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Are We Headed For a 2nd Civil War?

Are We?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • I don't want to think about it

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nothing anyone says will sway you, I regret even replying to your baiting post. Won't happen again.

Zona, I wasn't baiting you or anyone else. I was (trying) to make a point, that outside of this board, and some alt right sources online, I haven't heard much talk, actually any talk, of any type of civil war rounding the corner.

There's been a huge emphasis on here on the BLM/George Floyd protests, some which have unfortunately turned destructive and violent. Yet those protestors are calling for social justice, an end to police brutality, a more equitable society. No rumblings of Americans turning on Americans, as you'd have in a civil war.

Then this thread gets posted, and I've seen it mentioned more frequently elsewhere. It seems to be on the minds of a lot of folks here, that a throw-down is gonna come.

It just seems strange to me, that a segment of the population would react that way, to the fact people are marching and protesting in the streets for whatever political cause they happen to support?

If you've got a problem with looters and rioters, let the police deal with it. But a civil war? Over what?

Anyway, just wanted to clarify what I was wondering about, as you seemed to take offense over it.
The Globalist puppetmasters love the idea of a civil war... that opens the gates to them intervening with a global military force on behalf of the poor oppressed marxists... that doesn’t end the way you all hope.. the second the civil war starts, this country’s freedom and sovereignty end and the one worlders win...

Any foreign forces who decide to come here will get slaughtered. I don't think they're that dumb.
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Strange, there's been a lot of talk of an upcoming civil war and it's not coming from the 'globalist puppetmasters.' Nor is it coming from BLM protestors, nor from liberals or Dem voters. It's also not coming from non-political types, nor from college students, nor the retirees, or immigrants or agriculture workers. It's not coming from the pink-***** haters, or from doctors, scientists or public servants. It's not coming from Muslim, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish groups.

Nope, that's not where it's coming from.

BLM is a marxist/communist group. Their intent is to bring down the united states and capitalism. Antifa is their twin brother. These are not ******* protesters of ****. Liberals are pretty much dead in the democrat party. They've been replaced and shut down.

Some of us see the writing on the wall. That wall may take another 10-20 years. Which is a spec in the sands of time.

The violence is coming from these people and so far they haven't had the god damn balls to bring that **** into the suburbs. After we reelect Trump its going to come to a hault anyway, since this is what it's all about .

You are obviously out of the loop being in Hungaria and all.
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OK, anecdotal evidence, but here goes. I have a friend, or at least an acquaintance, as they attend the same church that I do.
Anyway they own an art gallery on the southern end of Scottsdale Road near the boarder with Tempe.

Last night a group of peaceful protesters decided to block intersections, something we all have come to know is their 1st amendment right in supporting BLM, and such a positive way to get their message across.

Disrupting the public's right to travel apparently wasn't enough for this fine group of brave protesters, so they decided a brick should be thrown through the plate glass window of the art gallery. They also used their artistic talents, again expressing their 1st amendment rights, to spray paint BLM all over the face of the building. Fortunately this isn't Portland and the police arrived quickly and avoided the liberation of any works of art within.

So you'll have to excuse me if I'm a tad offended when you state the BLM protesters aren't the ones edging on a civil war, because it certainly wasn't this gallery owner.
You are obviously out of the loop being in Hungaria and all.

No ****. And the Marxists aren't going to ******* announce anything about a civil war, their propagandist friends in the mainstream media couldn't even spin that one. Or maybe they could?

But keep thinking that everything is just peachy and that these Marxists are only protesting police brutality.
So you'll have to excuse me if I'm a tad offended when you state the BLM protesters aren't the ones edging on a civil war, because it certainly wasn't this gallery owner.


Watch the camera shake below (no ordinary 'firecracker'):

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Another recording of the moment the bomb from rioters exploded at the Portland federal courthouse, sparking a fire on the door. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PortlandRiots?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PortlandRiots</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/antifa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#antifa</a> <a href="https://t.co/xRTSvIhXKR">pic.twitter.com/xRTSvIhXKR</a></p>— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1288137802811506688?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Strange, there's been a lot of talk of an upcoming civil war and it's not coming from the 'globalist puppetmasters.' Nor is it coming from BLM protestors, nor from liberals or Dem voters. It's also not coming from non-political types, nor from college students, nor the retirees, or immigrants or agriculture workers. It's not coming from the pink-***** haters, or from doctors, scientists or public servants. It's not coming from Muslim, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish groups.

