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What are the odds Cam proves worth $22 mill in 2024?

He is due $16 million this season. So you are fine with his current contract. A bit high in my opinion. No biggie though. I thought since he was a big team first guy he would volunteer a pay cut. To help the team moving forward.
Why should players give back money? Both parties negotiated that number, and felt ok with it. If the Steelers feel he is not worth that amount, they will address it.

Can’t find a list of DL salaries for 2024 other than top 10, which Cam is not on. It says that DL average 15mil, so that puts him slightly above average. I think that at this point he is about right
Shades is the enabler in it. Pay attention.
Why would I pay attention to an imbecile who walks with the traffic while having earbuds on?

Gheez, with you everything is Tomlin’s fault. You probably blame him for the economy, Ukraine, open borders and $5.00/gal gas too? You are a legend in your own mind and don’t know **** about the CBA, or how the NFLPA and agents drives players actions in contract negotiations.

It’s a business chess match between the owners and union and always will be.
Why would I pay attention to an imbecile who walks with the traffic while having earbuds on?

Gheez, with you everything is Tomlin’s fault. You probably blame him for the economy, Ukraine, open borders and $5.00/gal gas too? You are a legend in your own mind and don’t know **** about the CBA, or how the NFLPA and agents drives players actions in contract negotiations.

It’s a business chess match between the owners and union and always will be.
Why should players give back money? Both parties negotiated that number, and felt ok with it. If the Steelers feel he is not worth that amount, they will address it.

Can’t find a list of DL salaries for 2024 other than top 10, which Cam is not on. It says that DL average 15mil, so that puts him slightly above average. I think that at this point he is about right
Players get cut every year. It is part of the game. Some contracts are written that way for teams to cut the player in later years. And Cam wouldn't be given back money. He would just be making less if he took a pay cut.
Players get cut every year. It is part of the game. Some contracts are written that way for teams to cut the player in later years. And Cam wouldn't be given back money. He would just be making less if he took a pay cut.
And Cam gave an emphatic "no way" early on to the subject, saying he wouldn't play for a $ less than his contract. Since then he's upped the ante to won't show at camp without a completely new deal. Whatever happened to the didactic plea to Ben about taking less $ for the team? Oh, that's when it wasn't HIS $, got it.
Players get cut every year. It is part of the game. Some contracts are written that way for teams to cut the player in later years. And Cam wouldn't be given back money. He would just be making less if he took a pay cut.
That must be new math, because when I learned, reducing your salary to take less is giving back. Sure you are not actually writing a check to the Steelers, but it would still giving back.
And Cam gave an emphatic "no way" early on to the subject, saying he wouldn't play for a $ less than his contract. Since then he's upped the ante to won't show at camp without a completely new deal. Whatever happened to the didactic plea to Ben about taking less $ for the team? Oh, that's when it wasn't HIS $, got it.
Just typical with most people, always want YOU to do something that would benefit them, but would never do it themselves. Cam being a hypocrite would not surprise me in the slightest. I still wouldn’t take less than my contract, and wouldn’t ask anyone else to do it either.
Why would I pay attention to an imbecile who walks with the traffic while having earbuds on?

Gheez, with you everything is Tomlin’s fault. You probably blame him for the economy, Ukraine, open borders and $5.00/gal gas too? You are a legend in your own mind and don’t know **** about the CBA, or how the NFLPA and agents drives players actions in contract negotiations.

It’s a business chess match between the owners and union and always will be.
According to leaks from the secret government files about the JFK assassination, Tomlin was on the grassy knoll.
That must be new math, because when I learned, reducing your salary to take less is giving back. Sure you are not actually writing a check to the Steelers, but it would still giving back.
New math? No. Simple math. That $16 mill isn't in Cam's pocket yet to give back. Cam knows the dynamics of the NFL. His agent secured him a signing bonus that went directly into his account. His to keep even if the Steelers cut him the next day. Every player knows how the NFL works. Here one and cut the next. The Steelers sign players every year and then cut them. Every team does. They fill out a roster for training camp and shake out a roster. I don't see you arguing for them to keep their job and money. Cam is no different.
New math? No. Simple math. That $16 mill isn't in Cam's pocket yet to give back. Cam knows the dynamics of the NFL. His agent secured him a signing bonus that went directly into his account. His to keep even if the Steelers cut him the next day. Every player knows how the NFL works. Here one and cut the next. The Steelers sign players every year and then cut them. Every team does. They fill out a roster for training camp and shake out a roster. I don't see you arguing for them to keep their job and money. Cam is no different.
The only thing "different" about Cam, is he spoke out on Ben giving back some of his high pay to "help the team get better." But when Cam is in the same position, "Hell no way" is he considering doing what he publically, and in a didactic nature, lectured Ben to do. Oh no, in Cam's case, he won't "play for one dollar less" than his contract called for. But, hey, hell no, not only did he go there, NOW he's upgraded his demands from just making what his contact called for but to not even showing up until he gets a "new, updated" deal while being 35 years old playing a position where there are almost no one older than 35 years old even playing. And yet, he is "demanding" a new deal or else. What a great team "leader."

Madden agrees with me. You don't say?

Heyward is lucky he hasn’t been released, or that the Steelers haven’t asked him to take a pay cut.

Heyward is 35. Signs strongly point to Heyward being, to put it charitably, past his prime.

But Heyward is no-showing OTAs with the intent of getting a contract extension. Not voidable years to balance out his cap hit, but more money. Like he’s somebody worth keeping for three more seasons, which is how much longer he reportedly wants to play.

To give Heyward one dollar more on top of what he’s already owed would be insanity. It wouldn’t be worth the risk.

But the Steelers might do it. It’s a soft organization, and Art Rooney II is a soft owner.

