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Immigration Crisis at the border

We are not racist misogynistic klansmen nazis or any of the crap you make us out to be we just disagree with how the world works and how we fix it.

When the slurs start flying, it usually means the argument is lost, and they've got nothing else but name calling. Must be sad to have one's argument reduced to that.
I stand by my assessment and won't go into it anymore with you. Your leader is the king of name calling and deflection and funny how ya'll think that's cool, so yeah, I really don't care. Funny talking about hollywood when ya'll elected a reality tv star, always makes me chuckle. Not to mention a dem before a pub, oh and an independent before a pub and now just a whack job.

Again, selective outrage. Seeing as we are "deplorables" - I wonder who coined that phrase?

Name calling and labeling by pols goes hand in hand.
LOL "whoops" what Tim? I already said in past posts I didn't like it then, I don't like it now. Your point?

You certainly are egocentric. I didn't post that towards you or for you.
Curious what the response from 83 and Tibs are on this. The responses from an article in the Washington Post overwhelmingly support the business owner, saying she had every right to ask them to leave, because, you know Sanders works for such an evil man.

So explain to simple, thinned skinned me, is it OK to discriminate just because you don't like someone? Because that's exactly what the owner did.

I'll wait for the response.

Ok, this I'll discuss because honestly, I've liked your posts and you don't come off as angry name calling. I have two views, one is I agree when you're a business owner you should have the right to run your business the way you wish (Colorado baker included in that). On the other hand, I feel the customer's always right and if that person is there as a patron in your business spending their money, you need to set aside your hatred and treat them like a customer. So yes I think as a business owner you have your rights, but if it were me, I wouldn't have done that. She was there for dinner, not to do her job. Same goes for Kristjen Nielsen, just wrong IMO.
WTF? I asked about the wall, I gave my opinions about the wall, I attempted to say I PERSONALLY have no ideas how to handle illegal immigration issues only to be told I'm lying, being told I'm a lib who wants to let illegals in this country. I'd really like to know where I said that. You put me on the defense, you're gonna get defensive bitching. Do I feel bad, oh hell no. Giving back what I'm getting. I've tried the nice approach, doesn't work on this board.

You asked about Mexico paying for the wall. You didn't really ask a question. You were pointing out the fact that Mexico wasn't going to pay for it as Trump said during the election. Then you admit that you don't know anything about it (The issues as a whole) and that politicians should be left to do it.

Not sure what you expect since you admit that you have no idea what to do but you still want to ***** about what's being done... even though it has been done for years without you bitching about it because BHO was president.

The fact is that every country (including Mexico) protects their borders mostly with walls. We should as well. I'd put a wall on the border that would make the great wall of China look like a Lego set. Then I'd put in e-verify and fine every company thousands of dollars for hiring illegals. If they were caught again I'd start putting people in jail. It's stop quick. Then I'd prosecute anyone stealing U.S. citizens identifications. I'd also make it where if you have a baby in the U.S. it is not automatically a U.S. citizen. We're the only country in the world that does this.

BTW I've spend a lot of time in California and my wife has lived there her entire life. Most (not all) Mexican and illegals don't even like this country. They are Mexican (or whatever) first. A lot of them hate... literally hate.. the U.S. I've seen it first hand and they teach their kids the same thing.
This should be the answer to illegals everytime - 'Protect OUR Citizens First!'


Angel Mom Says Trump Saved Her From Suicide

Sabine Durden, an angel mom, said that President Trump saved her from committing suicide after an illegal immigrant killed her only son.

Durden said at an event for angel families that she is a legal immigrant and always sought to protect her son from harm.

“And I didn’t drag my son … through borders, over deserts, I didn’t place him in harm’s way. I protected my child from harm but I couldn’t do that on July 12, 2012,” she began.

Durden’s son, Dominic, was killed when an illegal immigrant took a wrong turn driving an unlicensed truck and struck him on his motorcycle. The illegal immigrant had a record of drunk driving.

I have a strange feeling someone in this thread is about to concede after reading a opposing, yet convincing argument that is in stark contrast to their own personal beliefs.
OK, that's fair enough, but there will occur another instance when a minority class will be refused service, and the media will be screaming. Even if there is a valid reason that doesn't include their race, sex, etc.

I have this very non scientific opinion that most liberals are predominately right brain people, and most conservatives left brain. It at least explains why all the creative folks that work in the arts are vastly more liberal and business people tend to be more pragmatic.

I think it's a sad state of affairs when it's come to the point that neither side can work with the other solely based on ideology. I'm tired of the name calling, it's not productive, and unfortunately causes everyone to dig their heals in deeper.

Our leaders, both in the White House and in Congress need to start working for the good of their (our) country instead of the party's interest. I don't hold out a lot of hope in them doing that.
You asked about Mexico paying for the wall. You didn't really ask a question. You were pointing out the fact that Mexico wasn't going to pay for it as Trump said during the election. Then you admit that you don't know anything about it (The issues as a whole) and that politicians should be left to do it.

Not sure what you expect since you admit that you have no idea what to do but you still want to ***** about what's being done... even though it has been done for years without you bitching about it because BHO was president.

