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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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My two guys, Paul and Cruz did a great job. Kasich looked like Bernie Sanders crazy. He made a fool of himself. Which is why I guess liberals like him.
it's a liberal idea, sure. socialist even.
but to take that money and move the goal posts on seniors is cruel. if the SSRA is to be moved, it should be done as ark said and phased into being.
as well, SS income should absolutely NOT be subject to income taxes.

I hate socialism security and it is the most socialist thing about America and I feel people should have the ability to opt out. Give me back my money and my employers money used on it and let me invest my money how I see fit. I don't even care if they forced me to take 6.2% of my pay and forced my employer to match that as long as they allow me to choose my own retirement vessel whether it be the stock market, mutual fund, CD who care I should get to choose. If you ever want to piss yourself off take 12.4% of your income with an annual increase of 3.5% with an average return of 8%. Everyone who actually works should retire in their 50's. If you include the 9%-12% that you and your company should contribute to retirement as well maybe even retire better off than when you are working.

I do think it is BS that they keep moving back the retirement date while bumping up the disability benefits. I feel they just need to end disability period. If you are on disability you get low income housing, food stamps, mobile mobility, Obama phone, Obama care, etc... so tell me why those people need money? Hell, lets just pay their $50 subsidized rent and save the $1,200 in social security and give it to someone who actually earned it.
Moving the retirement date hurts working people. Blue collar workers and those having to do physical labor for a living die younger than
white collar workers, so extending the retirement date, just takes money from working folks and passes it to the professional types.
Moving the retirement date hurts working people. Blue collar workers and those having to do physical labor for a living die younger than
white collar workers, so extending the retirement date, just takes money from working folks and passes it to the professional types.

Those white blue collar workers tend to vote Republican so I figured you'd be happy that they drop dead sooner. JFC, there's no making you Liberals happy.
Top ten things to say to a liberal when Trump is elected President

I hear Canada is beautiful in the winter.

I think I saw your name on the list of workers assigned to build that Southern Wall

Don't feel so bad, you still have Hollywood.

What are they doing in your town to celebrate Confederate Flag Day?

Did you hear they have Fox News in Canada now?

Your draft notice should be arriving soon in the mail.

Stop your whining and get into the revival tent.

Ted Cruz will make a great Supreme Court Justice!

Yes, Registered Democrats will be required to take sensitivity training classes on conservative values.

When are you supposed to be going to the Global Cooling reeducation camp?
What do you think of Trumps comment that wages are too high in the United States. To compete with China he wants Americans working
for $2 an hour and I guess he wants everyone working by age 10.
What do you think of Trumps comment that wages are too high in the United States. To compete with China he wants Americans working
for $2 an hour and I guess he wants everyone working by age 10.

So saying wages are too high equates to wanting workers making $2 an hour and children in the workforce??? ******* over generalize much? you are either a complete ******* idiot or just trying to stir the pot...either way your act is tired and boring.
If he wants to compete with China, they start working young and they get paid little, so my figures are in
the ballpark. The reality is Americans don't want the Chinese jobs that Trump says he'll bring back.
If he wants to compete with China, they start working young and they get paid little, so my figures are in
the ballpark. The reality is Americans don't want the Chinese jobs that Trump says he'll bring back.

okay....******* idiot it is.......
I want to know how Trump will get mexico to pay for the wall and how he will fund deporting 11 million people. I am for making sure people are here legally, but logistically that will be a nightmare.
I know it will definitely be interesting to see how things play out.
Unbelievable there are some who still think this creep is presidential material. He's beyond pathetic.

In 95-minute tirade, Trump flips belt buckle to mock Carson

And in no way does this take away from the fact that Carson is indeed borderline psychotic, just shows you the dire straights the GOP is currently in.
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My two guys, Paul and Cruz..

Sure, Ted Cruz is certainly someone that should be running the country. That's a great idea.

Sure, Ted Cruz is certainly someone that should be running the country. That's a great idea.


Bomma does what Allah tells Him and you don't have a problem with that.
Latest Reuters poll...

November 13, 2015

Businessman Donald Trump34.0%
Surgeon and author Ben Carson19.6%
Fla. Sen. Marco Rubio9.7%
Tex. Sen. Ted Cruz7.7%
Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush6.4%
Wouldn’t vote5.8%
Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee4.1%
Former Sen. candidate and business executive Carly Fiorina3.7%
Ken. Sen. Rand Paul3.0%
Ohio Gov. John Kasich1.8%
Former Penn. Sen. Rick Santorum1.3%
NJ Gov. Chris Christie1.3%
La. Gov. Bobby Jindal0.8%
SC Sen. Lindsey Graham0.8%
All that stuff doesn't matter.

