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What are the odds Cam proves worth $22 mill in 2024?

Oh, I don't know, maybe because there is this things called a "salary cap" which his huge salary impacted and cut into allowing us to sign a player who would actually play for his pay, something like that. But nevermind that, Tomlin will berate anyone even asking about Tuitt's condition, how dare they?
Uhuh the Steelers know how to handle the salary cap they are one of the better teams at doing just that.
Another consideration, is Cam at his age better than Larry Ogunjobi in 2025? I could see them signing Cam to a one-year deal and released Ogunjobi after the season.
All depends on what Cam sees his $$$ worth at. Larry is making some nice coin himself though.
I will say this again because well it is true. The two worst posters on this site lack empathy for anyone . They either are great at flaming coaches, posters, anything to pump their opinion up that they pass off as fact.

Those types never get roses and candy from me. Not even a random piece of bacon.😁
Could you further expand upon this “random piece of bacon” concept?

I’ve never came across a RPOB, at least not yet, so far they’ve all been accounted for

One time I made a pan for BLTs after a night at the bar and my roommate walks outta the kitchen a couple minutes after I pulled the bacon from the oven licking his greasy fingers (was this the RPOB you speak of?) I certainly was expecting to eat said bacon so to me it was accounted for, but to him was this the elusive RPOB?

So many questions, so few RPOB
Jones never had any great contract. He had his rookie year deal then signed a two year two million dollar deal to be tge backup and got cut after one year...
dont get me wrong, Laundry was the least ready qb his rookie season ive ever seen... people bitching about Pickett and Rudolph should have had to go back and watch him in camp and preseason that first year... they spent years developing him , gave him a shot, then cut him... not the string it out buddy buddy thing people ***** about.., every fanbase ******* about guys the team drafts then gives too many chances... thats not the same as holding onto stars way past their expiration date ...
Your question made me think of the Steelers holding on to that bum, giving him so many reps in the preseason games and not playing the other guys trying to make the team, that I felt the need to vent just a bit. :ROFLMAO:
Could you further expand upon this “random piece of bacon” concept?

I’ve never came across a RPOB, at least not yet, so far they’ve all been accounted for

One time I made a pan for BLTs after a night at the bar and my roommate walks outta the kitchen a couple minutes after I pulled the bacon from the oven licking his greasy fingers (was this the RPOB you speak of?) I certainly was expecting to eat said bacon so to me it was accounted for, but to him was this the elusive RPOB?

So many questions, so few RPOB
That would meet the criteria nothing worse than a bacon thief! Those types you eat the BLT in front of him taunting him with it. 😁
I will say this again because well it is true. The two worst posters on this site lack empathy for anyone . They either are great at flaming coaches, posters, anything to pump their opinion up that they pass off as fact.

Those types never get roses and candy from me. Not even a random piece of bacon.😁
How can I change my posts to get the Bacon.
Could you further expand upon this “random piece of bacon” concept?

I’ve never came across a RPOB, at least not yet, so far they’ve all been accounted for

One time I made a pan for BLTs after a night at the bar and my roommate walks outta the kitchen a couple minutes after I pulled the bacon from the oven licking his greasy fingers (was this the RPOB you speak of?) I certainly was expecting to eat said bacon so to me it was accounted for, but to him was this the elusive RPOB?

So many questions, so few RPOB

****-in hillarious !!!!!

Thanks for the morning laugh............................................. will get my RPOB girlfriend to take care of the morning wood..................................................

Salute the nation
How can I change my posts to get the Bacon.

Don't change anything............................. one day we will come to realize and appreciate you.!!!

Salute the nation
Oh, I don't know, maybe because there is this things called a "salary cap" which his huge salary impacted and cut into allowing us to sign a player who would actually play for his pay, something like that. But nevermind that, Tomlin will berate anyone even asking about Tuitt's condition, how dare they?
Rent free, Dude……rent free.
I will say this again because well it is true. The two worst posters on this site lack empathy for anyone . They either are great at flaming coaches, posters, anything to pump their opinion up that they pass off as fact.

Those types never get roses and candy from me. Not even a random piece of bacon.😁
It’s probably because they are related. The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong in both.
It’s probably because they are related. The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong in both.
You could be spot on. Doesn’t road block them from sometimes being correct but in the process they definitely inflate their opinion of themselves.

Meanwhile we have some highly knowledgeable posters that never give themselves credit or receive a lot of credit. DIC does a good job handing those flyers out randomly. 😉

It makes Steelernation strong with those posters contributions including you in that mix.

