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Hes just a liar....but is there something else going on ?


Apr 10, 2014
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So yesterday during a fundraiser in Missouri Trump tells the group he made up a story about having a trade deficit with Canadian PM Trudeau.


According to the recording, Trump told guests at a fundraising dinner in Missouri: “Trudeau came to see me. He’s a good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, we have no trade deficit with you, we have none. Donald, please.’

“Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in – ‘Donald we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very proud because everybody else, you know, we’re getting killed … So he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know … I had no idea.

“I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid … And I thought they were smart.”

Trump went on: “I said, ‘You’re wrong Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’ I said, ‘Well, in that case I feel differently,’ I said, ‘but I don’t believe it.’ I sent one of our guys out, his guy, my guy, they went out, I said, ‘Check because I can’t believe it.’ ‘Well, sir, you’re actually right. We have no deficit but that doesn’t include energy and timber … And when you do, we lose $17bn a year.’ It’s incredible.”

The Office of the United States Trade Representative has said the US has a trade surplus with Canada, the Post reported.

Is there something going on with this MF that he has to lie so much ? Politicians lie..all of them. But Donny takes lying to an extreme level. Ive never seen anyone lie like this...he lies when the truth works.
I wonder if there is some disorder that would explain this or is he just that much of a psychopathic compulsive liar.

There is no credibility left.

Leadership by deception isn't leadership. Its fraud ~~ DaShanne Stokes
context. how was it said, and to whom?
for instance, I could say ark is a nice, trustworthy guy.
context. how was it said, and to whom?
for instance, I could say ark is a nice, trustworthy guy.

Ill give you 23 hours to spin, add fragrance, adorn with ornaments and at the end of the day it will still be what it is ... a lie. He lies like hes allergic to the truth. And you wanna try and give him the benefit of doubt ?
Oh yes. Lies. The Left is in full melt down mode because a politician lies.

News Flash Leftards: They all Do.

Remember the FBP, the Black Jesus, the Great Community Organizer, the Messiah? Yeah, about that.

How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds

Obama responded to Snowden’s stunning revelations of the National Security Agency’s vacuuming up millions of Americans’ personal data by going on the Jay Leno Show and proclaiming: “There is no spying on Americans.”

In early 2009, Obama visited Mexico and, in a spiel calling for the renewal of the assault weapon ban, asserted that “more than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States.” This vastly overstated the actual problem, since that statistic measured only firearms that Mexican authorities sent to the U.S. for tracing.

His administration then acted as if 90 percent was a goal, not a lie, launching a secret Fast and Furious gunwalking operation masterminded by the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agency, deluging Mexican drug gangs with high-powered weapons. At least 150 Mexicans were killed by guns illegally sent south of the border with Obama administration approval.

Obama’s animosity to the Second Amendment spurred some of his most farcical whoppers. In July 2016, Obama asserted: “We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” Glocks are the Lexus of handguns, and a person could buy hundreds of volumes of used books via Amazon for the price of a Glock.

A year earlier, Obama bewailed “neighborhoods where it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable.” Obama never offered a single example of a locale where carrots are rarer than .38 Specials. But his false claim helped frighten clueless suburbanites to support Obama’s anti-gun agenda.

The Times column lists only one Obama falsehood on the Affordable Care Act: “If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan.” Obama’s dozens of variations and recitals of this lie were disregarded. The Times also ignored the fact that the ObamaCare legislation was carefully crafted to con Congress and the public. As its intellectual godfather, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, explained:

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical to get this thing to pass.”

The Times’ comparison of Trump and other presidents implies that all lies are equally damnable. The Times ignored all the Obama false promises used to justify his troop surge in Afghanistan (which resulted in more than a thousand dead American troops with nothing to show for the sacrifice) and bombing Libya (which now has slave markets). But killing vast numbers of human beings should require more due diligence than assertions on federal spending for peanut subsidies.

Trump’s lies deserve to be exposed and condemned. But Bush’s and Obama’s lies help explain why only 20 percent of Americans trusted the federal government at the end of Obama’s reign. Pretending America recently had a Golden Age of honest politicians encourages the delusion that toppling Trump is all that is necessary to make the federal government great again.

