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What are the odds Cam proves worth $22 mill in 2024?

That’s exactly what’s going to happen. Cam will get an extension so his $22 mil plus whatever else is added, is spread over the extension length, probably three years. There will be voidable years as well. It’s how teams do business now with the cap as flush as it is.

I think Cam will play two of the three years they extend him. That 3rd will be cap friendly and voidable.

Salute the nation
I think Cam will play two of the three years they extend him. That 3rd will be cap friendly and voidable.

Salute the nation
I hope he shuts people up this year. but the right move for the Steelers is either let thing run its course this year and see how he does

or give another year on the contract and reduce his hit this year.

Once again glad I do not have anything to do with the day to day operations.
The one hopeful, saving grace is that the moves made by Art II/Kahn represent a "new way" of Steelers doing business. When they cleaned house with adding Wilson/Fields and dumping Kenny, maybe that was a clear indication that this ain't Tomlin's show anymore. And then followed up with a draft that definitely did NOT have Shades' fingerprints on it, maybe, just maybe, Art has taken control back from Cool Shades. We can always dream. Maybe Smith is enough of his own man, that as OC he's not gonna take too much influence from Shades and we have a legit coach leading the O.
You have no clue as to how the Steelers do business. Art 2 and Omar’s “new way”……it’s no wonder you have chronic sepsis, all that **** running though your veins.

Who do you think Kenny told to have him traded? Who decides who is on the roster? Not Omar, he provides players for the coaches to coach. Art2, just like his father did, handles the business part of the franchise, but lets the coach(es) manage the roster. Omar identifies and obtains tthe players the coaches.

Do yourself a favor, bury your head in the sand and wait for your prom.
I hope he shuts people up this year. but the right move for the Steelers is either let thing run its course this year and see how he does

or give another year on the contract and reduce his hit this year.

Once again glad I do not have anything to do with the day to day operations.
If he does...he will have the screenshots to do just that. And that would be priceless. Glad he is worried about what us fans are thinking and saying. Get it done Cam. Just get it done. If not for the simple reason I want to see these screenshots you say you have saved.
If he does...he will have the screenshots to do just that. And that would be priceless. Glad he is worried about what us fans are thinking and saying. Get it done Cam. Just get it done. If not for the simple reason I want to see these screenshots you say you have saved.

I too want to see him get eR' done. Could care less about screen shots, but hey,..... whatever motivates him to shut us the **** up.!!!

Salute the nation
I too want to see him get eR' done. Could care less about screen shots, but hey,..... whatever motivates him to shut us the **** up.!!!

Salute the nation
Of course. The fact that he has screenshots though is sad really. Sorry. Actually the fact he posted that he has screenshots and he will use them to prove fans wrong....is even more sad. For his sake I truly hope he balls out injury free this season. As I said before. I would love to see these screenshots he has. Hopefully his play equates into some winning football that gets us into the playoffs. Where our D has sadly underperformed our last handful of times. Maybe Cam should simply use that as motivation and not a few fans simply saying what fans say. As you said though.....if the screenshots motivate him more than our embarrassing losses in the playoffs of late. So be it. Get it done.....CAM!!!!!
Of course. The fact that he has screenshots though is sad really. Sorry. Actually the fact he posted that he has screenshots and he will use them to prove fans wrong....is even more sad. For his sake I truly hope he balls out injury free this season. As I said before. I would love to see these screenshots he has. Hopefully his play equates into some winning football that gets us into the playoffs. Where our D has sadly underperformed our last handful of times. Maybe Cam should simply use that as motivation and not a few fans simply saying what fans say. As you said though.....if the screenshots motivate him more than our embarrassing losses in the playoffs of late. So be it. Get it done.....CAM!!!!!
I missed something. what did he say about screen shots. assuming he is reading where fans are saying take a paycut?

How ever he needs to motivate himself I hope he does it.

I think he needs to realize he is at the end of his great long career. If he wants to remain a Steeler, he needs to wake up a bit.

It happened to Webby, Franco, Troy. Even Ben. Webby and Franco ended up on different teams. ( not that many peeps ender 45 remember that)

Troy and Ben both thought they had more to give, and the Steelers moved on. It happens to all players. retire or move on. Hope Cam stays home at a decent price for both.
Of course. The fact that he has screenshots though is sad really. Sorry. Actually the fact he posted that he has screenshots and he will use them to prove fans wrong....is even more sad. For his sake I truly hope he balls out injury free this season. As I said before. I would love to see these screenshots he has. Hopefully his play equates into some winning football that gets us into the playoffs. Where our D has sadly underperformed our last handful of times. Maybe Cam should simply use that as motivation and not a few fans simply saying what fans say. As you said though.....if the screenshots motivate him more than our embarrassing losses in the playoffs of late. So be it. Get it done.....CAM!!!!!
You said it all.
The original poster of this whole discussion has made the assertion that Cam Heyward should voluntarily ask the Steelers to cut his salary. Very few people in any job, NFL or otherwise, would do that. It is about the individual in that moment. It is not about the big picture of an NFL contract negotiation. Therefore is not a comparison, just an observation.

