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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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all the horses are jockeying for position

Walker open to teaming up with Rubio on 2016 ticket

Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.) is open to the idea of teaming up with Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) on a GOP presidential ticket

“I do like Marco Rubio, I think he and I have similar thoughts on national defense and foreign policy,” Walker said

Asked if he would be open to announcing in December that the two of them would run as a ticket, and settle who would be the nominee for president and vice president later, Walker replied that some supporters had pitched that idea.

 “I've actually had quite a few people, grassroots supporters, donors, and others, who have made that suggestion,” Walker said.

“For now, you know, Marco is a quality candidate. He's going to be formidable in this race as things progress. And if we were to get in, we'd be as well, and we'll see where things take us.”

He added that he and Rubio have joked that people mention the two possibly pairing up and said they would likely “have to arm wrestle over who would be top of the ticket."

all the horses are jockeying for position

Walker open to teaming up with Rubio on 2016 ticket

Gov. Scott Walker (Wis.) is open to the idea of teaming up with Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) on a GOP presidential ticket

“I do like Marco Rubio, I think he and I have similar thoughts on national defense and foreign policy,” Walker said

Asked if he would be open to announcing in December that the two of them would run as a ticket, and settle who would be the nominee for president and vice president later, Walker replied that some supporters had pitched that idea.

 “I've actually had quite a few people, grassroots supporters, donors, and others, who have made that suggestion,” Walker said.

“For now, you know, Marco is a quality candidate. He's going to be formidable in this race as things progress. And if we were to get in, we'd be as well, and we'll see where things take us.”

He added that he and Rubio have joked that people mention the two possibly pairing up and said they would likely “have to arm wrestle over who would be top of the ticket."


Rand Paul is still my guy although that would be a good ticket. I'd prefer Walker at the top. Rubio almost has to be at least VP regardless of who is at the top to ensure that the GOP wins Florida.
Trump likes his name in lights. He's not serious. However I welcome some of his points. The only way I'd support him is if 3-4 polls had him in the lead for New York over Hillary Clinton.

Well Rand just got my vote.

[video]https://video-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpt1/v/t42.1790-2/10929386_10153136170466107_1511073021_n.mp4?oh=6e9 d03f53e5f236cfb9f2953b488daea&oe=5582DBF5[/video]
The poll of 500 likely GOP presidential primary voters found 14% back Mr. Bush. Mr. Trump is right behind at 11%.

Please make it stop!!!!
The Patriot Act was ruled to be constitutional.
I think I just had an aneurism...
ISIS isn't taking over the U.S. The entire reason they exist is because Bush took out a strong man in the middle east and didn't replace him with one.
Yep... When I was a senior in college (about '94) I took an Islamic Civ class. The instructor, a muslim was teaching us about the sects in the middle east and how critical Saddam Hussein was. This was particularly interesting because of Desert Storm. He was explaining that the U.S. couldn't remove Hussein from power because if we did, all of the middle east would essentially be aligned in theological principal and that would not allow us to exploit opportunities to pit one country against another. (This he explained was really one of the great underlying causes of distrust and hatred in the middle east against western countries. They use the crazy unbalanced theological nuttiness that divides the region to essentially exploit oil and resource opportunities and control prices.) We can always get oil cheaper from one side by supplying arms and supplies to them in their fight against he other and whenever we want we just switch sides and offer a deal to the other side in return for a better price on oil. The cost to the people is just body parts and dead family members.

It was a very eye-opening class in terms of why the peasantry, uneducated and incapable of seeing things through a clearer world-view, could so easily hate us. In fact, how could they NOT hate us? Just as we hate them. They kill our journalists, blow up or commuter planes, they do so seemingly randomly and from a place of pure unadulterated hatred. Well, from their perspective we arm their enemies, invade their territory, imprison and kill their citizenry just to get a better price on oil. It's kinda sick.

Anyway, Saddam Hussein KEPT the middle east unbalanced because he always maintained a strong Sunni presence to even out the Shiite Iranian sects. With him gone, there was no balance.
Maybe The Donald as POTUS wouldn't be so bad?

Does he even have friends to pander to?

Bomma has Buffet and Gates, so does the Hair turn to Carlos Slim?
Yep... When I was a senior in college (about '94) I took an Islamic Civ class. The instructor, a muslim was teaching us about the sects in the middle east and how critical Saddam Hussein was. This was particularly interesting because of Desert Storm. He was explaining that the U.S. couldn't remove Hussein from power because if we did, all of the middle east would essentially be aligned in theological principal and that would not allow us to exploit opportunities to pit one country against another. (This he explained was really one of the great underlying causes of distrust and hatred in the middle east against western countries. They use the crazy unbalanced theological nuttiness that divides the region to essentially exploit oil and resource opportunities and control prices.) We can always get oil cheaper from one side by supplying arms and supplies to them in their fight against he other and whenever we want we just switch sides and offer a deal to the other side in return for a better price on oil. The cost to the people is just body parts and dead family members.

