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What is White Fragility?

That's a good article. I've always noticed your writing here to be exceptional. I wasn't aware you wrote for AT. Fantastic.

Yeah, I read AT all the time too. SS writing articles for them is awesome and intimidating to us illiterates...lol

"Of some having compassion, making a difference."

Those things you mention are where the real differences are made. Not in the abstract nor for optics or virtue signaling.

You're talking about and displaying Noblesse oblige. Ten years ago, I wrote this article on why the Left has it all wrong, and still does as these threads indicate. Instead of a moral imperative to personally better others, the left wants to harness the power of tyranny to force others to act charitably or nobly by their perverted definitions of charity and nobility:


How cool! I've been reading AT for probably 10-15 years. A poster here would reference articles from there and I became and remain an avid reader of the opinion pieces there.
Was having a civil political discussion a couple weeks ago on FB with a childhood friend of mine who is black. Retired military so he's at least somewhat sensible. He asks what kind of "programs" has Trump proposed for blacks? I said that's your first problem right there, waiting for a program.
Was having a civil political discussion a couple weeks ago on FB with a childhood friend of mine who is black. Retired military so he's at least somewhat sensible. He asks what kind of "programs" has Trump proposed for blacks? I said that's your first problem right there, waiting for a program.

Hopefully you went on to tell him about enterprise zones, criminal justice reform, funding HB universities, job growth, etc etc.
Here is a teachers complaint I stumbled across........


I used to teach in a black inner city school. Their issues are their own fault and I’m tired of pretending otherwise.
I’ve been a high school science teacher for a little under 10 years. I’ve primarily worked at poor urban schools with high Hispanic immigrant populations and I’ve loved most of my career. Yeah, some low points and difficult times but that’s everyone right?

The year I taught at a black inner city school almost made me leave the profession entirely. I was entering my 5th year teaching and I decided to take on a new challenge. Local inner city schools had been advertising turn around initiatives, and I decided to give it a go as the school I was at had successfully completed a turn around initiative started when I had first arrived. The two schools were very similar with one major difference. The proportion of students who were listed as “economically disadvantaged” (poverty) was the same at both schools but I was leaving primarily Hispanic to go to primarily Black.

The entire year was a complete disaster from beginning to end. I could probably write an entire book about the **** I saw there, but I’m just going to give you the highlights, starting from least to most serious.

Class was basically optional. Kids would walk in or out constantly, if they showed up at all. Any attempts to enforce any kind of rules about tardiness and truancy was usually met with “**** you nigga”. And even if they did show up, they were rowdy and off task constantly. Very little education took place in that room. Or any of them rooms really. For example, one girl pulled out her phone, turned on some music, jumped on her desk and started dancing on top of the desk. I tried to get her down but she kept telling me “**** you” over and over. This was at least weekly for her. This same little ***** also have a speech to the school board about the institutional forces that keep black people down. Before you accuse me of having ****** classroom management, I tried talking to my AP and my principal about what to do because I had never experienced anything like this. And they told me something I was going to hear repeatedly throughout the year. “It’s just their culture. You have to respect that.” It’s important to note that I was LITERALLY the only white male in the building. Almost every other adult was black with a few Hispanic men and another white woman. The black female principal with a PhD in education told me it’s just their culture and I have to respect that. Wow. I wish it ended there but it doesn’t.

The crab bucket mentality is real. I had a handful of good kids, and coincidentally I’m sure, they were almost all African immigrants. One boy from Rwanda was accepted to STANFORD! Holy **** I was so proud of him and so happy for him. Know who wasn’t? The college counselor trying to pressure him to change his mind and go to ******* Grambling instead. Said he was turning his back on his community by going to Stanford.

Trying to manage them was bad enough, but each class had about 40 kids in it. You might think this is a problem with funding but we got more money per kid than every other high school in the area (and this is a MAJOR city). It didn’t go to hiring teachers, it went to just maintaining all the **** the kids just destroyed for fun. We issued each student a laptop, and it was a pretty small school, about 850 kids. Throughout the year we had to issue about 1000 replacements. The kids kept pawning them, or just destroying them for fun. Several times I caught groups of them just throwing the laptops against the wall or down the stairs, cackling and howling while taking turns filming it for Vine (this was before TikTok took off). Every single TI83 calculator in the building was stolen from every math and science teacher. But can’t you just make them put it back before they leave? You think we didn’t try? They’d howl and scream about any number of things and just storm out with it anyway. And again, couldn’t do anything about it because the school cop told me, along with the principal, it’s just their culture.