Nope, that's not where it's coming from.

It's coming from states who deny federal law in favor of sanctuary cities. The left's true goal is for a broken economy and tough times, so they can " sell " their new brand of socialism. Once they attain both the Presidency and the majority in both houses, there will be no stopping them on the below topics:

Add more justices to the supreme court for their agenda.

Add Washington DC and Puerto Rico as States to get 4 democratic senators, and 11-15 more house or representatives.

Greatly resist the 2nd amendment. Diminishing it for certain.

Use federal funds for abortion.

Grant Animosity to people who did not come here legally.

Institute racial quotas.

Continue to re-write history and destroy non civil war visuals.

Evidently I should look into moving to Hungary, I mean after this Covid thing and the election.
Make sure you save these posts just in case Trump happens to lose the election. I don't think he will, he's got the electoral college on his side, will take a minor miracle for Biden to overcome it. We know the GOP base will show up to vote, the Dems, not so much. But..... if Biden does somehow squeak out a win, I'll be real curious to see how the Trump base will react, given that Trump is already spreading his usual vitriol about the election being tainted, that he's 'not sure' if he'll accept the results.

We'll see how it all plays out, under 100 days now. However the election unfolds, I hope there's no escalation of violence, or anything even close to resembling a 'civil war.' This has been a turbulent time in America, the anger and frustration is palpable, from various camps, for various reasons. Hope things calm down and cooler heads prevail.

The segment of the pro-Trump population that might get violent is a small fringe. Obama is the most letfwing president we've ever elected and the far right fringe did little to nothing.

The hatred for Trump among the hysterical left is absolutely universally off the charts. Add the violent anarchists currently destroying our cities to the mix and you have a dangerous brew.
Idiots are rioting in Portland for two months, burning buildings, destroying property, closing down businesses, blocking roads, destroying lives, conservatives do nothing ...

And the mayor and governor are mad at TRUMP??

Civil war? Jesus, at this rate conservatives can't find the car keys.
Strange, there's been a lot of talk of an upcoming civil war and it's not coming from the 'globalist puppetmasters.' Nor is it coming from BLM protestors, nor from liberals or Dem voters. It's also not coming from non-political types, nor from college students, nor the retirees, or immigrants or agriculture workers. It's not coming from the pink-***** haters, or from doctors, scientists or public servants. It's not coming from Muslim, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish groups.

Nope, that's not where it's coming from.

A. The civil war talk is rampant on both sides of the aisle... B. Historically our wars are preempted by a narrative led starting point to sway public opinion... even the last civil war was masterfully coerced by lincoln leaving troops in hotheaded souther areas expecting one to make an aggressive move that forced everyone to war.
There are two truths i cannot think anyone can ignore at this point...

1 the BLM movement has been hijacked by marxists who are vocally insisting this is the start of the worker’s revolution here

2. That thetrue globalists, who are a threat to both liberal and conservative viewpoints, are really pushing for a one world government agenda again... harder than they ever have before

If you cannot see how provoking a civil war wouldn’t open a door to eradicating sovereignty here then you aren’t paying attention to the international agenda really well... one of the key talking points is how sovereign nations are problematic to them solving huge crises like this. That would give them lots of rational reasons to intercede and with our military likely divided and deployed internally, it wouldn’t be the issue conservatives think it would be to overrun us, especially with half the country probably advocating it at that point...
As it stands now, there will be no civil war. We are way to comfortable to risk it. You can go into any supermarket and buy 37 different types of yogurt. In 1861, if you missed, you didn't eat.
As it stands now, there will be no civil war. We are way to comfortable to risk it. You can go into any supermarket and buy 37 different types of yogurt. In 1861, if you missed, you didn't eat.

Yeah... people that think they are poor have no idea what poor really means. People that complain about $10/hour wages have no idea what true slave labor looks like.

