.

Blah blah blah...we need a convenient thread to put all your bullshit.

Get your head out of the sand.

Democrat operative confesses to rigged elections.

We now have millions of dead people registered to vote.

Ohio poll worker convicted.

Another caught on camera DemocRAT admits busing people around to vote multiple times.

Lawmaker's son sentenced for tire slashing Republican vehicles - politics | NBC News

No wonder the good guys cant win an election, there cant be that many stupid people that vote democRAT.

As far as I'm concerned the glaring media bias against Trump is election rigging.
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As far as I'm concerned the glaring media bias against Trump is election rigging.

It's gone way beyond bias now. When they are colluding behind the scenes that's corruption.
Hillary blames Russia for hacking, saying Putin was in on it. That Russia hacked and gave this information to Wikileaks to put on the internet and influence the election. and she's disgusted by it.

but she's not disgusted by WHAT they hacked, or WHOM they hacked. Nor does she deny ANY of the information in the emails.

**** her. I was hoping she'd choke on her dentures last night.
Gore never called the election rigged. He questioned the vote in Florida in regard to real problems with the
manual counting of ballots.
If there is one this this election season has proven is that Americans are 100% correct in being cynical of career politicians and the media that props them up and picks the issues to debate to create ratings.

They are all tied hand-in-hand. The fake conflict between career Democrats and Republicans, the quest for bigger government and more control, the globalization of power to a select few, and media/propaganda for the purpose of ratings and revenue and to keep the machine chugging ahead.

I don't know who the RNC will prop up next election cycle. But I am 95% likely to vote for an outsider again and if that pisses them off and the media wants to run with the story the party is dead, so be it.

The only reason we are hearing about any of the Clinton stuff is because of Trump. The only reason we know of the corruption is because of Trump.

If this had been a Kasich vs. Clinton presidential election, the media would have quashed ALL of this. And Kasich would have been right on board with having a "normal" election where the powers behind the curtains remain hidden and safe.

I fully admit Kasich probably has a better shot against Clinton. But we wouldn't know about half the terrible stuff she and the DNC did during the last year. So it's pick your poison. Do you want to know the truth about how corrupt our government and election process is? Or do you want to bury your head in the sand and rather have the same-old, same-old corrupt Republican vs. corrupt Democrat spouting the company lines over and over that don't mean anything?

We'll see what the people want in 2020. I think the disgust in the system is as strong as ever. And that will continue to open the door for strong, independent, attack -the-establishment candidates to succeed, unless the RNC and DNC decide to never let a Trump happen again and restrict who gets to run under their tickets only to the insiders (which is where this is likely headed).
Gore never called the election rigged. He questioned the vote in Florida in regard to real problems with the
manual counting of ballots.

then why did he then demand a manual recount?


Later on November 9, Gore's team demanded a manual recount in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Volusia counties. News outlets carried images of Florida election officials staring at hanging, dimpled, and pregnant chads on Florida's punch-card ballots, trying to "discern the intent" of the voters. Bush's lawyers argued to block the recounts; several more attempts to stop, or protect, the recounts and ballot certifications also were filed. On November 24, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Bush's appeal of a Florida high court ruling that allowed hand recounts to proceed.

The legal wrangling only intensified. On November 26, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who doubled as state campaign cochair for Bush, certified voting results that gave Bush a 537-vote lead. Gore's team won a court hearing to challenge those totals. On December 1, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments over whether the Florida Supreme Court had overstepped its authority in managing recount issues. On December 8, Florida's high court upheld the manual recount. The next day, Bush successfully appealed for a stay from the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the recount. Bush's team argued that the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection for all citizens disqualified a manual recount because Florida's counties had followed differing vote-counting procedures. The Gore team demanded that every vote be counted. On December 12, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-to-4 vote, stopped the Florida recount. Though Gore received more popular votes than Bush, he conceded the next day. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Trump smoked Hillary again last night. Not even close.


CNN: Undecideds Focus Group Declares TRUMP the Winner

They didn't get to coach the panel on what to say, this time, before the cameras came back.

Hillary's grinning and smirking attitude turned off any undecideds with a brain.She's a phony
This may be the lowest point we've ever reached with a presidential candidate. To call into question the most basic tenents of our democracy - 240 years strong - is flat-out unacceptable. It should infuriate any decent citizen and true American who loves and respects this country. Anyone who continues to support Trump, who is clearly aligned with dictators and enemies of the state like Putin & Assad, serves to destabilize the country. Anyone who continues to support Trump, who shows no trust in our electoral system, the core of our democracy, is a flat out traitor and an enemy of our great nation. Downright shameful. I expect the whole lot of you Trump supporters to follow his lead and renounce your citizenship the day after the election. You do not deserve to call yourselves American. Dust off your passports, pick up the lastest issue of Pravda and start learning the Cyrillic alphabet. Oh, and pack plenty of winter clothes, furry hats. Don't worry about the booze, there will be plenty of vodka where you're going.