I don’t want to hear **** about “well they can’t worry about school when they’re poor and may not make rent and are hungry” either. Every two weeks we handed out bags of groceries to every kid in addition to the school cafeteria serving free breakfast and lunch to the kids and free dinner later in the evening to students and their families. I don’t know why, it was a ******* waste. They’d fish out the snacks and dump everything else. Hundreds of pounds of food wasted a month. We often tried to salvage what we could when they’d just throw the bags on the floor. And I know for a fact that almost all of the housing in the area was heavily subsidized section 8.

And we haven’t even touched the real big issue yet, which is violence. Fights were a daily thing. There was pretty much at all times a fight going on somewhere in the halls or in the classroom. Usually the punishment for a fight was about an hour in ISS. A kid needed on average 5 fights before anything more substantial happened, like a one day suspension. Notice how I said “in the classroom” too? At least once a week a teacher got hit. I had quite a few take swings at me. Again, usually just sit in ISS for an hour, right back the next day. The first time a kid took a swing at me, principal demanded to know what I did to provoke him... apparently telling him to remain in his seat was enough to set him off, and it was my fault. Again, why? It’s their culture.

And now the big one, where I decided I was done. A group of 6 of the biggest ******** followed me out to the parking lot and they showed me their knives. Said if they didn’t get credit for my class toward graduation, they’d kill me. I was terrified. I ran to the school resource officer and the principal. The principal told me I had to give them extra credit. You guessed it, it’s just their culture, these things happen. And we wouldn’t want to wreck their lives with a police report over something like this would we? For the first time ever in my life, I told a supervisor to **** off. I would do no such thing, and I would finish my contract to the letter, but I would do absolutely nothing extra of any kind, I was done with that shithole. I never walked the same path twice and kept my back to a wall at all times until in the parking lot where I was constantly looking over my shoulder, prepared to run at any time.

That was 3 years ago. I went to another school in the district, just as poor but Hispanic instead of black. The principal is also Hispanic and an alum of the school. And because of this school, I’m glad I didn’t quit education. I love it here, it’s just like the school I started off at. There’s issues with poverty but they’re good people trying to make the best of what they have and I go into work each day (not so much anymore with remote learning due to COVID, but you get what I mean) with a smile on my face. Yeah I have ****** kids, but we all do every year. I was deeply saddened by COVID because I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye, I actually cried over that. Except 2017, when it was almost every kid, every period.

That sentence is burned into my brain. It’s just their culture. If so, you’ll have to forgive me when I’m not exactly sympathetic to your cause. Because you did it to yourself.
I came from a rural area of Pennsylvania to North Florida some years ago. I didn't know anything about racism. I didn't see any of it or hear of it until I came to a highly populated area of the south. Of course coming from a 99% white school it was a cultural shock to me. First off. I couldn't understand anyone white or black. I was either called yankee,damn yankee,cracker,whitey,white boy, honkey mother ****** and peckerwood. **** blew my mind. I ended up fighting gangs of them. Which brought me back to what my dad told me about when he was a kid growing up in Pittsburgh. He said gangs would walk down the street from one side to the other stopping all kinds of people and he would always get beat up and.called all kinds of things if they caught him. He went to a school that was 90% black and couldn't even go to the bathroom because they would beat him up every time.

He'd catch a few outside of.school alone and stomp them. He got hit in the back of the head with a brick after a one on one settle up as he was walking away.

Flash back to me. I'd routinely have black kids tell me to give them money. I would always say **** off. Hell I had that give me crap happen to me a few years ago at Jax Beach. Left my car for 3 hours to go for a beach run and came back it was dark.and surrounded by a group of 30+. So I'm trying to backout got my window part way down and some dude is sticking his head inside my window telling me to give him 10 dollars for.watching your car. Dude get your head out of my window, I ain't giving you ****. Nobody wanted to move to let me out. Bunch of asshats. The following weekend 3 people get shot at that location.