This is just a subset.

Leftards are jumping out of their skivvies because Trump may have lied about a "trade deficit" with Canada.

While Obama's lies led to American families being defrauded and losing money, led to death in Mexico and Afghanistan, led to slave markets in Libya.

Yeah, let's talk about and compare those lies.

I encourage you to do research on Obama's lies. Then the Clintons'. There's ample material out there.

The current "outrage" is nothing more than a faux outrage because there was no outrage when THEIR politicians were doing so.

The beat goes on.
Da fuq? We importing that much Molson?
It's a negotiation tactic.
Oh yes. Lies. The Left is in full melt down mode because a politician lies.

News Flash Leftards: They all Do.

Remember the FBP, the Black Jesus, the Great Community Organizer, the Messiah? Yeah, about that.

How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds

This is just a subset.

Leftards are jumping out of their skivvies because Trump may have lied about a "trade deficit" with Canada.

While Obama's lies led to American families being defrauded and losing money, led to death in Mexico and Afghanistan, led to slave markets in Libya.

Yeah, let's talk about and compare those lies.

I encourage you to do research on Obama's lies. Then the Clintons'. There's ample material out there.

The current "outrage" is nothing more than a faux outrage because there was no outrage when THEIR politicians were doing so.

The beat goes on.

I said....all politicians lie...so to deflect back to Obama does what exactly ?

But riddle me this...did Obama lie as frequently as this dude Trump ? We KNOW he didn't golf as much or hatchet simple spelling words as frequently....like yesterdays tweet when he honored the Marine CORE....how in the **** did he make it thru college ? And hes the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES....think about that ? a ****** embarrassment he is
I said....all politicians lie...so to deflect back to Obama does what exactly ?

But riddle me this...did Obama lie as frequently as this dude Trump ? We KNOW he didn't golf as much or hatchet simple spelling words as frequently....like yesterdays tweet when he honored the Marine CORE....how in the **** did he make it thru college ? And hes the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES....think about that ? a ****** embarrassment he is

And I'll take you back to my post. Obama's lies cost lives. Obama's lies cost Americans their hard earned money. Obama's lies put guns in the hands of drug traffickers. Obama's lies led to Libyans being enslaved.

But Trump lied about "tariffs."

Faux Outrage.
The biggest Obamacare lie was the overall justification for the exercise that inserting the government would take cost out of the healthcare system.
I said....all politicians lie...so to deflect back to Obama does what exactly ?

But riddle me this...did Obama lie as frequently as this dude Trump ? We KNOW he didn't golf as much or hatchet simple spelling words as frequently....like yesterdays tweet when he honored the Marine CORE....how in the **** did he make it thru college ? And hes the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES....think about that ? a ****** embarrassment he is

Haha...didn't I say snowflakes were in the forecast?!

So if it is a given that all politicians will lie, then why do you even bother singling out Trump ?
Because you loathe him that's why.

Deflecting back to Obama exposes the hypocrisy and double standards that emanates from you people.
Oh how quickly you forgot that Obama pronounced "corps" as "corpse", and that he thought there were 57 states.
And I'll take you back to my post. Obama's lies cost lives. Obama's lies cost Americans their hard earned money. Obama's lies put guns in the hands of drug traffickers. Obama's lies led to Libyans being enslaved.

But Trump lied about "tariffs."

Faux Outrage.

This blitz guy outraged over Trumps petty lies surely had to be outraged over Trump eating fried chicken with a fork!

Certainly more newsworthy than a Muslim terrorist attack being scrolled at the bottom of this pic.

And I'll take you back to my post. Obama's lies cost lives. Obama's lies cost Americans their hard earned money. Obama's lies put guns in the hands of drug traffickers. Obama's lies led to Libyans being enslaved.

But Trump lied about "tariffs."

Faux Outrage.