It doesn’t matter at all that Heyward won Walter Payton Man of the Year for community impact. It wouldn’t matter if he’d won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Heyward’s leadership often is cited. But what’s his leadership resulted in? In 13 seasons, Heyward has played in one playoff victory.

This isn’t about sentiment. This isn’t about intangibles. It’s about putting money to the best use possible for the football team. That’s not by giving more to Heyward.

It’s hard to imagine that, if push comes to shove, Heyward won’t just play out his contract and take the $16 million he’s owed. He’ll never make $16 million in a season again. (The Steelers are crazy to pay him that. They should cut that figure. Too bad for Heyward.)
Who amounst us would willingly take a paycut to d the same job?

I love the company I work for. But I love by family more.
Who amounst us would willingly take a paycut to d the same job?

I love the company I work for. But I love by family more.
Yea, but I'm gonna guess your quality at your position is not so determined by age as an NFL D LM's is. I mean, does your performance drop so much after your mid-30's as a DT in the NFL? If, for comparison's sake, your performance dropped to 2 sacks and a handful of tackles last year, would you be holding out of company activities trying to force a new, added $ deal?
Yea, but I'm gonna guess your quality at your position is not so determined by age as an NFL D LM's is. I mean, does your performance drop so much after your mid-30's as a DT in the NFL? If, for comparison's sake, your performance dropped to 2 sacks and a handful of tackles last year, would you be holding out of company activities trying to force a new, added $ deal?
I would not take a paycut. Nor would most of us.
Now if my company came to me and said I make to much money and I need to take A payout or be fired, I would have a tough decision to make
I would not take a paycut. Nor would most of us.
Now if my company came to me and said I make to much money and I need to take A payout or be fired, I would have a tough decision to make
Yes but you didn't answer my question about age being such a determining actor in your work.
The only thing "different" about Cam, is he spoke out on Ben giving back some of his high pay to "help the team get better." But when Cam is in the same position, "Hell no way" is he considering doing what he publically, and in a didactic nature, lectured Ben to do. Oh no, in Cam's case, he won't "play for one dollar less" than his contract called for. But, hey, hell no, not only did he go there, NOW he's upgraded his demands from just making what his contact called for but to not even showing up until he gets a "new, updated" deal while being 35 years old playing a position where there are almost no one older than 35 years old even playing. And yet, he is "demanding" a new deal or else. What a great team "leader."
I call bullshit AGAIN with your statement. Please provide a link detailing as to Cam proffering BR needs to take a pay cut. Ben voluntarily on his own took a pay cut ($5 mil) on his last contract. Cam actually voiced his opinion for the media to get off BR’s back about it.

You have chronic Diarrhea of the mouth, either get treatment, drink Imodium regularly, or mods look into this poster’s stick. Maybe Coolie or Lunar can set him straight. Coolie probably would kick him in the nuts rhetorically, but I wouldn't recommend it.
New math? No. Simple math. That $16 mill isn't in Cam's pocket yet to give back. Cam knows the dynamics of the NFL. His agent secured him a signing bonus that went directly into his account. His to keep even if the Steelers cut him the next day. Every player knows how the NFL works. Here one and cut the next. The Steelers sign players every year and then cut them. Every team does. They fill out a roster for training camp and shake out a roster. I don't see you arguing for them to keep their job and money. Cam is no different.
Too much about nothing. The media (I mean Dulac and Madden) are clickbaiting this situation. Cam will get his $16 mil, plus probably more added to a contract with voidable years. This reduces his cap hit for the initial extension and spreads out his guaranteed $ to two or three years. GMs have been doing this since COVID froze the cap.
Too much about nothing. The media (I mean Dulac and Madden) are clickbaiting this situation. Cam will get his $16 mil, plus probably more added to a contract with voidable years. This reduces his cap hit for the initial extension and spreads out his guaranteed $ to two or three years. GMs have been doing this since COVID froze the cap.
You are underestimating Cam's greed, he thinks he deserves more $, and he sure as hell does not. He thinks his Walter Payton award bought him some more years for PR. It shouldn't add sh--.
Madden? Talk about using a jackass to validate another jackass. Mark Madden hasn’t been in a Steeler locker room in ten years. Has no direct contacts to the organization and throws more crap at the wall than his pet monkey. He has been wrong 99% on his takes because he doesn’t know anything other than what other click baiter writers tell him. If anything the only topic he can actually converse intelligently is the Pens. I’ll give him that.

The fact that you rely on his “take” to support yours shows, again, how you don’t know what you are talking about.
Madden? Talk about using a jackass to validate another jackass. Mark Madden hasn’t been in a Steeler locker room in ten years. Has no direct contacts to the organization and throws more crap at the wall than his pet monkey. He has been wrong 99% on his takes because he doesn’t know anything other than what other click baiter writers tell him. If anything the only topic he can actually converse intelligently is the Pens. I’ll give him that.

The fact that you rely on his “take” to support yours shows, again, how you don’t know what you are talking about.
Worthless drivel put on ignore. Ba bye.
You are underestimating Cam's greed, he thinks he deserves more $, and he sure as hell does not. He thinks his Walter Payton award bought him some more years for PR. It shouldn't add sh--.
I’m not underestimating anything. You state Cam has greed. You unfortunately don’t understand the business of professional football. There is a CBA involved, with a players union, agents and owners who negotiate contracts - both ways.

The Walter Payton Award and all your “self narrated” opinions of what going on with a player thinking process is just that, opinionated not factual.
Yes but you didn't answer my question about age being such a determining actor in your work.
Blitz doesn’t need me to answer for him, but depending on what state you live in, Employers have a right to fire (under due process) and Employees can quit whenever they want without punitive damage.