Honestly I could care less what people say to me or call me. Just don't touch me. It flips my switch to a place I don't like going.

All this racist excuse **** ends when you want it to end. The politicians won't let it end it's a wonderful weapon they use to keep the black community enslaved to their party. Every single presidential election year it's the same thing. Now they're just injecting more marxist rubbish because the party is nothing like it was with Kennedy.

They could give a crap about the black community. Just stay on their confederate kkk plantation and you're good.

They'll keep you enslaved to their programs that just give you enough to survive and champion you murdering unborn children by the millions. They also pay no mind to you slaughtering each other like cattle in the streets of the big cities. They do nothing to change that ever because they honestly do not give a ****.

Obama if he actually gave a **** would have done something. Nothing. Not a peep. He was too busy with his leftist agenda. That was a guy who had a real chance to unite people. He was half white and half black what a better way to bridge the gap. He did the opposite because he was fools gold to you. He's feels you.from his Martha's Vineyard Estate and a net worth close to a billion. I'd say he ended up like Trump like he said of everyone's dream to be like.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Translation: our editors lied, we got caught, please don’t sue! Help <a href="https://t.co/N0lLdlfvIO">https://t.co/N0lLdlfvIO</a></p>— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) <a href="https://twitter.com/pnjaban/status/1274825246403465216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Here's video of the incident. Sure looks like a white supremacist to me, and not somebody who was just scared out of their ******* mind:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Today <a href="https://twitter.com/NPR?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@NPR</a> called this woman a right wing extremist for fleeing a violent mob that was attacking her when she drove by. She was NOT charged with a crime, but her attackers WERE. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DefundNPR?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DefundNPR</a> <a href="https://t.co/D5nxM6k6rY">pic.twitter.com/D5nxM6k6rY</a></p>— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) <a href="https://twitter.com/MarkDice/status/1274844979651678208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The communists ( Chinese, Russian, Iranian and North korean) are getting what they want out of Black lives matter. Unfortunately, those in the group that really care about black lives are being overshadowed by the well funded, and well organized communist groups.
But Cope got to walk one time with them!

Living the american dream is absolutely possible. It entails a lot of hard work and failures along the way. People now do not have the mentality nor endurance to strive for it

The adage "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life" comes to mind.

The problem is that we are now giving fish daily and there is no incentive to strive for anything else. I don't mean that in a callous way, but there are those that are comfortable being taken care of rather than taking care of themselves, and the numbers continue to grow.
Hey Indy, this is being organized in part with the VFW in Noblesville for Saturday night. If you are interested.

As a teacher I've heard tons of horror stories. I teach in a mostly black school. However it isn't in a big city... or a city at all really. It's a small town. It doesn't even have a street light. We graduate around 45 to 60 a year. The class sizes are around 85-100. They are held at such low standards that many can't graduate. The drop out rate is off the charts. Early grades won't allow them to fail. Junior high and high school won't let them fail. But if they can't pass the state test they can't graduate so they drop out. It makes absolutely no sense. We have some all white schools in the area as well. You can fail there and they won't bat an eye. High standards and high graduation rates. My son goes to an all white school. It's an A+ school.

The kicker is that my school gets a ton more money than my sons school. My classroom has chrome books for everyone. I can get almost anything for my room that I want. We get federal funding for almost anything. I make more money to teach there because it's a minority school. When I arrived it was an F school now it's a C. The weird part is that my school is filled with highly qualified teachers. I have 5 degrees including an M.A. and I have endorsements in 5 areas. Most of the teachers at my school have M.As. and some have PHDs. In my sons school most just have B.A. degrees.