It’s amazing you haven’t been put on the “ignore” list, since you practically slay ever post he/she….err the poster puts out.
if we do not trade a first for Aiyuk or DK and rather a 3rd for Sutton, than use the rnd 1 pick on eithier Michigan DL Mason Graham instant starter would make almost instant impact vs the run or take kenneth grant both can easily play 5t or 1t Grant is the size of a young Vilfork and like Vilfork and Hampton has been in movable, he needs this season to work on knee bend but he the type of impact of blowing up a run play grant will constantly do, he caused most of those bad snaps with the pressure he keps bringing.
Call Cam's bluff let him hold out report latest. if he doesnt extend 1 additional yr which brings his number down a few mill and say 20 mill next year and retire, then you target the best DL as of now.
So the guys if im Omar Khan im assigning scouts to look hard at these 5
Graham UM
Grant UM
Hamilton Ohio ST
Stackhouse UGA
Williams Ohio st
if we do not trade a first for Aiyuk or DK and rather a 3rd for Sutton, than use the rnd 1 pick on eithier Michigan DL Mason Graham instant starter would make almost instant impact vs the run or take kenneth grant both can easily play 5t or 1t Grant is the size of a young Vilfork and like Vilfork and Hampton has been in movable, he needs this season to work on knee bend but he the type of impact of blowing up a run play grant will constantly do, he caused most of those bad snaps with the pressure he keps bringing.
Call Cam's bluff let him hold out report latest. if he doesnt extend 1 additional yr which brings his number down a few mill and say 20 mill next year and retire, then you target the best DL as of now.
So the guys if im Omar Khan im assigning scouts to look hard at these 5
Graham UM
Grant UM
Hamilton Ohio ST
Stackhouse UGA
Williams Ohio st
I don’t think Cam will hold out if he was going to do that he already would be. I would be all in on a DE or a WR in 1.
Cam had to back WAY the mother f--- off his threat to play for the Browns. It blew up n his mother f---g face. LMFAO. I love how the fans did a collective "F you Cam" for his little threat of playing for the Browns, he tried to claim the whole thing was just a joke, "taken out of context." Yea, whatever, Cam, sure it was. You thought you really had the fan base by the short hairs, meanwhile 90% couldn't care less about your threats and you had to find out the hard way. Good. I guess being "buddy buddy" with Shades couldn't help your cause of trying to rape the franchise.
Last edited by a moderator:
K cooch.
I know this will never resonate in your deaf ears……..

Cam never once said he was playing for Cleveland, or wanted to play for Cleveland. He never made a threat or indication of playing for Cleveland. As soon as that rumor surfaced, Cam shut it down immediately.

Article is from home page here at STEELERNATION.COM


Read the article, it clears a lot up about the Cam Heyward process.

Greg Lloyd, you speak a lot of what you seem to know nothing about, is that a ”standard” for you?

Do you always feel ”left behind” because you can’t keep up with reality ?

Switch to ”real” water and leave the Kool-Aid alone.

Salute the nation


Cam had to back WAY the mother f--- off his threat to play for the Browns. It blew up n his mother f---g face. LMFAO. I love how the fans did a collective "F you Cam" for his little threat of playing for the Browns, he tried to claim the whole thing was just a joke, "taken out of context." Yea, whatever, Cam, sure it was. You thought you really had the fan base by the short hairs, meanwhile 90% couldn't care less about your threats and you had to find out the hard way. Good. I guess being "buddy buddy" with Shades couldn't help your cause of trying to rape the franchise.

Mods, I doubt the DumbAss of an OP will even see this since he has me blocked/ignored either due to ineptitude or intimidation. So maybe a reminder that his wash/repeat of BS that isn’t even quantified by speculation was blown apart by Drink, who usually sees all sides to every story fairly.

We know his modus operandi is to create threads just so he can gratify himself upon replying to any other poster who negatively or positively responds. It’s genuinely why all his created threads have the highest OP posts on said thread. Could maybe a thread merger be arranged so all the comedic relief from the OP be in one place? I believe Coolie did this once before to “another” narcissistic thread stater in another life/alias, and it would curb the abuse of repeat threads by non- contributors.
Mods, I doubt the DumbAss of an OP will even see this since he has me blocked/ignored either due to ineptitude or intimidation. So maybe a reminder that his wash/repeat of BS that isn’t even quantified by speculation was blown apart by Drink, who usually sees all sides to every story fairly.

We know his modus operandi is to create threads just so he can gratify himself upon replying to any other poster who negatively or positively responds. It’s genuinely why all his created threads have the highest OP posts on said thread. Could maybe a thread merger be arranged so all the comedic relief from the OP be in one place? I believe Coolie did this once before to “another” narcissistic thread stater in another life/alias, and it would curb the abuse of repeat threads by non- contributors.

Well said Ike, appreciate your great post(s) along the way.

Greg Lloyd does just exactly what you are saying, responds to every post, but adds nothing to the pile. It would be different if he was contributing to the discussion, but he mostly just blows out of proportion what is currently being said.

He is an attention ***** for himself. If he could add to the discussion and leave it at that, he would probably be a decent opinion on things. We will never know because he isn’t wired that way and lives for what ever recognition (good or bad) that he can garner.

I know he has me on ignore, or so he says, but I’m A-ok with that and I encourage him to put many a many more on ignore so as to lower his response number of replies.

Salute the nation
the next post where coach v2 posts a link to a rival website will be his last
I was going to mention it, but refrained. It’s above my level of importance on the board. I also figured you, Lunar, or even Justin himself would have sent a message about it. After all, we know the Mods get paid the big bucks to keep folks straight.
I was going to mention it, but refrained. It’s above my level of importance on the board. I also figured you, Lunar, or even Justin himself would have sent a message about it. After all, we know the Mods get paid the big bucks to keep folks straight.
Don’t listen to these peeps cooch you show them who is boss and post all those links. You are the one who got us two first round picks after the trade deadline. No other poster can see what is coming after the fact. Your highlighted YouTube breakdowns are second to none. Tomlin,Cam,Juju, and Najee are so much better off with your constant flaming rants. You showed them a thing or two or three or four (to be continued)

Who else can see a head size and know it just is too big? You seem well versed on if the head is too big you paratrooper.

Soon or a later your newly posted well thought out for two seconds thread is going to hit gold. So be sure to post the link where your brain had a fart.

I have faith yeah um in you. Keep keeping.