Get the **** out of here with that bullshit.

Trump isn't questioning the democratic process he is pointing out the scoundrels on your side of the isle that are doing the rigging. The media and the press are heavily biased for the Neo-Socialist left and are shilling for and covering for the left wing candidate. There are some counties in mid west swing states that had over 100% Voter turn out, but you aren't outraged by obvious voter fraud because it was being done to fix things so your side could win. There are snowbirds from Ohio that voted early in the Cleveland area in October last time then came down here to Florida and voted in Florida on Election Day, caught red handed but you say not a damn thing about that because the old ******* were registered Democrats. You aren't angry at Trump calling the process into question you are angry that someone on the national stage had the balls to call out the steaming pile of **** and corruption that the Neo-Socialist Left is. Spare us your feined outrage sir.
Gore never called the election rigged. He questioned the vote in Florida in regard to real problems with the
manual counting of ballots.

What's the difference? No election system is perfect...you either accept the system we have or you don't. The pre-agreed upon system in Florida was to discard ballots where results were not clear. You don't get to change that system after the fact because you don't like the results.The majority of Democrats NEVER accepted the result and now are acting shocked and appalled at Trump's hesitation when there is actual hard evidence of intentional fraud. Typical Dem hypocrisy.
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CNN: Undecideds Focus Group Declares TRUMP the Winner

They didn't get to coach the panel on what to say, this time, before the cameras came back.

Hillary's grinning and smirking attitude turned off any undecideds with a brain.She's a phony

Notice that the ones that said they were still undecided were mostly women. I think that shows that many women KNOW hillary is awful and they don't like her or her policies, but they have been so brainwashed to think Trump is against women that they are still uncomfortable actually voting for him.

that is bad new for Dems because people like that tend to stay home on election day.
Hillary Clinton Struggles Under Scrutiny During Final Presidential Debate

Hillary Clinton received a pointed question during the final debate that echoed a criticism she has faced for months: Was her family's global charity a "pay-to-play" arrangement in which donors got special favors from her State Department?

She did not initially respond with a direct yes or no.

"Well, everything I did as secretary of state was in furtherance of our country's interests and our values," she said as she went on to list a number of Clinton Foundation achievements such as distributing HIV medication.

When moderator Chris Wallace asked her again, Clinton responded that "there's no evidence" - but was cut off as Wallace turned to Republican nominee Donald Trump, who railed against the foundation for taking money from foreign countries hostile to women and gays.

"It's a criminal enterprise," Trump said, adding later: "Why don't you give back the money?"



She flopped
What's the difference? No election system is perfect...you either accept the system we have or you don't. The pre-agreed upon system in Florida was to discard ballots where results were not clear. You don't get to change that system after the fact because you don't like the results.The majority of Democrats NEVER accepted the result and now are acting shocked at appalled at Trump's hesitation when there is actual hard evidence of intentional fraud. Typical Dem hypocrisy.

Gore's was after the fact and was about possible unintentional human error. Trump's is before the election and about intentional rigging. That's a big difference.

BTW, I thought Gore's suit was a stretch and I'm glad it ultimately didn't overturn anything.
FACT CHECK: Hillary Said 90% of Clinton Foundation Donations go to Charity.
Actual Number: 5.7%

Trump won the third debate

Donald Trump won tonight’s debate. He didn’t implode, he didn’t blither, he didn’t continually interrupt Hillary Clinton and he didn’t even sniff much. And, frankly, he had the best retorts and one-liners. Clinton was on her heels much of the night, and several times, she had to reset by resorting to tired, hollow platitudes — which only drove home the point that she lacks authenticity and appears to be a typical politician who is therefore dishonest. That said, Clinton was an able, informed politician, but Trump — for the first time — appeared to be a worthy opponent.

The fact is this is a change election, and Clinton is not the change candidate. People don’t really want to vote for her, and tonight, she didn’t give them much of a reason to do so. And perhaps Trump put voters more at ease with Trump.

Clinton, on the other hand, was overprepared and over-rehearsed. As a result, she missed the bull’s eye during much of the night. Clinton’s forced smiles during some of Trump’s most effective lines, while probably the best she could do, did not fit the moment.