It isn't about the school or the teachers. It's the students and their parents. Most of the time I can't even get in touch with the parents. But my son's school can call me anytime and get me. They can have parent nights and fill the school. When we do it I can't fill a closet. My students grow up in broke families and people that just don't care about school... but you know what they do care about?.. yup... ball games (which are packed). You'll find parents at basketball games or football games. It's just sad.
As a teacher I've heard tons of horror stories. I teach in a mostly black school. However it isn't in a big city... or a city at all really. It's a small town. It doesn't even have a street light. We graduate around 45 to 60 a year. The class sizes are around 85-100. They are held at such low standards that many can't graduate. The drop out rate is off the charts. Early grades won't allow them to fail. Junior high and high school won't let them fail. But if they can't pass the state test they can't graduate so they drop out. It makes absolutely no sense. We have some all white schools in the area as well. You can fail there and they won't bat an eye. High standards and high graduation rates. My son goes to an all white school. It's an A+ school.

The kicker is that my school gets a ton more money than my sons school. My classroom has chrome books for everyone. I can get almost anything for my room that I want. We get federal funding for almost anything. I make more money to teach there because it's a minority school. When I arrived it was an F school now it's a C. The weird part is that my school is filled with highly qualified teachers. I have 5 degrees including an M.A. and I have endorsements in 5 areas. Most of the teachers at my school have M.As. and some have PHDs. In my sons school most just have B.A. degrees.

It isn't about the school or the teachers. It's the students and their parents. Most of the time I can't even get in touch with the parents. But my son's school can call me anytime and get me. They can have parent nights and fill the school. When we do it I can't fill a closet. My students grow up in broke families and people that just don't care about school... but you know what they do care about?.. yup... ball games (which are packed). You'll find parents at basketball games or football games. It's just sad.
This catches the root of the problem. This is what people should be addressing but sadly won't.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Steeler Nation mobile app
As a teacher I've heard tons of horror stories. I teach in a mostly black school. However it isn't in a big city... or a city at all really. It's a small town. It doesn't even have a street light. We graduate around 45 to 60 a year. The class sizes are around 85-100. They are held at such low standards that many can't graduate. The drop out rate is off the charts. Early grades won't allow them to fail. Junior high and high school won't let them fail. But if they can't pass the state test they can't graduate so they drop out. It makes absolutely no sense. We have some all white schools in the area as well. You can fail there and they won't bat an eye. High standards and high graduation rates. My son goes to an all white school. It's an A+ school.

The kicker is that my school gets a ton more money than my sons school. My classroom has chrome books for everyone. I can get almost anything for my room that I want. We get federal funding for almost anything. I make more money to teach there because it's a minority school. When I arrived it was an F school now it's a C. The weird part is that my school is filled with highly qualified teachers. I have 5 degrees including an M.A. and I have endorsements in 5 areas. Most of the teachers at my school have M.As. and some have PHDs. In my sons school most just have B.A. degrees.

It isn't about the school or the teachers. It's the students and their parents. Most of the time I can't even get in touch with the parents. But my son's school can call me anytime and get me. They can have parent nights and fill the school. When we do it I can't fill a closet. My students grow up in broke families and people that just don't care about school... but you know what they do care about?.. yup... ball games (which are packed). You'll find parents at basketball games or football games. It's just sad.

We have pondered your informative post for some time now, Vader, and believe we have found a solution:

Raise taxes.

/s (D)ims
This catches the root of the problem. This is what people should be addressing but sadly won't.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Steeler Nation mobile app

The truth is that the solution isn't difficult. It's called discipline. If they would allow me to control the school for one month I could make the necessary changes. But it won't happen because the principal is afraid of the parents (He's black, the VP is black and the secretary is black). He's a military guy and does a good job. But he tries to be friends with the kids and he is afraid of their parents calling the county office. Every good school in the U.S. has one thing in common and that is that they allow their students to fail and hold them responsible for how they act. If you can't fail at it then it isn't worth doing.

Schools should be run like military academies. I've written to senators, congressmen and legislators about how simple it would be to fix this mess. But nobody wants to upset little Johnny or his mother.. .or his mother's baby daddy if you can find him.
As a teacher I've heard tons of horror stories. I teach in a mostly black school. However it isn't in a big city... or a city at all really. It's a small town. It doesn't even have a street light. We graduate around 45 to 60 a year. The class sizes are around 85-100. They are held at such low standards that many can't graduate. The drop out rate is off the charts. Early grades won't allow them to fail. Junior high and high school won't let them fail. But if they can't pass the state test they can't graduate so they drop out. It makes absolutely no sense. We have some all white schools in the area as well. You can fail there and they won't bat an eye. High standards and high graduation rates. My son goes to an all white school. It's an A+ school.