Whether the Steelers do or don't, should or shouldn't, is an entirely different discussion
. That is the big picture of an NFL contract, and different than any normal situation we may find ourselves involved in.
You can call your comparison an observation if it makes you feel justified. Doesn't change what it is.

And actually, whether the Steelers do or don't, should or shouldn't, was the original poster's original topic in this whole discussion. His assertion was that Cam Heyward isn't worth $22 million dollars in 2024, and that the Steelers should cut ties and save over $10 million against the cap. And he is right.
and that the Steelers should cut ties and save over $10 million against the cap. And he is right.
Saving money this year with no replacement? Just don’t see that as a good move. You are weakening the position with the idea of strengthening it next year does nothing for this years problem.

I have to agree to disagree based on inadequate replacement availability.
You can call your comparison an observation if it makes you feel justified. Doesn't change what it is.

And actually, whether the Steelers do or don't, should or shouldn't, was the original poster's original topic in this whole discussion. His assertion was that Cam Heyward isn't worth $22 million dollars in 2024, and that the Steelers should cut ties and save over $10 million against the cap. And he is right.
I'm not sure if you're referring to me, but my position was that the team should consider talking with Cam about the lessening of his salary. And if Cam's position matched the Cam position of when Ben redid his contract, then he should be open to it. But not only was Cam "not open to reducing his salary" but he went nutso on the topic, claimed he wouldn't play "for a $ less" and then, the coup d'etat, actually demanded a brand new contract adding years to his current one, which, I am sure, involves MORE $ than is on the books now. This from a 35-year-old DT with plummeting #s last season. (Yea, I'm aware he got injured, but that's part of the scenario to consider: How healthy is Cam likely to be moving forward?)
we only had 19 pages to get your position, over and over ad nauseum.
Yet you keep clicking into the thread to comment. 🙄

How many posts did you make in those 19 pages that gave zero net worth to the discussion? Only critism to OP? 🤔
Yet you keep clicking into the thread to comment. 🙄

How many posts did you make in those 19 pages that gave zero net worth to the discussion? Only critism to OP? 🤔
That's why certain posters are simply on ignore; they have nothing to offer except garbage.
You can call your comparison an observation if it makes you feel justified. Doesn't change what it is.

And actually, whether the Steelers do or don't, should or shouldn't, was the original poster's original topic in this whole discussion. His assertion was that Cam Heyward isn't worth $22 million dollars in 2024, and that the Steelers should cut ties and save over $10 million against the cap. And he is right.
Justified? For the love. Does the setting we are in, the weight of, or the context of this discussion require me to feel justified?

If I am discussing something that will impact me, sure, I will need to feel justified for my viewpoints. In this? I don't think so.

You are right. The original post by the original poster was as you say. Almost every successive post however, was a diatribe on how Cam lectured Ben to take a pay cut and how dare Cam not, and how much he is a hypocrite and so forth. See a couple of posts above this one. Perhaps the original poster was trying to "justify" his original post?

I still don't quite understand your issue with me. Have I defended Cam? Yes. But I agree for the most part with what is in bold. Especially if any savings would get them an impact player. If it is just to cut him to cut him, then no, I do not agree. You'll just have a hole. That's stupid.
Almost every successive post however, was a diatribe on how Cam lectured Ben to take a pay cut and how dare Cam not, and how much he is a hypocrite and so forth.
No, I just care about my favorite team making wise decisions to put the best team on the field as possible. I know, I know, I'm a bit of a "throw back" that way. What can I say?
It really warms my heart when other fans "get it." Thank you, Stillwright. You can bet your bottom $ that if the roles were reversed and Cam was 27-years-old and a 35-year-old was about to count $22 mill against the cap, he'd be all about the 35-year-old taking less $ to "help out the team" as he was when Ben's $ really high. Oh what, Cam, your opinion changes when it's YOUR $ we are talking about? I see. Hypocrisy is alive and well. And Shades stands for a part-time, 35-year-old player counting $22 mill against the cap? Oh, what a "buddy buddy" that Shades is.
Why can't you grasp it's because of both? How is it that hard to understand? If BOTH contribute to the team being lesser than it could be, then what's wrong with disliking both? I want to know.
OK, I'll accept that. Let's just see what unfolds. I have an idea they are nervously awaiting a change of heart with Cam, "hoping" he lands on what's right on his own.
Yes, you nailed it: I want them to rush only to satisfy me. You got me there. That is my only concern. It's not because Cam went on record to didactly and passionately express how he won't play for a dollar less than his contract states, being 35-years-old and a part-time player. It's not because such an attitude conflicts with his previous take on Ben playing for less. Naa, my concern is only because I want them to only satisfy me, and that's the whole picture. You got me there. I think all team decisions should be based on satisfying my personal wants, not on doing what's best for the team. Nope.
I haven't added anything that you didn't bring up yourself. And then your query gets answered and you're all like "Why do you bring up other crap?" If Tomlin is part of the problem of Cam not re-negotiating his deal, then he's part of the problem. Get it? Someone made Cam quite confident to give his "I'm not playing for a dollar less than my contract states" after he didactically lectured on Ben taking less to help the team.
I never said the "buddy buddy" relationship was all powerful, but if you think it didn't have anything to do with us keeping a record-level horrid OC (for nearly 3 years) and a shanks-full punter for 3 years, then I don't know what to tell you. Go in peace.
You act as if Cam hasn't been paid quite handsomely for his services during his time in Pgh., you are plumb out of your mind to think this. Do you really think Cam took less $ in all his contract "re-structures" you are talking about? If you do, you don't understand contract restructuring in the NFL. You get your $ upfront in contract restructures. UP FRONT and it's spread over the length of the new deal. Cam has made plenty of $ in Pgh. You act like he's been this generous, giving teammate all this time and played for less $. Do you have any idea how clueless this makes you sound?