This may be the lowest point we've ever reached with a presidential candidate. To call into question the most basic tenents of our democracy - 240 years strong - is flat-out unacceptable. It should infuriate any decent citizen and true American who loves and respects this country. Anyone who continues to support Trump, who is clearly aligned with dictators and enemies of the state like Putin & Assad, serves to destabilize the country. Anyone who continues to support Trump, who shows no trust in our electoral system, the core of our democracy, is a flat out traitor and an enemy of our great nation. Downright shameful. I expect the whole lot of you Trump supporters to follow his lead and renounce your citizenship the day after the election. You do not deserve to call yourselves American. Dust off your passports, pick up the lastest issue of Pravda and start learning the Cyrillic alphabet. Oh, and pack plenty of winter clothes, furry hats. Don't worry about the booze, there will be plenty of vodka where you're going.

Ask the true Bernie supporters what they really think about the process....

“But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” –Hillary Clinton

Following Wednesday’s presidential debate Pentagon officials found themselves completely dumbfounded as to why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would feel it appropriate to announce U.S. Special Access Program intel on national television.

According to sources within the Department of Defense speaking under anonymity, Clinton likely violated at least two Dept. of Defense SAP protocols during the debate by announcing on live television the United States Government’s response time for a nuclear launch.

To the dismay of intelligence officials, the fact that this top secret information is now publicly known not only proves that Clinton is “unfit to be commander-in-chief,” but it also poses a direct threat to national security.

“Secretary Clinton proved tonight she is unfit to be commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence source said. “What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned so we can unravel why she did what she did.”

According to Pentagon sources, the information Clinton disseminated publicly is Top Secret intelligence governed under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) which dictates safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence. The specific details of the country’s nuclear response time discussed by Clinton, sources said, are only known by a handful of individuals outside top military brass…

“Targeting options by ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles), air or sea, launch order, launch procedures and response are some of the most secretly guarded tenets of national security and nuclear war policy,” a Pentagon source said. “It’s truly incredible that (nuclear) response time as part of an ERO (Emergency Response Option) is now out there in the public domain to our adversaries.”




"Democrats whining for 16 years about Bush winning the election"

Gore's was after the fact and was about possible unintentional human error. Trump's is before the election and about intentional rigging. That's a big difference.

BTW, I thought Gore's suit was a stretch and I'm glad it ultimately didn't overturn anything.

Again, so what? There is actual evidence of intentional rigging! That's far worse than unintentional human error, which is pretty much completely unavoidable in any election. You'd have to be an idiot to say "Yes, I will accept the election results under any circumstances whatsoever". What if he loses by 1000 votes in some state where Dem operatives are on tape stating they are plotting to bring in ineligible voters? Should he just accept that result? I wouldn't.

It's like accepting the results of a game where referees make mistakes vs. accepting the results of a game where there was intentional cheating.

It is completely irresponsible to argue that a president who reaches 270 electoral votes is not “elected” and legitimate, right, Hillary Clinton? Only a shameless partisan with no concern for democracy or our system of government would insist that president is not elected, long after he’s taken the oath of office. Trump is insanely irresponsible to suggest that this election may be rigged and the outcome fraudulent. Why, who on earth would ever make such a charge? At a private fund-raiser in Los Angeles for Democratic Sen. Jean Carnahan of Missouri, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told the crowd that President Bush merely had been “selected” president, not elected, Newsweek reports in the current issue. Oh. That’s from October 2002.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corne...n-2002-george-w-bush-was-selected-not-elected
Why does she even know that ****?

She obviously can't be trusted with confidential material.
The only reason we are hearing about any of the Clinton stuff is because of Trump. The only reason we know of the corruption is because of Trump.

If this had been a Kasich vs. Clinton presidential election, the media would have quashed ALL of this. And Kasich would have been right on board with having a "normal" election where the powers behind the curtains remain hidden and safe.

I fully admit Kasich probably has a better shot against Clinton.
You contradict yourself here. If the only reason we know the extent of the Clinton corruption is because of Trump's willingness or perhaps his necessity to delve into this morass (It was the HRC election machine that leaked the Trump video and started this ****-show), then other candidates would be completely undermined by Clinton's smooth charm and the media's overwhelming preferential treatment of their pet candidate. Kasich would have been utterly crushed. As Clinton would have used 16 horrible Nixonian tricks by now to destroy him.

How people can fail to see at this point how utterly corrupt American politics has become by now is beyond me.
Again, so what? There is actual evidence of intentional rigging! That's far worse than unintentional human error, which is pretty much completely unavoidable in any election. You'd have to be an idiot to say "Yes, I will accept the election results under any circumstances whatsoever". What if he loses by 1000 votes in some state where Dem operatives are on tape stating they are plotting to bring in ineligible voters? Should he just accept that result? I wouldn't.

It's like accepting the results of a game where referees make mistakes vs. accepting the results of a game where there was intentional cheating.

There's no evidence. The election hasn't even occurred for chrissake. Why did Trump even run for President if he wasn't prepared to accept the election results? Think about that. It's absurd. At what point was it rigged against him?
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