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What will his supporters do when they find out Trump is more Middle than Right?


Podcast/ VidCast/ Writer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Section 228
When Trump started his campaign, he was on the record for being pro LGBT, which immediately pissed off the conservative base, and a reason to like and take notice of him. He also is pro choice, and would not admit to this for months into his campaign. As a result he picked Pence as his running mate to garner the Pro Life only vote. He's stated since that he is Pro Life, but I don't think that is the case. He was selling that he was Right, when in reality he is far more to the center.

He defended LGBT marriage on 60min stating that the law had already been passed and it ran due process. The same thing can be said for Row v Wade, since that also was passed running through the courts, and was decided over 40 years ago. I think he has opened the door to still keep this law in place, by ultimately doing nothing to change it.

Then on the same show, he started defending Obamacare. Insuring those with pre-existing conditions, and children of single parents. Sounds a lot like what we already have.

I know a lot of us on here are excited for his passion and claims. I wonder how long it will take for his base to realize, he is a salesman first that said whatever he could to win the election. Now that he is in, and will start doing things in more of a middle of the road, kind of way; How long until the base realizes they were sold a bill of goods?
I don't know. Consider though, how long did "hope and change" have people bamboozled? Was it's longevity lengthened by Obama's historic presidency? Was the media complicit in furthering his message?

Too long
They'll say that's where they wanted to be all along.

Think " The Emperor's New Clothes"
Actually , I didn't think he as conservative to start with. I think he is more Democrat the an GOP. mostly , the reason he didn't get my vote.

The policies he put forth on immigration and taxes sound great. I hope they get enacted .
The problem with obamacare is how it is set up and forcing people to get insurance. The marketplace has to be fixed so that true competition among insurance companies can lower costs. big Pharm needs to be reigned in so they don't gouge the populace that they have gotten hooked on their supply

There is nothing wrong with keeping certain clauses of the plan, like the preexisting conditions and young adults staying longer on their parents plans. Those are things that are helpful. The rest of the plan was pure ****.
Trump has repeatedly said during his campaign that he wanted to repeal Obamacare but keep only the pre-existing conditions aspects of it.

This has already been explained and proven somewhere on this forum.

I think Trumps position regarding the LBGT garbage and abortion is to leave it up to the states where it belongs.
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BWAhahahahahaha - base? Like I said a year ago, conservatism is dead. Trump is the messenger and the message.

You just proved you have no idea who or what "they" are.

Your assumption is wrong from the beginning, all the old labels are wrong, everything you think you know is wrong, just like the media was wrong about everything every step of the way.
Read any one of del's numerous posts, where he specifically noted that Trump was the perfect candidate since he was not focused on personal issues that the government had no business dealing with (sexual orientation in particular), and instead focused on what the President should focus on - treaties, trade agreements, monetary policy, foreign policy, etc.

Trump is who he is and that was a big reason a lot of Republicans did not like his candidacy. Did anybody think the "Never-Trump" crowd was fueled by a concern that Trump was too conservative? Really?

The fact that the left now awakens from its 18 month slumber to see who Trump really should surprise nobody. The fact that the left tries to make a big deal out of who Trump is also should surprise nobody. Bunch of ill-informed blowhards trying to feign "surprise" at what was readily apparent in June of 2015.
Cope, I think a lot of us here are middle(slight right). I don't understand the backlash against people who voted for Trump. Not all of us are racist bible thumpers. As stated, we just want to see social improvement in schools, roads and buildings, family, and more job opportunities for the working and middle class. Very few racist represent the republican vote just as I know not all liberals riot and loot
Bomma Himself said the other day that Trump is a pragmatist and not an idealogue.
As we know I'm far right wing but I look at what works. Conservatism is what works.
If Trump fixes the economy and gets some jobs back, builds a wall and ships out illegals, and keeps the Muzzie terrorists out, he can personally marry all the gay people he wants in the Rose Garden and I'm fine with it.
What's hysterical is now the left are the BITTER CLINGERS!

