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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Drain the swamp!!!

Clinton sought Pentagon, State Department contracts for Chelsea's friend

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations.

Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.

Deal is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. Emails between the two were included among the thousands recovered from a private email server used by the secretary of state between 2009 and 2013.

The Code of Federal Ethics states that government employees “shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.” Pentagon ethics guidelines also call for avoiding actions that would create even the appearance of improper behavior or conflicts of interest.






Unfit for office
It started with the FBI and DOJ sweeping glaring Clinton crimes under the rug where other American citizens would have been imprisoned.

It started with Clinton/Sanders and the now well-known tampering within the Democratic party at the highest levels to cut one of their own candidate's throat.

It started with the media providing "free advertising" to Trump as he was the most "beatable" Republican candidate in the primaries.

It started when the Democratic party started sending in trained activists to foment riots at his rallies while the media was recording.

It will continued when the Democratic party purchased cars from auctions so they could send them over state lines to bring in voters to illegally vote in multiple states.

It continues with the media continually avoiding anti-Clinton issues while relentlessly hammering Trump for every negative press clipping they can dream up.

It continued with the young fellow registering dead folks to vote Democrat.

We'll see a great deal more voter registration fraud and ballot stuffing when the election arrives.

But by all means, ignore it. That's your prerogative.
Just put on a happy smile...
Clinton on the Economy

Clinton on "The Clinton Foundation"

Clinton on her experience with enemas.

Clinton on the End of the World
Donald Trump Rally in Delaware, OH 10/20/16


Donald J. Trump in Fletcher, NC 10/21/16
Donald J. Trump in Johnstown, PA 10/21/16
Donald J. Trump in Newtown, PA 10/21/16
Donald J. Trump in Virginia Beach, VA 10/22/16
Donald J. Trump in Cleveland, OH 10/22/16
Fact Check: Hillary Puts Mosul on Syrian Border

Smartest woman in the world!
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Put on a manic smile!

America peruses 23,000 "C" Clinton emails.
Gore's was after the fact and was about possible unintentional human error. Trump's is before the election and about intentional rigging. That's a big difference.

BTW, I thought Gore's suit was a stretch and I'm glad it ultimately didn't overturn anything.
Gore shot his credibility by only recounting a few counties and not the whole state so it was obvious that the fix was in for Gore but it wasn't fixed quite enough..

NBC News: OK There’s Voter Fraud, But Not THAT Much

With the latest Project Veritas video sting revealing details of just how Democrats like to commit voter fraud, the old leftists line about the nonexistence of fraud is out the window.

“It is possible to have some votes stolen in this way, but it’s not possible to be done on a wide scale,” said Dick Simpson, a University of Illinois-Chicago political science professor, who said there are many safeguards in place to prevent such fraud.

And Simpson would know — he’s also a former Chicago alderm

What follows are assurances from the very people who would have to be involved in the facilitation of the fraud that-you guessed it-the fraud doesn’t happen. Or doesn’t happen enough, to be precise. There are safeguards in place, don’t you know.

They are quite proud of the fact that it is difficult for dead people to vote. Not impossible, mind you, merely difficult.



Sorry honey, I cheated on you... just a little.

Donald Trump's deflated, defeated, low-stamina body language after the debate says it all

Donald Trump might be sending out 3 AM tweets claiming debate victory and citing bogus internet polls, but let’s take a moment to look back at the Republican nominee’s own body language in the immediate moments after the debate. While Hillary Clinton warmly greeted people in the audience, flashing a wide smile and confidently moving around the crowd in her stunning suffragette-white pantsuit, Donald Trump was sulking on the stage, appearing to have completely run out of stamina. His own body language is a dead giveaway that he knows he lost—and lost bigly.

Watch below as a stone-faced Trump greets his family on stage with an awkward no-kiss to Melania, and barely acknowledges the others:

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CNN: Undecideds Focus Group Declares TRUMP the Winner

Notice that the ones that said they were still undecided were mostly women. I think that shows that many women KNOW hillary is awful and they don't like her or her policies, but they have been so brainwashed to think Trump is against women that they are still uncomfortable actually voting for him.

that is bad new for Dems because people like that tend to stay home on election day.

Not to mention the millions and millions of Bernie bots that won't be voting for Hillary and switching to Trump

Article is from July 21st not new

oops - **** happens - so much stuff happening, my staff is overworked and underpaid

jus like I perdicted...Obama's corrupt regime doing everything to keep it all hidden

U.S. Urged Ecuador to Act Against WikiLeaks Leader Assange

Quiet pressure from the U.S. government played a role in Ecuador's decision to block WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from using the internet at Ecuador's London embassy, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Not to mention the millions and millions of Bernie bots that won't be voting for Hillary and switching to Trump

Feel the Bern, Trumpsters!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump is the least qualified person to become president in the history of our country. Go vote! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/debatenight?src=hash">#debatenight</a> <a href="https://t.co/8ttsSwcsnl">https://t.co/8ttsSwcsnl</a></p>— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) <a href="https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/788927235759767552">October 20, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here's what I think of Donald Trump: <a href="https://t.co/4DPeDAFlro">https://t.co/4DPeDAFlro</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/debatenight?src=hash">#debatenight</a></p>— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) <a href="https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/788928266144972801">October 20, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
BWAhahahaha - nobody cares what old Ball-less Bernie thinks!

His "followers" hate him for him crawling on his knees to kiss Hillary's ring - he is irrelevant now.
So much great stuff!

"This election is not about the ovaries in the oval office. This is about who has the balls to build the wall."- Diamond and Silk
My opinion (about the 3rd and final debate) - overall, Mr. Trump presented himself more prepared and ready for the questions in this debate. He did, however, continue to make asinine comments when it wasn't his turn and that bothers me when a 70+ year old man acts like my grandson...

Mrs. Clinton, while she looked the part, and answered questions (I assume) with some depth - well, the Dems "rigged" the primaries and "tag your it" (sorry Bernie). She did dance around the pointed questions about the Clinton Foundation - a question that incriminated her and the organization and she did come off the hinges when trying to keep talking when the moderator wanted to move on.

So, after all 3 debates - I still think the choices are horrible (can I use a Mr. Trump euphemism? "a disaster")---it is my opinion, that at this point, the Dems present the better option overall.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but, it's our medicine and we have to take it...

I'll take your grandson over a murderer with Parkinsons.

Donald Trump's deflated, defeated, low-stamina body language after the debate says it all

What the hell are you talking about? one still shot pulled out of context with all them eyes closed heads down looks like a prayer or moment of silence. I saw nothing in that video to support the straws you are grasping at here. With all the legitimate complaints you could have with Trump this is what you come up with. Sad. I have higher expectations from at least you Tibs. Maybe not Elfie or 21 but you sometimes find something intelligent to say. This one sets the bar lower. Come on raise your game man!
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