Hillary 60% Trump 40%
Hillary 60% Carson 40%
Hillary 55% Cruz 45%
Hillary 53% Bush 47%
Hillary 50% Rubio 50%
Hillary 51% Kasich 49%
Hillary 51% Paul 49%
Hillary 55% Fiorina 45%
Hillary 58% Huckabee 42%
Hillary 54% Christie 46%

The republican's better figure out what results they want to aim for in a general election for this country.
All that stuff doesn't matter.

Hillary 60% Trump 40%
Hillary 60% Carson 40%
Hillary 55% Cruz 45%
Hillary 53% Bush 47%
Hillary 50% Rubio 50%
Hillary 51% Kasich 49%
Hillary 51% Paul 49%
Hillary 55% Fiorina 45%
Hillary 58% Huckabee 42%
Hillary 54% Christie 46%

The republican's better figure out what results they want to aim for in a general election for this country.

Exactly. It's like the entire GOP missed the memo from four years ago, when the muslim-terrorist-socialist-communist-the-end-of-america-as-we-know-it Barack Obama waltzed into his 2nd term, leaving a bunch of bellicose, redneck fundamentalist Christians fuming in his wake. Everything I'm seeing from the GOP of late assures me Hillary Clinton will be our next president. Historically speaking, it may be the weakest GOP lineup of presidential candidates ever, and that's saying a lot. Yet those on the fringes, chewing on paint chips and inhaling exhaust fumes, seem particularly optimistic when talking (shouting) about a Trump or Cruz presidency. It's chasing rainbows and unicorns, boys.
Cruz just said yesterday to all those religious wacko's:

"Any president that doesn't begin each day on his knees isn't fit to be Commander-in-Chief of this nation."

Are you ******* kidding me? What if "God" talks to Cruz and tells him to blow up something with nukes? You religious wack jobs find that a logical, intelligent course of action?

The things these guys say to get your vote is embarrassing. And yet I'm supposed to trust Cruz at understanding the weather better than climate scientists. Maybe God spoke to him about that too.

If God's talking in your head, go see a psychiatrist. I don't want you anywhere near the red button.
Oh... and the M.C. for the event Cruz just spoke at is just a crazy wack-job pastor who said at that same event "the sin of homosexuality... is worthy of death." And he also said "Jesus Christ is king of the President of the United States whether he will admit to it or not and that president should submit to His rule and to His law."

I thought Cruz was running as a constitutionist?

Somehow Amendment 1 wasn't brought up today. Obviously.

If Cruz wins the nomination, I will volunteer to work for Hillary Clinton. That's how bad Cruz would be for this country.
Bomma does what Allah tells Him and you don't have a problem with that.
Step right up, there's room at the local psychiatric ward for you too. Show me a single shred of empirical evidence connecting the past seven or so years of the president's term to the Muslim faith, Allah, Shariah law, whatever else the insane faction of the tea party has been selling you. Show me his words, show me his deeds. Otherwise, you're the fool, buying into a gigantic mountain of dumbass, redneck lies.

You can take comfort in the fact you weren't the only one. Many (too many!) on the right have been duped for years now. But it's not too late to take a deep breath and realize that some - if not all - of what you've believed is completely unsubstantiated, unfounded horseshit.

If you have any self respect and dignity, you'll do the right thing and fuss up. You were sold down the river on the Obama-loves-Muslims boat of dumbass.
I want to know how Trump will get mexico to pay for the wall and how he will fund deporting 11 million people. I am for making sure people are here legally, but logistically that will be a nightmare.
I know it will definitely be interesting to see how things play out.

It will start with making all mexicans where an armband or a patch. Then maybe some tattoos with numbers....
first off, I'm far from religious.
last thing I am is a muslim sympathizer.

Before either of you go about bashing Cruz or any of the GOP candidates for their religious beliefs, please refer to what Obama has said and done repeatedly for Islam and Muslims in general.

Please pay close attention to those he has also put in places of authority.

Also, and most important to me, please pay very close attention to how our military feels in regards to the CiC. I've YET to hear a single voice from anyone in the military to say anything positive about what Good Ol' Barry has done for the military. If he has done anything, it's one step forward, three steps back.
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