Oh and what lives did Bush's lies cost Americans ? We can play this back and forth game all goddamn day son....but lets not overlook the Niger ambush that cost the lives of 4 soldiers....and its still early yet in Trumptopia. He will experience more tragic loss. Im not even gonna bring up his failures in Puerto Rico. You wanna talk losses....look no further than the damage ensued by corporate stocks at **** he tweets...making comment on Boeing publicly in a tweet resulting in stock drops. The mere threat of a tariff announcement sending the entire market tumbling. His bullshit surrounding Carrier and leaving employees who stood on his promise to save their jobs and now they are still being cut. Watch and wait til all those Medicare cuts impact folks in flyover country and the fallout from this impending tariff war that's gonna result in losses in jobs across the nation. Its early yet...1 year in...not sure this is a path of argument youre ready to venture down

But lets focus on the lies with regard to intent. Is Trump a pathological liar, or does he BELIEVE THE **** HE SAYS when he lies ? And why would he openly and intentionally lie to a prominent leader of an ally ?
Let me ask you a personal question...man to man...if a man lies to your face and then acknowledges that he did so with intent, do you ever trust him ? No foreign leader will ever take Trump serious again. As a leader your word means everything...your word is your credibility. He has none. No one respects bullshit and bullshit is just what Trump offers. The thing im intrigued with is why you cult-mentality ************* in this forum constantly lick his nutsacks knowing hes damaging the American brand. Are you cultish or an extreme populist ? Honestly...tell me how you stand in support of someone so ratchet and disrespectful of allies, so divisive, condescending and just an outright idiot ? Watch him go apeshit next week....and as usual you will blame the left wing media...FOR **** HE SAID
Haha...didn't I say snowflakes were in the forecast?!

So if it is a given that all politicians will lie, then why do you even bother singling out Trump ?
Because you loathe him that's why.

Deflecting back to Obama exposes the hypocrisy and double standards that emanates from you people.
Oh how quickly you forgot that Obama pronounced "corps" as "corpse", and that he thought there were 57 states.

Because you still teabag him like hes some messiah ... Trump is a new level of ****-nacious. You introduce two scenarios of Obama snafus. I can count two Trump slips in a day. Ask him who the president of the Virgin Island is...lol

Bottom line is we have a man in the highest seat in government who cant escape the pull of his twitter addiction, is a traveling dumpster fire and acts like a 6 yr old petulant child and you folks embrace that bullshit. Which is worse....you deserve each other...a con man and his fools....a marriage fostered in bullshit.
Bottom line is we have a traveling dumpster fire and acts like a 6 yr old petulant child and you folks embrace that bullshit. Which is worse....you deserve each other...a con man and his fools....a marriage fostered in bullshit.

Again, whom are you referring to, Trump, Obama, or Clinton?

This whole post is my dad can beat up your dad.
Oh and what lives did Bush's lies cost Americans ? We can play this back and forth game all goddamn day son.

Yes, we can ***** (don't call me son).

Thanks for making point for me. Every politician lies. Therefore, if you are outraged over one politicians lies, you should be outraged over them all.

If you're not (which you are not), then you force the conversation into a "which lies were worse" discussion. Trump lying about "tariffs" in negotiations isn't the same as Obama's lies which lead to me losing my money or his lies that lead to the Fast and Furious scandal that pushed thousands of weapons to criminals and led to uncountable deaths. Or his lies that led to Libya and subsequently the enslavement of human beings.

Which way do you wanna have it, little girl? Do you want to agree that that all politicians lie, or go down the path of comparing Trump's lies to past politicians' lies? You only have two directions.

I don't care which way you wanna play this game of yours. It's lose-lose.
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Politicians lie? That's a new one. That's why all this arguing is wasted breath. They all have an agenda and we are rarely it.
The biggest Obamacare lie was the overall justification for the exercise that inserting the government would take cost out of the healthcare system.

I’m quite certain that if they abolished Medicare and Medicaid tomorrow, health insurance premiums would sky rocket.
I’m quite certain that if they abolished Medicare and Medicaid tomorrow, health insurance premiums would sky rocket.

That is because Medicare and Medicaid are HEAVILY subsidized.