It was a very eye-opening class in terms of why the peasantry, uneducated and incapable of seeing things through a clearer world-view, could so easily hate us. In fact, how could they NOT hate us? Just as we hate them. They kill our journalists, blow up or commuter planes, they do so seemingly randomly and from a place of pure unadulterated hatred. Well, from their perspective we arm their enemies, invade their territory, imprison and kill their citizenry just to get a better price on oil. It's kinda sick.

Anyway, Saddam Hussein KEPT the middle east unbalanced because he always maintained a strong Sunni presence to even out the Shiite Iranian sects. With him gone, there was no balance.

what of US dollar hegemony? And Petrodollar recirculation?
Time To Take Trump Seriously?

While most of the mainstream media doesn’t think Donald Trump is a serious candidate for President, new polling shows they might actually be wrong.

A new Fox poll shows Jeb Bush leading the GOP pack, but Trump is right behind him. Katrina Pierson of the Tea Party Leadership Funs Pac says Trump is connecting with you.

“He’s a straight talker. He takes a message to the public in the way they want to hear it. For far too long we’ve had mainstream politicians campaigning by gentlemen’s code,” Pierson explained.

But no Republican, Trump included, would beat Hillary Clinton in a head to head race next November. That said, the survey shows more of you distrust her than even President Obama.

“She’s been caught in lie after lie in these recent days, and that’s why she’s tipping the scale, in trustworthiness, even against Barack Obama,” Pierson said.

So who are the Republicans that would give her the toughest fight? The poll says it's Marco Rubio, followed by Bush and Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Trump will destroy them all in debates. These lifetime politicians are *******.
The best thing about Trump being in is that he will say things at the debates that will make the others squirm.

If Trump won we'd have to do a lot of renaming of things: The Trump House, 1600 Trumpsylvania Ave., Camp Trump, The Trump Monument,
The Trump Memorial, Air Force Trump, The United States of Trump, etc..., etc...
Trump has a message, he just lacks the tact and behavior to best deliver his message. I'd only support Trump if several polls had him ahead of Clinton in New York.

Back Jeb. He's the best chance we've got.
Kasich would win Ohio against hildabeast in recent polling. By at least 7 percent. I think he is viable. Pair him with Rubio and we get Florida. That is a big deal electorally.
I'd only support Trump if several polls had him ahead of Clinton in New York.

yeah, it's gonna be hard to beat that ol family tradition


Trump has a message, he just lacks the tact and behavior to best deliver his message. I'd only support Trump if several polls had him ahead of Clinton in New York.

Back Jeb. He's the best chance we've got.

Jeb has no chance. Even if he won he'd be Obama light.
Trump is our P.T. Barnum of entertainment

Donald Trump: I'm Suing Univision for Hundreds Of Millions Over Miss USA

Trump tells TMZ, he will sue Univision for "hundreds of millions of dollars" for breaching what he says is a binding, 5 year deal to air the Miss USA pageant.

The Donald says Univision had no legal right to back out of the deal Thursday, based on his comments about Mexico and Mexicans, saying many of them who come here are drug dealers and rapists.

Trump tells us, the contract, which was signed in January of this year, is iron-clad. He also says Univision became immediately apologetic after pulling the plug, telling him they were backed against a wall and pleading with him not to talk about Mexico anymore or to at least soften his view.

The candidate says, "I love the Mexican people, but I'm running for President and our country comes first."

Trump has a message, he just lacks the tact and behavior to best deliver his message. I'd only support Trump if several polls had him ahead of Clinton in New York.

Back Jeb. He's the best chance we've got.

That's kinda the beauty of Trump and the way he says things...I respect that. No dancing around words. He owns what he says right or wrong.
Trump is 2nd in a new NH poll.

He's a fighter

Donald Trump's war with Univision gets nasty


On Friday he published an anchor's personal phone number, called for the resignation of a top executive and banned all of the channel's executives from using Trump's golf course in Miami.

Trump added a P.S.: "Please congratulate your Mexican Government officials for having made such outstanding trade deals with the United States. However, inform them that should I become President, those days are over."

The best thing about Trump being in is that he will say things at the debates that will make the others squirm.

True, he might force them to talk like Conservatives.
Adios, moron.


NBC to Trump: You're Fired

NBC has announced it will not continue its business relationship with Donald Trump after his comments about Mexican immigrants. "At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values," the media company said in a statement. The GOP presidential candidate recently described Mexican immigrants as "bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people." The network will not air Miss USA and the Miss Universe Pageants anymore. More than 200,000 signed a petition asking NBC to cut its ties with Trump.
The era of overly sensitive ******* is well upon us. Libtards are just fine with ignoring all the criminals and terrorists that have infiltrated our country via Mexico. When ISIS launches attacks from within the U.S. Obumma will be directly to blame.
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