The man doesn't hide behind his words and doesn't change his stance…not yet anyways. He calls a spade a spade. He has no dirty laundry to hide and it's all known…that's what makes him a scary candidate to the others in all parties involved.
He calls a spade a spade.
Donald Trump Talks: Gun Control, Assault Weapons, Gun Free Zones & Self Defense
“I am a Life Member of the NRA and am proud of their service in protecting our right to keep and bear arms. The NRA’s efforts to stop dangerous, gun-banning legislation and regulation is invaluable. The media focus on those efforts overshadows the great work the NRA does on behalf of safety and conservation. I have a permit to carry and, living in New York, I know firsthand the challenges law-abiding citizens have in exercising their Second Amendment rights".
“I certainly stand by my opposition to Gun Control when it comes to taking guns from law-abiding citizens. You mention that the media describes the AR-15 as an “assault rifle,” which is one example of the many distortions they use to sell their agenda. However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category. Gun-banners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity.”
“To the Left every gun is an assault weapon.”
“Gun control does not reduce crime. It has consistently failed to stop violence. Americans are entitled to protect their families, their property and themselves. In fact, in right-to-carry states the violent crime rate is 24% lower than the rest of the United States and the murder rate is 28% lower. This should not be up for debate.”
I was talking about shovels…lol
More spin from gun people. Facts are the states wih the toughest gun laws have the lower murder rate those are facts not made up. You know what else is a fact liberal states have a lower murder rate. Kind of interesting. Then if you go by the civilized countries we have the highest gun ownership in the world and highest murder rate of any civilized country
Liking the guy more each day.
I didn't like Trump to start but he is wearing on me.
Ideally I'd have Rand Paul as President, Ted Cruz as VP, and Donald Trump as Secretary of Commerce.I didn't like Trump to start but he is wearing on me. Anybody that can handle the border I can get behind. At least something gets done. I still like Rand Paul but I can live with someone who at least will fix one thing.
Ideally I'd have Rand Paul as President, Ted Cruz as VP, and Donald Trump as Secretary of Commerce.
Unfortunately, I don't think the Donald's ego would allow him to be anything but top dog.
I didn't like Trump to start but he is wearing on me. Anybody that can handle the border I can get behind. At least something gets done. I still like Rand Paul but I can live with someone who at least will fix one thing.
I think Trump needs to start coming up with some more substance. Right now he is just spewing stuff out and its working. To have a legit chance I think he needs to tone it down a bit, come up with hard indisputable facts, and start to lay out his policies specifically. I think right now Hillary would destroy him in a debate. Trump would not back down and probably yell, scream, and make some good viewing, but Hillary would come in very well prepared and destroy him with facts / experience.
Any of the top Republicans, Trump included, would destroy Hildebeast in a debate and the media would promptly have collective orgasms and tell everyone how fantastic her performance was.
And BOOM!The libtards are quaking in their Berkenstocks. And it's early! Commies see the end game and it scares them.