The kicker is that my school gets a ton more money than my sons school. My classroom has chrome books for everyone. I can get almost anything for my room that I want. We get federal funding for almost anything. I make more money to teach there because it's a minority school. When I arrived it was an F school now it's a C. The weird part is that my school is filled with highly qualified teachers. I have 5 degrees including an M.A. and I have endorsements in 5 areas. Most of the teachers at my school have M.As. and some have PHDs. In my sons school most just have B.A. degrees.

It isn't about the school or the teachers. It's the students and their parents. Most of the time I can't even get in touch with the parents. But my son's school can call me anytime and get me. They can have parent nights and fill the school. When we do it I can't fill a closet. My students grow up in broke families and people that just don't care about school... but you know what they do care about?.. yup... ball games (which are packed). You'll find parents at basketball games or football games. It's just sad.

Same here Vader. I did 18 years as a public school teacher. Mostly title 1, inner city, illegal alien, gang infested areas. Now I teach in a Max security prison. The average "at risk" student simply doesn't care. You might at well try to teach calculus to earth worms. It's a HUGE waste of money and resources. Very frustrating. Most of my inmate students wish that they had been more mature in high school. Truthfully, it doesn't take much to graduate high school. They know that now, and regret not graduating. Getting a high school equivalency is a LOT harder.

Oh well. The best plan is to throw insane amounts of money at it, I guess.
Same here Vader. I did 18 years as a public school teacher. Mostly title 1, inner city, illegal alien, gang infested areas. Now I teach in a Max security prison. The average "at risk" student simply doesn't care. You might at well try to teach calculus to earth worms. It's a HUGE waste of money and resources. Very frustrating. Most of my inmate students wish that they had been more mature in high school. Truthfully, it doesn't take much to graduate high school. They know that now, and regret not graduating. Getting a high school equivalency is a LOT harder.

Oh well. The best plan is to throw insane amounts of money at it, I guess.

The best way to do it is have strong leadership at the principal and superintendent level. I know it would be difficult but it could be done. People don't realize how spoiled and disrespectful students are today. They need discipline and focus. I run my class like a military school and I get results. Too bad the entire school doesn't run that way.
As a teacher I've heard tons of horror stories. I teach in a mostly black school. However it isn't in a big city... or a city at all really. It's a small town. It doesn't even have a street light. We graduate around 45 to 60 a year. The class sizes are around 85-100. They are held at such low standards that many can't graduate. The drop out rate is off the charts. Early grades won't allow them to fail. Junior high and high school won't let them fail. But if they can't pass the state test they can't graduate so they drop out. It makes absolutely no sense. We have some all white schools in the area as well. You can fail there and they won't bat an eye. High standards and high graduation rates. My son goes to an all white school. It's an A+ school.

The kicker is that my school gets a ton more money than my sons school. My classroom has chrome books for everyone. I can get almost anything for my room that I want. We get federal funding for almost anything. I make more money to teach there because it's a minority school. When I arrived it was an F school now it's a C. The weird part is that my school is filled with highly qualified teachers. I have 5 degrees including an M.A. and I have endorsements in 5 areas. Most of the teachers at my school have M.As. and some have PHDs. In my sons school most just have B.A. degrees.

It isn't about the school or the teachers. It's the students and their parents. Most of the time I can't even get in touch with the parents. But my son's school can call me anytime and get me. They can have parent nights and fill the school. When we do it I can't fill a closet. My students grow up in broke families and people that just don't care about school... but you know what they do care about?.. yup... ball games (which are packed). You'll find parents at basketball games or football games. It's just sad.

Anecdotal at best, but I have a very good friend that worked in the administrative office in a Detroit high school sometime in the '80's. The school was put on lock down for several days because of "protesters" surrounding the school.
And the reason she was terrified for her life? There weren't enough black teachers at the school. Can't remember how it was resolved, but she was gone the next year.