Holding onto the idea that some rainbow coalition is the future of American politics - yeah, go ahead and ignore the working class and continue running with BLM and La Raza, we want you to.
No president can overturn Roe V, Wade, it's unlikely even with judicial appointments. Stare decisis. He's certainly not going to push to take abortion into the "legal abortion on demand at any stage" realm that Hillary wanted. Forget gay marriage and abortion, what's really going to chap their *** is the fact that he won't be building any wall (beyond maybe some small, symbolic waste of taxpayer money) and he won't be deporting all the illegal immigrants. And I can promise you he's not going to kill free trade unless he's a complete moron. Business will not want him to do either of these things. No steel mills in Pittsburgh and sorry WV, we won't be firing up the coal plants any time soon because we have a glut of natural gas. No, you won't be getting those awesome mushroom picking and lawn cutting jobs vacated by the illegals, or be able to work in a factory making TVs and cell phones instead of the Chinese. Ain't gonna happen.

If he cuts taxes and eliminates the Obamacare mandate I'll be happy. Hopefully we can stop funding the butcher shop that is Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars. Creating a more hospitable business environment will help a lot of people, but it will take time.
Which ever way he leans he's still not Hillary.


We can buy car insurance from anywhere, and it is mandated if you own a car, why not health insurance across State lines.

Pre-existing condition, I know it helps, but kills the rest of us. There should be a policy for those who just need to protect against bankruptcy, while taking care of themselves. If you want to go see a Dr. EVERYTIME you get the sniffles, get a different plan that allows for that.

Kids on parents insurance till 26. Are you ******* kidding me, long before then they should be supporting themselves. I will concede to allowing kids attending college as FULL TIME 12 credit students till the age of 22. after that you are a slacker and need to get on with your life. Want to go to Grad school, get a job and go part time.
When Trump started his campaign, he was on the record for being pro LGBT, which immediately pissed off the conservative base, and a reason to like and take notice of him. He also is pro choice, and would not admit to this for months into his campaign. As a result he picked Pence as his running mate to garner the Pro Life only vote. He's stated since that he is Pro Life, but I don't think that is the case. He was selling that he was Right, when in reality he is far more to the center.

He defended LGBT marriage on 60min stating that the law had already been passed and it ran due process. The same thing can be said for Row v Wade, since that also was passed running through the courts, and was decided over 40 years ago. I think he has opened the door to still keep this law in place, by ultimately doing nothing to change it.

Then on the same show, he started defending Obamacare. Insuring those with pre-existing conditions, and children of single parents. Sounds a lot like what we already have.

I know a lot of us on here are excited for his passion and claims. I wonder how long it will take for his base to realize, he is a salesman first that said whatever he could to win the election. Now that he is in, and will start doing things in more of a middle of the road, kind of way; How long until the base realizes they were sold a bill of goods?

Trump already laid out his potnetial surpemecourt picks. He will have a tough time not picking one of them. The right will be happy.

Here's the thing, Trump has a godlen opportunity with both hosues in Congress and a pretty impressive victory.

With early picks of Bannon and Priebus the right should be happy. And Pence is far right.

If he does go more to the middle, it won't be early in his presidency!
I voted for Trump because he wasn't a career politician, not because of some ideology. Hell, I would have voted for Brittney Spears before Hitlery. And I am okay that he is picking some career politicians on his team. They will help him maneuver through the swamp that is Washington.
Don't let these pearl clutchers drag you around by the nose with this ****. Nobody gives a **** what the whiny losers think anyway.

Wait till President Trump revives the Keystone XL pipeline project with the stroke of the pen! - that'll give these libs something to howl about!

ha ha
Nobody thinks Trump is a conservative. He won because he was able to attract many dems to vote for him and thise on the right recognized the potential disaster of Hillary and voted for Trump who may only give them 50% of what they want.

it's similar to the myth that the Tea Party is some arch conservative movement. It's not. It's driving philophy is fiscal conservatism, IE smaller government, but on social issue, the Tea Party is a big tent covering many beliefs. Trump fits right in with that.
Trump supporters know exactly what they voted for. Don't confuse them with the delusional dolts who voted for Hillary and Obama.
Most importantly , he kept the Clintons out of the white house.

he old ire illegal immigrants as his Cabinet and get it ovelooked just for that accomplishment
It was a little disconcerting at the Trump rally I went to that the opening and closing music was the Rolling Stones "You Can't Always Get What You Want".
Trump is definitely a fiscal conservative, and a reason to be excited. He is also for smaller government, which is best for all of us. Socially, he is very middle. He is even progressive in some respects, and I like that as well.

I hope he can drain the swamp, but giving them all cabinet and White House positions, isn't the way to do it. Hopefully his cabinet will be a little more progressive, filled with the tops in their fields, as opposed to career politicians.

Personally I would be all for Judge Judith Scheindlin being his supreme court nominee!