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For all the white folks clamoring Black Lives Matter...


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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Malcom X went through a couple of major philosophical shifts in his lifetime. However for the bulk of his activist career, X was essentially a militant purist. He believed (as the Nation of Islam professes) that Blacks should inter-marry, completely disavow drugs and alcohol, exercise, study and ultimately embody the master race that they are.

Malcom X believed and spoke hundreds of times about the fact that White people are the creation of Satan, not of God. He believed absolutely that white people are fundamentally, inherently evil. It is simply the nature of white man and woman. Indeed, his auotbiography discusses an event wherein he gave a speech and a young, blonde white woman was so moved she approached him afterward, tears in her eyes and asked how she could help.

"You can't. You're White. The only thing you could possibly do is kill yourself."

See, the absolute arrogance of people so utterly cloaked in their white privilege is that, despite a lifetime of advantage and opportunity not afforded to blacks, they can somehow offer fig leaves and "support" the plight of the downtrodded black man when in fact THEY PERSONALLY are manifestations of the very repression and subjugation placed upon blacks since the dawn of White people.

When you hold up a Black Lives Matter, you aren't being supportive. You are making a mockery of the sickening crimes you personally have perpetuated simply by existing. You, as a white person, are the absolute embodiement of wickedness and corruption and holding up a sign or handing out water or even tearing down a Target store in no way can expunge your soul from the vile wickedness that literally makes up your entire being.

Wave your flag if you must. But until you have burned down your home, destroyed all your possessions and then killed yourself, you've done nothing of significance to help blacks.
Useful idiots is what they are. If they want to get in bed with BLM, they're like that fable I loosely remember of the host animal agreeing to carry the scorpion across the river and then being shocked when bitten on the other side. The scorpion said something to the effect, "you knew I was a scorpion when you picked me up.."

Sadly, these white useful idiots don't even know that.
He isn't the only to teach that. It's getting to the point where people are going to start to think about dividing the races. Which means dividing the country. It's been 155 years since the civil war and things aren't looking any better. Now blacks want to have segregated ceremonies, proms and graduations. They want all black colleges. They want to keep whites out. I've read many college professors who teach about how bad whites are and how they are the incarnate of evil. Twitter allows these morons to spew hate all over their platform. So it may come down to just separating.
Useful idiots is what they are. If they want to get in bed with BLM, they're like that fable I loosely remember of the host animal agreeing to carry the scorpion across the river and then being shocked when bitten on the other side. The scorpion said something to the effect, "you knew I was a scorpion when you picked me up.."

Sadly, these white useful idiots don't even know that.

I believe it was a frog. And the scorpion stung him about half way over the river. The Scorpion said "It's in my nature".
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The critical point however is that White People are the scorpion.
The critical point however is that White People are the scorpion.

Maybe white people need to be banished to their own country? That way they can't contaminate the rest of the world.
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He isn't the only to teach that. It's getting to the point where people are going to start to think about dividing the races. Which means dividing the country. It's been 155 years since the civil war and things aren't looking any better. Now blacks want to have segregated ceremonies, proms and graduations. They want all black colleges. They want to keep whites out. I've read many college professors who teach about how bad whites are and how they are the incarnate of evil. Twitter allows these morons to spew hate all over their platform. So it may come down to just separating.

I'll give them California...have at it!
People will always self segregate. Like attracts like. It's natural. It's when one group gets jealous of the other then blames all of their problems on them. Gosh that's been going on forever. The commies and nazis are the biggest examples of this.
Malcom X went through a couple of major philosophical shifts in his lifetime. However for the bulk of his activist career, X was essentially a militant purist. He believed (as the Nation of Islam professes) that Blacks should inter-marry, completely disavow drugs and alcohol, exercise, study and ultimately embody the master race that they are.

Malcom X believed and spoke hundreds of times about the fact that White people are the creation of Satan, not of God. He believed absolutely that white people are fundamentally, inherently evil. It is simply the nature of white man and woman. Indeed, his auotbiography discusses an event wherein he gave a speech and a young, blonde white woman was so moved she approached him afterward, tears in her eyes and asked how she could help.

"You can't. You're White. The only thing you could possibly do is kill yourself."

