All autopsies are racist because they use whitey for the diagram.
Some bullets are more racist than others
"6 shots, from the front"
I doubt that four 9mm bullet strikes to the arm of a charging 300 pound guy -- just running on his natural adrenalin -- would stop him immediately.
The head shots were the ones that likely stopped Brown.
Spoken like somebody who knows absolutely nothing about the evidence. There are several factual errors in just one sentence there chief.
But if Zimmerman is responsible for getting punched in the face because he refused to obey law enforcement, why is Michael Brown not responsible for being shot? He was asked to get on the sidewalk. Why didn't he? Had he just obeyed the policeman's request, none of this would have happened. Right?
so OJ killed her based on his actions since?Even to THIS DAY, youre still a supporter of George Zimmerman............? Ill say this, youre loyal...goddamn youre loyal (through all his fuckedupedness post trial, pulling guns, threatening GFs and ****), hes still your boy. Ill render a slow clap for THAT at least.
All autopsies are racist because they use whitey for the diagram.
I still don't understand, if the kid wasn't armed and turned toward the cop with his hands up in the air, then why he was shot multiple times in broad daylight? This coming an eyewitness, Tiffany Mitchel, from her co-worker's balcony. It sounds like we are missing or not being told something.
Even to THIS DAY, youre still a supporter of George Zimmerman............? Ill say this, youre loyal...goddamn youre loyal (through all his fuckedupedness post trial, pulling guns, threatening GFs and ****), hes still your boy. Ill render a slow clap for THAT at least.
There's a coffe-spitter. Karma, dude
I still don't understand, if the kid wasn't armed and turned toward the cop with his hands up in the air, then why he was shot multiple times in broad daylight? This coming an eyewitness, Tiffany Mitchel, from her co-worker's balcony. It sounds like we are missing or not being told something.
Reports that he was shot in the back while fleeing seem to be wrong. that doesnt mean the eyewitnesses were intentionally lying, just that what they saw may simply be misconstrued in their own minds.
Finally, whether or not this shooting is justified, it does bring the point that police in this country do tend to be too quick on the draw and willing to shoot to kill. Even if he assulted the cop, that many shots seems excessive. This is not the case in many other civilized countries, where shooting to wound is the first plan.
"6 shots, from the front"
I doubt that four 9mm bullet strikes to the arm of a charging 300 pound guy -- just running on his natural adrenalin -- would stop him immediately.
The head shots were the ones that likely stopped Brown.
I the ones to the top of the head are what concern me. They could also support the eye witness testimony that he was on his knees with at least one hand up. the only way to hit a guy that is six four in the top of the head is if he is already down I don't buy that he was "Charging" the officer because for the rounds to strike him in the top of the head while he was moving he would have to be bent almost double at the waist.
Finally, whether or not this shooting is justified, it does bring the point that police in this country do tend to be too quick on the draw and willing to shoot to kill. Even if he assulted the cop, that many shots seems excessive. This is not the case in many other civilized countries, where shooting to wound is the first plan.
so there is no chance the 6'4" guy ducked his head down after he was hit in the arm and that is how he got hit on the top of the head?I the ones to the top of the head are what concern me. They could also support the eye witness testimony that he was on his knees with at least one hand up. the only way to hit a guy that is six four in the top of the head is if he is already down I don't buy that he was "Charging" the officer because for the rounds to strike him in the top of the head while he was moving he would have to be bent almost double at the waist.
Sounds like an execution style Coup De Grace to me.
Tiffany Mitchel who also said he was shot in the back? Gee, maybe she's lying?
That is easy to say for all of us who have never been put in the position that these officers may face.
I the ones to the top of the head are what concern me. They could also support the eye witness testimony that he was on his knees with at least one hand up. the only way to hit a guy that is six four in the top of the head is if he is already down I don't buy that he was "Charging" the officer because for the rounds to strike him in the top of the head while he was moving he would have to be bent almost double at the waist.
Sounds like an execution style Coup De Grace to me.