The fact is that every country (including Mexico) protects their borders mostly with walls. We should as well. I'd put a wall on the border that would make the great wall of China look like a Lego set. Then I'd put in e-verify and fine every company thousands of dollars for hiring illegals. If they were caught again I'd start putting people in jail. It's stop quick. Then I'd prosecute anyone stealing U.S. citizens identifications. I'd also make it where if you have a baby in the U.S. it is not automatically a U.S. citizen. We're the only country in the world that does this.

BTW I've spend a lot of time in California and my wife has lived there her entire life. Most (not all) Mexican and illegals don't even like this country. They are Mexican (or whatever) first. A lot of them hate... literally hate.. the U.S. I've seen it first hand and they teach their kids the same thing.

Completely untrue, I've stated that I didn't like it then and don't like it now. I'm not gonna make up that I have a solution, so I was truthful, I don't, that doesn't mean I have to like the way it's been/is being handled. I would like the politicians to get their **** together and come up with something bipartisan they can all get on board with. I'm not paid to do that. And yes, I know first hand how some Mexicans feel about the US. Our friends have no desire coming here, but we do love going there. Now here's another viewpoint I can admit to, I live in Pittsburgh, obviously not a border state. It's easier for me to not see the problems the border states see, even though I'm clearly paying for it too. I'm not stupid and I know it's a serious problem that I wish there was a simple solution to, I just don't think one has been offered. Zero tolerance is, IMO, treating everyone who comes seeking asylum as felons. I'm sorry, I can't agree with that. Now I'm not sure and not read up enough to know the circumstances with what Obama did vs now, but I think it had something to do with those family members being proven criminals. I may be wrong in that and admittedly haven't read enough, so to me it all looks equally bad,
I have a strange feeling someone in this thread is about to concede after reading a opposing, yet convincing argument that is in stark contrast to their own personal beliefs.

LOL, if it's me, and I'm sure it is, no I have nothing to concede to. I'm open to discussion and if reasonable I can add to it, but my beliefs will not change.
LOL, if it's me, and I'm sure it is, no I have nothing to concede to. I'm open to discussion and if reasonable I can add to it, but my beliefs will not change.
. Wow, You're full of yourself. I wasn't even thinking of you when I posted that. It was just a general statement for all to ponder...or not.
OK, that's fair enough, but there will occur another instance when a minority class will be refused service, and the media will be screaming. Even if there is a valid reason that doesn't include their race, sex, etc.

I have this very non scientific opinion that most liberals are predominately right brain people, and most conservatives left brain. It at least explains why all the creative folks that work in the arts are vastly more liberal and business people tend to be more pragmatic.

I think it's a sad state of affairs when it's come to the point that neither side can work with the other solely based on ideology. I'm tired of the name calling, it's not productive, and unfortunately causes everyone to dig their heals in deeper.

Our leaders, both in the White House and in Congress need to start working for the good of their (our) country instead of the party's interest. I don't hold out a lot of hope in them doing that.

Amen. I completely agree with that, but I don't see it happening. Too many with their own agendas and too many different egos. My work calls for me to be compassionate and I am, so when I start with the bashing back, I've stooped to the low I detest. The only valid reason a business owner should ask a paying customer to leave their establishment is if they're personally being harassed or that person is being unruly. Not unreasonable and done all the time. I'm no Sarah Sanders fan, but if she were one of my patients I would treat her with the respect I treat all of them. The media can report anything, it's how the reader/listener responds to it. I'd like to think a reasonable person knows the difference between right and wrong no matter how it's reported, yes, including the border dilemma.
. Wow, You're full of yourself. I wasn't even thinking of you when I posted that. It was just a general statement for all to ponder...or not.

Ok, calm down. Like I said to Tim when I see something that looks like it's directed to me I react. Just my defensiveness I'm getting used to here.
BTW I've spend a lot of time in California and my wife has lived there her entire life. Most (not all) Mexican and illegals don't even like this country. They are Mexican (or whatever) first. A lot of them hate... literally hate.. the U.S. I've seen it first hand and they teach their kids the same thing.

Surprise, I live in a boarder state, and I can attest to this statement. I've been in business at the same location for over 20 years and have more that a few customers that have been with me that long that refuse to speak anything but Spanish. How one can live in the US that long and still refuse to admit they speak any English is baffling. Mind you, they're nice people, just refuse to join the great melding pot that is the USA.

Here's my opinion about the Hispanics, many, not all, don't want to assimilate, they choose to bring their culture, language and lifestyle with them and expect the USA to change for them.

It seem to be unique to this culture, as there are also a large influx of Vietnamese and Indian migrants in my area as well. But the government placates the Hispanic population by printing any official government document in Spanish as well as English. Why not Vietnamese or Indo Ayran?

They come to this country uneducated and unskilled, just as many of our own ancestors did. But here's the big difference, when our great grandparents arrived from Europe, legally, at the turn of the 20th century this country made things and there were factory jobs for them to provide for their families. And they wanted to be Americans. That, for the most part, in my opinion, is no longer the case.