See, the absolute arrogance of people so utterly cloaked in their white privilege is that, despite a lifetime of advantage and opportunity not afforded to blacks, they can somehow offer fig leaves and "support" the plight of the downtrodded black man when in fact THEY PERSONALLY are manifestations of the very repression and subjugation placed upon blacks since the dawn of White people.

When you hold up a Black Lives Matter, you aren't being supportive. You are making a mockery of the sickening crimes you personally have perpetuated simply by existing. You, as a white person, are the absolute embodiement of wickedness and corruption and holding up a sign or handing out water or even tearing down a Target store in no way can expunge your soul from the vile wickedness that literally makes up your entire being.

Wave your flag if you must. But until you have burned down your home, destroyed all your possessions and then killed yourself, you've done nothing of significance to help blacks.

A multicultural racially diverse society, which the United States has become as a result of illegal immigration and the change in immigration law in 1965, cannot survive if race hatred is a feature of the society. In the US, white liberals have been teaching black Americans to hate white Americans for decades. Black people have been indoctrinated into believing that every unpleasant feature of their existance is due to white racism. In many white people, this indoctrination has engendered guilt that causes them to excuse and make excuses for black violence. The effect over time is to make blacks more angry and whites less willing to resist violent acts of anger and to blame themselves instead. The survival of such a society is problematical. Watching Washington foment conflict with more unified societies, such as Russia and China, is scary.

Antifa is a terrorist organization associated with organized violence. Yet it is white supremacists who are being blamed for the pre-delivery of convenient stockpiles of bricks in the protest areas of the cities where blacks are protesting George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police. How did white supremacists know which cities and which locations in the cities protests would take place? When the point is to blame white people such questions do not matter to those doing the blaming.

But the questions do matter to a racially diverse multicultural society. Such a society cannot survive the cultivation of racial enmity. When the goal is revolution, not reform, racial enmity is the weapon.

Malcom X went through a couple of major philosophical shifts in his lifetime. However for the bulk of his activist career, X was essentially a militant purist. He believed (as the Nation of Islam professes) that Blacks should inter-marry, completely disavow drugs and alcohol, exercise, study and ultimately embody the master race that they are.

Malcom X believed and spoke hundreds of times about the fact that White people are the creation of Satan, not of God. He believed absolutely that white people are fundamentally, inherently evil. It is simply the nature of white man and woman. Indeed, his auotbiography discusses an event wherein he gave a speech and a young, blonde white woman was so moved she approached him afterward, tears in her eyes and asked how she could help.

"You can't. You're White. The only thing you could possibly do is kill yourself."

See, the absolute arrogance of people so utterly cloaked in their white privilege is that, despite a lifetime of advantage and opportunity not afforded to blacks, they can somehow offer fig leaves and "support" the plight of the downtrodded black man when in fact THEY PERSONALLY are manifestations of the very repression and subjugation placed upon blacks since the dawn of White people.

When you hold up a Black Lives Matter, you aren't being supportive. You are making a mockery of the sickening crimes you personally have perpetuated simply by existing. You, as a white person, are the absolute embodiement of wickedness and corruption and holding up a sign or handing out water or even tearing down a Target store in no way can expunge your soul from the vile wickedness that literally makes up your entire being.

Wave your flag if you must. But until you have burned down your home, destroyed all your possessions and then killed yourself, you've done nothing of significance to help blacks.

Full disclosure, as this doesn't tell the whole story.

I consider Malcolm X a hero. No...seriously.

Why? Because psychology and life tells us, most of us never change. NEVER. By the time we are 18-21, we are the people we are going to be at the core, spiritually, for the rest of our lives UNLESS we suffer some life changing event like the loss of a child or spouse or a near death experience. Overwhelmingly, people don't change.

As you point out, he did. Not once, but twice. That's why I consider him a hero. He changed and for the right reasons.

First, he was a street running thug in Boston. He was a crook and a hoodlum till he got caught and went to prison. Where he met a member of the Nation of Islam. He adopted the faith, read vociferously, adopted the regimens of the religion, and devoted himself to an entirely new life. He changed his core. He became a better man, a husband, a father, and a devoted follower of Elijah Muhhammad.

He worshiped the man. He lived and breathed the religion. He dedicated his life to the Nation. And yes, many of his preachings I don't agree with.