I mean, my lord, countries force/allow/endorse 12 hours shifts, 6 day work weeks, child labor, indentured servitude, incredibly low wages and THEY barely have the resolve to riot/revolt against their government. You expect a bunch of kids that consider themselves "underpaid" but can still buy phones and XBOX's and starbucks to put their life on the line for better wages? To look down the barrel of a gun that really will fire upon them? Yeah... right....
A Left vs. Right civil war would be the shortest war in the history of the world.

While I agree in theory, it would also be a gorilla war, which historically has never been short conflicts. Hard to fight a war when you don't know who the enemy is, there is no territory to gauge success, and no real way to track or measure any real outcomes. It would be a war of ideologies.
Yeah... people that think they are poor have no idea what poor really means. People that complain about $10/hour wages have no idea what true slave labor looks like.

I mean, my lord, countries force/allow/endorse 12 hours shifts, 6 day work weeks, child labor, indentured servitude, incredibly low wages and THEY barely have the resolve to riot/revolt against their government. You expect a bunch of kids that consider themselves "underpaid" but can still buy phones and XBOX's and starbucks to put their life on the line for better wages? To look down the barrel of a gun that really will fire upon them? Yeah... right....

Right. And the type of Civil War that is discussed would have to be fueled by a level of desperation that just is not there. Heck, in the 1930s it didn't even get there.
While I agree in theory, it would also be a gorilla war, which historically has never been short conflicts. Hard to fight a war when you don't know who the enemy is, there is no territory to gauge success, and no real way to track or measure any real outcomes. It would be a war of ideologies.

True...I was picturing a battlefield with thousands of ***** hatters on one side and thousands in camo on the other side.
While I agree in theory, it would also be a gorilla war, which historically has never been short conflicts. Hard to fight a war when you don't know who the enemy is, there is no territory to gauge success, and no real way to track or measure any real outcomes. It would be a war of ideologies.

Great point. It's a war of ideologies already. Just thankful these Marxists don't seem to be very well versed in guerrilla warfare tactics (or at least aren't using them, yet). I've heard those 5 watt lasers they use have permanently blinded several officers though.

If we start seeing pipe bombs (and God forbid we do), that's when **** will start hitting the fan.
A civil war? NO WAY. A fringe group like Antifa fighting the police or patriotic citizens, perhaps.
Great point. It's a war of ideologies already. Just thankful these Marxists don't seem to be very well versed in guerrilla warfare tactics (or at least aren't using them, yet). I've heard those 5 watt lasers they use have permanently blinded several officers though.

If we start seeing pipe bombs (and God forbid we do), that's when **** will start hitting the fan.

Just wait until the elections draw closer. They know the moment they start using firearms the game is over. They've clearly been instructed what parameters they can operate in. A few dumbshits have brought rifles. Some nitwit pointed one at a driver the other day while the rest of his soy boy/girl band surrounded and beat on the car. Well he got his card pulled.

Should be interesting to see what the lefties plan is when Trump wins re-election. So far everything and the kitchen sink hasn't worked. Which has been going on since he was campaigning for president.

The police in those shitholes Seattle &Portland have been stoic. I can't imagine how much self restraint it must take to put up with little snot nosed shitfuck losers every night.

More criminals will be rolling into those towns. Why not. It's a great place to do buisness now.
One could argue we are already in a civil war of sorts. Half of America hates the other half. The only thing missing is the shooting.
You could argue "CHOP" in Seattle was a civil war. They created an autonomous area, protected by guns, that refused to follow the laws of the United States of America and refuse to allow law enforcement of that republic into their controlled area under threat of violence.

I mean, that's kind of what a civil war starts out as, does it not?
One could argue we are already in a civil war of sorts. Half of America hates the other half. The only thing missing is the shooting.

Yeah, we are currently having a war of ideologies. No shots fired.......yet.
One could argue we are already in a civil war of sorts. Half of America hates the other half. The only thing missing is the shooting.

That's all you really need. That and one side imposing it's will on the other. Which the leftists are just dieing to do. Their rhetoric has been much of destroying conservatives as if we're some evil that needs eradicated.

Another 10 years of commie kids growing up and voting, no shots will be needed to gain power and full control.