People always point to the cost of a wall and defending our southern boarder, but it's a small price compared to the expense paid by healthcare, schools and general taxpayers for those that choose to come here illegally.

I also think slapping businesses hard that hire illegals would go along way toward solving the problem as well.
I've been applying online for a lot of jobs lately and all of them ask you at least once and sometimes twice if you're Hispanic. It must be really important.
Even when I interned at a funeral home and typed up a lot of death certificates they gave you several opportunities to identify the deceased as Hispanic, like they really wanted you to answer that way.
You aren't kidding, I have no words. We were talking at work and we were saying the biggest problem we have is that trump's created a new norm and it ain't good. I got no problems with different viewpoints and everyone has them and not everyone is gonna agree ever, but man the lies, hate and venom he spews, I just can't. Same goes for faux Christian Sarah Sanders. He can blame the media all he wants (ala Hitler and Nixon), but man, I only need to hear him talk and listen. Don't need the media to know exactly what he is. Baffling. Miss my mom and dad every day, but I'm so glad they aren't here for this.

Surprise, I live in a boarder state, and I can attest to this statement. I've been in business at the same location for over 20 years and have more that a few customers that have been with me that long that refuse to speak anything but Spanish. How one can live in the US that long and still refuse to admit they speak any English is baffling. Mind you, they're nice people, just refuse to join the great melding pot that is the USA.

Here's my opinion about the Hispanics, many, not all, don't want to assimilate, they choose to bring their culture, language and lifestyle with them and expect the USA to change for them.

It seem to be unique to this culture, as there are also a large influx of Vietnamese and Indian migrants in my area as well. But the government placates the Hispanic population by printing any official government document in Spanish as well as English. Why not Vietnamese or Indo Ayran?

They come to this country uneducated and unskilled, just as many of our own ancestors did. But here's the big difference, when our great grandparents arrived from Europe, legally, at the turn of the 20th century this country made things and there were factory jobs for them to provide for their families. And they wanted to be Americans. That, for the most part, in my opinion, is no longer the case.

People always point to the cost of a wall and defending our southern boarder, but it's a small price compared to the expense paid by healthcare, schools and general taxpayers for those that choose to come here illegally.

I also think slapping businesses hard that hire illegals would go along way toward solving the problem as well.

Absolutely right. They need to stand up to the Chamber of Commerce and other business org. that want depressed wages. This is why nothing gets done. Liberals want a voting block while the COC and other Reps want low wages. But it's killing our republic (not a democracy). California is a toilet right now. Hell you can't walk down some streets without seeing tents and **** all over the place.. along with needles and bottles. I remember San Diego in the late 80's and it was a clean vibrant town. Now everything has gone to hell. SF looks like ******* Pakistan with all the tents and **** everywhere.
Surprise, I live in a boarder state, and I can attest to this statement. I've been in business at the same location for over 20 years and have more that a few customers that have been with me that long that refuse to speak anything but Spanish. How one can live in the US that long and still refuse to admit they speak any English is baffling. Mind you, they're nice people, just refuse to join the great melding pot that is the USA.

Here's my opinion about the Hispanics, many, not all, don't want to assimilate, they choose to bring their culture, language and lifestyle with them and expect the USA to change for them.

It seem to be unique to this culture, as there are also a large influx of Vietnamese and Indian migrants in my area as well. But the government placates the Hispanic population by printing any official government document in Spanish as well as English. Why not Vietnamese or Indo Ayran?

They come to this country uneducated and unskilled, just as many of our own ancestors did. But here's the big difference, when our great grandparents arrived from Europe, legally, at the turn of the 20th century this country made things and there were factory jobs for them to provide for their families. And they wanted to be Americans. That, for the most part, in my opinion, is no longer the case.

People always point to the cost of a wall and defending our southern boarder, but it's a small price compared to the expense paid by healthcare, schools and general taxpayers for those that choose to come here illegally.

I also think slapping businesses hard that hire illegals would go along way toward solving the problem as well.

Pretty much Albuquerque to a T.
Curious what the response from 83 and Tibs are on this. The responses from an article in the Washington Post overwhelmingly support the business owner, saying she had every right to ask them to leave, because, you know Sanders works for such an evil man.

So explain to simple, thinned skinned me, is it OK to discriminate just because you don't like someone? Because that's exactly what the owner did.

I'll wait for the response.

Has it come yet? I'd be curious to hear the response as well.
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I've been applying online for a lot of jobs lately and all of them ask you at least once and sometimes twice if you're Hispanic. It must be really important.
Even when I interned at a funeral home and typed up a lot of death certificates they gave you several opportunities to identify the deceased as Hispanic, like they really wanted you to answer that way.

I've been applying for some jobs that are closer to where I now live, and the common prerequisite that I'm finding within all of them is that it is a MUST to be bilingual. You must be able to speak Spanish to even be considered for a job. Just throwing that out there.

And I run into Spanish people all the time, and I have friends who are Spanish and some that even live in Mexico but work in the U.S. (imagine having to cross the border everyday but that's the life they choose) and most are extremely nice, family-loving people who will give you the shirt off their back in a pinch -- but they absolutely think the United States owes them something and have no intentions of learning English or assimilating.