When he learned that Elijah was sleeping with women in the Nation and impregnating them, his second awakening began. He was disillusioned. He felt betrayed. He, Malcolm...was more devoted to the tenets of the faith than Elijah himself had been. Power struggles withstanding, he left the Nation. At his own peril. He was viewed as a threat and his departure essentially led to his assassination. He left the Nation in March 1964.

The next month, he took pilgrimage to Mecca, where he went through all of the Hajj rituals. He later said: "seeing Muslims of "all colors, from blue-eyed blonds to black-skinned Africans," interacting as equals led him to see Islam as a means by which racial problems could be overcome."

He said that for the first time in his life he had felt no racial antagonism toward whites nor had he sensed any antagonism on their part against him....The letter from Mecca, dated April 25, described how he had arrived at his new insights on race relations while on a pilgrimage.

'All Colors and Ranks'

“There are Muslims of all colors and ranks here in Mecca from all parts of this earth,” he wrote.

“During the past seven days of this holy pilgrimage, while undergoing the rituals of the hajj [pilgrimage], I have eaten from the same plate, drank from the same glass, slept on the same bed or rug, while praying to the same God—not only with some of this earth's most powerful kings, cabinet members, potentates and other forms of political and religious rulers —but also with fellow‐Muslims whose skin was the whitest of white, whose eyes were the bluest of blue, and whose hair was the blondest of blond—yet it was the first time in my life that I didn't see them as 'white' men. I could look into their faces and see that these didn't regard themselves as 'white.'

“Their belief in the Oneness of God (Allah) had actually removed the 'white' from their minds, which automatically their attitude and behavior toward people of other colors. Their belief in the Oneness of God has actually made them so different from Ameriican whites, their outer physical characteristics played no part at all in my mind during all my close associations with them.”

He described some of his reactions to Mecca this way: “I have never before witnessed such sincere hospitality and the practise of true brotherhood as I have seen and experienced during this pilgrimage here in Arabia.

“In fact, what I have seen and experienced on this pilgrimage has forced me to 'rearrange' much of my own thought‐pattern, and to toss aside some of my previous concluslons.”

In describing the people on the pilgrimage, he wrote: “Their sincere submission to the Oneness of God, and their true acceptance of all nonwhites as equals makes the so‐called 'whites' also acceptable as equals into the brotherhood of Islam with the 'nonwhites'. Color ceases to be a determining factor of a man's worth or value once he becomes a Muslim. I hope I am making this part very clear, because it is now very clear to me.

“If white Americans would accept the religion of Islam, if they would accept the Oneness of God (Allah), then they could also sincerely accept the Oneness of Man, and they would cease to measure others always in terms of their 'differences in color'.”

At another point he wrote: ”The American Negro should never be blamed for racial 'animosities,' because his are only reactions, or defense mechanisms which his subconscious intelligence has forced him to erect against the conscious racism practiced . . . by American whites.

“But as America's insane obsession with racism leads her up the suicidal path, nearer and nearer to the precipice that leads to the bottomless pits below, I do believe that whites of the younger generation, in the colleges and universities, through their own young, less hampered intellect, will see the 'handwriting on the wall' and turn for spiritual salvation to the religion of Islam and force the older generation of American whites to turn with them.“

Mecca fundamentally changed him, or he changed, again.

While he didn't fully embrace people of all colors, he stopped believing all white men were evil. He believed any color of man that believed in Islam and God was a good person. That was a profound step.

I would have enjoyed seeing his further growth, had he not been so sadly assassinated.

Just pointing out that you stopped the Malcolm X story short. Yes he had once said you must kill yourself. He evolved from that notion. He grew. As we all must. His eyes were opened. As ours all need to be.
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X was a racist, so screw him.
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Without quoting Tim BC that was long.

Couldn’t that be the problem? Most don’t know the story, most only hear what they want, most only follow those the provide the narrative that suites their directives. I learned more about him(if what you post is factual) than I ever did in school.
“If white Americans would accept the religion of Islam, if they would accept the Oneness of God (Allah), then they could also sincerely accept the Oneness of Man, and they would cease to measure others always in terms of their 'differences in color'.”

At another point he wrote: ”The American Negro should never be blamed for racial 'animosities,' because his are only reactions, or defense mechanisms which his subconscious intelligence has forced him to erect against the conscious racism practiced . . . by American whites.