Now Cam is scheduled to make, on his cap hit (including $ he's already been paid) $22 mill in 2024. $16 mill for what he hasn't been paid already. You act as if he's in the poor house for his generous "giving" he's done for the team.....holy cripes on a popsicle stick.
This coming from a guy who thinks Cam "made concessions" for re-doing his Steeler contracts. He was paid early. Why do you think his cap hit is $22 mill while only being paid $16 mill this year? Where/when was the other $6 mill paid? Oh, do you think it was just "wiped off the books" and not ever paid? Do you think Cam agreed to that? Wow, get a grip, yo, you be illin. You obviously don't grasp how this all works. Who wouldn't take early pay from an employer? Wickity whack, don't talk back.
Ummm, yea, uh, no.
The one hopeful, saving grace is that the moves made by Art II/Kahn represent a "new way" of Steelers doing business. When they cleaned house with adding Wilson/Fields and dumping Kenny, maybe that was a clear indication that this ain't Tomlin's show anymore. And then followed up with a draft that definitely did NOT have Shades' fingerprints on it, maybe, just maybe, Art has taken control back from Cool Shades. We can always dream. Maybe Smith is enough of his own man, that as OC he's not gonna take too much influence from Shades and we have a legit coach leading the O.
Just hoping competent QB play (not even needing great/stellar) with an improved OL can actually materialize into points on the field without a moron eating crayons in the booth 🇨🇦

A returned focus to the run game making things click and taking stress off the D by actually possessing the football and getting a few first downs on the way to those points

But alas we love the Steelers so we know a couple tomato cans will whoop our ***, we’ll squeeze into the playoffs at 10-7, and get summarily dismissed in the WC round where the game is essentially over by halftime…it’s what Shades does

As much positivity as I have for what Khan/Weidl are doing I’d be insane to expect anything else from Shades
Same amount that he has. **** off.
Here is one for you....if you don't like him or his posts....don't read or respond to them. Just imagine if all of you that complain of his posts simply stopped replying to them. Imagine. Or just start your food talk afterwards. Smh
Saving money this year with no replacement? Just don’t see that as a good move. You are weakening the position with the idea of strengthening it next year does nothing for this years problem.

I have to agree to disagree based on inadequate replacement availability.
You and others keep saying that the Steelers have no adequate replacement. I disagree. I think that some rotation of Adams, Lowry, Loudermilk, and Leal can perform just as well as Cam did last season. At a fraction of the price.

I think Cam is done. Hope I'm wrong.
THICK sliced peppered BACON is good.

Don’t need no applesauce, but would take it if available.

Salute the nation
I'm not sure if you're referring to me, but my position was that the team should consider talking with Cam about the lessening of his salary. And if Cam's position matched the Cam position of when Ben redid his contract, then he should be open to it. But not only was Cam "not open to reducing his salary" but he went nutso on the topic, claimed he wouldn't play "for a $ less" and then, the coup d'etat, actually demanded a brand new contract adding years to his current one, which, I am sure, involves MORE $ than is on the books now. This from a 35-year-old DT with plummeting #s last season. (Yea, I'm aware he got injured, but that's part of the scenario to consider: How healthy is Cam likely to be moving forward?)
OK, my mistake.

I'd take it one step further, given his ridiculous extension demands, and cut his @ss. But I'm in the minority here.
Justified? For the love. Does the setting we are in, the weight of, or the context of this discussion require me to feel justified?

If I am discussing something that will impact me, sure, I will need to feel justified for my viewpoints. In this? I don't think so.

You are right. The original post by the original poster was as you say. Almost every successive post however, was a diatribe on how Cam lectured Ben to take a pay cut and how dare Cam not, and how much he is a hypocrite and so forth. See a couple of posts above this one. Perhaps the original poster was trying to "justify" his original post?

I still don't quite understand your issue with me. Have I defended Cam? Yes. But I agree for the most part with what is in bold. Especially if any savings would get them an impact player. If it is just to cut him to cut him, then no, I do not agree. You'll just have a hole. That's stupid.
You keep calling it an observation. For whatever reason. You go, girl.