“But as America's insane obsession with racism leads her up the suicidal path, nearer and nearer to the precipice that leads to the bottomless pits below, I do believe that whites of the younger generation, in the colleges and universities, through their own young, less hampered intellect, will see the 'handwriting on the wall' and turn for spiritual salvation to the religion of Islam and force the older generation of American whites to turn with them.“

He changed so much because he was a radical. Thinking that everyone should be a muslim isn't a good thing. He was still a racists just with a twist. Maybe if someone told him about Muhammad sleeping with children he would have changed again? I read about X in college and I wasn't impressed. Just another radical.
Without quoting Tim BC that was long.

Couldn’t that be the problem? Most don’t know the story, most only hear what they want, most only follow those the provide the narrative that suites their directives. I learned more about him(if what you post is factual) than I ever did in school.

I've read his biography, I've seen the movie, watched all the documentaries on him. Profound man. Not always a good man. Not always a unifying man. But a strong willed man who when he bought into a belief system he changed everything and lived by it. Changed his life 3 times and his core views and behaviors and lifestyle. Pretty amazing.
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He changed so much because he was a radical. Thinking that everyone should be a muslim isn't a good thing. He was still a racists just with a twist. Maybe if someone told him about Muhammad sleeping with children he would have changed again? I read about X in college and I wasn't impressed. Just another radical.

Jesus was a radical.
Jesus was a radical.

Jesus never harmed a soul. Jesus never hated anyone nor taught hate at any level. Even the government (Rome at the time) wasn't in Jesus' cross hairs.. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's". He had no rallies, no protests, and not a peep about hating other countries or races.

Jesus was not a radical in the modern sense.
Let's not forget the icon of righteousness Muhammad Ali, from 1975 Playboy interview - https://genius.com/Playboy-playboy-interview-muhammad-ali-second-interview-1975-annotated

Playboy: You're beginning to sound like a carbon copy of a white racist. Let's get it out front: Do you believe that lynching is the answer to interracial sex?

Ali: A black man should be killed if he's messing with a white woman. And white men have always done that. They lynched niggers for even looking at a white woman; they'd call it reckless eyeballing and bring out the rope. Raping, patting, mischief, abusing, showing our women disrespect—a man should die for that. And not just white men—black men, too. We will kill you, and the brothers who don't kill you will get their behinds whipped and probably get killed themselves if they let it happen and don't do nothin' about it. Tell it to the President—he ain't gonna do nothin' about it. Tell it to the FBI: We'll kill anybody who tries to mess around with our women. Ain't nobody gonna bother them.

Playboy: And what if a Muslim woman wants to go out with non-Muslim blacks—or white men, for that matter?

Ali: Then she dies. Kill her, too.

Go ahead and Google Muhammad Ali and interracial couples. Lots of fun videos. He loved George Wallace, another Dem icon.
Jesus never harmed a soul. Jesus never hated anyone nor taught hate at any level. Even the government (Rome at the time) wasn't in Jesus' cross hairs.. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's". He had no rallies, no protests, and not a peep about hating other countries or races.

Jesus was not a radical in the modern sense.

Jesus was still a radical. Fact.

If you go back and actually read what I wrote...

Tim, I believe Malcolm X was every bit as important to the civil rights movement as MLK.
Jesus was still a radical. Fact.

If you go back and actually read what I wrote...


You never explained what you were talking about. How was he a radical? In what way(s)? You just simply said he was a radical.
You never explained what you were talking about. How was he a radical? In what way(s)? You just simply said he was a radical.

You seem to have jumped to the conclusion that I was comparing Jesus and X. In my lengthy post, I explained why I see X as a hero while saying I didn't agree with all of his preaching or methodologies.

Saying Jesus was a radical and X was a radical is fair, they just weren't the same type of radicals, nor was I indicating as such.

Google "was Jesus a radical."

He was. Just a very different type of radical than Malcolm.

Heck there's even a book you can buy called Jesus the Radical: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Radical-Portrait-they-Crucified/dp/1573832367

Some sought his death. Others left everything to follow him. Who was this Jesus, this son of a carpenter turned wandering teacher? Why did he provoke such extreme reactions? And why does he still do so today, more than two thousand years after his death? Jesus the Radical highlights the impact of Jesus against the backdrop of life in first-century Judea, with its customs, its Messianic hopes, its multi-faceted Judaism and its Roman overlords. Here are many fascinating insights into the story you thought you knew. "Sensitive and compelling . it confronts the reader with Jesus and lets him decide what responses to make." -Christianity Today R. T. France has taught at London Bible College and was principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, from 1989 to 1995. He is the author of Matthew in the Tyndale New Testament Commentary series, The Evidence for Jesus, The Living God, and Jesus and the Old Testament.
Since our elected officials are spending our tax dollars to support black lives matter and allowing BLM to put up murals in public places, I think it meritorious to ask ... who are they? What do they believe?

Here's what I found:

1. Restorative Justice. We are committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension all people. As we forge our path, we intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.

2. Empathy. We are committed to practicing empathy; we engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

3. Loving Engagement. We are committed to embodying and practicing justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.

4. Diversity. We are committed to acknowledging, respecting and celebrating difference(s) and commonalities.

5. Globalism. We see ourselves as part of the global Black family and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black folk who exist in different parts of the world.

6. Queer Affirming. We are committed to fostering a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking or, rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless s/he or they disclose otherwise.

7. Trans Affirming. We are committed to embracing and making space for trans brothers and sisters to participate and lead. We are committed to being self-reflexive and doing the work required to dismantle cis-gender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.

8. Collective Value. We are guided by the fact all Black lives, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status or location.

9. Intergenerational. We are committed to fostering an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with capacity to lead and learn.

10. Black Families. We are committed to making our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We are committed to dismantling the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” that require them to mother in private even as they participate in justice work.

11. Black Villages. We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.

12. Unapologetically Black. We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a necessary prerequisite for wanting the same for others.

13. Black Women. We are committed to building a Black women affirming space free from sexism, misogyny, and male‐centeredness.


These principles have been repeated by several "chapters" and do not seem to be in dispute. My take ... the first four seem okay, even if the "restorative justice" thing is really nothing more than reparations. Meaning get paid money based on skin color.

But numbers 11 and 12 should worry every one of us. Destroy the nuclear family, you know, the thing that has kept every society together since the beginning of time? And the emphasis on blackness?

How the hell can any elected official or private business think it appropriate to spend my tax dollars or direct company resources to an organization admittedly dedicated to destroying the nuclear family while championing a clearly race-based, i.e., racist ideology? Seriously, would CNN and NBC nod approvingly if our tax dollars were spent on an organization that prided itself on being "unapologetically White in our positioning. In affirming that White Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position"?

Un-*******-believable that I am seeing this. My God, hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of people worldwide died fighting a murderous regime that extolled an ideology that included a demand for "freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

But, but, but ... BLM also proposes things we like, such as empathy, loving engagement and diversity!!! So it must be okay.

Sure. Right. Yeah. Just like that "Germanic race" ideology which also demanded profit-sharing in large industries, a generous increase in old-age pensions, creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State, citizens have rights equal to those of other nations, and that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. Great principles, looking out for the citizens, protecting the poor, helping the middle class.

But as is always, ALWAYS, the case with violent, race-based ideology, that is nothing more than a veneer put over the vicious, ugly racism fulminating underneath the facade.

Black lives matter and the Nazis: two sides of the exact same ******* coin.
You seem to have jumped to the conclusion that I was comparing Jesus and X. In my lengthy post, I explained why I see X as a hero while saying I didn't agree with all of his preaching or methodologies.

Saying Jesus was a radical and X was a radical is fair, they just weren't the same type of radicals, nor was I indicating as such.

Google "was Jesus a radical."

He was. Just a very different type of radical than Malcolm.

Heck there's even a book you can buy called Jesus the Radical: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Radical-Portrait-they-Crucified/dp/1573832367

You can google "Jesus was an alien" and find all types of stuff. One of my M.A. degrees is in systematic theology. France's book was one of the ones I studied in my undergrad work. There are several books that describe Jesus as a radical. But when you read them their point is basically Jesus was different. He was a different type of teacher/leader. The one obvious thing all these books missed is that Jesus was a back to basics grounded teacher. His love for humanity and his compassion for people made him different. But Jesus' main issues were our responsibility to God (1st 4 commandments) and our responsibility to our fellow man (5th-10th Commandments). There was really nothing radical about Jesus. Jesus focused on inward and outward reactions to God. Interpersonal ministry if you will.